Carlota Lorenzo, Miguel Àngel Gomes, Alejandro Mollá and Javier Garcia
University of Castilla-La Mancha
Plaza de la Universidad, 1 - Albacete, Spain
Keywords: Webmosphere, hedonic motivations, online shopping environment, consumer responses
Because of the increasing competitive retail industry environment, retailers must be certain that their stores
are up-to-date and suggest an image that is appealing to their target markets. In fact, one of the most
significant features of the total product is the place where it is bought or consumed. In some cases, the
place, or more specifically the place atmosphere, is more influential than the product itself in the purchase
decision. A considerable body of literature has been accumulated on atmospheric effects in traditional
stores; however, the impact of these factors in online retail environments has not yet been well documented.
Some studies posit that although the instrumental qualities or utilitarian elements of online shopping (e.g.
ease and convenience) are important predictors of consumers' attitudes and purchase behaviours, the
hedonic aspects of the web medium could play an equally important role in shaping these behaviours. This
study analyzes the influence of a hedonic atmospheric cue, specifically music, on shoppers' cognitive,
emotional and behavioural responses in an online apparel shopping environment.
A between-subjects
experimental design is used to test our hypotheses. In addition we developed an integrated
methodology that allows the simulation, tracking and recording of subjects’ behaviour within an
online shopping environment under an atmospheric condition: the music.
This study is being developed within the Research Project whose reference is SEC2002-04326-C03-03. Plan Nacional de
Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica. Programa Nacional de Socioeconomía. Ministerio de
Ciencia y Tecnología.
The physical environment of traditional brick-and-
mortar retailers plays an important role in
influencing consumer attitudes and behaviours.
However, not much systematic research attention
has been given to the nature and effectiveness of
online retailing, and specifically, to the role of the
online environment characteristics in shaping
consumer responses. Some work can be found
related to the nature and the features of the medium
and users' processing of information in the virtual
world, neglecting the study of the influence
atmosphere cues on consumer responses. Moreover,
given both the increasing number of online stores
and shoppers and the importance of the study of
atmospheric cues in brick-and-mortar retail, retailers
must pay a special attention to online stores design.
Our main objective in this research is to analyze
the influence of a hedonic atmospheric cue on
shoppers' cognitive, emotional and behavioural
responses in an online apparel shopping
environment. Specifically, we will consider the
music as hedonic variable of web atmosphere. A
between-subjects experimental design is used to test
our hypotheses. A web site and a tracking behaviour
methodology for a fictitious retailer were developed.
Finally, with this research we also expect to derive
practical implications to provide retailers with more
information about their consumers’ preferences in an
online shopping environment.
The concept of atmospherics, used by Kotler (1973-
1974) "to describe the effort to design buying
Lorenzo C., Àngel Gomes M., Mollá A. and Garcia J. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 59-66
DOI: 10.5220/0002523500590066
environments to produce specific emotional effects
in the buyer that enhance his purchase probability",
is receiving an increasing managerial and research
attention both in traditional and online retail contexts
(Eroglu et al., 2003). In general, atmosphere could
be defined "as a collection of atmospheric cues"
(Dailey, 2002).
2.1 Brick-and-mortar atmospherics
Much empirical work within this topic has examined
specific atmospheric cues and their effects on
shopper responses. For instance, researchers have
focused on cues such as music (Milliman, 1982; Hui
et al., 1997; Yalch and Spangenberg,, 2000);
lighting, color, cleaning, the scent, etc. Most of these
works are focused in the Mehrabian-Russell Affect
Model (1974), which uses a Stimulus-Organism-
Response (S-O-R) paradigm within an
environmental psychology context. The S-O-R
paradigm proposes that cues within an environment
cause behavioural responses (i.e. approach or
avoidance) to the environment through altering
subject affect, specifically, pleasure, arousal and
sometimes dominance.
2.2 Webmosphere
Web atmospheric is defined by Dailey (2002) as "the
conscious designing of web environments to create
positive effects (e.g., positive affect, positive
cognitions, etc.) in users in order to increase
favourable consumer responses (e.g. site revisiting,
browsing, etc.). When marketers design web
interfaces in order to entice consumers, they are
using web atmospherics".
To explain the influence of the webmosphere
(Childers et al., 2001) on consumers, the major
online atmosphere research is outlined in table 1.
