F. Javier García, María Lozano, Francisco Montero, Jose Antonio Gallud, Pascual González
Computer Science Department,University of Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain
Carlota Lorenzo
Marketing Department, Universitity of Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain
Keywords: Internet services, Dial-up networking
Abstract: Usability has become a critical quality factor of software sy
stems in general, and especially important
regarding Web-based applications. Measuring quality is the key to developing high-quality software, and it
is widely recognised that quality assurance of software products must be assessed focusing on the early
stages of the development process. This paper describes a controlled experiment carried out in order to
corroborate whether the patterns associated to a quality model are closely related to the final Web
application quality. The experiment is based on the definition of a quality model and the patterns associated
to its quality criteria to prove that applications developed using these patterns improve its usability in
comparison with other ones developed without using them. The results of this experiment demonstrate that
the use of these patterns really improves the quality of the final Web application in a high degree. The
experiment is formally based on the recommendations of the ISO 9126-4.
Usability has become a critical quality factor of
software systems in general, but with the increase
use of internet for everyday activities, it is especially
important in web-based applications. Usability is a
key factor for users to decide whether or not a web
application (WebApp) is satisfying.
Thus, it is important to design WebApps with a
sic level of quality in general and usability in
particular, and also developing methods which allow
evaluating this quality. In this sense, different Web
metrics have been defined (Ivory, 2001), (ISO,
2001), which can help us to measure the final
usability or quality in use of a web application.
Lots of efforts have been made in order to
prove the quality of software systems, such as
definition of quality metrics (Olsina, 1999), usability
metrics (Ivory, 2001), usability evaluation methods
(Nielsen, 93), (Constantine et al., 2000), etc. All
these mechanisms allow us to check the usability of
a software system but they have to be used on a final
and running application. Nowadays, it is widely
recognised that quality assurance of software
products must be assessed focusing on the early
stages of the development process. It is necessary to
incorporate new mechanisms at the very beginning
of the software process to produce high-quality
software applications. In this sense, the use of design
patterns in general has proved to be good for these
purposes, especially interaction patterns regarding
Some interaction patterns have been proposed in
e literatu
re, but the novelty of our approach is to
establish a clear association between a quality factor
defined in a quality model and one or more concrete
patterns in such a way that the use of that pattern in
the construction of a WebApp makes it to assess the
corresponding quality criteria.
To validate these associations and the goodness
using interaction patterns to satisfy the
corresponding quality factors, a controlled
experiment has been carried out.
This paper is organized as follows: firstly, we
esent a general idea about web quality, usability
and patterns, to have a global vision of the frame
work where this study is included and the related
Javier Garc
ıa F., Lozano M., Montero F., Antonio Gallud J., Gonz
alez P. and Lorenzo C. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 67-74
Then we describe the experiment that we have
carried out to prove the importance of using patterns
and quality models to design quality WebApps, as
well as the use of different metrics as a mechanism
for evaluating usability.
Finally, we finish the paper with interesting
conclusions based on the experiment results and
future research aspects are proposed.
Before describing the experiment carried out for this
study is necessary to talk about web quality and web
usability to establish the aim and the context of the
Brajnik states (Brajnik, 2002) that the quality in
this context is a property of a website defined in
terms of a group of attributes, like consistency of
background colours or average download time. ISO
9126 defines web quality dividing it into more
abstract terms, as effectiveness, efficiency and
satisfaction. (ISO, 2001).
Because of the variety and quantity of quality
attributes proposed in the literature, it is necessary to
develop a quality model that helps to know which
attributes are important for the analysis, which one is
more important than others, and which measurement
methods have to be used to assess the attributes
Usability is widely recognized as one of the most
important attributes regarding Web quality, so we
focus on usability to define a complete quality
model (see figure 1) and define an accurate
association between the final and more concrete
criteria with one or more interaction pattern. The
experiment aims to prove the goodness of the quality
model and the interaction patterns associated.
The model is centred specifically on usability
criteria as regarding web environments this factor is
more meaningful than others because of the new
interactive features of internet.
