In view of the above, this paper presents the process
of building an integrated tool for managing and
sharing information in the Ishtar project. We present
the specification of the architecture of the Ishtar
software tool. We also review some applications in
recently developed field of EAI. The paper is
organised as follows: In section 2, we present the
review of the state of the art and then in section 3 we
introduce the Ishtar Suite. In section 4, we present
the information integration problem and suggest
some solutions to the problem. Finally we provide
some conclusions in section 5.
With globalisation, organisations have become more
interconnected. The concept of EAI appeared only a
few years ago and it is now widely used and
explored because of the necessity for organisations
to interconnect their applications and provide new
functionalities to their users. The focus of EAI is on
process integration, structured data, and getting
applications to talk to each other. Although
according to InfoWorld (InfoWorld 2002) EAI
concept is still a tough and expensive nut to crack
despite advances in technology, it is being
implemented in a number of organisations (
2003). In this section we observe some of the
achievements in the commercial sector and provide a
comparative evaluation with our approach.
WebLogic (BEA, 2004) is an integration server
with a full-featured platform for delivering
enterprise-class applications. WebLogic Integration
server not only provides data and application
integration but also business-to-business integration
and business process management. WebLogic
application Integration server is based on the J2EE
Connector Architecture (J2EE-CA) framework and
XML-based transformation engine. According to
Vijay Sarathy, product manager for Connectors and
JDBC at sun, the J2EE-CA is trying to extend what
JDBC has done for Java and J2EE in terms of
providing uniform connectivity with databases to
heterogeneous database systems. This application
framework links existing systems with new
applications. WebLogic supports leading enterprise
applications and technologies such as Oracle
Applications, MQ Series, SAP, Siebel, etc. It
provides a set of J2EE-CA to integrate with back-
end systems.
BusinessWare (Vitria, 2003) aims its product’s
integration capabilities at technical users.
BusinessWare is designed for application as well as
business-to-business integration. It offers dozens of
adapters for application integration, a connector
development kit, publish/subscribe messaging layer,
a transformation and data mapping tool, business
process management tool, etc. BusinessWare also
embeds rational Rose modelling tool for building
business processes.
Other applications that are close to WebLogic
and BusinessWare include WebSphere, SeeBeyond,
and ActiveEnterprise. WebSphere (Canon, 2004)
provides an EAI design and business-to-business
integration. WebSphere offers a strong
administration and deployment of tools. It not only
provides application integration but also a common
platform for development. This is particularly
appealing to companies that have a uniform platform
to develop their applications. SeeBeyond provides a
flexible way of linking applications and different
parts of a customer's supply chain independent of the
applications being connected. ActiveEnterprise is
designed for enterprise application integration and
business-to-business integration. It offers an end-to-
end integration product that aim at business users
with some technical knowledge. ActiveEnterprise
also offers packaged adapters for integration with
major databases and business systems such as Oracle
applications, SAP, Baan, PeopleSoft, J.D. Edwards,
Although the EAI technology can effectively
move data between applications in real time, it does
not define an aggregated view of the data objects or
business entities. EAI is less adequately addressed
the need to merge data and information across the
enterprise. Along with the movement to real time,
the need to integrate different kinds of information
has become more important. The Enterprise
Information Integration (EII) does address this issue.
Although there has been a flurry of research
activities (Bergamaschi, 2001), (Mitra, 2001), (Noy,
2000), (Stefan, 1998), etc, in the EII area, still a lot
has to be done especially on the semantic level
integration. The work that most related to ours based
on semantic integration is the one presented in
(Bergamaschi, 2001). The approach of the MOMIS
project (Bergamaschi, 2001) is a semi-automatic
approach to schema integration. MOMIS has a
single mediator, which provides a global data
schema and query interface to users. Data sources
with an ODL wrapper are connected to the
architecture. Differently from our approach, the
Description Logics is used as a kernel language to
interactively set-up the Thesaurus. In our approach,
the structure and context of classes in the schema are
defined using the XML language transformation.
Also the MOMIS approach has not been used in any
major industrial projects and is mainly an academic
research activity.
Another interesting work that is built using
object integration technologies is in (Stefan, 1998).
Stefan focused the attention on suitable architectural
abstraction concepts of components and connectors