Within the S-O-R paradigm, in the context of
online retailing, stimulus is defined as “the sum total
of all the cues that are visible and audible to the
online shopper” (Mehrabian and Russell, 1974). We
include the auditory dimension because it has
become a standard feature on computers in the last
years. Nevertheless, the online retail environment
lacks of some of the dimensions present in a real
environment, such as temperature, smell, and
textures (three of the five sensory appeals) which are
defined by Baker (1986) and Bitner (1992).
However, it possesses some other properties such as
flexibility across time and space.
As traditional environment, to illustrate the
influence of web atmospherics on consumers, most
authors use the Stimulus-Organism-Response
paradigm (Eroglu et al., 2001, 2003; Dailey, 1999).
The traditional store designer’s ability to appeal
to all the shopper senses through a complex
combination of ambient, structural, social, and
aesthetic elements has now been constrained to a
predominantly visual appeal through the screen.
Given that the accepted classifications of the
traditional store atmospherics cannot be entirely
applicable to this context, some authors suggest an
alternative taxonomy. Eroglu et al. (2001) classify
the environmental characteristics of the virtual store
in two general categories: high and low task relevant
cues (see table 1).
Taking into account all this previous research
streams, our research is focused in the study of the
Dailey (1999)
Eroglu, Machleit and
Davis (2001)
Stimulus-organism-response paradigm: Atmospheric cues influence consumers through altering their
cognition and affect, which influence their consumer behaviour towards the online shop
Childers, Carr, Peck
and Carson (2001)
Attitudinal model: While the instrumental aspects of the new media are important predictors of online
attitudes, hedonic aspects of the new media play at least an equal role
Dailey (2002) Influence of restrictive navigation cues as specific online atmosphere variable
Koernig (2003)
Increasing the tangibility of cues in the e-scape elicits more positive evaluations of the service and reduces
the perceived risk associated with the service and subsequently leads to a more positive response
Yoh, Damhorst,
Sapp and Laczniak
Theory of reasoned action and innovation adoption theory: The importance of prior experience with the
Internet and with in-home apparel shopping in predicting apparel buying intention through the Internet
indicate that experience with subcomponents of the innovative process facilitate adoption of the new process
Eroglu, Machleit and
Davis (2003)
Online store atmosphere comprised of high task-relevant cues (all the site descriptors that appear on the
screen which facilitate and enable the consumer’s shopping goal attainment) and low task-relevant cues (site
information that is relatively inconsequential to the completion of the shopping task, such as, colour,
music…). Increasing the atmospheric qualities of the online store website increases the level of pleasure felt
by the shopper.
Table 1: Main literature about web at
influence of music, as a hedonic aspect of web
medium, on online consumer responses (internal and
According to Oakes (2003), managers suggest
that atmospheric music affects the following aspects:
(1) according to the beat of the music the
atmospheric music influence customers to eat (e.g.
Caldwell and Hibbert, 1999…); (2) affects
customers’ perceptions of the atmosphere of a store
(e.g. Hui et al., 1997…); (3) must cater to the
preferences of different age segments (e.g. Yalch
and Spangenberg, 1990…); (4) can distract
customers from cognitive tasks (e.g. Park and
Young, 1986…); (5) can facilitate interaction
between customers and staff (e.g. Dube et al.,
1995…); (6) can drive customers away from an
establishment depending on if they like it (e.g.
Donovan and Rossiter, 1982…); (7) makes time pass
more quickly when it is enjoyable (e.g. Wansink,
1992…); (8) can convey an upscale or downscale
image depending on the specific genre or format
(e.g. Areni and Kim, 1993…); (9) can make
customers stay longer than they otherwise would
(e.g. Milliman, 1986…); (10) eliminates
unacceptable silences (e.g. North et al., 1999…).
