Tang-Ho Lê, Ph.D.
Département d’informatique
Université de Moncton, 165 Massey Ave, Moncton, (N.B.)
Jean Roy, B.Sc.
Département d’informatique
Université de Moncton, 165 Massey Ave, Moncton, (N.B.)
Keywords: e-Learning, Collaborative Learning, Web-base Learning
, Theories of learning, Multi-user Authoring
System, Instructor Roles, Objectivist, Constructivist, Mixed-mode Learning.
Abstract: In this paper we discuss some bas
ic theories of learning and e-Learning. With the light of the appropriate
theories, we then describe the components and particular features of our e-Learning system, the Learn IN
Context System (LINC). This tool aims to be used in institution’s courses in mixed-mode learning. Finally,
we report our initial experimentation with this tool and some preliminary results and evaluation.
The tool presented in this paper is developed to
apply both educational and e-learning theories which
are appropriate according to our point of view. This
tool is a Web-based learning tool used in mixed-
mode learning. This mode combines face to face
and distance approaches to education in that an
instructor meets with students in class, and a
resource-base of content materials (such as
multimedia files, video clips) and learning activities
(such as forum) are made available to students
through the web. To accommodate the researchers
in this domain, we will firstly discuss some related
theories, and then describe the tool with some
particular features, such as the content of the forum
(which is displayed in the foreground) is anchored to
each course’s topic in the background, and each
learner is assigned to a small group allowing both
the competitive and collaborative learning; finally
we will report our initial experimentation and
preliminary results and evaluation.
In the actual knowledg
e society with the
extensive use of the Web, one can find out
thousands published documents concerning a
general subject. To avoid repeating the same ideas,
we don’t hesitate to introduce in this paper several
quoted texts with references to the original
documents published on the Web by researchers in
the community.
All professors practice some educational theories in
their daily teaching, with or without consciousness.
To summary the bulky discussion about these
theories, we cite below some core ideas expressed
by the four tenor authors in the literature (text and
references extracted from the Rik Min’s Web site,
see the reference at the end of this paper):
“Seeing the st
udent as active agent in learning
[…], constructivists are now emphasizing the
individuality of information processing where
each individual determines his or her own
conception of the world.” (Mason, 1988, p.
ectivists believe that the mind mirrors
reality while constructivists maintain that the
e T. and Roy J. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 154-160
way in which the world is perceived is a product
of the mind (Jonassen, 1991). The assimilation
of new knowledge into an existing cognitive
structure is an idiosyncratic enterprise of
perceiving, interpreting and building of meaning
in the context of what an individual already
knows. […] The meaning that is generated by
each learner for material they see is individual
and cannot be controlled by the author (of that
material).” (Jonassen, 1988, p. 153).
“In practice, an intermediate position may very
well be adopted and appears to be more the rule
than the exception. […] Instruction has thus to
be adapted to the learner, but also the learner
has to adapt to the instruction: instructional
designers and communication specialists have
to reckon with the idiosyncrasies of their
audience, but at the same time may require an
audience to be accessible to their messages. The
basis for this may be formed by sharing enough
fields of experience to understand each other
(see also Schramm, 1954).”
“Where a risk exists that learners may derive
meaning other than intended from information,
new information should be embedded in a
context that shapes the possibilities for
interpretation into the desired direction
(Vygotsky, 1978, p. 86).”
Through these representative ideas, there is an
evident mutual complement for the two opposing
learning theories, the objectivists and the
constructivists – including cognitive and social
From our own point of view, on the one hand, we
agree that the learners often construct the new
knowledge according to the current state of their
mind; but in many courses, such as programming
courses, there are several (programming) rules the
students have to learn. In these cases, it is
unacceptable to let the learners change the rules
according to their own ways of “knowledge
construction”, because there is only one right rule’s
interpretation. Put in different words, we must guide
the learner’s knowledge construction. Moreover,
much of works has done from decades in the
Intelligent Tutoring Systems related to the causes of
the learner’s misconceptions or misunderstandings;
detect them and remedy them as soon as possible are
the responsibilities of the teachers.
