Wassam Zahreddine, Qusay H. Mahmoud
Department of Computing & Information Science
University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, N1G 2W1, Canada
Keywords: Context-based discover
y, dynamic composition, personalization, UDDI, CC/PP
Abstract: Web Services are loosely coupled modular HTTP-based applications th
at represent a new approach for
application integration. The reusability of web services is making them an attractive solution for businesses
and consumers alike because of their simplicity and accessibility. Today’s web services are designed to be
modular and loosely-coupled to perform a specific set of operations. This modularity of web services,
however, has left an open problem in composition – a scenario that involves an amalgamation of two or
more web services to fulfil a request that no one web service is able to provide. This paper presents the
design and implementation of a system that enables users of any device to dynamically discover context-
based web services that will be automatically composed to satisfy a user’s request. Existing web services
can be easily adapted and new web services can be easily deployed. The system uses a custom UDDI-like
registry that we have designed and implemented to support dynamic discovery and context-based
Web services are becoming an attractive solution for
businesses and consumers alike because of their
simplicity and reusability. Today’s web services are
designed to be modular and loosely coupled to
perform a specific set of operations such as
retrieving a stock quote. However, what if a client
requires a service that no one web service can
satisfy? The modularity of web services has left an
open problem in composition. Web service
composition involves an amalgamation of two or
more web services to fulfil a request that no one web
service is able to provide. A composite web service
will bring forth endless possibilities and a new wave
of online applications. Furthermore, the availability
of web services is somewhat limited depending on
the device being used. Recent efforts, such as (J2ME
Web Services Specification, 2004), address the
problem of accessing single web services from
mobile devices but do not inherently support
composition. Also there is a wide array of devices
available, each with their own specific hardware and
software capabilities making application deployment
difficult. This paper presents the design and
implementation of a novel system that will address
these shortfalls in web service composition. The rest
of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents an overview of Web services and Web
service composition. Section 3 presents the proposed
system and its main concepts. The high-level
architecture of the system and its components are
discussed in Section 4. Section 5 presents the
ServiceSearcher, which is a core component of the
system that serves an alternative to using a UDDI
registry. The implementation of the system is
discussed in Section 6. Related work is discussed in
Section 7. Finally, conclusions and future work are
discussed in Section 8.
The concept of accessing services over the WWW or
intranet is relatively new. The earlier stages began
with frameworks by CORBA (Common Object
Request Broker Architecture) and Java allowing
heterogeneous components to communicate and
interact with each other. As businesses began to see
the cost-effectiveness of reusing heterogeneous
components and languages, the popularity of web
services grew. Web Services are loosely coupled
modular web-based applications representing new
ways to share services and information between
Zahreddine W. and H. Mahmoud Q. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 119-126
DOI: 10.5220/0002535401190126
other applications (Curbera, F., et al., 2001). The
reusability of web services means businesses can
save money by reducing development costs. It will
also allow them to make these services available for
sale to create new opportunities with other
businesses. Once a web service is created, it is
advertised in a registry called UDDI (Universal
Description, Discovery and Integration), where it
can be searched upon. UDDI provides the location to
the service provider’s WSDL (Web Services
Description Language) file, which describes the
methods that can be invoked and the parameters that
are required. Messages are exchanged through
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol). SOAP
works by exchanging information using GET/POST
over HTTP. This allows the data to be exchanged
between firewalls regardless of where the client is
within a network.
Web Service composition is the combination of
two or more web services to perform what no single
service is able to provide. The modularity and loose
coupling design of web services allows them to
perform a specific task. However, this may be seen
as a disadvantage if a client would hope to find a
web service that could perform all its needs.
Therefore, custom solutions are needed to discover
and connect multiple web services into one
application. Several composition techniques have
been proposed, some of these are presented in
Section 7 (Related Work).
The proposed system allows end users to
transparently access web services based on context
information over their personal devices whether
desktops or portables. Users access web services
through the use of customized Java Servlets or
standalone applications that hide the complexities of
employing web services. The main hallmarks of this
system are: (1) Static and dynamic discovery of web
services; (2) Context-awareness by keeping track of
user preferences and results through personalized
user profiles; (3) Compatible with virtually any
device that has a web browser and access to the
Internet; and (4) Capable of asynchronous
communication with end user’s device to support the
unreliability of wireless networks.
