Systems like in (Grundy & Hosking, 2000) only
allow arranging predefined plugins components at
the user interface level. We develop an approach
allowing end-users to finely integrate themselves the
components they need in the platform.
In (Stiemerling & Cremers, 2000) the authors
develop a component model named Flexibeans
designed for creating components that are finely and
dynamically integrable by end-users in the Evolve
platform. This approach is different because it
proposes a completely new component model for
composition as we try to directly use standard
mechanisms. Evolve also differs from our platform
because CooLDA takes directly its roots in the
Activity Theory and then our view of what is a
component is a little different. For example, in
CooLDA, a tool that has been documented and/or
adapted while its integration becomes a high
abstraction level component that may be easily
integrated in someone else’s activity. The scenarios
for inter-activities that are defined or adapted by
users are also reusable CooLDA components for
other users. This way and thanks to our component
approach, CooLDA aims at presenting an important
property inspired from the Activity Theory : the
crystallization of the users experience inside the
computer artefacts supporting their activities. In
other words, reusing a CooLDA component is taking
benefits from the experience of the actors that used
and developed it during their own activities.
In this paper, we have shown that despite of the
strong need towards CSCW, problems still exist in
proposing the needed groupware applications to
their potential users. We have underlined that
existing global and integrated groupware
environments are interesting but, as they are usually
designed for fulfilling a priori users needs, they are
not completely satisfying. Users usually solve this
problem by concurrently using different groupware
applications without links between them. This
solution is also not satisfying because it does not
provide a computer support for the global group
activity that creates the context for the use of these
tools. This is why we aim at creating the CooLDA
platform proposing a global, integrated and
tailorable CSCW environment.
CooLDA is designed to support what we call the
inter-activities, i.e. the global activity giving sense to
the links existing between different sub-activities.
We have proposed a generic recursive model for
activity that enables the specification of scenarios
for inter-activities computer support. We also have
identified the different properties that should be
proposed by the platform for enabling the dynamic
integration of tools supporting diverse activities.
Finally, we have introduced an approach for end-
users tailorability that proposes means for dynamic
tool integration by end-users while elevating the
components abstraction level. These concepts and
mechanisms have been exemplified in the current
version of CooLDA that has been designed for
teachers involved in distance learning activities. This
version uses the standard Java Virtual Machine as a
simple technical integration environment.
The next step of our work will focus on usability
tests and improvements. For example, the Activity
Descriptor should evolve for creating tools
descriptions closer to the end-users abstraction level.
CooLDA is going to be used in real long-term
distance learning activities to see how its users
effectively evolve the environment. We hope that
CooLDA will grow from its own use, the users
experience crystallizing in the components they
integrate or evolve.
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MANAGING INTER-ACTIVITIES IN CSCW: Supporting users emerging needs in the CooLDA platform