Mao Chen, Rakesh Mohan, and Richard T. Goodwin
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, 19 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, NY 10532, USA
Keywords: Information integration, Query transformation, Semantic information, Ontology, Web services
Abstract: The heterogeneousness and dynamics of web information sources are the major challenges to Internet-scale
ation integration. The information sources are different in contents and query interfaces. In addition,
the sources can be highly dynamic in the sense that they can be added, removed, or updated with time. This
paper introduces a novel information integration framework that leverages the industry standards on web
services (WSDL/SOAP) and ontology description language (RDF/OWL), and a commercial database (IBM
DB2 Information IntegratorDB2 II (DB2 II)). Taking advantage of the data integration and query
optimization capability of DB2 II, this paper focuses on the methodologies to transform a user query to the
queries on different sources and to combine the transformation results into a query to DB2 II. By wrapping
information sources using web services and annotating them with regard to their contents, query capabilities
and the logical relations between concepts, our query transformation engine is rooted in ontology-based
reasoning. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first framework that uses web services as the interface of
information sources and combines ontology-based reasoning, web services, semantic annotation on web
services, as well as DB2 II to support Internet-scale information integration.
Efficient information integration from various
sources is critical to Internet-scale business systems.
In contrast to traditional full-fledged and stable
information sources such as databases, web
information sources are distinct in their
heterogeneity and dynamics. First, web sources are
heterogeneous in content hence a single information
source usually provides only part of the answer for a
user query. In addition, web sources have different
query capabilities that are reflected in the various
query schemas. Furthermore, web sources are highly
dynamic in the sense that new sources are added
continuously, old ones may become unavailable, and
existing ones are updated frequently in terms of both
the query interface and the contents.
The web service technology (W
3C ’02) provides
a machine-usable interface to wrap the information
sources that are conventionally accessible only via
human-understandable query forms. Via a web
service wrapper, any structured databases, file
systems, unstructured web pages and other
information sources can be treated equally in
Internet-scale information integration.
This paper proposes a novel framework for
formation integration from heterogeneous and
dynamic sources. Our framework leverages industry
standards on web service and ontology, and an IBM
database system. Namely, IBM DB2 Information
Integrator (DB2 II) acts as the back end for hosting
information from various sources and generating
optimized query plan to the sources.
The key challenge in the proposed framework is
forming a user query to a valid DB2II query.
Our query transformation mechanism consists of
two phases. Phase 1 customizes a user query into the
queries to different sources. The transformation
results are used in the second phase to generate a
query as an input to DB2 II. The corner stone of our
query transformation algorithm is ontology-based
reasoning. Ontology is used to describe user’s view,
the query schemas of the web services, and the
relations between different concepts.
The major contributions of this paper are three
1.) Pr
oposing a novel framework for Internet-
scale information integration using web
services, ontology technology and
commercial databases;
Chen M., Mohan R. and T. Goodwin R. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 176-181
DOI: 10.5220/0002528801760181
2.) Proposing a set of reasoning rules for
transformation between different schemas;
3.) Presenting an ontology-based annotation
scheme for describing query interfaces of
web services which can be an extension of
OWL-S/DAML-S (DAML, Burstein ‘02).
Integrating information from heterogeneous sources
has been an important problem in very large
databases management (Arens ’96, Genesereth ’97,
Gio ’00,
Madhavan 03). The integration systems
can be classified as query-centric and source-centric.
The query-centric systems choose a set of users’
queries and provide the procedure to customize
those queries for the available sources (TSIMMIS
’94, HERMES ’95). As a representative of source-
centric systems, InfoManifold describes sources’
contents and query capabilities, and transforms each
new query based on the descriptions (Levy ’96).
Both types of systems focus on query planning
optimization using certain criteria, but use light-
weight transformation between different concept
spaces. Our work is distinct from the previous
efforts in three ways.
First, the query plans generated by these
integration systems are usually not optimized at the
execution level. In contrast, many commercial
databases such as IBM DB2 II have powerful query
planning engines that use sophisticated algorithms
based on execution cost, statistics on usage, and
other parameters as regard to the running
environment (Haas ‘97). Our methodology takes
advantage of the query optimization capabilities of
DB2 II therefore guarantees efficient query
execution in run time.
Information Integrator
User query
Web source 1
Web source 2
Web source n
Web service 1
Web service 2 Web service n
engine (QTE)
The second distinction between our work and the
previous work is the transformation mechanism.
The transformation in the previous work is light-
weight. Bussler et. al. indicate that combining
ontology technology and web service technology is
important for making web information machine-
processable (Bussler ’02). Based on this idea, our
information integration framework uses ontology-
based reasoning to handle discrepancy between
different concept spaces.