To support static and dynamic discovery the
system utilizes OWL-S (OWL-based Web Service
Ontology), which was originally known as DAML-
S, to semantically describe web services and their
methods. Our system gives greater control on how
web services are dynamically discovered by
allowing the application developer to specify how
matches are made, which goes beyond the present
techniques of semantically matching inputs and
outputs along with classification taxonomies.
3.1 Deploying Context-based Services
Our system is designed with two objectives in mind:
allowing users on virtually any device to discover
context-based web services, and to make that
experience simple and easy. Creating one service
that will work on every portable device is extremely
difficult because of the many different hardware and
software combinations. Portable devices have all
sorts of screen sizes, memory configurations,
processor speeds, operating systems and creating
one service that can cope with all may seem near
impossible for some developers. Regardless of these
new challenges, steps need to be taken to make
applications adaptive to these dynamic
environments. Fortunately, there have been
significant advances in device compatibility
techniques. The key to compatibility is finding a
universal language to best describe a device and one
such language is CCPP (Composite
Capabilities/Preferences Profile) and UAProf (User
Agent Profile). CCPP can be used to describe not
only mobile phones but other devices such as PDAs
or Smartphones. Industry leaders such as RIM,
Nokia, Motorola and others have already begun to
embrace this technology and have published profiles
to support their devices. For instance, a UAProf
profile can describe many attributes of a device such
as: hardware and software characteristics, supported
network types and browser information. CC/PP will
help optimize the content for a device, reduce the
testing time, and even help create future-proof
applications. It is important to note that UAProf is
not an alternative standard to CC/PP, instead it is a
specific profile for WAP devices.
Along with the CCPP of the device, user
information is also used as context for services. Data
such as user’s name and address is stored and used
as context information, thereby making the system
context-aware. Furthermore, this information can be
used to help the user by having the application
automatically load this data as service inputs. For
instance, a field requiring a city name to be entered
will automatically be filled in using the address
stored for that user. Hence, context-awareness will
save time for the user, especially when using devices
with small keypads (e.g. cellular devices) that take
longer to work with than devices with full
The proposed system has the ability to handle
context in two areas. Firstly, the system has the
ability to conform the results received from web
services readable on the users’ device. Also it takes
into consideration the capabilities of the device, such
as displaying pictures and bandwidth to know
whether the image is too large for the device to
handle and simply not send that object. Secondly
context-awareness can be handled at the web service
level by giving the service the CC/PP profile of the
user’s device (explained in Section 4).
3.2 Discovering Services
The proposed system supports static and dynamic
service discovery. A summary of the costs and
benefits of each type of discovery can be found in
Table 1. Knowing what service to use a priori
reduces response time, since no search needs to be
made. One of the drawbacks of static service
discovery is whether another web service could be
floating out on the Internet that could perform a
service better (i.e. faster, more reliable). Or, what if
that web service is no longer available and another
service must be found to replace the current one.
Table 1: Pros and cons of discovery methods
Finding a web service normally takes a human
being, a UDDI registry, and patience. Simply
because a user would have to search a UDDI to find
a web service that would best suit his/her needs.
That involves examining “white” and “yellow
pages” that represent a web service in a UDDI
Discovering web services automatically has a
number of issues since you are relying on a machine
to find a service you need. This will involve a
machine that can understand what it is looking for
and what a web service will do. Hence, simply
searching by keywords will not cut it. For example,
searching for a service that could be described in
many different ways all meaning the same thing.
There are many ways a service could describe an
automobile such as vehicle or car. Unless the
machine knew all the different spellings for an
automobile, the results could be limited to what the
machine is programmed to find. More interestingly,
what if the machine finds a keyword that matches
but that word is a homograph? For instance, a
machine looking for information on bass (freshwater
bass fish) and alternatively gets information on a
musical instrument. Problems such as this have
fuelled research on developing a Semantic Web
(Berners-Lee, T., et al., 2001); so that machines
could understand what they are reading without
confusion. Regardless, there is no 100% guarantee
that taxonomies and semantics alone can help find
an intended web service. Our system attempts to find
web services that best suit the user’s criteria.
The system is comprised of many different
components to support context-based discovery,
composition and delivery of services. Figure 1
depicts the architecture of this system.
Figure 1: High-level system architecture
To begin with, users are comprised of either
mobile or desktop users and will interface through a
web browser, or a standalone application. This paper
will focus on the web browser based interface,
where a user is presented with a Java Servlet called a
ServiceServlet. When services are invoked, a request
is passed to the Proxy. The request is then forwarded
to a ServiceSearcher to find potential web services
for the Proxy to connect to. The proxy evaluates the
list of potentials, executes those services and returns
the results to the ServiceServlet to be displayed for
the user.
