approaches presents some advantages and
drawbacks. The former one is probably more
realistic, because the user drives a “real” car, but it
requires the availability of a closed track and a car
equipped with specific instrumentation able both to
capture information such as travel speed and lane
position and to video record the road scene and
driver eye glance (e.g. Tijerina, 1998). However, the
major drawback of this approach derives form the
difficulty of exactly reconstructing a complex
scenario (involving asynchronous events) to
replicate the experiment, which is essential to
effectively assess the UI.
On the contrary, driving a car simulator has the
substantial advantage that tests are accomplished in
a safe and controlled environment, where the risk of
personal injury and property damage is eliminated.
Moreover, it is more comfortable for researchers,
which can get a higher amount of data and carry out
more repeatable tests, by presenting to different
users the same scenario.On the other hand, the use of
car simulators is effective to evaluate many different
and complex aspects concerning with the automotive
research. As a matter of fact, several universities,
companies and research centers, such as the UMTRI,
the NADS and the Iowa University, have realized
sophisticated laboratories equipped with car
simulators. These systems are usually intended as
“complete” driving simulators, able to simulate a
high variety of physical phenomenon ranging from
the kinematics effects inducted by different
suspension geometry, to very complex traffic
scenarios. Nevertheless, these laboratories usually
cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and are very
difficult to set-up. As an example, the outstanding
simulation facilities installed at UMTRI have a total
cost of over than $ 250.000 (Green, 2003).
2.1.2 Metrics and parameters
In order to assess an ITS UI it is important to
quantify the safety degree of the considered ITS.
Nevertheless, safety cannot be directly measured
(probably except in retrospect) (Tijerina, 2001).
Thus, several indirect measures of safety have been
proposed that are based on the evaluation of driver
distraction inducted by the system (e.g. CAMP,
2000). Summarizing, it is possible to say that
distraction can be both visual and cognitive (looked-
but-did-not-see). This leads towards to two main
drawbacks: degraded vehicle control and degraded
object/event detection (Brown, 1994). Usually, the
former situation arises when the driver’s eye glances
away from the road scene (without taking into
account factors such as driver fatigue) resulting in
problems in lane-keeping, speed maintenance, etc…
The latter instead is usually due to an excessive
cognitive workload (for example inducted by a cell
call), and is a more insidious to evaluate, because
vehicle control remains largely unaffected but
detection and reactions of unexpected object and
event is degraded (Tijerina, 2001).
These considerations suggest several indicators to
take into account to measure driver distraction. As
an example, measurement of speed maintaining
performance is a good indicator for the evaluation of
visual attention, but says nothing about the selective
withdrawal of attention that might be inducted by an
excessive cognitive workload (Tijerina, 2001). Other
indicators are driver eye glance behavior, durations,
and scanning patterns, lane-keeping, speed
maintenance, car following performance, and driver
reaction times to asynchronous events. Finally,
measures of the in-vehicle task, such as task
completion time, have been used or are being
proposed as an index of the distraction potential of a
device (Green, 1998).
The purpose of our research was to implement a
framework for supporting the evaluation of
automotive telematics system user interfaces. The
main goals of our proposal were:
– To be specifically suited for telematics
assessment, i.e. don’t caring about extreme
realism or other simulation aspects, such as road
conditions, different engine types, kinematics of
suspensions, etc...,
– To effectively support running tests, i.e. easily
collect the needed data about subjects behaviors,
– To be cost-effective both in hardware and human
resources, i.e. being able to execute on standard,
economic hardware, without requiring complex
installations or set-ups.
– To allow us to test the navigator module in the
virtual environment. This implies that the driving
module and the navigator have to share the same
map and the information about the car position.
It is worth to point out that currently usability
evaluations of navigation systems are performed
using real cars and not simulators (e.g.: Tijerina,
1998), because, at the best of our knowledge,
currently there aren’t simulation environments
offering this fundamental feature.
Such evaluation framework is intended as a
composition of three main kinds of facilities, i.e. a
driving simulator, a telematics system, and some
instrumentation to record subject’s interactions. In
the following subsections we will detail the
characteristics of these components, while in section