Jon Espen Ingvaldsen, Jon Atle Gulla
Department of Computer and Information Science,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
Ole Andreas Hegle, Atle Prange
Businesscape AS, Trondheim, Norway
Information Systems Analysis, Change Projects, Business Modeling, Enterprise Resource Planning.
Understanding the dynamic behavior of business flows is crucial when improving or reengineering organiza-
tions. In this paper we present an approach and a tool to business flow analysis that helps us reveal the real
business flows and get an exact understanding of the current situation. By analyzing logs of large enterprise
systems, the tool reconstructs models of how people work and detects important performance indicators. The
tool is used as part of change projects and replaces much of the traditional manual work that is involved.
For an enterprise to stay competitive or gain a compet-
itive advantage it must continuously evaluate its per-
formance and quickly adapt to changes at all levels of
the organization. To meet this challenge enterprises
are developing a growing interest in streamlining their
business processes and implementing comprehensive
Enterprise Information Systems (EIS). This process
orientation allows them to concentrate on value-
creating activities and be more responsive to changes
in the environment. Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) systems are now in wide-spread use among
both large and midsize companies (van Everdingen
et al., 2000).
Enterprise systems projects today typically involve
a change element that ranges from narrow improve-
ments of current processes to full reengineering of the
whole business. Fundamental to all change projects,
though, is the need to understand how the current
business is run. The key issue is to identify weak-
nesses of the current business flows and work out bet-
ter ways of performing the necessary tasks. Assess-
ing the current business flows of the organization is
also important for more restricted planning or coordi-
nation tasks. A well-known problem is the mismatch
between the intended business processes and their ac-
tual execution. The process of identifying such gaps is
called delta analysis (van der Aalst et al., 2003) and is
continuously important in a process aware organiza-
tion. In general, an accurate account of current busi-
ness flows is needed for proper resource planning and
IT investments.
In this paper we present an approach to business
flow analysis that helps us understand the current sit-
uation and detect weaknesses and bottlenecks of the
existing processes. A newly developed tool called
Enterprise Visualisation Suite (EVS) automatically
extracts business process models from the transac-
tions of the enterprise system and provides a num-
ber of analyses of these transactional data. The tool
is used as part of change projects, in which accu-
rate and detailed descriptions of the AS-IS situation
are needed for the subsequent design of new and op-
timized processes. The EVS tool replaces much of
the traditional manual work of workshops and inter-
views with various stakeholders in the organization.
It speeds up the early phases of change projects with
more accurate accounts of existing workflows and can
later be used to monitor the execution of the improved
business processes.
Many recent works have pointed out the importance
of analyzing the current business flows as part of
enterprise systems projects or change projects (e.g.
(Bancroft et al., 1997), (Offen, 2002)). If the existing
Espen Ingvaldsen J., Atle Gulla J., Andreas Hegle O. and Prange A. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 254-259
DOI: 10.5220/0002530902540259
processes and structures are not fully understood, de-
cisions may be based on the wrong assumptions and
lead to solutions that do not address the underlying
weaknesses of the existing system. The issue is ad-
dressed by some recent key success factors for en-
terprise systems projects (Esteves-Sousa and Pastor-
Collado, 2000) and also reflected in typical problem
indicators for such projects (Gulla, 2004).
However, analyzing the current business processes
is a tedious and challenging task. Workshops, in-
terviews and on-the-job observations are all used to
assess the way people work and the interdependen-
cies between their activities. This involves a num-
ber of people with different backgrounds and possibly
different perceptions of the organization’s processes.
The project needs to allocate time and resources to
the assessment, and the quality of the outcome is hard
to verify. In many cases there is also documenta-
tion available that can be consulted and presented to
the stakeholders. Old project documentation or vari-
ous kinds of user procedures describe how the various
steps of the processes are to be carried out.
Except for the time and resources needed to run
these labor-intensive analyses of existing processes,
there are more fundamental problems related to the
reliability and accuracy of the results. It is not obvi-
ous that people working in different parts of the orga-
nization have the same perception of their processes.
People’s opinions differ, and hidden agendas or power
struggles may hamper the resolution of these differ-
ences. Their attitude towards the change project may
also affect the way they present the current business
processes. Even if they should agree on the overall
processes, they may still find it difficult to drill down
to the level of detail needed in the project. The project
needs to know about potential bottlenecks, abilities
to adapt to changing external events, process imbal-
ances, and use of resources in general. Most of these
issues are not documented properly, even though the
people are often aware of these deficiencies.