But, on the other hand, we have enough teaching
experiences to know that learning only occurs if the
learner does some efforts. These efforts allow
establishing or modifying the required links between
the short-term memory (related to the new
knowledge) and the long-term memory (related to
the existing knowledge). To facilitate these efforts,
several ways can be taken; for example, “through
conversations about a subject matter which serve to
make knowledge explicit,” (Kearsley, 2002), or
“One type of collaboration that is commonly
encouraged in academic online learning courses is
discussion board interaction. […] The power of this
practice is evident to anyone who has ever
participated in such a forum. Collaboration also
supports active participation through group projects
and reinforces important practical skills like group
communication, project management, conflict
resolution, and group brainstorming.” (Galarneau,
Experiences tell us that we should offer as much
as possible opportunities to the learners to actively
engage them in the learning process; for example, by
talking from their mouths the learned concepts, by
practicing the rules (or procedures), and by
discussing with us and between them about the
underlying topics. “From a constructivist point of
view, the pedagogical emphasis is on collaboration
and discussion. Consequently, lecturers must
engage students in a dialogue about the curriculum
and the subject matter to be covered. Students are
invited to contribute to the dialogue and are given
opportunities to express their interests and learning
goals.” (Otting and Zwaal, 2003).
In addition, we have also apply the well-known
and proven theory of Gagné et al. (1992) about the
teaching of procedural knowledge, which will be
better done if it is accompanied by demonstrations.
Thus, for an e-Learning mode, some multimedia
materials must be created, for example, the
animation Flash files or some video clips that are
easy to get for any domain. As noted by Clark and
Mayer (2002), “Multimedia presentations encourage
learners to engage in active learning by mentally
representing the material in words and pictures and
by mentally making connections between the
pictorial and verbal representations”. Learning
theories abound that also support these ideas.
“Imagery has been shown to facilitate recall in many
studies,” and Dual Coding Theory suggests
“recall/recognition is enhanced by presenting
information in both visual and verbal form.”
(Kearsley, 2002).
In his paper, Nichols (2003) notes “It is unlikely that
e-Learning practice will continue to evolve unless
the theoretical underpinnings of e-Learning are
explored and debated, providing a wider platform
and a common philosophy for e-Learning
development. […] Skinner’s behaviourism, Piaget’s
cognitive constructivism and Vygotsky’s social
constructivism can all be facilitated through e-
Learning”. He also talks about the use of interactive
media resource in e-Learning: “Indicative
interactivity is typified by the use of button rollovers
and site navigation. Clicking a button to start an
animation or turn the page is indicative interactivity
(the ability to fly a virtual plane in a realistic virtual
environment is simulative interactivity)”. From
these perspectives, he proposes ten general
hypotheses as the foundation of e-Learning theories.
Among them, we are interesting in the hypotheses
#5 and #6 as followed:
- "e-Learning can be used in two major ways; the
presentation of education content, and the
facilitation of education processes". The
fundamental applications of e-Learning include
digital materials storage and distribution
(presentation) and synchronous and asynchronous
communication, simulative interactivity,
multimedia, and access tracking (processes) – each
of which is subject to multiple applications of use
and innovation.
- "e-Learning tools are best made to operate within a
carefully selected and optimally integrated course
design model." There is general agreement across
existing education literature that
dialogue and communication with instructors are
major contributors toward successful learning.
Several recent projects confirm these hypotheses.
For example, Britain (2004) states that: “Whilst
learning is an effortful and active process of
knowledge construction that humans perform quite
naturally, not all learners are equally capable of
effective and efficient learning on their own.
Indeed, most if not all, benefit from some level of
guidance and support”. In the same line of thought,
Lopez-Islas (2004), in his report on a wingspread
project with 22 online courses, defines
“Collaborative learning (CL), as a participatory
learning mode, is a process of social construction of
knowledge that takes place in the context of
communities of inquiry. Besides a cognitive
component – the social construction of knowledge
process – there are two additional elements that play
a significant role in the functioning of a community
of inquiry: the social presence and the teaching
presence.” Finally, as reported in the experience of
the Cardean University (Gunawardena, 2004),
“interaction was an add-on feature, and students did
not see its relevance to meeting the course
objectives”. Thus, for an effective student
collaboration, the course designer must focus on
community building (rather than on individual) as
the central concept. The role of instructor in CL is
important, because the personal qualities required
for an effective CL team as described in (Soller et
al., 1998), such as participation, social grounding,
conversation skills, group processing, and
promotional interaction, are so ideal that not every
student can have them. The experimentation with
our e-Learning tool described below aims to confirm
these two mentioned hypotheses.
4.1 Some particular features
Galarneau (2004) notes that: “The hallmark of the
constructivist approach is the creation of a learning
environment that allows learners to construct their
own knowledge via active participation and
reflection, rather than simply being offered
information”. From a technical point of view,
according to Kirkley (2004), “it is critical that
researchers have the necessary tools to examine
student interactions and address issues related to real
world applications as well as theory development”.
