Contributions of Organisational Semiotics
Carlos Alberto Cocozza Simoni, M. Cecília C. Baranaukas
Institute of Computing, UNICAMP – State University of Campinas, Av. Albert Einstein 1251, Campinas, Brazil
Rodrigo Bonacin
CESET, UNICAMP - State University of Campinas, Rua Paschoal Marmo, 1888, Limeira, São Paulo, Brazil
Keywords: Software Engineering, Organisational Semiotics, Unified Process.
Abstract: Literature has shown the influence of the social, cultural and
organisational aspects involved in the process
of developing information systems. The Unified Process (UP) has been widely used in the software
industry, but literature has shown its drawbacks when applied to the modelling of human actions in the
social and organisational contexts. Our research investigates the use of Organisational Semiotics (OS)
methods combined with the UP to compose a complete cycle of system development, aiming at bringing
social constructs to the development process of information systems.
As discussed by Ehn and Lowgren (1997), the first
approaches to IS development can be characterized
by a strong belief in systematic design methods
based on mathematical and logical theories.
Research interest in accuracy and technical control
has guided these approaches. The main assumptions
behind them, as suggested in some methods from
Software Engineering (SE) (Jacobson et al, 1999,
Sommerville, 2001; Pressman, 2001), seem to be
that the users (end-user, client, customer,
stakeholder or problem owner) are supposed to give
complete and explicit descriptions of their demands
in terms of the system to be developed.
UP literature has also pointed out that: “At
nt, formalism during the analysis phase should
be restricted to the syntax and semantics of the static
structure of the system. We do not know of any
sound, practical and strictly formal technique for
satisfactory specification of the system’s dynamic
behaviour at this critical phase. A more practical,
descriptive technique is therefore preferable to a
mathematical, formal method that is not yet fully
mature. A formal technique is better used later on,
especially during implementation. As the more
formal techniques mature, they will probably be
preferred” (Jacobson et al., 1996, p.14).
With the popularisation of the Object Oriented
(OO) appro
ach and the UML (Unified Modelling
Language), the OO community has proposed new
processes to specify how to work with UML models
during software development. Nowadays, the
Unified Process (UP) and its commercial versions
are widely used in the software industry.
We agree with Dourish (1995) and other authors
arguing that our interactions with technology are
embedded within social and organisational situations
and, as so, their influences must be taken into
account in the analysis and design of systems.
Literature in Organisational Semiotics (OS) (Liu et
al, 1994; Liu, 2000; Heusden and Jorna, 2000 and
Stamper et al, 2000) has shown that the social,
cultural and organisational aspects involved in the
problem must have a more decisive role in the
process of developing the information system, while
traditional methods have emphasised the
technological solution itself.
Although the UP deals with very important
es related to software development, research in
Organisational Semiotics (OS) have shown some
weaknesses of the OO paradigm when applied to the
modelling of human functions in the organisational
Alberto Cocozza Simoni C., Cecília C. Baranaukas M. and Bonacin R. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 112-119
DOI: 10.5220/0002523201120119
context. Xie and Liu (2003) have shown some
aspects of the RUP that could be improved by the
Organisational Semiotics methods.
Thus, on one hand we have the theory and
methods of OS, which allow us to deal with the
social constructs of organisational contexts in which
the software system will be embedded; on the other
hand we have methods for software design and
implementation accepted by the software industry.
In the whole picture, the best of the two worlds
seems to be necessary to a broader understanding of
the problem of developing information systems that
make sense to their users in their organisational
contexts. Our work investigates the use of the OS
methods in a combined way with the UP, to
compose a complete cycle of information system
development. We have been practicing OS and UP
techniques together (Bonacin et al, 2004), as well as
OS within a traditional system development cycle
(Simoni and Baranauskas, 2004a). The first
outcomes have shown that this practice has allowed
the analysts, together with the problem owners and
stakeholders, to have a deeper understanding of the
problem and its context, leading to potentially more
meaningful solutions.