Finally, the traditional systems usually rely on ad-
hoc wrapper languages and models, which makes
adding or changing services in such an integration
system a heavy burden on the service provider side
(TSIMMIS ’96). Since web services can be added or
removed without recoding the integration engine and
the wrappers, our framework is best suited for the
dynamic environment such as web.
Figure 1 outlines the conceptual architecture of our
information integration system. A user can query the
integration system through SQL statement as to a
conventional database. Each web source is wrapped
and presented using a web service that is mapped to
a virtual table in DB2 II. Using DB2 II built-in
capability for federating web services, the
integration system transforms a user query to queries
to web services, integrates results from the web
services, and returns the integrated result to user.
Our integration system consists of three
functional modules. The front end of our integration
system has a query transformation engine (QTE) and
a query generator. QTE is in charge of customizing a
user query into the valid queries of the web services.
Based on the transformation result, the query
generator creates a valid DB2 II query on all the
related web services and triggers DB2 II with the
query. At the back end of our integration framework
sits IBM DB2 II. DB2 II generates optimized
executable query plan that calls all the related web
services and returns the aggregated results to users.
Figure 1: Architecture of our information integration
system for web sources
Our query transformation (by QTE) and query
generation (by query generator) are accomplished
based on two types of knowledge. The first type of
knowledge is semantic information about the
services. The knowledge source “Ontology” stores
the query capability of each service and the relations
between different concepts. The “Knowledge base
holds the information that cannot be described using
ontology, for example, the mathematical relations
between the concepts. The second type of
knowledge is about web services. The “Directory”
provides registry service to web services and updates
the virtual tables of web services in DB2 II. We
envision that the directory service can be
implemented by enhancing semantic UDDI service
(UDDI) as proposed in many works (Akkiraju ’03).
Given the query optimization capability of DB2
II, the major challenges of the above infrastructure
include annotating web services about their query
capabilities, automatically transforming user query
to the valid query for each web service, and
generating an executable query plan for DB2 II. The
next section presents our mechanisms to deal with
the three issues.
This study uses a used-car searching service as an
application scenario to introduce our information
integration framework. Given a user query on used
car information, this service intelligently inquires
and integrates the results from three sites, Yahoo
Autos (Yahoo), Autos MSN (MSN) and Kelly’s
Blue Book (KBB). Yahoo and MSN provide on-line
retailing and auction information about the used
cars, and KBB is an authority site that provides a
suggested retail price for a car when given car
information such as make, model, and year.
A user’s concept space about used car
information includes two parts: the query and the
result. A user can search for used cars based on
user’s location, searching area, make and model,
year, mileage and price. The most interesting results
to a user are year, mileage, asked price, KBB
suggested price.
Our information integration system aims at
transforming an SQL-like user query as follows:
WHERE make = ‘Acura’ AND price <= 15000
Into a valid query of DB2 II that stores the
aforementioned web services:
SELECT make, model, mileage, price
FROM YahooAuto
WHERE make=‘Acura’ AND maxprice=15000
SELECT make, model, mileage, price
WHERE category = ‘Passenger Cars’ AND
make = ‘Acura’ AND price = 15000
Union” links queries each of which is valid to a
web service. The final combined DB2 II query is
formed based on the relations among the user’s
query, the query capability and the contents of each
web service.
4.1 Describing Web Services as
We annotate the semantic information about web
services using Protégé ontology editor and
knowledge acquisition system (Protégé-2000). The
resulting ontology is represented as RDFS and RDF.
A web service is an instance of the class “web
source” which has three properties: the service
name, the query class (input schema), and the output
class (output schema). Tables 1 and 2 show the
query class and the output class for Yahoo.
Table 1: Query class of Yahoo
Properties Range Required
User Position {User Location} Yes
Search Within {Search Area} No (50 miles)
Car Make {Manufacture} No
Car Model {Model} No
Mileage LessThan {Car Mileage} No
Mileage MoreThan {Mileage} No (0 mile)
Year LessThan {Car Year} No (2004)
Year MoreThan {Car Year} No (1940)
Price Range {Price Range} No
Table 2: Output class of Yahoo
Properties Range Required
Asked Price {Car Price} Yes
Mileage Is {Mileage} Yes
Car Type {Make Model} Yes
Car YearIs {Car Year} Yes
The symbols in the braces refer to class, and
those in the brackets are the default values. Table 1
also shows that only the user position is required by
Yahoo Autos. Autos MSN and Kelly’s Blue Book
have different input and output schemas from Yahoo
Autos which are not shown due to the space limit.
4.2 Transforming a User Query to the
Queries to the Web Services
This section presents the solutions for seven types of
schema mismatch. The first four rules handle two
pairs of dual transformations for abstract model and
instance model. The fifth and the sixth rules are for
transformation between different abstract models.