The new media represent an important
opportunity for marketers (Alba et al., 1997) in order
to offer to their consumers a pleasant shopping
experience. Hirschman and Holbrook (1982)
describe consumers as either “problem solvers” or in
terms of consumer seeking “fun, fantasy, arousal,
sensory stimulation, and enjoyment”. Both visions
have been represented in a retail traditional context
in order to compare the shopping functional
perspective (e.g. Sherry et al., 1993…) versus the
shopping enjoyable perspective (e.g. Babin et al.,
In an online context, this twofold
characterization of motivations is consistent with the
adoption of interactive shopping behaviour. Creating
a more enjoyable environment may require the use
of more powerful web languages, and the inclusion
of images, video, colour, humour, sound, music,
games, animation, and all of the other interactive
aspects that could define an enjoyable experience. A
technology oriented perspective that attempts to treat
media shopping as cold information systems, rather
than immersive, hedonic environments, is likely to
be misguided, mainly for products with strong
hedonic attributes, as can be the case of apparel
(Childers et al, 2001).
Music or sounds are considered as low task-
relevant cues (Eroglu et al., 2001, 2003) because
they do not directly affect the completion of the task,
although they can create an atmosphere that has the
potential to make the shopping experience more
pleasurable. So, we suggest the following
H1: The users who are exposed to an online
shopping environment with music will show affective
responses more positive than those who are exposed
to an online shopping environment without music.
Eroglu et al. (2001) found that, within online
environments, low task-relevant cues affect
positively users’ cognitive states. Because that
concept includes several kinds of online atmospheric
cues, our intention is focused in the analysis of a
specific cue (i.e. music) and whether it affects users’
cognitive states (attitudinal process and
learning/knowledge). So, regarding cognitive
responses we propose the following hypothesis:
H2: The users who are exposed to an online
shopping environment with music will show
cognitive responses more favourable than those who
are exposed to an online shopping environment
without music.
In online environments, satisfaction has been
tested by Eroglu et al. (2003) as a behavioural
response which includes measurement variables
relating to loyalty and satisfaction toward web site.
However, literature found that behavioural responses
(e.g. loyalty) are consequence of satisfaction, both in
brick-and-mortar and in online environments (Bigné
and Andreu, 2004; Zeithaml et al., 1996; Flavián et
al., 2004). In fact, Vanhamme (2000) accepts
customer’s satisfaction as “a relative psychological
state which is a result of purchase/consumption
experience”. In spite of this conceptual difference,
the most of works obtain that store atmosphere
affects satisfaction and, in turn, behavioural
responses (Eroglu et al., 2001, 2003; Bigné and
Andreu, 2004; Childers et al., 2001…). Thus, we
propose the following hypothesis:
H3: The users who are exposed to an online
shopping environment with music will show more
satisfaction than those who are exposed to an online
shopping environment without music.
Finally, regarding behavioural responses we
proposed the following hypothesis, attending two
groups of variables analyzed (loyalty and
approach/avoidance behavioural). Specifically, as
regards users’ loyalty toward online store after their
visit in the web site is measured by Eroglu et al.
(2003) as satisfaction measurement. However,
according to above works, loyalty is considered as
the consequence of the satisfaction (Zeithaml et al.,
1996; Bigné and Andreu, 2004; Flavián et al.,
2004…). In spite of this conceptual difference, the
most works posit that atmospheric cues (specifically,
low-task relevant cues according to Eroglu et al.,
2001, 2003) affect positively loyalty toward store,
although this relationship is mediated by consumers’
internal states. Taking everything into account, we
suggest the following hypothesis:
H4: The users who are exposed to an online
shopping environment with music will show a loyalty
level toward the online store bigger than those who
are exposed to an online shopping environment
without music.
As will global studies about store atmosphere,
some works found similar approach/avoidance
responses when supermarkets were exposed to
different tempo of background music (Milliman,
1982; Oakes, 2003…). Within the online shopping
context, the model proposed by Eroglu et al. (2001,
2003) posits similar approach/avoidance behaviours
depending on the perceived store environment and
the mediating effects of individual traits and internal
states. They analyzed whether the online store
information and the low-task relevant cues facilitate
or impede the attainment of shopping goals and, in
turn, whether the online shopper exhibited positive
or negative behaviours toward the particular web
site. Finally, they obtained that as is produced a rise
of atmospheric cues (i.e. high and low task relevant
cues), the approach responses are also increased.