Another interesting issue is the potential discrep-
ancy between the way processes are designed and the
way they are actually run. People tend to find ways
around the job descriptions if they for some reason
are not happy with the way they are supposed to work.
Hence, user procedures cannot be assumed to provide
the complete picture of the organization’s processes.
Due to these challenges, many projects do not take
AS-IS analyses of business processes serious enough.
They risk developing the wrong system, or fail to un-
derstand the new processes’ impact on the organiza-
tion and the needs to train employees.
Interestingly, there should be ways of coming up
with more accurate analyses. People leave traces
when they do their jobs, and many of these traces
are stored in enterprise information systems logs. As
more and more of these processes are supported by
the information systems, these systems should be able
to tell us how the real business flow is. A fundamental
problem, though, is how to interpret the logs in terms
understandable to people. There is too much detailed
information in the logs to present to people, and there
is no obvious way of aggregating this information to
a level and a format that can be understood by people
involved in change projects.
Enterprise Visualization Suite (EVS), from Business-
cape AS, is a web based process mining package that
enables enterprises to extract explicit process mod-
els and key performance indicators from event logs in
their EIS. EVS aims at giving an exact picture of the
AS-IS situation and a foundation for defining mea-
surable goals for the TO-BE situation. EVS is imple-
mented in Java, has an underlying MySQL database,
and uses Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) to show
graphical models in the web browser.
Businesscape has currently developed an adapter
for SAP R/3 systems, but EVS is built up of separated
layers and the framework is independent of both spe-
cific EIS vendors and solutions. The EIS adapters ex-
tract and identify elements like applications, process
hierarchies, document categories, users, user roles,
and departments. Through analysis of event logs and
collections of both document headers and positions,
EVS is able to extract information about when these
model elements where created or modified, and how
they interrelate. An example of an event log is the
CDHDR (Change Document Header) table in SAP
R/3. As it keeps the history of almost all the doc-
ument changes in the system, it is one of the very
largest database tables in SAP R/3.
Table 1 shows an example of records and columns
in the CDHDR table. As we can see, documents,
users, executed applications, and their interrelations
leave traces in this log. For a certain document, i.e.,
UNIT (Handling Unit) document with
id 0001455075, we can see that it is altered twice by
two different users and applications. By analyzing the
change number we can see that these two alterations
are subsequent. As a result, we know that the appli-
cation LM46 produces a HANDL
UNIT that VL02N
consumes. We are also able to calculate duration mea-
sures as the timestamp for each event is present. In
SAP R/3, LM46 is the transaction code for ”Pick and
Pack by Delivery” and VL02N is the transaction code
for ”Change Outbound Delivery”. An EIS typically
includes dozens of such event logs, including logs
for application executions and document alterations.
However, the structure of how similar information is
Table 1: Examples of data the the CDHDR (Change Document Header) table in SAP R/3
Doc.Type Doc.Id Change Nr. Date Time User Application
HANDL UNIT 0001477919 0008992520 01.04.2004 09:00:49 BARG VLMOVE
HANDL UNIT 0001455075 0008992571 01.04.2004 09:00:52 BARG LM46
HANDL UNIT 0001455075 0008992572 01.04.2004 09:01:26 CI TOR VL02N
LIEFERUNG 0180118548 0008992579 01.04.2004 09:01:25 VIBGF VL02N
MATERIAL 0000000128444 0008992564 01.04.2004 09:04:42 ANTER MR21
(a) Constructed model of the process ”Spare parts processing”
(b) Cause-analysis of execution time variations
Figure 1: Examples of screenshots from EVS
logged may vary within a single EIS. To cope with
this inconsistency and still keep a general framework,
EVS accesses its data foundation through a meta
model description. The meta model says which event
logs that should be analyzed and where information
attributes within the event logs are located. These in-
formation attributes typically include current and pre-
vious activity, executing application, involved users,
timestamps and textual descriptions. The meta mod-
els may be individually specified for each installation.
However, for users with similar EIS, i.e. users with
SAP R/3, the structure of how the log information is
located is mostly identical. For such users, meta mod-
els can be reused and only minor modifications are
necessary. The EIS Adapter is also responsible for
datacleansing. There are several issues and challenge
related to the data quality of event logs, including re-
dundant information and missing values.
The modelstore database is the foundation for both
process model construction and statistical perfor-
mance analysis. Model visualization and analysis
functionality is made available in a web based user
interface. As a result, EVS can be used and accessed
from multiple sites within the organization and by ex-
ternal consultants. Based on the output from EVS
and other information sources, a change team can
evaluate and modify business processes and EIS con-
figurations. Executions of the redesigned business
processes are then again input for EVS and future
change projects.