This quality model (Montero et al. 2003) centred
on usability is based on usability features defined by
ISO 9126, some ergonomic criteria and its sub-
criteria. These ergonomic criteria are implemented
by means of patterns, as a way to materialize the
abstract concept of a quality criterion with
something implementable as it is a pattern.
Pattern concept in computer science in this
context is defined as a tuple of three elements: a
problem, a context and a solution. Many patterns
have been proposed for web development (Percel et
al.,1999), (Tidwell, 2002), (Welie, 2003), (Van
Duyne et al., 2002), (Rossi et al., 12), or (Montero et
al., 2002b) can be cited.Once we have seen the
general terms and web quality model we base the
experiment on, we continue this paper describing the
case study about assessing the usability of an e-
commerce WebApp by using patterns and the
complete description of the experiment.
The description of the experiment follows the
structure and recommendations of ISO 9126-4.
3.1 Goals
The website that we use for the experiment is a
fictitious on-line store named e-fashion in order to
eliminate the effects of prior experience. This site is
an e-commerce WebApp where you can buy men
and women clothes.
The content of an online shop is based on a
homepage (Nielsen, 2001) which includes the same
links and websites as other online apparel stores.
We developed six different versions of this site
according to different quality patterns we wanted to
The main goal of the experiment is to prove that
the association established between interaction
patterns and the criteria defined on the proposed
quality model (Montero et al. 2003) is correct (see
figure 1), in such a way that the use of the patterns in
the construction of a WebApp makes it to assess the
corresponding quality criteria, and for this reason the
WebApp versions that includes the recommended
patterns for solving usability problems have more
quality that the ones that do not include them. In this
case we carried out the experiment choosing only
one of the quality model criteria: “Guide”. The same
method could be used with the rest of quality factors
and patterns related.
We had to evaluate the websites designed for the
experiment using usability metrics to validate the
Figure 1: Web Quality Model
3.2 Method
To do the experiment for each feature of the criteria
“Guide” represented in the quality model we based
on, we had to design six versions of e-fashion. Thus,
we had to choose six different groups of people,
with the same experience on the use of internet and
buying in electronic shops.
Each group had to do four tasks, and then we had
to measure them with usability metrics to reach the
goals of the experiment.
Each version of e-fashion was made using the
patterns that are recommended according to the
features of the quality criteria “Guide” of our quality
model (Montero et al. 2003). We wanted to measure
if the association established between the patterns
and this features is correct and their use improves
the usability of the WebApp generated.
The sub-criteria defined for the criteria “Guide
are the following:
-Immediate feedback
The patterns, defined by D. Van Duyne (Van
Duyne et al. 2002), associated to each sub-criteria
are the following:
- Prompting:
D3: Headlines and blurbs
D9: Distinctive HTML titles
G1: Featured products
G2: Cross-selling and up-selling
H6: Pop-up windows
H8: Context-sensitive help
K6: Location bread crumbs
- Grouping:
B3: Hierarchical organization
B4: Task-based organization
B5: Alphabetical organization
B6: Chronological organization
B7: Popularity-based organization
D1: Page templates
D7: Inverse-pyramid writing style
F1: Quick-flow checkout
G1: Featured products
H7: Frequently asked questions
J3: Organized search results
K1: Navigation bar
- Immediate feedback:
C2: Up-front value proposition
D9: Distinctive HTML titles
F3: Shopping cart
F7: Order summary
F8: Order confirmation and thank-you
H6: Pop-up windows
I3: Clear first reads
K5: High-visibility action buttons
K10: Obvious links
K14: Page not found
- Legibility:
D7: Inverse-pyramid writing style
D9: Distinctive HTML titles
I2: Above the fold
I3: Clear first reads
I4: Expanding width screen size
I5: Fixed-width screen size
Taking into account these associations, we
implemented the six different websites of e-fashion:
one version using all the patterns (e-fashion 3),
another one using any of them (e-fashion 4), another
one using only the patterns defined for the sub-
criteria Prompting (e-fashion 5), another one using
only the patterns defined for the sub-criteria
Grouping (e-fashion 6), another one using only the
patterns defined for the sub-criteria Immediate
Feedback (e-fashion 7), and the last one using only
the patterns defined for the sub-criteria Legibility (e-
fashion 8).