Because our intention is focused on study of specific
atmospheric cue (i.e. music), we suggest the
following hypothesis:
H5: The users who are exposed to an online
shopping environment with music will show more
approach responses than those who are exposed to
an online shopping environment without music
We propose a initial model based on the S-O-R
paradigm suggested and empirically tested by
Eroglu et al. (2003), as it is shown in figure 1. In our
model, we introduce three modifications relating to
the Eroglu et al. (2003) model: (a) introduction of
cognitive variables (learning and knowledge about
the web site) to complement the cognitive states
described by these authors in their model, (b)
recognition of satisfaction as an internal state which
affects behavioural responses, and (c) introduction
of loyalty variable as additional behavioural
4.1 Design of the experiment
A between-subjects experimental design was used to
test the hypotheses above. In order to eliminate the
effects of prior experience with a retailer, a fictitious
store named e-fashion, was made for our research.
That online shop offered fashion apparel for
women and men. The content of online shop is
based on a homepage (Nielsen, 2001; Schneiderman,
1998) which includes the same links and web sites
as other online apparel stores (e.g. ‘our
company’,‘our services’, ‘novelties’…).
Within this frame we include music and a non-
music condition. Music is considered as hedonic
dimension (Childers et al., 2001) and a “low task-
relevant” (Eroglu et al., 2003) because it neither
facilitate nor enable the consumers’ shopping goal
attainment. The music is relatively inconsequential
to the completion of the shopping task and
specifically, it is considered a hedonic aspect which
entices the consumer’s affective, cognitive and
behavioural responses.
As a result, two web sites were defined, although the
content was same across both sites. These different
apparel stores representing each of the experimental
conditions were created for this experiment by an
experienced Web-site designer.
Finally, the web-based tool developed for this
research included an automatic tracking process
based on e-agent software to track and record all
click-throughs and times related with the browsing
behaviour during the experiment
4.2 Sample and procedure
The final sample consisted of 70 people randomly
assigned to the experimental groups. All members of
group were undergraduate students due to
convenience of researcher. All people were asked by
the same questionnaire. All groups were exposed
same environment conditions (date, place, space…).
After subjects finish the task they were complete
a final on-line questionnaire which includes
measures of satisfaction, attitude, emotional
responses, behavioural responses and Web
familiarity questions. A pretest was conducted to
ensure that subjects' responses give us different
perception by inclusion of the above atmospheric
4.3 Measurement of variables
According to Eroglu et al. (2003), we considered as
independent variables the affective and cognitive
internal states and behavioural responses to the
online shopping experience. The affective responses
were measured with the Mehrabian and Russell
(1974) pleasure-arousal-dominance (PAD) scale.
This scale is widely used in studies of environmental
psychology and, although it is meant to represent the
dimensions of emotional response rather than a
complete typology of emotional responses, its
Figure 1: Influence of web music on consumer responses in an online shopping environment
simple structure and widespread use made it the
appropriate choice in this context (Eroglu et al.,
Thus, pleasure and arousal were measured with
the five-point semantic differential items (e.g.
unhappy/happy; excited/calm…) (Sherman et al.,
1997; SUMI scale). Dominance was not included
Russell (1979) posits that pleasure and arousal
adequately capture the range of appropriate
emotional responses. However, according to Eroglu
et al. (2001), in the online retail context, it is
possible that shoppers choose online rather than
traditional retail outlets for the increased control
over the shopping situation. Therefore, online users
may feel a decreased level of dominance in
situations where download times are slow, when
there is no way to contact the retailer for more
information, when the site is difficult to navigate, or
when links are missing or inactive. Nevertheless,
Eroglu et al. (2003), after testing that variable, did
not include it because reliability was low.
To test cognitive states, we have included two
dimensions: The interpretation of information
provided on the screen by online consumer (i.e.,
learning and knowledge of web site) and the
attitudinal process (Eroglu et al., 2003). In forming
these attitudes, the online shoppers address
questions such as whether it is negative/positive
shopping alternative for them…(Eroglu et al., 2003;
Childers et al., 2001).
Satisfaction, as other internal variable, was
measured with five-point Likert-format items scale
(e.g. "I am satisfied with the navigation across this
web site"…) (Cristóbal, 2002; SUMI scale; Flavián
et al., 2004).
The dependent variables used to test the
behavioural responses were loyalty and
approach/avoidance responses. Loyalty was
measured by a Likert scale (five points) including
the questions like “I would probably go back to the
site” (Eroglu et al., 2001, 2003; Sherman et al.,
1997; Bigné and Andreu, 2004; Dailey, 2002).
