Claudia-Melania Chituc, Americo Lopes Azevedo
FEUP (Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto); INESC Porto
Address: INESC Porto - Campus da FEUP, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias 378, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Business Networking, Plug-and-Do-Business Paradigm, Self-Forming Networked Organizations, Enterprise
Abstract: The rapid evolution of the markets and the changing client’s demands determined enterprises to a
dapt their
business from traditional business practices to e-business, and new forms of collaboration (such as supply
chain enterprises, extended enterprises or virtual enterprises) were created. Technologies such as Peer-to-
Peer, Web services, intelligent agents, Workflow become core technologies supporting enterprise
integration, streamlining transactions while supporting process coordination and consistency. The aim of
this paper is to concisely present some relevant business integration reference models, frameworks,
standards and technologies, and to propose an approach towards the development of a conceptual
framework for a self-forming business networking environment based on Plug-and-Do Business paradigm.
Nowadays, in the information age, agility and
flexibility are key characteristics for enterprises’
business success. Paradoxically, actual information
and communication technology (ICT) solutions do
not guarantee a true natural operational
environment; they often separate and isolate
particular departments, companies, supply chains,
authorities, research institutions and each individual
of their surroundings. In this context, technologies
such as Peer-to-Peer (P2P), Web services, workflow
system, intelligent agents emerge as core solutions
for enterprise integration (EI). Therefore, it is
required to develop new applications, frameworks,
paradigms, information systems architectures in a
speedy manner which than facilitate the achievement
of flexible business ICT infrastructure support and
can serve as basis for EI.
The current research project addresses the issues
entified by the European Commission as research
challenges for enabling technologies supporting e-
activities (European Commission, 2004), and
contributes to the realization of a full-flagged
collaborative working environment that answers the
needs of the current e-activities, supporting the
development of new technologies and functionalities
in ICT area.
The aim of this paper is to concisely present
me business integration reference models,
frameworks, standards and technologies, and to
propose a new approach towards the elaboration of a
business networking environment based on Plug-
and-Do Business paradigm.
2.1 Needs for Enterprise Integration
The complex and sometimes hostile business
environment, the new forms of collaboration and the
heterogeneity of information systems adopted by
enterprises require innovative solutions able to
handle distributed business processes that cross the
borders of various enterprises in a networked
environment. EI aims at developing solutions and
computer-based tools that facilitate the coordination
of work and information flow across organizational
boundaries. “EI is concerned with facilitating
information, control and material flows across
organizational boundaries by connecting all the
necessary functions and heterogeneous functional
entities (information systems, devices, applications,
and people) in order to improve communication,
cooperation, and coordination within this enterprise
Chituc C. and Lopes Azevedo A. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 455-458
DOI: 10.5220/0002522404550458
so that the enterprise behaves as an integrated whole,
therefore enhancing its overall productivity,
flexibility, and capacity for management of change
(or reactivity)” (Vernadat, 1996).
EI does not represent a new issue. Evolving from
physical integration to application and later business
integration, EI has been a challenge for both
information technology (IT) and manufacturing
industries for several decades. Despite the existence
of a significant number of computer-based tools
claiming to support EI and scientific results in the
business networking area and on the so-called
“collaborative work”, it is generally accepted that
more work needs to be done since available
solutions are usually cumbersome and lack in
flexibility to respond to the most recent
technological outcomes, focusing on very specific
aspects, and do not provide or tackle all aspects
related to EI. The scientific community agrees that
questions related to the formalization, conceptual
development and semantic integration (namely
concerning the formal description of the domain,
ontology, behavior, etc.) are fundamental research
topics waiting for a consistent development
(Camarinha-Matos, 2003).
2.2 Enterprise Integration Reference
Models, Frameworks, Standards
and Technologies
Several reference models and architectures were
developed aiming at organizing EI knowledge and
serve as guide in EI programs. This section
succinctly presents some integration reference
models, frameworks, standards referring to business-
to-business (B2B) domain, and relevant
infrastructures and technologies supporting EI.
