ılia R. M. Leite, Y
askara Y. M. P. Fernandes and Angelo Perkusich
Electrical Engineering Department
Federal University of Campina Grande, Campina Grande - PB
Pedro F. R. Neto
Informatic Department
State University of Rio Grande do Norte, Mossor
o - RN
Maria L. B. Perkusich
Informatics and Statistics Department
Catholic University of Pernambuco, Recife, PE
Real-Time Systems, Real-Time Databases, Query Language.
In the last years, many research directed for concurrency control mechanism, scheduling policy and query
language in real-time database are being done. This paper presents an extensions of standard query language
(SQL), called SQL-99. SQL-99 includes oriented-object functionalities. The query language for real-time
database (QL-RTDB) to provide support the real-time requirements imposed the both data and transactions. A
prototype implementation of the QL-RTDB is also shown.
Real-time databases (RTDB) are typically used to
manage applications with critical data. Among these
application is programmed stock trading, medical pa-
tient monitoring, automated manufacturing, and mili-
tary command and control (PRICHARD, 1995). The
RTDB project has to take in consideration character-
istics of traditional database system (DBMS), and of
real-time system. The RTDB must keeping data in-
tegrity, and to guarantee timing constraints to both
transactions and data (STANKOVIC et al., 1999).
Consequently, the data must not only be logically
consistent, but temporally consistent as well for these
applications. This is due to the fact that data used
by critical time applications must closely reflect the
current state of the environment application.
However, although some researches directed to-
ward real-time database, new approach must be pro-
viding by these, related the concurrency control,
scheduling policy and query language (TESANOVIC
et al., 2002; FERNANDES et al., 2004; LIND-
STROM, 2002; PRICHARD, 1995).
In the query language conception, the data defini-
tion, data manipulation, and transaction control must
to be provided. Data definition is made through of the
data definition language (DDL). Data manipulation is
realized through of the data manipulation language
(DML). The transaction control includes commands
for specification of transactions (ELMASRI and NA-
VATHE, 2004).
However, the available query language not supports
complex applications with timing constraints. In this
way, the definition of a query language becomes im-
portant to support such restrictions (SUDARSHAN
et al., 2001). The objective of this work is define a
query language to support requirements of timing to
both data and transaction, called QL-RTDB. This will
consist in extending SQL-99 (O´NEIL and O’NEIL,
2000; STEPHENS and PLEW, 2003; STEEB, 2004).
This work is organized as follow: in Section 2, we
present related works. In Section 3, we describe the
basic characteristics of RTDB. In Section 4, we show
the SQL-99. In Section 6, we define an extension of
the SQL-99. Finally, in Section 7, summarizes the
main ideas of the paper and describes futures work.
In the context of RTDB, a query language, called real-
time SQL (RTSQL), was developed in (PRICHARD,
1995) as an extension of standard SQL-92. SQL-92
is a language that allows us to query and manipu-
R. M. Leite C., Y. M. P. Fernandes Y., Perkusich A., F. R. Neto P. and L. B. Perkusich M. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 420-423
DOI: 10.5220/0002524404200423
late data on relational database system (O´NEIL and
O’NEIL, 2000). RTSQL is defined to support real-
time queries, including extensions that specify the
temporal consistency of the data and transactions. A
prototype developed in C, was implemented to vali-
date and to test the correctness of them.
In 1999, a new standard, called SQL-99, was
published by American National Standards Institute
(ANSI) and International Organization Standardiza-
tion (ISO) for the object-relational model. This stan-
dard extends the SQL-92 to include oriented-object
functionalities (O´NEIL and O’NEIL, 2000). How-
ever, the SQL-99 does not consider the definition and
manipulation of data with timing constraints. In this
way becomes necessary the development of exten-
sions for the SQL-99 in order to attend the timing
A real-time database system has three distinguish-
ing features: the requirement of temporally consistent
data, the requirement of timing constraints on execu-
tion, and the requirement that certain execution ex-
hibit predictable timing behavior. These features are
useful to time critical applications that need to collect,
modify, and retrieve shared data. Support for these
features will add new requirements to the DDL and
DML of the database query language (PRICHARD,
Like a conventional database management systems,
an RTDB must process transactions and guarantee
that the database consistency is not violated, besides
to keep time constraints or deadlines for transac-
tions as well as the timing validity of the data (BE-
STRAVOS et al., 1997). The performance goal for
these systems is usually expressed in terms of the de-
sired average response times, rather than constraints
associated to individual transactions. Thus, when
the system makes scheduling decisions, individual
real-time constraints are ignored (STANKOVIC et al.,
The temporal consistency can be measured through
of the absolute consistency and of the relative con-
sistency of the data. The absolute consistency is the
measure between the state of the environment and as
it is reflected in the database. The relative consistency
is the measure between the data that are used in the
computation of other data (Bestravos et al., 1997).