Approach/avoidance responses were measured by a
Likert scale (five points) including aspects such as “I
would have spent more money”. Moreover, the web-
based methodology allows us to track responses
about time and money spent and the products that
the subject finally bought (Sherman et al., 1997),
which will be called by us as real shopping
To test our hypotheses we used multivariate analysis
of variance (MANOVA). We have used the Wilks’
Lambda static to test the global significance (Hair et
al., 1999; Iacobucci, 1994). We consider an alpha
level of 0,1 as significance level to test our
On the other hand, we evaluated the observed
power of the test and, according to Hair et al. (1999),
we established a lowest power level (0.8). Moreover,
it is necessary to notice size effect in the different
contrast. This effect was measured by Eta Squared
statistic (Iacobucci, 1994).
5.1 Affective variables: Pleasure and
The multivariate test (see table 2) shows us that the
consumers who were exposed to online shopping
environments with music do not show significant
differences in affective responses to those who were
exposed to an online shopping environment without
music (α>0.1). Consequently, the hypothesis H1 is
rejected. Curiously, in the individual analysis about
Internal states
Behavioural responses
Hedonic dimension
affective variables, users show more positive
affective states in the shopping environment without
music. It could be caused the kind of music was not
to their liking (either too classic or too modern,
either too fast or too slow…) and, in consequence, in
general consumers felt annoyed with this
atmospheric cue manipulated. Moreover, we have
not included moderator variables (Eroglu et al.,
2003; Dailey, 2002) in our model such as
atmospheric responsiveness, involvement, perceived
risk…These variables could affect to consumer
responses and, consequently, cause significant
differences between groups of people.
5.2 Cognitive variables
The multivariate test (see table 2) also shows us that
subjects who were exposed to online shopping
environments with music do not show significant
differences versus the users who were not exposed
to this atmospheric manipulation, concerning their
cognitive responses (α<0.1). In consequence, the
hypothesis H2 is rejected. In fact, after an individual
analysis about each one of cognitive variables we
have noticed that the questions relating to attitude
show more significant differences between both
groups (α<0,1) than learning and knowledge
variables. This result is logical due to our analysis
only is focused on study of hedonic dimensions.
Moreover, another variable which could affect on
consumer is the beliefs toward online apparel
shopping. In fact, according to Yoh et al. (2003),
consumers who have more positive beliefs about
Internet apparel shopping have more positive
attitude toward Internet apparel shopping than
consumers who have less positive beliefs about it.
5.3 Satisfaction variables
The multivariate test (see table 2) shows us that
subjects who were exposed to music show
significant differences with subjects in the non-
music condition (α<0.1). In fact, after individual
analysis of satisfaction variables the results show us
that consumer exposed to online environment with
music answered that music is a factor which
improves them the entertainment during shopping.
Nevertheless, in an online shopping environment
without music, consumer show more satisfaction
during the navigation. In fact, involvement with
apparel and perceived risk toward online apparel
shopping are two moderator factors that affects to
consumers’ internal states (Eroglu et al., 2003)
which have not been included in our model.
Moreover, the users’ cognitive and affective states
also affect directly to satisfaction as intermediate
factors between atmospheric cues and shopping
outcomes (Eroglu et al., 2001, 2003; Bigné and
Andreu, 2004). Therefore, within this shopping
environment in which involvement, perceived risk
and others internal states affect on consumer, music
could be an irrelevant aspect for the consumers and,
consequently, it could not affect significantly to their
5.4 Loyalty variables
The multivariate test (see table 2) shows us that
subjects who were exposed to online shopping
environments with music show significant
differences versus the users who are not exposed to
this atmospheric manipulation, concerning their
satisfaction (α<0.1). However, these results how us
that consumers who were exposed to online
shopping environments with music do not show a
loyalty level toward the online store bigger than
those who were exposed to an online shopping
environment without music.
Consequently, the hypothesis H4 is rejected. In fact,
one of the major factors that cause loyalty toward
store, mainly in online environments, is the
product’s brand. In this kind of environments, brand
loyalty is stronger than in traditional environments.