In this paper we present an approach that include
a new and valuable vision of the organisational
context based on OS methods. The paper is
organised as follows: Section 2 presents the Unified
Process and some key concepts of the OS methods
that could have a role in the UP. Section 3 presents
the proposed approach, and discusses benefits and
drawbacks of the proposed approach, and Section 4
concludes the paper.
The Unified Process - UP “has emerged as a popular
software development process for building object-
oriented systems” (Larman, 2002), and the software
development process is understood as an approach to
building, deploying, and maintaining software. The
Rational Unified Process – RUP has been widely
adopted and we can find some commercial
extensions of RUP, as EUP (Enterprise Unified
Process), which cover the concept of maintenance
and support in the development cycle (EUP, 2004).
The UP is based on 6 considered best practices
in the software development industry (Leland et al.,
2002): iterative software development, management
of requirements, component-based architectures,
visual models, quality control and configuration.
Iterative development stands above the other
practices (Larman, 2002), and the “development is
organized into a series of short, fixed-length mini-
projects called iterations”. Each iteration includes its
own development cycle (analysis, design,
implementation and test), and the result of each
iteration is a tested, integrated and executable
system. The iterations are organized across four
major phases: Inception, Elaboration, Construction,
and Transition.
UP describes work activities, in the development
cycle, as ‘disciplines’ (or workflows), which is a set
of activities in one subject area: Business Modelling,
Requirements, Design, Implementation, Test,
Deployment, Configuration and Change
Management, Project Management, Environment
and Operations & Support.
Figure 1 shows the life cycle representation, in
which the process is structured along the
dimensions: phases, disciplines and iterations.
Figure 1: The Life Circle for Unified Process.
The requirement analysis in the UP uses the Use
Case Model to explore and record the functional
requirements. This model play “the heart-and-center
overarching requirements approach, replacing other
requirements documents as the central element; use
cases suffuse and drive the requirements work…”
(Larman, 2002, pg. 44), and is a mechanism to
capture goals and system requirements, help in
keeping them simple and understandable for all
stakeholders. It is done by writing stories of using a
system to help fulfil the stakeholders’ goals. “A use
case is a collection of related success and failure
scenarios that describe actors using a system to
support a goal’ (Larman, 2002, p. 47).Other
requirements can be recorded in the Supplementary
Specification artefact. The main information
captured in a Use Case are: primary actors,
stakeholders and interests, preconditions and success
guarantees, main success scenario (basic flow) and
steps, alternate flows, special requirements, and
technology and data variations list.
Organisational Semiotics (OS) provide us with
methods to construct a meaningful understanding of
the organisational context, which will embed the
Information System. Therefore the OS methods
of Organizational Semiotics
could be useful in extending UP to deal with the
influence of the organisational aspects of social
nature in the definition of the system requirements.
In OS, an organisation can be seen as an
information system in which interdependent links
between the organisation, the business process and
the IT system occur (Liu, 2000). At an informal
level there is a sub-culture where meanings are
established, intentions are understood, beliefs are
formed and commitments with responsibilities are
made, altered and discharged. At a formal level,
form and rule replace meaning and intention. At a
technical level part of the formal system is
automated by a computer-based system. The
informal level embodies the formal that, by its turn,
embodies the technical level, meaning that changes
in some level have impact in the other levels. The
information system is impacted by and reacts to the
environment, as Figure 2 illustrates. In a semiotic
perspective, different layers of meaning must be
considered in the information system analysis and
software design (Stamper, 1973).
Figure 2: The Organisational Onion, adapted from Liu
(2000, p.109)
It is agreed that OS methods can provide a better
understanding for the interested parts of a focal
problem, their requirements and intention, as well as
the restrictions not only regarding the information
system, but the software system as well.