A. Reference Models and Frameworks
SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference
Model) ( is a process
reference model developed as cross-industry
standard for supply-chain management, used to
describe, measure and evaluate supply-chain
configurations. SCOR model is organized around
five primary management processes (plan, source,
make, deliver and return) that allow it to be used to
describe, measure and evaluate very simple or very
complex supply chains by using a common set of
GERAM (Generalized Enterprise Reference
Architecture and Methodology) (GERAM
IFAC/IFIP, 2000) refers to the methods, models and
tools which are needed to build and maintain the
integrated enterprise, a single enterprise or a
network of enterprises. GERAM is not a reference
architecture; it aims at organizing enterprises’
existing integration knowledge.
Zackman’s Framework for enterprise
architecture (Zachman, 1987) describes a holistic
model of an enterprise information infrastructure
from different perspectives, ensuring that all aspects
of an enterprise are well organized and exhibit clear
Workflow Reference Model (Workflow
Management Coalition, 1999) provides the general
architecture framework that defines interfaces and
covers broadly various area of functionality between
a Workflow Management System and its
B. Business-to-Business Integration Standards
As defined by (Bussler, 2003), B2B integration
is the enabling technology and the necessary
infrastructure (referred as B2B integration
technology) to make automated supply chain
integration possible, to send XML-formatted
messages over the Internet, to send messages in a
P2P pattern to trading partners or to exchange
messages with marketplaces.
According to (SWWS, 2003), B2B standards
scope can be roughly separated into: catalogue
systems (i.e. BMEcat, eCX-Electronic Catalog
XML, OCP-Open Catalog Protocol) and
classification standards (i.e. Ecl@ss, UNSPSC-
United Nations Standard Products and Services);
document exchange (i.e. EDI-Electronic Data
Interchange, EDIFACT -Electronic Data Interchange
For Administration, Commerce and Transport,
XML- eXtensible Markup Language, xCBL-XML
Common Business Library, cXML-commerce
eXtensible Markup Language, RNIF-RosettaNet
Implementation Framework); collaboration (i.e.
ebXML – Electronic Business XML Initiative,
RosettaNet); and business processes.
C. Infrastructures and Technologies
Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM) is a
client/server infrastructure that increases the
interoperability and flexibility of an application by
allowing it to be distributed over multiple
heterogeneous platforms.
Agent technologies brought a promising
contribution to the development of infrastructures
and services supporting collaborative networked
organizations (Camarinha-Matos, 2004). The
conceptual approach behind solutions designed and
developed for agent-based architectures strongly
relies on the interaction of autonomous processes
that dynamically coordinate their actions by
communicating with each other.
Web services are self-contained, self-describing
modular applications that can be published, located
and invoked across the Web.
Semantic Web is an extension of the current
Web in which information is given well-defined
meaning, better enabling computers and people to
work in cooperation.
P2P technology allows the development and
secure deployment of business solutions supporting
several communication capabilities, such as
transparency, awareness, adaptability or mobility.
3.1 Plug-and-Do-Business Paradigm
Plug-and-Do-Business paradigm refers to the natural
integration of an enterprise in a networked
environment. European Commission’s Information
Society Technologies R&D Program (Backet et. al.,
2002) hosted an expert group with a view to
providing a framework for the development of a
radically new basis for interoperability of Internet-
enabled business (applications). The group is aiming
at building a wide consensus on the strategy and
approaches, which could be implemented through a
research initiative supporting the vision of “Plug and
Do Business”. The technology-oriented themes
identified were: modeling Internet-worked
organizations; open architectures supporting inter-
enterprise collaboration, and ontologies. The current
research project tackles these areas of research.
Few approaches to Plug-and-Do Business
paradigm have been made. IBM developed and
promoted On Demand Business (ODB). ODB
represents “an enterprise whose business processes-
integrated end-to-end across the company and with
key partners, suppliers and customers – can respond
with speed to any customer demand, market
opportunity or external threat” (IBM). It relays on
three levels of integration: horizontal integration,
vertical integration and integration across the value
The solution of the current under development
research project will assure just-in-time just-in-place
business process execution, trust-based B2B
integration, transparent inter-enterprise business
processes access, seamless contract- and ontology-
based access to a networked organization by
focusing on semantic integration on top of B2B
standards, and distributed workflow technology will
be used for coordination activities.
3.2 Main Research Questions
The research project under development will provide
an improved understanding of critical issues related
to EI and networked organizations, which could
eventually lead to answers to questions such as:
Question 1: Which are the differences and
similarities of the current existing (or still under
development) frameworks for business networking?