The last rule handles the mismatches in searchable
attributes at both abstract and instance levels.
4.2.1 Concept Mapping
One of the most common difficulties in dealing with
heterogeneous schemas is that a same concept has
different names in different sources. This mismatch
can be handled using concept mapping or renaming.
In this study, renaming is done by mapping different
names to a common concept using “RDFS:range”.
For example, two equivalent concepts “Yahoo User
Location” and “MSN User at” can be mapped to the
same class “User Location”.
If using ontology description language OWL
(OWL 2004), one can use “OWL:EqualProperty” to
indicate the equivalence of the above two properties.
4.2.2 Instance Mapping
In practice, same instance may have different names
in different sources. For example, “New York” and
“NY” refers to the same state instance. Instance
mapping is an analogue to Concept Mapping.
Instance mapping can be achieved by using
“OWL:sameAs” description. The following example
shows the equivalence of “New York” and “NY”:
<UsedCar rdf:ID="New York">
<owl:sameAs rdf:resource="#NY" />
4.2.3 Concept Folding
Different sources may allow queries at different
levels of granularity for a given attribute. For
example, Kelly’s Blue Book requires queries on
“Car Type” which combines “Manufacture” and
“Model” as a single attribute, while Yahoo allows
queries to specify “Make” and “Model” separately.
We call the transformation from fine-grained level to
a coarser-grained level as concept folding.
Using RDFS, concept folding can be achieved by
annotating fine-grained concepts as properties of the
coarse-grained concept. In OWL, the two concepts
“Make” and “Model” can be defined as “sub
property” of the property “Make Model”.
4.2.4 Instance Folding
Different from Concept Folding that merges fine-
grained concepts into an equivalent single concept,
Instance Folding or Concept Expanding extends an
instance into a more general instance.
Assume a user’s query includes two parameters
“Make” and “Model”, but a web service like MSN
supports car searching only on “Car Category”. A
car category includes many car types hence query
transformation needs to extend a specific car type
searching into a more general category searching.
We define the class “Car category” with two
properties that are “Make” and “Model”. The
relation between each category and each pair of
make and model is described by the instances in a
RDF file, as shown in figure 2. With this knowledge,
one can transform a user’s query such as
Where Make = Acura” and Model = “CL”
Into the following query to MSN:
Where Car Category = “Passenger Cars”
Make = “Acura” Model = “CL
Car Category = “Passenger Cars”
Figure 2: Instance folding of “Acura” and “CL”
Instance folding loosens the searching criteria for
maximizing the usage of all the related sources,
therefore the results should be filtered based on the
original user request.
4.2.5 Inequality Inference for Concepts
Generally speaking, a web service may not offer a
full set of comparison operators for an attribute, but
a user’s query may consist of any comparison
operator. Limited query capability is a fundamental
difference of web service from databases.
For the same attribute, some web services accept
equality queries, while others use range searching.
For a range searching, a service may allow the range
to have one open-end or with both ends open.
Therefore the semantic analysis on each service’s
query capability with inequality queries is necessary.
For transforming a user requested comparison
operator to an available operator to a web service,
we identify a complete set of transformations
between any pair of comparison operators that
include <, <=, =, >=, and >. For example, when a
user’s query includes “< N” for an attribute A and a
service allows only equality searching on A, the
user’s query can be transformed into “{< Max + 1} -
{< N +1}” where {} – {} denotes set difference.
In this study, the semantic meaning of inequality
query capability is annotated using property name.
For example, the class “Car Price Range” has two
properties “Price Less Than” and “Price Greater
Than” that describe a range searching on car price
with two open ends. The semantic meaning of the
comparison operators “>” and “<” are encoded as
“Greater Than” and “Less Than”. A user’s query
including “Where price < 20000” is transformed as
“Price Less Than = 20000” in the query to the
corresponding web services.
4.2.6 Mathematical Reasoning for Concepts
Not all relations between concepts can be described
using ontology language. One example is that
neither RDFS nor OWL can represent the
mathematical relations between the concepts.
For example, MSN accepts queries on car’s age,
while Yahoo allows searching a car based on the
upper bound and the lower bound of a car’s
production year. A mathematical transformation is
required between the two concepts “Car age” and
“Year MoreThan” using constant “current year”:
Year MoreThan = Current Year – Car age
4.2.7 Mismatch Handling for Attributes
There are two reasons for the attributes specified in a
user query to be unsearchable in a web service. The
first reason is that the attribute set in user’s query
does not match that is used by a web service, which
is called “domain mismatch” in this paper. Another
reason is that the range of an attribute in a user query
is different from that in a web service, which is
referred as “range mismatch” in this paper.