Process models tend to be both large and complex
when many processes are involved. An example of
such complexity appearances is the reference models
of SAP R/3. These models are represented as Event
Process Chains (EPC) (Curran and Keller, 1997),
which lack proper abstraction mechanisms and dupli-
cate event information. When the EVS model formal-
ism was created, two aspects were in focus. First, the
models had to be presented with such simplicity that
any user can grasp the meaning instantly. Second, em-
pirical performance indicators should be presented in
the models, providing users with information about
load distribution and execution times. EVS defines a
hierarchy of processes and the resource flow between
them. In the model represenation, a process consists
of sets of sub processes or activities. Processes are
shown as arrowed boxes while activities are shown
as boxes with rounded corners. Activities are con-
nected to the executable applications in the EIS, and
their executions are traceable in the event logs. The
dependencies between activities are found by identi-
fying which resources the activities consume and pro-
duce. Dependencies in the higher process layers are
defined as the aggregation of dependencies between
their activities.
Figure 1(a) shows screenshots of how constructed
business process models and empirical performance
indicators are presented in EVS. The user can navi-
gate through the set of layers in the process hierarchy.
The present layer is shown in the main map of the
model view. The super processes and their relation-
ships are shown in a navigation map (upper left corner
of the model view). Both the main model and the nav-
igation map are interactively responsive. By selecting
a process in the navigation map, its sub processes and
their resource flow can be shown in the main map.
If the user expands a super process in the main map,
the content of the present main map is represented in
the navigation map and main map becomes replaced
by sub processes. These can then again be expanded,
and so forth. Users do also have the option of navigat-
ing upwards in the process hierarchy. In figure 1(a),
the process ”Spare parts processing” is selected, and
its sub activities and their relationships are presented
in the main map.
The size of the circles on each activity indicates
the number of executions, while the size of darker
pie within the circles indicivates the average execu-
tion time. In figure 1(a), we can see that the activity
”Assign purchase req. is executed most frequently,
while the activity ”Create contract for spare parts” has
the longest average execution time. The pie charts on
the connectors indicate relative distribution of multi-
ple input or output trafic.
To enhance the expressiveness, EVS also exploits
interactive opportunities of the web. Information that
can be shown by clicking on a process or activity
includes produced and consumed resources, and in-
volved user roles and departments.
In order to get a detailed understanding of processes
and their execution history, statistical reports that sup-
plement the model map are necessary. In EVS, users
can generate such reports for any selection of interest-
ing processes or activities. Graphs that show the dis-
tribution of measures over time enable users to iden-
tify peaking periods, and tendencies over time. For
process analysis, such measures include throughput
or execution time. By aligning a set of processes in
the same diagram the user can identify if correlations,
propagations of peak values, etc. are present.
Two important issues for process change projects
is to identify causes of variations in process execu-
tions. In order to perform such analyses, data from
the relational database, modelstore, is exported to a
flattened data set structure. In these data sets, process
paths of subsequent activities are individually mea-
sured with respect to start time, end time, user, de-
partment, etc.The flattened data sets can further be
extended by including new features that are found in
other information sources or extracted from cluster-
ing analysis or combinations of the existing features.
Having a defined data sets available, we are able to
identify typical feature co-occurrences and find re-
lationships between certain process execution behav-
Figure 1(b) shows an example of such cause analy-
ses for the activity ”Create contract for spare parts”.
Here we are identifying how features are co-occuring
with clusters of execution time values. Two appar-
ent clusters are identified, namely high and low. The
K-means algorithm is applied to find appaerent clus-
ters of the continuous variable. The list below the fre-
quency diagram show how values of other features are
co-occuring with the respective cluster assignments.
As we can see, only one user role has executed the
activity, and about 2/3 of the executions are in the low
category. We can also see that low execution time is
more apparent in the winter months than in the sum-
mer months.
EVS has been tried out on data from a SAP R/3 im-
plementation at a midsize Norwegian company. SAP
R/3 is delivered with a reference model that shows
best practice business processes. However, this refer-
ence model is not sufficient for documenting their real
business flows, as their implementation included sev-
eral add-ons, specific configurations, and interfaces to
external systems. The reference model of SAP is nei-
ther able to show the load distribution of actual and
past execution instances. When EVS was applied to
give a picture of their real business flow and AS-IS
situation, we faced several challenges.