Our approach considered some of the MEASUR
(Methods for Eliciting, Analysing and Specifying
Users’ Requirements), which resulted from a
Stamper research work in the late 70´s (Stamper,
1973 and 1993). Stamper proposed a set of methods
to deal with all aspects of information system
design, related with the use of signs, their function in
communicating meanings and intentions, and their
social consequences. From MEASUR we are
working with the following methods:
PAM – Problem Articulation Methods: consist
of a set of methods to be applied in the initial phase
of a project, when the problem definition is still
vague and complex. The analyst is helped in
defining system units that will be validated by
stakeholders using Stamper’s Semiotics Framework
(Liu, 2000). PAM is composed by the following
Stakeholder Analysis: allows to investigate all
the interested parts (the stakeholders), that directly
or indirectly have influences or interest in the
information system in analysis.
Evaluation Framing: allows to identify, for
each stakeholder, their interests, questions and
problems, in order to discuss possible solutions.
Semiotic Diagnosis: traditional system
development methodologies emphasize technical
issues (physical world, empirics and syntactic) and
the analyst misses the opportunity of analysing other
levels of relationship (semantic, pragmatic and
social), which direct or indirectly affect aspects of
the system design. The use of the Semiotic
Framework allows us to examine the organisation as
a social system that is constructed through the use of
Morphologic Analysis: allows the investigation
of the norms that govern people’s behaviour within
the systems. Three main components of the analysis
are the substantive, which focus on aspects that
contribute directly to the organisational objectives,
the communicational and the control aspects.
Collateral Analysis: allows the analysis of
relationships between unitary systems that compose
the complex system. It locates the effective limits of
the system in the environment, the focal system and
its infrastructure. The collateral systems provide
maintenance, backup and recovery, inputs and
outputs, etc.
SAM – Semantic Analysis Method: assists
analysts and users or problem owners in eliciting
and representing their requirements in a formal and
precise model. With the analyst in the role of a
facilitator, the required system functions are
specified in the Ontology Model, which describes a
view of responsible agents in the focal business
domain and their actions or patterns of behaviour
called “affordances”. It is a process of
conceptualisation of a business organization, in
which the organisational behaviour is analysed and
captured in the Ontology Model. In Semantic
Analysis the ontological relationship is considered
as the most fundamental relationship to be modelled.
The result of the Semantic Analysis is
complemented with the dynamic aspects (constrains,
rules, etc.), obtained with the Norm Analysis.
NAM – Norm Analysis Method: focuses on
social, cultural and organisational norms that govern
the actions of agents in the business domain. A
norm, in a formal or informal sense, defines a
responsibility of an agent engaged in a task, or
condition under which certain actions may (must,
must not, etc.) be performed by the agent. Each
specified norm is associated with an action pattern
described in the Ontology Model.
Jacobson et al (1999, p. 342-343) show that before
starting the Inception Phase it is necessary to define
the problem context (“you had some knowledge of
what you are going to do”), and its boundaries, to
get estimative about cost, schedule and return-of
investment (ROI). They mention that this kind of
knowledge can be gained from:
- Studies from marketing or management people;
- A department or general management, sometimes
supported by business engineers that “feels” the
need for a software system, and provides “a
description of what they have in mind”;
- Request for proposal that “often contains
considerable details of requirements”.
Also the same authors consider that the “major
challenge is that the customer, who we assume to be
primarily a non computer specialist, must be able to
read and understand the results of requirements
We argue that this initial work on the problem
clarification should be part of the information
system development, considering information
system in a broader sense. We propose the use of
MEASUR methods, PAM, SAM and NAM to
explore the problem and its context. Previous studies
conduced with business organizations (Simoni and
Baranauskas, 2003, 2004a, 2004b) showed that these
methods were valuable to capture the core problem
and its context, and provide a common language
between non-technical and technical people involved
in the process.
Figure 3 presents the rationale underlying our
approach. PAM is used to understand the forces
involved (needs, intentions, existing conflicts, etc)
among the stakeholders, allowing a big picture of the
problem context and the main requirements. SAM
and NAM are both used to model this context,
capturing informal and formal aspects related to it.
Both the static (SAM – terms, concepts, etc) and
dynamic aspects (NAM - constrains, rules, etc.) are
modelled, and the outcomes are inputs to the UP for
software development.
Figure 3: UP and OS integrated in an Organisational IS.