In domain mismatch, the web service requires
some attributes that are not specified in the user’s
query, or on the opposite, an attribute in the user’s
query is not part of the query schema for a web
service. In the former case, the value of the required
attribute by the web service can be defaulted, or
alternatively, the query is run with each possible
value of the required attribute. In the latter case, the
attribute in the user’s query must be ignored when
generating the query to the web service. This will
return a super set of the requested results. If the
ignored attribute is part of the result schema in the
web service, post processing can filter out the results
that do not match the user’s constraint. Default value
can be annotated using “a:defaultValues” in RDFS.
One scenario for range mismatch is that web
service requires enumerated values for an attribute,
which can be annotated using “OWL:one of”. To
deal with the “range mismatch”, the value of an
attribute in a user’s query should be mapped to the
closest valid value for the web service so that the
result from the web service is a superset of the result
of the original user query. The results should be
filtered based on the original user’s query.
4.3 Generating Query to DB2 II
After a user’s query is transformed to queries to the
web services, the query generator in Figure 1
generates a DB2 II query on multiple web services.
The query generation consists of three steps.
The first step is identifying all the related web
services to a given user query. A web service is
related if its output schema overlap the result
schema of the user query, and its required attributes
can be satisfied with the user’s query.
The second step is to group the services which
output schemas are consistent. We call two schemas
are consistent if they are equivalent or one schema
contains the other. The resulting schema of a service
group is the intersection of the output schemas of all
the services in the group. The results from the web
services in a same service group are merged using
the statement “UNION ALL”.
The last step is to deal with the case that the
output of one service group is complementary to that
of another group. The query generator joins the
results of those service groups.
4.4 Example of Transforming a User
Query to a DB2 II Query
Assume DB2 II integrates three web services, Yahoo
Autos (Yahoo), Autos MSN (MSN) and Kelly’s
Blue Books (KBB) and a user’s query is as follows:
SELECT * from car
WHERE Make = Acura
and Model = CL
and Year < 8
and Price < 20000
and Price > 10000
and Mileage < 70000
and Location = 10598
We first create two virtual tables each of which is
defined using a WITH statement. The first group
includes KBB only and provides KBB Suggested
Price that is not available from other service groups.
The second group merges the results of Yahoo and
MSN using the UNION ALL statement. The grey
fields in the statement refer to the default
WITH cars_0 (year, kbb_price, car_type) AS
(SELECT KBB_CarYearIs, KBB_SuggestedPrice,
WHERE KBB_CarType.Car_Make =
Acura,KBB_CarType.Car_Model = CL)
WITH cars_1 (year,price,mileage,car_type) AS
((SELECT Yahoo_CarYearIs, Yahoo_AskedPriceIs,
Yahoo_CarMileageIs, Yahoo_CarType
FROM Yahoo
WHERE Yahoo_Car_Make = Acura AND
Yahoo_Car_Model = CL AND
Yahoo_MileageLessThan = 70000 AND
Yahoo_MileageMoreThan = (0) AND
Yahoo_PriceRange.PriceLessThan =
20000,Yahoo_PriceRange.PriceMoreThan = 10000
AND Yahoo_SearchWithin = (50) AND
Yahoo_UserPosition = 10598 AND
Yahoo_YearLessThan = (2004) AND
Yahoo_YearMoreThan = 1996)
(SELECT MSN_YearIs, MSN_AskedPriceIs,
MSN_MileageIs, MSN_CarTypeIs
WHERE MSN_CarAgeLessThan = 8 AND
MSN_CarCategory = PassengerCars AND
MSN_CarType.Car_Make =
Acura,MSN_CarType.Car_Model = CL AND
MSN_MileageLessThan = 70000 AND
MSN_PriceRange.PriceLessThan =
20000,MSN_PriceRange.PriceMoreThan = 10000
AND MSN_SearchWithin = (100) AND MSN_UserAt
= 10598))
Finally, a SELECT statement joins the results
from two virtual tables (service groups).
SELECT c0.year, c0.kbb_price, c0.car_type, c1.year,
c1.price, c1.mileage, c1.car_type
FROM cars_0 c0, cars_1 c1
WHERE c0.year = c1.year AND c0.car_type =
We have proposed a novel information integration
framework that uses web service as the wrapper to
represent heterogeneous web information sources.
Our framework is built upon industry standards such
as WSDL/SOAP and Ontology languages RDFS and
OWL, and leverages the service federation and the
query optimization capabilities of IBM DB2 II.
Using a used car searching service as the application
scenario, we present a set of ontology-based
transformation rules to deal with schema and content
heterogeneity of web sources. Our future work is
addressing scalability issues in our framework and
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