An overview of the communication and
interactions between components are depicted in
Figure 2. To begin with, an end-user initiates a
connection with the ServiceServlet and selects the
services it wishes to invoke. A request is then sent to
the Proxy where it is forwarded to a ServiceSearcher
to find potential web services for the Proxy to
invoke. Based on the given criteria of the request, a
list of potential web services are returned to the
Proxy. At this point the Proxy evaluates the list of
potentials, executes those services and returns the
results to the ServiceServlet to be displayed for the
user. The following sections explain in greater detail
the roles of each component in the system.
Figure 2: The process of executing a web service
4.1 The ServiceServlet
The system can be accessed by either a standalone
client or a Java Servlet (ServiceServlet) through a
Web browser, this paper will focus on Servlet use.
The ServiceServlet is designed so that a
developer will have the option of how to set-up their
services. Also, any number (or groups) of services
could be supported by a ServiceServlet which
implies that the organization and look of the
ServiceServlet are entirely up to the designer. The
only requirement is the role it plays when
performing its service. It must connect to a Proxy to
have services found and executed, then retrieve
those results from the Proxy and display it, ideally,
according to the device capabilities (by using the
CC/PP profile if needed). Furthermore, unless the
ServiceServlet is for anonymous public use, it will
require access to a UserProfilesDB which will store
data about the user such as: username and password,
client name and address, client telephone and email
address, CC/PP profile, and cached results from last
4.2 The Proxy
The proxy acts as an intermediary between the
ServiceServlet and the ServiceSearcher. When the
Proxy receives a request from the ServiceServlet, it
contacts the ServiceSearcher to get a list of web
services to execute and then returns the results back
to the ServiceServlet. Even though services could
potentially be executed from the ServiceServlet, we
decided to separate the Proxy from the
ServiceServlet. This approach is similar to the JSP
Model 2 Architecture which separates the processing
logic from the presentation layer. In doing so,
improves the load balancing of the system by
keeping the ServiceServlet and Proxy on separate
servers. Not to mention the improvements in
flexibility, and maintainability. Also by allowing the
ServiceServlet to connect to auxiliary Proxies (if
necessary) helps the system scale well (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Backup Proxies can be accessed if needed
In addition, the Proxy supports two important
features to improve the reliability and speed of its
operation. Firstly, the Proxy is able to access more
than one ServiceSearcher to retrieve services, hence
improving the reliability of finding a matching
service. In particular, if the default ServiceSearcher
is unable to find a matching service or if the
ServiceSearcher is offline, the Proxy has the ability
to access auxiliary ServiceSearchers (Figure 4)
located on other servers.
Figure 4: Using ServiceSearchers to satisfy a request
Secondly, the Proxy also supports the caching of
service requests, thereby entirely bypassing the step
of contacting a ServiceSearcher. Caching involves
storing the request, the services used, the input
values used and the results stored in memory.
Therefore, if a new request matches a previous one
including the input values, the results can be quickly
returned to the ServiceServlet. If the new request
matches a previous one but the input values are
different, the service is executed again using the new
input values. However, the ServiceSearcher still
needs not be contacted thereby improving the speed
of re-discovery.
As previously mentioned, the Proxy has three
roles, since it communicates with the ServiceServlet,
ServiceSearcher, and web services. The first role
deals with accepting requests from the
ServiceServlet. The second role concerns satisfying
the request by performing a search on the
ServiceSearcher. Lastly, once the ServiceSearcher
returns a list of services, the Proxy orchestrates and
executes web services.
4.3 Autonomous Execution
The Proxy in the system runs and controls web
services using the OWL-S control constructs. OWL-
S defines web services as either simple or complex.