The real-time data can be defined for tuple
(nr, vrr, avir, tsr, impr), where: nr is the data item
processed; vrr is the value that is updated for the item
in server; vrr is a exclusive field of server and its
value is obtained of the environment; avir is the ab-
solute validity of data, i.e., the time that the data is
considered valid after transaction begins; tsr is the
timestamp of data; impr is the exported collected im-
precision (Ribeiro Neto et al., 2004).
In this work, we will consider that transaction are
defined by the quadruple (tl
, tc
, pr
, pe
), where: tl
is the transaction release time, that is, the moment in
which all the necessary resources to the execution of
the transaction τ
are available. Starting from this in-
stant of time the transaction is ready to be executed;
defines the transaction computation time, that is,
the processing time necessary to execute it; pr
fines the maximum transaction execution period, and;
defines the periodicity of the transaction.
4 SQL-99
Committee ANSI/ISO SQL-99 introduced a standard
query language that supports the object-relational
model. The SQL-99 to provide a series of new capa-
bilities: user types defined; collection types, such as,
vectors or table nesting; and methods and user defined
functions (O´NEIL and O’NEIL, 2000; STEPHENS
and PLEW, 2003).
User Defined Types (UDT) - It is a nominated
group of attributes of different types of data (objects)
that can be used to define tuples of a table or the type
of some attribute of a table.
Collection Types - A column value (on a single
row) to contain a set (or some other type collection,
such as an array) of row-like values. In some systems
a single column value can itself hold a table, a feature
know as table nesting.
Methods and User Defined Functions (UDF) - In
object-oriented languages such as Java, any private
data in a object can be accessed only via object meth-
ods, such methods are functions that can be invoked
to operate (ECKEL, 2002) on one particular object.
Normally, the set of methods for an object will deal
with all properties of the object that can be treated in
isolation (O´NEIL and O’NEIL, 2000).
Therefore, the specification SQL-99 extends the
SQL-92 standard including object-oriented function-
alities (O´NEIL and O’NEIL, 2000). Some commer-
cial DBMS as: DB2, PostgreSQL, Oracle9i, among
others, already implement SQL-99.
Real-time programming languages must provide
mechanism to defined timing constrains, used to ex-
press the start times, periodicity, release time and
deadlines (or completion times) of transactions. To
satisfy such constraints, the query language also must
to incorporate these properties.
QL-RTDB: Query Language for Real-Time Databases
Considering the exposed above, in this paper we
will extend the syntax of the DDL of the SQL-99 to
consider beyond the definitions of the logical con-
straints, the definitions of timing constraints of the
data, such as: timestamp, and absolute validity of
data. The syntax of the DML and the transaction
control will be extended in order to consider timing
clauses, such as: start time, release time, transaction
periodic, computational time, deadline, among others.
The QL-RTDB was implemented in the java pro-
gramming language. Java is multiplatform, allow-
ing that programs can be executed in machines with
different operational systems, guaranteeing the porta-
bility of any application implemented in this lan-
guage (ECKEL, 2002). Specifically, we utilized the
real-time specification for Java (RTSJ), so that this
available extensions for real-time applications (RTS,
After Transaction
Figure 1: Query Transaction
For the QL-RTDB implementation, the DB2 was
utilized as the data repository. For this, was necessary
to establish the connection of the QL-RTDB applica-
tion with the database through of driver JDBC (Java
DataBase Connectivity). Then, we load driver for the
database in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) of the
application. The driver is registers to DriverManager
and is available for the application. We use the classe
DriverManager to open a connection with the data-
base. The interface Connection it assigns an object,
in the case con, to receive the connection established.
We present the QL-RTDB language through of Fig-
ure 1. This shows the transaction T1 that is a query
transaction. The time parameters and logical para-
meters are passed through of clauses for the RTDB,
where the information will be stored in the database,
for latter query, updates and reports.
The query transaction T1 verify the absolute con-
sistency of the data through of expression ((ttsr)
avir), where t is the current time; tsr is the data
timestamp; avir is the data absolute validity. The
query result, illustrate in the table of Figure 1, show
whole data temporality consistent. The table field was
defining in the Section 3.
In this article we made a state of art survey from about
query language, where each work has its specification
and its contribution. Thus, we search extract the con-
tributions of each work and to adapt to our context.
We define a query language for real-time database,
called QL-RTDB, that providing support the real-time
requirements imposed the both data and transactions.
A prototype implementation of the QL-RTDB is also
shown. We choose the programming language java
for real-time, due to this permitting extension, and
oriented-object. As future work, we will add func-
tionalities with timing parameters. These function-
alities are specified through of the DDL, DML and
transaction control.
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QL-RTDB: Query Language for Real-Time Databases