One of the main challenges is how to deal with the
many to many relationships between applications in
the event log and the processes they belong to. In
SAP R/3, transactions belongs to multiple business
processes. The challenge arises as the event logs do
not express which of the business processes that are
involved in a specific execution of the transaction.
As long as EVS just collected data through the de-
veloped SAP adapter, it could not access event logs
from business processes that were executed in exter-
nal enterprise system. SAP and other EIS vendors
have recently developed process oriented middleware
solutions that ensures process oriented integration of
separated enterprise systems. The solution from SAP
is SAP Netweaver. Future work and effort will in-
clude examining if event logs from such middleware
can enable EVS to show the real business flow across
separated enterprise systems, and even across organi-
In spite of these problems, EVS has shown itself to
provide valuable insight into the business flow of the
organization. It can deal with the complexities of a
real case, and some of the analysis results were both
interesting and surprising.
Our approach is related to work both in the academia
and commercial area. We will group these activi-
ties into two categories, namely process discovery and
Business Activity Monitoring (BAM). Both categories
aim at extracting information from event logs, but the
first category focuses on extraction of process models
while the latter category focuses on extraction of key
performance indicators.
There are several academic research activities that
are working within the areas of process discov-
ery. Cook and Wolf have shown the applicability of
process discovery within different domains (Cook and
Wolf, 1998)(Cook et al., 2004). In (Cook and Wolf,
1998) they investigate how neural nets, Markovian
approaches and purely algorithmic approaches can
be used to discover models of software engineering
processes.Van der Aalst, et al., describes how the
process mining tool EMiT is used to create Petri nets
from event logs that are represented in a standardized
XML format (van der Aalst et al., 2003). To support
the practical application of EMiT, various adapters
have been developed that allow for the translation of
system-specific event logs to their XML format. Hav-
ing a Petri net model as a foundation, it is possible to
map the content to less expressive model representa-
tions like EPC. Their approach with use of adapters
and a standardized format for process model con-
structions is similar to EVS’ use of EIS adapters and
the modelstore database. Process Miner is another
tool that is created to visualize process models from
event logs (Schimm, 2004)(van der Aalst et al., 2003).
Its approach is to identify nested building block of
sequences, parallels, alternatives, and loops in the
event logs. Based on these blocks, Process Miner
creates a process model representation. Similar to
EVS, Process Miner has also a hierarchical view of
its processes.
Activities within the BAM area are mostly domi-
nated by commercial software vendors, but there is
also some relevant research in the academic world.
In (Grigori et al., 2004) they have developed a set
of tools that support analysis, prediction, monitoring,
control and optimization of business processes. ARIS
Process Performance Manager (PPM) is a software
package by IDS Sheer that monitors business process
performance indicators like flow times, bottlenecks,
and utilization. ARIS PPM is a part of the ARIS
tools, which also includes a design platform for busi-
ness process modeling (Sheer, 1998). Other commer-
cial activities within the area of BAM include Cognos
(Notice Cast), FileNet (Process Analyzer), Hyperion
(Business Process Management Suite), Tibco (Busi-
ness Factor). Tools like SAP Reverse Business En-
gineer (RBE) and Intellicorp LiveModel can be used
to monitor how frequent parts of the SAP system are
being used.
The successful execution of change projects requires
that the current processes are well understood and
documented. With the manual approach, the task is
time-consuming and the resulting models are often
unreliable or inaccurate. EVS promises to speed up
the assessment of the AS-IS situation and produce
models and analyses that are at a more suitable level
of detail. It is a tool that supports both incremental
improvements of business processes as well as the
more radical approach favored in business process
reengineering projects.
The first version of EVS is now available, and we
are analyzing the data from the SAP R/3 installations
of two Norwegian companies. Both of these two cases
show promising results, revealing some interesting
process data that were not previously known. We are
also considering taking part in reengineering projects
that do not involve R/3 installations, though this re-
quires that we implement adapters for other enterprise
A problematic aspect of EVS is the construction of
user-friendly hierarchical process models from these
low-level enterprise systems logs. We need to make
sure that the models do not get too detailed, but still
include all the relevant information for assessing the
quality of the processes. Building up semantically
meaningful hierarchies is a non-trivial task.
Another issue here is how to deal with log trans-
actions that can be part of several business processes.
Future work concentrates on graphical presentations
of important aspects of the business processes and
more powerful data mining facilities. We would for
example like to provide process cost estimates and
predictions of Service Level Agreement (SLA) out-
comes. The advantage of our analyses will be that we
can relate the numbers directly to the organization’s
business flows.
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