3.2.1 Participants
The selection of participants was not easy as they
should not be experts on using internet and buying
through websites.
Finally the participants selected to carry out the
experiment were high school students between 16
and 17 years. All of them had the same experience
on using internet and no experience on buying in
internet. There were only 2 users that had previously
bought something in internet but just once.
3.2.2 Context of Product Use in the
Experiment Tasks
The proposed tasks that each user had to do on the
experiment were designed according to the factor
“Guide” that we wanted to evaluate and considering
that the WebApps designed for the experiment were
e-commerce sites.
The tasks each user had to do were the
- Task 1: To buy two grey men jerseys.
- Task 2: To write the price of a white
woman shirt with black stripes
- Task 3: To add to the shopping chart four
pairs of uncovered woman shoes and a
white man belt.
- Task 4: To buy a brown woman skirt.
After the execution of these tasks the users had to do
the satisfaction test proposed in the experiment.
With the results obtained using metrics we got
conclusions about the use of patterns to create usable
websites, as described afterwards. Context Used for the Experiment
The evaluation was made on the Albacete high
school called CEDES, in Spain, on June the 15
of 2004.
The participants were constantly observed by the
person in charge of the experiment during the whole
time. Participant’s Computing Environment
All the participants used the same computer
machines and the same internet connection. The
computers used were Pentium MMX with 32 MB of
RAM, with 15” monitors and a screen resolution of
800x600. The operating system was Windows 2000.
The internet connection was 150 kb/s ADSL, but
shared by all the machines. This was determining in
the development of the experiment, because the
loading of the pages was very slow, because of the
high quantity of images shown in the web.
3.2.3 Experiment Design
Six groups of participants were established, with a
media of 12 users per group. Thus, the total amount
of participants was 74 peoplel. Each group of users
did the proposed tasks in one of the versions of e-
fashion. Each user had to do the 4 proposed tasks
and to fill the satisfaction test. Procedure
When the participants arrived at the laboratories
where the experiment was carried out, all of them
were informed about the goals of the experiment at
the same time. We told them that the experiment
was made to measure the usability of the website e-
fashion where they had to do the proposed tasks to
find out whether it met the needs of users as them.
They were told to read each task (described on a link
on the home page of e-fashion) and to make these
tasks one by one. Finally they had to fill the
satisfaction test available by a link on the home
The experiment was about 50 minutes long for
each one of the six groups. In this time the users had
to be able to execute the four proposed tasks and the
satisfaction test.
The participants were given basic instructions
describing the environment. The evaluator reset the
state of the computers before the coming of each
new users group, and gave them the appropriate and
convenient instructions. The participants also were
informed that they could not be helped by the
evaluator, because the web was enough to help the
users to make the tasks properly.
Any incident occurred during the experiment was
solved by the evaluator in the most properly way.
The evaluator finally asked the participants about
the difficulties they had encountered to have a best
vision about the results of the experiment.
3.2.4 Metrics
The metrics we used on the experiment were the
- Efficiency: We use as efficiency metric the
Task Time”, which is the time that each user spends
completing each task. We did the mean time for all
users on each task.
- Effectiveness: The effectiveness was measured
using the metric “Task Completion” and “Error
frequency”. With these metrics we can obtain the
number of tasks that users did not completed and the
number of errors the users had made on each task.
In this case we considered as completed task the
one where the user had done what we asked to do,
independently of if he did it properly or not.
As well as the number of completed and not
completed tasks, we showed the results as a
percentage to allow a simple analysis.
One task is not completed for example if we
asked to buy something and the user has added the
products to the shopping chart but he has not paid
for them.
The results of the metric “Error Frequency”
allow us to evaluate the errors that each user has
made. If one of the task was to buy a brown skirt,
but the user have bought another issue, it will be
considered that the task is completed but with errors.