Moreover, brand loyalty is bigger in the products
with more sensory attributes (Cebollada, 2004). In
our experiments used a fictitious brand (e-fashion) to
prevent a possible brand loyalty effect. However, we
think that it could have discouraged to users
purchase intention, independently of the existence or
not of music in the online store.
5.5 Approach/avoidance responses
The multivariate test (see table 2) shows us that the
users who were exposed to an online shopping
environment with music show more approach
responses than those who were exposed to an online
shopping environment without music (α<0.1). Thus,
the hypothesis H5 is accepted. Specifically, the
variable “duration of visit” show significant
differences between both groups. If duration of visit
is longer, the probability of purchasing will be
higher too and, obviously, it is positive for web
The major conclusion from this work is that online
hedonic motivations influence on consumer’s
internal states and behavioural responses.
Table 2: Multivariate Tests: Internal states and behavioural responses
Most works of this issue have demonstrated the
increasing the atmospheric qualities of the online
store web site increase the level of pleasure felt by
the shopper.
Moreover, it is demonstrated that this effect is
moderated by some variables, such as involvement
and atmospheric responsiveness (Eroglu et al.,
2003), expectation and importance of control,
magnitude of threat, reactance and flow (Dailey,
2002) and even, brand loyalty (Cebollada, 2004). In
turn, these emotions and attitude influence positively
on approach/avoidance behaviour (Dailey, 2002;
Eroglu et al., 2003, 2001; Childers et al., 2001…),
satisfaction (Eroglu et al., 2003) and loyalty toward
store (Flavián et al., 2004…). Moreover, within
online apparel shopping, psychological and social
variables and prior experience with the Internet also
affect to intention to purchase apparel through the
Internet (Yoh et al., 2003).
We have not obtained completely significant results
owing to several limitations. On the one hand, we
only have focused this research on the analysis of
direct relationships between online atmospheric cues
manipulated and internal states and behavioural
responses. It is important limitation because,
according to the literature, the relationship between
web atmospheric and behavioural responses is not
direct. The internal states mediated this relationship.
Moreover, we have not considered any moderate
factors which, according to literature, moderate the
relationship between web atmospheric and
consumer’s internal states. Apart from that, aspects
such as the kind of music and musical tempo, could
cause different sensations on consumer and, in
consequence, affect different way to them. In
addition to that, the measurement variables included
in the questionnaire, in spite of they have been tested
by some authors, could be interpreted by subject in
different form. Finally, we also want to remark the
idea that our research is focused in the study of one
specific cue. Perhaps, the online atmospheric cue
which we have chosen is not sufficiently
significance as individual atmospheric element and,
in contrast, it is very significance in an environments
where were studied all online atmospheric cues
So, we suggested as future research to improve
the above limitations and to realize other
manipulations on web atmospheric (animations of
products, colour…). Moreover, it would be
appropriate to complement our empirical research
including the study of relationships of influence
between variables through a structural
model (Bagozzi and Yi, 1989).
Childers, T.L.; Carr, C.L.; Peck, J. and Carson, S., 2001.
Hedonic and utilitarian motivations for online retail
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Eroglu, S.A.; Machleit, K.A. and Davis, L.M., 2003.
Empirical testing of a model of online store
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Marketing, vol. 20 (2), February, pp. 139-150.
Hoffman, D.L. and Novak, T.P., 1996. Marketing in
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Journal of Retailing, vol. 49, nº 4, winter, pp. 48-64.
Mehrabian, A. and Russell, J.A., 1974. An approach to
environmental psychology. Cambridge, MA: MIT
The authors have included main references. To obtain
more information about this issue you can contact with
them (Carlota.Lorenzo@uclm.es).
Variables Wilks' Lambda F Significance
Affective 0,926 1,023 0,411
Cognitive 0,911 1,252 0,296
Satisfaction 0,854 2,193
Loyalty 0,899 3,751
Avoidance responses
0,798 3,246
Nielsen, J., 2001. Homepage usability: 55 websites
deconstructed. New Riders, pp. 315.
Schlosser, A., 2003. Computers as situational cues:
Implications for consumers’ product cognitions and
attitudes. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13, pp.
Yoh, E; Damhorst, M.L.; Sapp, S. and Laczniac, R. 2003.
Consumer adoption of the Internet: The case of
apparel shopping. Psychology & Marketing, vol. 20
(12), December, pp. 1095-1118.