tablished discovery mechanisms that uses available
information and existing formal methods to gain a
higher level of precision. The presented approach is
based on a formal Petri net semantic (Schmidt and
Stahl, 2004) for the modeling language
Consequently, the method is directly applicable to
real world examples. The existing tool
proves it effectiveness (WOMBAT4WS, 2003, ).
The current work was inspired by many other
approaches, dealing with behavioral comparison of
process models. Some of them also use Petri nets
for process modeling (van der Aalst, 1998a; Hamadi
and Benatallah, 2003). Those publications, of course,
had influence on the current approach. But, none
of them presents such a focussed view on a compo-
nents externally visible behavior as the communica-
tion graph does. Concerning matchmaking of Web
services, there are recent results published, which em-
ploy finite state automata to solve a similar prob-
lem(Wombacher et al., 2004). This approach seems
to yield similar theoretical results, whereas the appli-
cation to a real world modeling language is not pro-
vided, yet.
Currently, the simulation between process models
is based on the assumption of one environment that
uses all interfaces of the process. But, a
BPEL process
might interact with several partners, and therefore it
is reasonable to have several abstract models of the
same process. Each abstract model emphasizes only
those interactions of one specific partner. In the next
step, the notion of the communication graph and the
definition of simulation will be adopted to meet the
requirement of this scenario.
The presented algorithms is already prototypically
implemented. The current work is focussed on im-
proving the algorithms’ efficiency by the application
of partial order reduction techniques(Valmari, 1988;
Schmidt, 2002). Moreover, up to a certain degree
the integration of data aspects into the formalism is
planned. Especially the dependencies between the
content of incoming message and internal decisions
made by the process are the focussed target. Ap-
plying technologies of static program analysis (e. g.
slicing (Nielson et al., 1999)), it seems possible, to
achieve a higher level of precision in mapping a given
process model into a Petri net, without loosing the
possibility of efficient analysis.
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