Question 2: Are the available technical solutions and
conceptual frameworks competing or are they
Question 3: Which criteria must be used to compare
the available integration frameworks and standards?
Question 4: Which is the most effective
methodology allowing the integration, in a natural
way, of one or more networked organizations?
Question 5: Which are the organizational, functional
and technological requirements for the
implementation of an integration paradigm suited for
a Plug-and-Do-Business environment?
Question 6: Which are the requirements for the
semantic integration among heterogeneous and
autonomous business partners that are part of a
By answering all these questions, it will be
possible to respond the main research question: how
is it possible to achieve self-forming collaborative
3.3 Methodology
The methodology developed has three main phases:
foundations (research basis and business
orientation), development (business model,
infrastructure, and prototypes development) and
evaluation (deployment and evaluation). Thus
during the first phase of the project research results
are intended to give input to the development phase,
development tests can also inform what is feasible in
terms of research and business goals. Similarly, the
third phase of the research project intends to apply
the output to the development process, which will
lead to improved output to test. In this way, the
research and development activities and outcomes
are combined. The first phase (foundations) provides
requirements, models and specifications to the
second phase (development), while the second phase
infers outcomes, which will focus research. Similar
relationships hold between all three phases.
Phase 1 (Foundations) provides the research
basis and business orientation for the research
project. It contains the following sub-phases:
a) Requirements capture and state of the art,
aiming at identifying, representing and structuring
the requirements related to the research project
domain by using requirements engineering
b) Business collaboration logic sub-phase aims
at developing the business logic for self-forming
networking organizations by the inter-operation of
the business processes;
c) Business collaboration infrastructure sub-
phase has as objective the elaboration of a roadmap
for the implementation and usage of different
technologies supporting collaborative environments.
Phase 2 (Development) aims at developing the
business model, supporting infrastructure, and also
the implementation of two prototypes that will
validate the concepts developed. It contains two sub-
a) Building the collaborative operational
environment sub-phase aims at specifying the
operational environment for the self-forming
business network;
b) Prototype deployment sub-phase has as
objective the design and implementation of two
concept prototypes.
Phase 3 (Evaluation) aims at assessing project’s
results. There will be designed and developed
several scenarios, and pilot instantiations will be
The need to support EI is increasing. Several
conceptual frameworks, integration standards and
technologies are being developed. Although there
are available several tools claiming to support EI
and numerous scientific results in the business
networking area and on the so-called “collaborative
work”, it is generally accepted that more work needs
to be done. The urgent need for new business ICT
solutions is also shown in several research projects,
such as VOSTER ( or
THINKcreative (
The current research project proposes a new
approach aiming at building a business collaborative
environment based on Plug-and-Do business
paradigm, allowing the natural integration of an
enterprise in a networked environment, and
exploring issues on semantic integration and
technologies, such as P2P, Web services, Workflow
and agents.
Further work will be developed towards the
development of a self-forming business networking
environment, in order to achieve the objectives
proposed by the research project, while making
methodology and concept tuning.
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Bussler, C., 2003, B2B Integration – Concepts and
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Camarinha-Mathos, L.M., 2003, New Collaborative
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Camarinha-Matos, L.M.; Afsarmanesh, H., 2004,
Collaborative Networked Organizations: A Research
Agenda for Emerging Business Models, Kluwer
Academic Publishers
European Commission, 2004, Next Generation
Collaborative Working Environments 2005-2010. In
Report of the Expert Group on Collaboration @
Goranson, H.T., 2003, Architectural Support for the
Advanced Virtaul Enterprise. In Computers in
Industry, 51 (113-125)
GERAM, 2000, IFAC/IFIP Task Force Architectures for
Enterprise Integration
IBM, (accessed on 02.02.2005)
SWWS (Semantic Web Enabled Web Services: Analysis
of B2B Standards and Systems), 2003, Deliverable
Vernadat, F., 1996, Enterprise Modeling and Integration –
Principles and Applications, Chapman & Hall
Workflow Management Coalition, 1999, The Workflow
Management Coalition Specification: Terminology
and Glossary
Zachman, J.A., 1987, A Framework for Information
Systems Architecture. In IBM Systems Journal, Vol.
26, No. 3