Simple services do not require other web services to
perform their task. A Complex service is a web
service that is composed of more than one simple
service. This allows the Proxy to connect to
individual web services as well as composite web
services. When the Proxy receives a list of services
to execute, it first examines the OWL-S document to
map the input values with the input parameters of
the services. As long as the Proxy has all the
required inputs for the service, it will be executed
and the output value is inserted into the list of results
to be returned back to the ServiceServlet. The proxy
creates an execution plan based on the inputs needed
to produce a required output. This involves checking
whether any output(s) from one service (let us call it
Service-A) are required as inputs for another service
(Service-B). Then Service-A will have to be
executed before Service-B in the list. If both services
require inputs and outputs from each other, then
there is a deadlock and these services will be
removed from the execution plan. It is at this point
that the Proxy will replace Service-A and Service-B
with alternate compatible services from the list of
services returned from the ServiceSearcher. If no
alternates are found on the current list, the Proxy can
either try requesting new services from an auxiliary
ServiceSearcher or report failure. Furthermore, an
important benefit of OWL-S is that it also supports
automatic execution monitoring to perform alternate
actions; such as when a web service is offline or
fails to function properly. The execution plan will
have an opportunity to try an alternate service.
4.4 Incentives for Industry Support
In order to run an infrastructure such, as the one
proposed by our system, on mass scale would not be
cheap. Incentives are needed for Service Providers
that host this system in order to cover the necessary
costs brought on by it. The following are examples
of possible techniques to be used:
Advertisements displayed on the Servlet page.
This will work well for desktop users because of
the amount of screen space available. Although
this technique would be difficult for portable
users with limited screen sizes and colors.
The Service Provider only offers web services
that they personally endorse. In this scenario all
profits made from web services would go solely
to the Service Provider.
End-users pay an enrolment fee and pay per
service used or have monthly subscriptions for
predefined usage.
A commission based system where Third-party
web services pay a fee to advertise their web
service within the system’s service registry.
Third-party web services advertise for free but
pay a fee (commission) every time their web
service is used.
A combination of last two techniques.
These are but a few of the potential revenue
opportunities available to would-be Service
Providers. Hence, in order for companies to support
this system legitimate incentives are necessary.
Internet and Cellular Service Providers as well as
Web Service providers will be inclined to work
together and their bond will come from the profits of
offering services.
The purpose of the ServiceSearcher is to locate
potential web services that satisfy a given request
from a Proxy. Our system does not take advantage
of any existing UDDI repositories. Although this
may seem like a disadvantage to our proposed
system, after careful analysis we chose to create a
new service repository. The main reason being, in
order for the system to support automatic and
dynamic discovery, semantic metadata must be
supported by the UDDI repository. Presently UDDI
has no such support. UDDI is designed primarily for
humans to navigate and use. UDDI does not
inherently support semantics and adding semantics
will require another layer above UDDI to understand
semantic requests. To support semantic information
in UDDI will require an approach similar to
(Paolucci, M., et al., 2002). Accessing two databases
to do something that one database can is
counterproductive and increases service discovery
time. Moreover, it is important to note that UDDI is
still far from becoming a standard and many changes
will take place if and when it does become
standardized by the OASIS Consortium.
The ServiceSearcher is similar to a UDDI
repository, but instead should be considered a
semantic UDDI registry used strictly for machine
read operations. Therefore, no White or Yellow
pages are implemented since they are only read by a
person and not a machine. This information is still
available from within the OWL-S description that is
stored along with other service details (e.g. service
ID, service name).
Discovery can be performed statically by
searching by a unique service identifier (ServiceID).
Or, the search can be performed dynamically. A
dynamic search has three parts within the request.
The first part is classification taxonomies such as
NAICS (North American Industry Classification
System), and/or UNSPSC (Universal Standard
Products and Services Classification). The second
and third parts include the inputs and outputs of the
request. Inputs and outputs of all OWL-S services
have labels (eg. car, house, film) that are part of a
semantic ontology and allow semantic matching of
the actual parameters used in the web service. With
this information included in the request the
ServiceSearcher can match classification
taxonomies, inputs, and outputs to find potential
matches. A list of matches are compiled and then
sent back to the Proxy.
The ServiceSearcher is a server application that
has access to the ServiceDB which is the database
that does the actual searching. Matching involves a
list of queries that are generated and then executed
on the ServiceDB. This database stores services by
their service ID, service name, list of inputs, list of
outputs and the URI to the OWL-S document. Based
on the request a ServiceSearcher receives from a
Proxy, it will compile a list of potential web services
represented in OWL-S documents and then send this
list back to the Proxy.
The matching algorithm involves a list of queries
that are generated and then executed on the
ServiceDB. The ServiceDB is a database that
manages services by their service ID, service name,
list of inputs, list of outputs and the URI to the
OWL-S document). All queries include a search
based on the classification taxonomy as the first
requirement to help insure that the correct service or
product is located. Next, the first query generated
checks to see if all inputs and outputs match a
service in the ServiceDB. However, there is a
chance that not all the requirements of the request
can be answered by one service alone (especially if
numerous inputs and outputs are in the request).
