Figure 1: Obtained results fot the Topological Index (in
red the multiexpert results)
Figure 2: Obtained results fot the Global Index (in red the
multiexpert results)
The obtained results show that the multiexpert
approach has higher performances than the best
expert both from the topological point of view and
the global point of view. In particular the
MultiExpert approach is able to obtain the correct
network in the 75% of considered networks versus
the 37,5% obtained by the single best expert.
Furthermore there is no network for which the
multiexpert approach has performance lower than
that of any single expert. In general we have a
performance increase of multiexpert system versus
the best single expert. In particular in the case of
sprinkler network (a dataset with a very low number
of samples) the performance increase is very
impressive: 16.7%.
In this paper we introduced a MultiExpert system for
structural learning of Bayesian Networks. We
showed the most important approaches in literature.
None of these approaches allows a correct building
in every case. So we selected five algorithms in
order to build a MultiExpert system based on
majority vote approach. Aiming to evaluate the
results of our approach we selected eight networks
and their samples datasets. The obtained results
show that the multiexpert approach provide better
results than any single experts. In order to improve
the performance of MultiExpert system we are
working to the introduction of new experts and new,
more sophisticated, combining rules.
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