The enterprise platforms are complex and their
learning curves are really steep. The amount of time
and the effort required in order to use them correctly
are seldom available in most projects’ planning,
often submitted to strong time constraints. In the
present work, we have analyzed these problems and
revised the main models, platforms and frameworks
that seek to facilitate the convergence towards the
new business models. The main conclusion derived
from this study is that there is no proposal that
satisfies all the requirements demanded by these
models. However, there are partial solutions for
them, which can be of great value. For this reason,
we propose a model based on the integration of
design patterns and standard technologies, a model
that keeps the independence proposed by MVC,
facilitating the analysis and development of complex
applications, focusing on the developers’ effort in
the implementation stage and allowing a progressive
learning of the technology involved.
We are currently applying this model and its
associated methodology to our own developments,
therefore allowing us to validate the proposal, to
refine the model and finally to take into account new
aspects. For example, we are currently working on
the integration of a security infrastructure called
Single Sign-On, called JOSSO. In future research
lines we would like to improve our proposal so that
it supports other business models and technologies,
and to extend our model in order to use Web
Services to further decouple the MVC elements.
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