Thus, the proposed approach integrates OS and
UP defining a new Discipline we named
“Conception”, applied prior to the Inception Phase,
involving the MEASUR methods PAM, SAM and
NAM, as illustrated by Figure 4. The relationships
between the outcomes of these methods and features
of the UP are analysed in this section. In addition,
UP Disciplines are extended to encompass the
Conception Phase:
Configuration and Change Management to
control the versions of OS artifacts.
Project management, because we consider that,
in fact, the project starts with the problem
Environment to allow the use of the OS artifacts.
In the next sections we analyse: (1) the software
engineering practices of the UP and the consequence
of the using OS within these practices, (2) the main
UP phases and how the OS methods could
contribute to complete each of them, and (3) how the
OS methods could be inserted as new disciplines in
the IS life cycle.
of Organizational Semiotics
Figure 4: OS Methods integrated with UP.
3.1 The Impact of PAM, SAM and
NAM in the UP Practices
As previously mentioned the Unified Process is
based on six “best” software engineering (SE)
Iterative Software Development: by including
OS models in the UP iterative cycle we can
anticipate the effects of each prototype in the
organisational context. As the UP has not specific
methods to model the social aspects of the
organisational model, these effects would be
perceived in the UP only in the later cycles. Our
previous practices (Bonacin et al, 2004; Simoni and
Baranauskas, 2004a) have shown that OS is
compatible with iterative development and OS
models facilitate the revision of the concepts in the
organisational context, at the beginning of each
Management of Requirements: according to
Kruchten (1999, p.8) “The challenge of managing
the requirements of a software-intensive system is
that they are dynamic: you must expect them to
change during the life of a software project”. The
use of OS methods allows a better understanding of
the problem focused, the stakeholders and their
interests (through PAM) identifying the aspects of
the organisation that are less likely to change
(through the SAM) and the aspects more likely to
change (by using the NAM). Therefore we can focus
in norms of the organisation, manage their changes
and visualise effects in the system requirements,
tracking the requirements changes.
Component-Based Architectures: PAM, SAM
and NAM are valuable to the “Component Based
Architecture” because the social context must be
considered in the definition of a system architecture.
Different choices about the architecture of the
software system have impact on the organisational
Visual Modelling for Software: some methods
of PAM, like Stakeholder, Morphology and
Collateral Analysis are visual models, and the SAM
produces the Ontology Chart. The OO model does
not have a visual representation for existential
relations between elements of the organisational
context. The Ontology Charts represent aspects of
the context that usually are addressed in an informal
way. The semantic analysis goes one step further in
the direction of using a visual model to capture the
semantics of the context.
Quality Control: the OS methods allow a better
description of the work context; therefore we have
parameters to evaluate the desired behaviour of the
system. Reliability, functionality and performance
are dependent on the context that we are analysing.
For example: some seconds of response delay could
be acceptable for one context but could not be
acceptable for others; norms could specify which are
the acceptable delays in a certain task and
consequently the desired system performance.
Configuration: it is essential to control the
changes produced during the system development.
Changes in the OS models are captured and can be
3.2 The Impact of PAM, SAM and
NAM in the UP Phases
As described before, the UP have four major phases:
Inception, Elaboration, Construction and Transition.
The OS methods could contribute for each phase:
Inception: is the phase in which the OS methods
are more visible; this phase ends with the Life-Cycle
objective milestone. Regarding the evaluation
criteria for the inception phase:
Stakeholder concurrence on scope definition.
The PAM allows the identification of the
stakeholders, their interest, questions and problems.
The PAM also discusses possible solutions and
locates the effective limits of the system in the
Requirements understanding. PAM, SAM and
NAM allow a wider view of the requirements
elicitation; they analyse the semantic, pragmatic and
social levels of the organisation to understand and to
model the system requirements. The SAM and NAM
can be used as a vehicle in the interaction of the
participants discussing the requirements of the
Credibility of the cost and schedule estimates,
priorities, risks, and development process. We can
only achieve higher levels of credibility in the
priorities and risks if we have a good description of
the organisational context. The priorities are defined
in the organisational context and many risks are
associated to contextual factors. The PAM, SAM
and NAM focus on the organisational aspects, not
usually captured.