If the task consisted on taking note of the price
of a certain shirt and this price was written from
other shirt, then the task will be considered
completed but with errors.
Another possible way to have contemplated this
metrics would have been to consider that the task
with errors it is not completed.
- Satisfaction: The satisfaction metric was
measured using a satisfaction test, that was created
based on some questions of the evaluation test
SUSS, developed by Constantine (Constantine et al.,
1999) to measure key elements in the interfaces
design as could be personal tastes, aesthetic,
organization, understandability, and learning.
Other questions of the test are based on SUMI
test, accepted by expert evaluators and international
organizations as ISO.
Our test is about 20 questions that allow us to
evaluate in a simple way the satisfaction of the users
who have carried out the four tasks in the website.
Each user had to answer each question of the test
choosing an option between 1 and 5, like a Likert
scale, except in the two first questions and the three
final questions that were questions with a scale of
three points.
- Comprensibility and learning: Finally the
metric learning was measured. This kind of metric
measures how the user have learned to use the
website. To measure this metric we use a special
question of the satisfaction test and we compared
also the “Task Time” of task 1 and task 4, because
these two tasks consisted on buying something.
Thus, it was supposed that if the user had been able
to learn, the Task Time for Task 4 would be inferior
to Task Time for Task 1, as indeed occurred.
3.2.5 Results
Before comparing the data obtained by the metrics
in the different versions of e-fashion we can say that
the association established between the interaction
patterns and the feature Guide in general is good and
improves notably the quality of websites.
Special case was e-fashion 5 because the server
felt down for some minutes and some tasks could
not be completed, and some Task Times were higher
than expected, so the results of e-fashion 5 were
taken carefully taking into account this unexpected
situation. Comparative of Medium Task Time
Figure 2 shows a graphic where the medium times of
task are represented for each version of e-fashion.
We highlight the fact that it occurs something
curious on the versions of e-fashion that use all the
patterns of the criteria “Guide”, or some of them.
These sites had more information to load, for
example more quantity of images, than e-fashion 4,
the “worst” version of all. For this reason the
loading time of these pages was slower than the
loading time on e-fashion 4.
Time (min.)
e-f ashion 3
e-f ashion 4
e.f ashion 5
e-f ashion 6
e-f ashion 7
e-f ashion 8
Figure 2: Medium Task Time Comparative
This workload that made the loading slower was
due to products images, for example on the home
page that loads the new products of the month, and
this could affect to the final time task.
Despite this situation, on the Figure 2 we can see
that in general, the users take more time to execute
the tasks on e-fashion 4 than on e-fashion 3, as we
expected. If we add the handicap that has been
talked about, we have to take into account the times
in function of the load of the page. In this case there
is no doubt that e-fashion 4 is the worst of all
versions of the sites, and e-fashion 3 is the best of
the six versions because its task times are slower on
3 of the 4 tasks.
These results allow us to conclude that the
association between the patterns with the criteria
“Guide” is good in general and helps to improve the
quality of websites.
Each colour in Figure 2 represents each version
of e-fashion that was used on the experiment. The
X-axis shows the number of task and the Y-axis
shows the time expressed in minutes. Comparative of Task Completion
Figure 3 shows a graphic where the completion of
tasks is compared on the six versions of e-fashion.
We want to remind that when the experiment was
made with e-fashion 5 the server felt down, and
some tasks were not completed. So, this 23% of
users that had not completed the tasks on e-fashion 5
do not reflect the real usability of the web.
If we analyse the rest of groups, we can see that
on e-fashion 4 there was a 90% of uncompleted
tasks, what shows that this web was the worst of the
six versions, because in e-fashion 7 there were a 2 %
of users that did not complete all the tasks, but it is a
better result than e-fashion 4 and in the rest of the
versions there was a 100% of task completed. Errors Frequency comparative
Figure 4 shows which version of e-fashion had more
error frequency on its tasks, and as we expected e-
fashion 4 was the worst site of the six.