These ideas about online CL systems are realized by
several web-based techniques. For example, one
may integrate a chat window or a forum through a
public or private communication channel. But
theses features, separated from the underlying
learning context, are resemble to an interactive and
communication system; that justifies the developing
of our “in context” system as described below.
Moreover, to design a good e-Learning tool for
CL we must avoid some common issues rising from
applying or developing them. For example, (1) the
teachers fear to apply them in the classroom
(because the loss of control in the classroom); (2) the
students resist to collaborate together (because the
lack of familiarity with CL techniques and class
management), and (3) one of the obstacles for the
implementation of collaborative activities is that
students are accustomed to working competitively,
not cooperatively (Bosworth, 1994).
With lessons learned from our past projects and
the above experimentations from others, we have
developed an online CL system called LINC (Learn
IN Context) to be used in a mixed-mode learning
(i.e. in parallel with our face to face course). Some
features of this system are:
Instructor and learner’s roles are dependant on
the learning content. If it is the concept learning
or task learning, then the instructor’s roles is
more evident as animator, facilitator, and
questioner. If it is a project realisation, then the
learner’s role will be more important and the
instructor can play the role of clarifier, mediator,
explainer, etc.
Group size is manageable for communicating.
Ideally, the size should be small enough to
facilitate the solution tracing, and to allow an
effective group animation. We hide each
individual learner under a group label and limit
the number of groups at most six; that helps to
eliminate the learner’s embarrassment and
encourages both the collaboration in each group
as well as the competition between groups.
The forum for participants is directly
implemented by a foreground window so that the
learning context permanently exists on the
interface. The messages exchanged between
participants are anchored to each topic; whenever
the topic changes, the email box’s content
changes too. At the end of a course, the
instructor can trace all messages to understand
what the learners’ difficulties are and how the
learners reach the final response or solution.
Thus, the next course’s content may be
Time control is flexible. Instead of a fix
appointment with the presence of all learners, we
use a deadline control approach or asynchronous
learning system. Learners could work at their
own pace, at times convenient to them. At
anytime a learner can open the email box to read
solutions (opinions) of members in her/his group
and then write his/her own suggestion. The
system keeps the email boxes’ content updated.
When it is necessary or at the deadline, the
instructor intervenes by giving some remarks,
statistics, conclusion, animating the group and/or
announcing a bonus.
4.2 The LINC components
The LINC system has three components with
different functionalities and interfaces. The first
component is a multi-user online authoring system,
which allows at most six team’s members
(instructional designers) to collectively create the
lesson’s contents that include demonstrations
(multimedia files) and referenced documents on the
Web or preloaded on the server. This component is
separated software, which has been used in several
educational projects (Lê and Lamontagne, 2002,
2003). It allows to easily structure the lessons in a
task-oriented fashion and to save them in the
graphical knowledge networks (XML files). Each
network (figure 1) includes several related nodes
which can be clicked on to open a text frame (figure
5) with several slots. The last slot is reserved for the
question, in which a good designer must layout a
suitable question that stimulates the reflection of the
learners about the underlying subject matter. On the
main interface (figure 1) with two course’s designers
(photos on the left), the first icon on the upper left
which is the project management tool, gives the
project team leader full control on the current
project, e.g. he can create a new project (figure 3),
and then add users and lessons to this project, and
later edit users and lessons in the project editing
interface (figure 4).
Another interesting functionality is the message
board where designers can communicate with each
other to accomplish their collaborative work by
clicking on a display picture; if the display picture
clicked represents the user oneself, she/he will then
be able to send messages over the network.
Otherwise, she/he can only read the messages.
Figure 1: Example of a Knowledge Network
A user can also modify her/his own profile
(Figure 2), i.e. her/his picture and password, by
clicking on the third icon from the right in figure 1.
During a working session, a user can only access
her/his designated nodes. This control mechanism is
set up by the team leader using the Control Access
Table accessible for him only.
Figure 2: Profile updating interface
Figure 3: Interfaces to add a new project and users
Figure 4: Project editing interface
The second component is a kind of Learning
Management System, the platform in which online
courses as well as accompanied files (teacher’s
photo, multimedia files) are assembled before the
online dissemination.