Elaboration: Regarding potential contributions
to evaluation criteria for the elaboration phase:
Is the vision of the product stable? To have a
stable vision of the product we need a stable vision
of the norms that govern the environment and the
use of the system. We cannot expect to have clear
vision of what the product should be if we do not
know well where it will be applied. NAM can be
applied in this phase to make explicit the norms that
govern the system environment;
Do all stakeholders agree that the current vision
can be achieved if the current plan is executed to
develop the complete system, in the context of the
current architecture? SAM and NAM can make
explicit the aspects of the work context by having
models that are shared by all stakeholders. Therefore
these models can be used as a tool to support the
interaction/communication among the stakeholders,
during discussion of the current plan, in order to
achieve the agreement about it.
Construction: This phase ends with the initial
operational capability milestone. Regarding
evaluation criteria for the Elaboration phase:
Are all stakeholders ready for the transition into
the user community? The PAM, SAM and NAM
produce models of the organisational contexts that
could be used by the stakeholders to evaluate the
Transition: Regarding evaluation criteria for the
elaboration phase:
Is the user satisfied? The answer to this question
includes the evaluation of human and social factors
that can be better understood within a subjectivist
analysis of the organisational context (supported by
PAM, SAM and NAM).
3.3 The Impact of PAM, SAM and
NAM in the UP Workflows
As mentioned previously, the Unified Process has
six “core process workflows” and four “core
supporting workflows”, which are revisited again
and again throughout the life cycle of systems
development. In this section we analyse how SAM,
PAM and NAM could introduce artefacts, to support
the core process workflows.
OS and the Project Management Workflow
The Business-Process Analyst have seven main
activities during the Project Management Workflow:
Identify Risks, Develop Project Plan, Staff Project,
Develop Iteration Plan, Execute Iteration, Evaluate
Iteration and Revisit Risk List.
PAM provides information to organize and
maintain the management plans. The outcomes from
Stakeholder Analysis together with the Evaluation
Framing allow us to identify potential risks or
problems to be managed during the project time.
From Stakeholder Analysis and Collateral Analysis
we identify the project staff, users priorities that
influence the iterations, project activities not directly
related to the software development, as well as the
needs for changing management, training,
advertisement etc.
OS and the Business Modelling Workflow
The Business-Process Analyst has several main
activities in the Business Modelling Workflow:
Regarding to the capture of a Common
Vocabulary. We agree with Xie and Liu (2003) who
argue that we should not assume the existence of a
common vocabulary in the domain; we have to seek
for the signs used in the domain. Using the Semiotic
Framework (PAM), we begin to elicit and
understand the vocabulary and meanings of the
context and we can construct, together with the users
during the system iterations, the Ontology Charts
that make explicit the affordances and relations
between elements of the domain (Bonacin, 2004;
Simoni and Baranauskas, 2003, 2004a, 2004b). A
more appropriated name for this activity would be to
Construct a Common Understanding of the Domain..
The Business Designer has four main activities
in the Business Modelling Workflow: describe a
Business Use Case, find Business Workers and
Entities, describe a Business Worker and describe a
Business Entity. During the business modelling OS
methods allow to describe the norms that act as a
force field, delineating the agents’ behaviour during
the execution of the use cases. The proposed
activities for the Business Designer involve norm
of Organizational Semiotics
analysis. The norms are associated to the
affordances of the ontology charts. In addition we
could link these norms to the use cases.
SAM describes the things that exist in the
business domain. Previous work shows how to
construct class diagrams directly from ontology
charts (Bonacin et al., 2004) without the necessity of
constructing object models of the business domain.
The Business Model Reviewer has two main
activities into the Business Modelling Workflow: to
Review the Business Use-Case Model and to
Review the Business Object Model. Similarly this
Worker could review the Ontology Charts and the
Norms Specification.