This result reinforces the hypothesis that it is
Figure 3: Task Completion Comparative
e-f ashion 3 e-f ashion 4 e-fashion 5 e-f ashion 6 e-f ashion 7 e-fashion 8
much better to design websites according to a
quality model and using the ergonomic patterns
identified. Satisfaction comparative
Now we show some of the results obtained from the
satisfaction test bringing face to face the different
versions of e-fashion showing some comparative
We start with the affirmation “Working with this
site is satisfactory”, because this question shows the
general satisfaction of the users that have used the
web application. In general, the satisfaction of the
users was higher on e-fashion 3, because the most
chosen option was number 5, which is the best of the
different options. This shows that in general the
satisfaction of the users that executed the tasks of the
experiment was good.
However, on e-fashion 4 the most chosen option
was number 2, which is near to the worst option
(Totally disagree), which indicates that in general,
on e-fashion 4 the satisfaction was the worst.
Another interesting question of the test was
number 4: “The website is very attractive for me”,
because it shows the capacity of the website to
attract users. In this case the results were also
favourable to e-fashion 3.
In general the results of e-fashion 3 were
positives, if we have into account the percentages of
the different versions. E-fashion 4 again was the
worst of the six versions.
The conclusions that we obtained about the rest
of questions in the test were favourable to e-fashion
3 too. This indicates again that using patterns for
designing websites is good to improve their final
quality. Learning comparative
In this case as we could see in the answers of
question number 21 of the satisfaction test, in the
notes taken by the evaluator while the experiment
was carried out, and comparing the times obtained
on the tasks where the users had to buy something
(number 1 and number 4), the users proved to have
understood the functionality of the website and have
learned the basic use of it. Again this result was
clearer on e-fashion 3, the version that was
implemented using all the patterns defined for the
criteria “Guide”.
Based on the interesting results obtained from the
experiment, we can conclude that the use of
ergonomic patterns to characterize quality criteria
defined in a quality model produces better web
applications with much more quality than others
implemented without using the patterns.
Moreover, the realization of the experiment has
been useful to evaluate the metrics used on it. The
metrics are a useful mechanism for evaluating the
usability of websites.
With the data obtained from the experiment we
can conclude that the satisfaction metric is useful
because it shows a good view about what users think
about when they use the website on true conditions.
However, we can also state that due to the subjective
nature of this metric, and because we cannot assure
that all the users say the truth when they fill a test, is
important not to use only this metric to evaluate the
quality of a website. In this sense, it is better to
compare its results with the results obtained by using
other metrics, as for instance, Task Time, Error
Frequency and so on.
The validity of the experiment is clear in this
case as the global results of the metrics used are
Figure 4: Errors Frequency Comparative.
e-f ashion
e-f ashion
e-f ashion
e-f ashion
e-f ashion
e-f ashion
consistent one with the others,
Another interesting conclusion is that “Task
Time” and “Error Frequency” metrics are useful
when we need to evaluate the quality of a website,
because they show in an objective way the usability
of the system when users execute tasks on it.
However, in the experiment we can see that it is
very important when we want to evaluate the results
of the metric “Task Time” the loading time of the
page, because the loading time can give a false view
about the time users spend on doing the tasks. Thus,
it is very important that all the users can carry out
the tasks on computers with the same technical
specifications. About the “learning” metric we must
say that it is also a good metric because it gives a
general idea about the capacity of the website to be
learned and used by the user.
So, applications easier to learn are more
satisfactory for the user as we can conclude from the
experiment results. The most important conclusion is
that the use patterns to characterize the criteria
defined in a quality model allow us to construct web
applications with a higher degree of quality than
others designed without any reference model nor
As a final remark, we can state that due to the
complexity and difficulty of carrying out an
experiment with real people it is much better to
develop web quality models which allow developing
websites with a basic level of usability. The design
websites using a quality model and interaction
patterns associated to the different criteria avoids
making usability experiments because the final
quality will be guaranteed.
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This work is partially supported by the Spanish CICYT
TIN2004-08000-C03-01 and PBC-03-003 grants.