Figure 5: Example of a Text Frame
The third component is a tool that generates the
Web pages by interpreting the xml files containing
the learning material. The tool translates the xml
files into “jsp” files and sends them to the web
server. These pages are presented to learners via the
Internet. Its interface has the form of a standard
Web page with the index of the actual lesson at the
left, which corresponds to the Knowledge Network
illustrated in the figure 1, with the actual topic’s
content displayed at the right. In the Figure 6 one
can see the hyperlink words “Reference” and
“Demo” below the instructor’s photo to display the
referenced document and to activate the multimedia
demonstration (video clip, Flash file, etc.). There
are also some highlighted words in the text; by
passing the mouse over these words, a small yellow
box will appear to explain the concept or to give a
The forum for discussion between students can
be opened by clicking on one of the six mailboxes
icons labelled from “Group A” to “Group F”.
Figure 7 illustrates a window of exchanged
messages from members of a group. We repeat that
each mailbox’s content is anchored to the
corresponding topic of the lesson. Thus, we can
lately trace the student’s knowledge evolution.
Figure 6: The LINC Learner’s Interface
Finally, the three hand-icons are for the
instructor’s intervention when it is necessary. If the
red Stop-hand icon is highlighted, the discussion is
going too far from the underlying topic; the
instructor gives then a sign to call back the learners.
If the yellow Attention-hand icon is highlighted, the
discussion may be in the wrong way, the instructor
gives then some hints to help the learners. And
when the green Good-hand is highlighted, the
instructor encourages the learners to continue on the
actual track or to promise a bonus, an award, etc.
We note that his/her role in the case of a similar
course is more suitable as animator, facilitator, and
questioner, i.e. less important than the learner’s role
in the learning process.
Figure 7: The LINC Learner’s Forum
We have used this e-Learning tool in a trimester
programming course of our university. We have
created ten lessons using the authoring system and
fifteen Flash files for the demonstrations
accompanied each lesson. The course is given for
thirty six students of the first year. In each meeting
in the classroom, we access to the Web site and
project the Web pages on a big screen. After the
class, the students are encouraged to using the LINC
at home or in laboratory to review lessons and to
collaborate with the group’s members to respond to
questions by using the LINC’s forum. There are six
groups with six students per group. We consider the
LINC as a new pedagogical resource allowing to
enhancing the learning in the classroom. With this
tool, we offer to students more opportunities to
exchange their opinions on the subject matter. They
can do that comfortably at home and at times
convenient to them.
We know that a successful collaborative learning
should be a problem-based learning. That is, the
learners have to collectively resolve a concrete
problem. However, the actual course is not a
workshop, nor having some projects to be realized.
Thus, it is difficult to motivate the students. We
then try to do something similar to a problem-based
learning by elaborating the appropriate questions for
each lesson, and encouraging students to answer
these questions. If a group has a right answer, all
members in this group will benefice the same bonus.
In the first two weeks, the questions haven’t
bonus’s promising, and because of the timidity
(most the students don’t meet together before the
course) and some students have technical problem to
access to the site, so any student participated to the
forum. From the third week, we announced a
specific bonus for each question. The participation
rate then augmented day by day, from 30% to 70%
and may be more now. Comparing with the past
trimesters, we observed a relative profoundness in
the learning. What is more evident is that the
appointments we normally have with students are
reduced, because they can now directly post their
questions on the forum to other group’s members.
By following the forum, we also recognize the real
knowledge level of students, and the more
importance is that, through their messages, we can
easily detect some misconceptions or
misunderstandings about the subject matter; so we
can clarify them in the next meeting.
At the end of the course, we had distributed a
questionnaire to collect students’ evaluation about
this tool. Generally speaking, we state that there
was the satisfaction of almost every student. With
this result as well as the evident advantage for the
instructor, we believe that the LINC software is very
useful, to both learners and teacher, and thus, we
confirm the two hypotheses mentioned above. In the
next future, we plan to use it in more courses and we
will have a full evaluation of it.
In summary, basing on some appropriate theories of
learning and e-Learning, as well as on the lesson
learned from the projects’ experiences reported by
several researchers, we have developed the LINC, a
Web-based learning tool. This system presents
lessons to learners with multimedia demonstration
files, which are very necessary for the learning of
procedural knowledge. In addition, there is a
discussion forum integrated in the system, which
allows six small groups of learners and an instructor
to exchange messages related to every lesson’s topic
without leaving the learning context; this way can
increase the learning effectiveness and avoid certain
problems in the collaborative learning, at the same
time, it encourages the competition between groups.
The LINC is now in its experimenting phase of
mixed-mode learning. The preliminary result is very
positive. In a near future, we will report its
deployment in more courses with the concrete
results and data collection to effectively evaluate all
other aspects of it.
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