OS and the Requirements Workflow
The System Analyst has six main activities into the
Requirements Workflow: Develop the Vision, Elicit
Stakeholder Needs, Capture a Common Vocabulary,
Find Actors and Use Cases, and Structure the Use-
case Model. We have to understand the organization
and its needs in order to develop a vision, aligned
with the organisational requirements. The process
could be started from results of the Evaluation
Framing (PAM), and the Ontology Charts can be
used to develop the vision document based on the
affordances of the agents in a organisational context.
The system analyst together with the users can
specify the high-level features of the system using
the OS models, which facilitates the communication,
in order to fulfil the stakeholder needs. The Use-
Case Specifier has one main activity into the
Requirements Workflow: to detail a Use Case. An
Specifier could not only specify the uses cases but
also associate the use cases with the norms specified
during the norm analysis. The User-Interface
Designer has two main activities into the
Requirements Workflow: User-Interface Modelling
and User-Interface Prototyping. Prototyping can be
done from mapping the Ontology Chart elements to
the corresponding screen elements, as we can see in
previous work (Simoni and Baranauskas, 2004b).
We also verified that the prototype contributed to the
validation of Semantic and Norm Analysis, as it
represents the “materialization” of the model and
refinements represented through it.
The Architect’s activity into the Requirements
Workflow is to Prioritise Use Cases. The architect
could also ensure the integrity not only of the
significant use cases, but also the norms that could
affect or be affect by architectural decisions.
OS and the Analysis and Design Workflow
The Architects, Designers and Database Designers
have to translate the requirements into a
specification that describes how to implement the
system. There is an approach discussed in previous
work to construct the design models for the system
and database, using the OS models as a starting
point (Bonacin et al, 2004; Liu, 2000).
3.4 Discussion
The work reported here showed that by using OS
concepts, through MEASUR methods, we could
bring up for discussion a social vision of an
organization potentially enhancing the UP. The
proposed approach articulates MEASUR methods
(PAM, SAM and NAM) in a same process of
information system development. The introduction
of these new methods does not necessarily leads to a
replacement of the disciplines already consolidated
in the UP. Some of the main ideas proposed in this
paper were applied in the development of Pokayoke
(Bonacin, 2004), a CSCW system designed for the
context of problem solving in a manufacturing
organization. During the development of Pokayoke,
class diagrams and behaviour diagrams where
constructed from the results of Semantic and Norm
Analysis. The Pokayoke system was developed in
five prototyping cycles. Ontology charts and norm
descriptions were used as a bridge between the
system design and organisational issues discussed
during meetings with the users. The last version of
Pokayoke has 215 classes produced from the
semantic diagrams. In general, the application of
specific procedures (Bonacin et al, 2004) in the
ontology charts produced class diagrams in line with
the social context. These class diagrams use the
same signs captured in the semantic analysis to
specify classes, attributes and operation names.
Furthermore the associations, hierarchy and
aggregations are derived from social constructions
captured by using semantic and norm analysis.
Someone could imagine that by introducing
more artefacts, consequently more work would have
to be done in the software development, but our
experience in practical work, and in results reported
in literature as we pointed out before, showed that
there is a need for problem conceptualisation. We
also observed that Business and System Analysts,
more and more, have been involved in this process
and need methods and artefacts to deal with these
activities. With this initial effort, supported by
MEASUR methods, we could minimize risks and
reworks, by having a problem solution well suited
for the user’s context.
Studies in information system development need to
address how people understand the world and how
to represent this understanding; social, cultural and
organisational aspects involved in the problem are
decisive in this process.
Our motivation integrating OS and UP methods
have been to approximate the technical and social
orientations present in problems of information
system and software design. The OS methods allow
a deeper consideration of the semantic, pragmatic
and social levels, and an understanding of the social
practices for which the system would have to
The final results encourage to further work
towards a formalization of the approach. The
support of case tools with graphical representation,
mainly for PAM, is points to be addressed, to
increase the integration and control of the use of the
tools. Finally, practical work in companies is being
continued, allowing us to verify the influence of the
approach in the quality not only of the software
application, but of the business process as well.
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