project, select, expose and vertex. Every operator
outputs a tree, which makes it distinct from other
algebra operators. Secondly, the relational operators
are universal, subsuming, equivalence, and
similarity. This means our work is based on the tree
based algebra framework for XML data systems.
Also, our algebra has a sound data structure and a
simple representation of the data. A contribution of
this work is that it introduces an algebra that
operates on a new data model, because our algebra
employs XML trees as data sources and targets. Our
algebra framework can be used in integrated
architectures for distributed information processing
and its components will be XML schema driven.
Furthermore, as a test framework for our integrated
approach we will prototype a system for the
exchange of information between several
independent museums for organising virtual
exhibitions over the Web. Also, we plan to extend
the algebra to support some of the more advanced
features of the XML query language.
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