Hence the search must be split. For instance two
services that may be able to satisfy a request that one
single service could not. Although using
classification taxonomies and inputs and outputs for
semantic matching have been proposed by others,
what makes the ServiceSearcher unique is that it
allows the ability for the searches to be tweaked in
such a way to improve the accuracy of the results.
The technique used involves adding dependencies to
the outputs requested. Table 2 lists the potential
dependencies and their corresponding syntax. In
respect to the ServiceSearcher, a dependency
signifies that when a service is being searched in the
ServiceDB that has a particular output, that service
must include all the inputs that are in the output’s
dependency list. For example, if the request’s output
variable is review <i# movie_title>, only services
that have an output review and an input movie_title
will satisfy this request.
Table 2: Output dependency codes used in a request
These dependencies give the ServiceServlet
developer added control to what the ServiceSearcher
will select as a potential match. Since most outputs
require specific inputs to provide their intended
Various technologies were used to implement the
described system. To begin with, the system is built
upon Java technology and XML. OWL-S is the
technology we have used to semantically represent
WSDL files, and in essence the web services. In
order to speed up development time we have used
the OWL-S API. This API provide the methods
needed to read and parse OWL-S and WSDL files,
both of which are written in XML. The OWL-S API
also allowed us to execute web services.
The WSDL2OWL-S Converter was used in order
to convert the WSDL file of a web services into
OWL-S. Originally the authors of this tool created
WSDL2DAML-S that was ported over to the OWL-
S specification. WSDL2OWL-S application will
accept a WSDL file and allow the user to fill in
information needed for the ServiceProfile. The
ServiceModel of the OWL-S file can be edited to
give semantic labels to the input and output
variables of the web service. Now the OWL-S file
can be submitted to the ServiceDB database. To ease
this process, we have created a graphical application
we have named OWL Service Feeder. A screen shot
of this application is shown Figure 5. To submit an
OWL-S file to the database, the user first connects to
the database using the File menu. Then the user
enters the Service Name, NAICS, UNSPSC,
Context-aware settings. And finally, the user selects
the location of the OWL-S source file.
A ServiceServlet is a Java Servlet which runs on
a Java application server. We chose IBM
WebSphere 6 as the application server to handle the
Java Servlets and the web services we created.
Figure 5: The interface to the OWL Service Feeder
We chose MySQL as the database application to
run the UserProfilesDB and the ServiceDB. The use
of MySQL was an easy choice since it is free, easy
to use, and performs well for the needs of this
To support the adaptive web interface generated
by the ServiceServlet we employed CC/PP
technology. To speed up development we used JSR
188 CC/PP Processing API. The API allowed us to
parse CC/PP profiles to extract the UAProf
descriptions of devices.
In addition, the system also has the functionality
to locate web services that handle context
information on their own. Who better to format the
web service output than the web service itself? The
choice is up to the ServiceServlet creator whether to
allow the web service to handle contextual
information or not. This is important since there may
be situations where only the creators of the web
service would know how to optimally fit the results
on a portable device, whereas the ServiceServlet
would take a best effort approach.
In order for the web service to support
customized output formatting for a specific device, it
must be adaptive. This requires information about
the end-user’s device. This is done by passing the
URI of the users CC/PP profile to the web service
from within SOAP header or passed in as one of the
WSDL PortType parameters. The profile contains
various details of what the device is capable of, such
as screen, and support for a WAP browser. With this
information, the web service or ServiceServlet will
know what types of colours and images will work
with the device’s screen, and the size of pages that
can be received on the device.
The automation of web service discovery is a
relatively new idea, however, quite a few approaches
have been put forth in academia to address this
challenge. In particular, work done by (Sheng, Q.Z.,
et al., 2004) describes a framework for personalized
service composition involving mobile users. They
refer to their system as PCAP (Personalized
Composition and Adaptive Provisioning of Web
Services). A user has access to “process templates”
which accomplish specific tasks. The user has the
ability to modify these templates which sounds like
a promising idea to allow users to adjust anything
they wanted about a service. However, in order to do
this, a user is expected to understand and alter state
chart diagrams using the “template builder” the
authors provide. Hoping a user will be able to
modify their process templates seems like a tall
order for a novice computer user. The templates
themselves only provide for semiautomatic
composition since the templates are just a
compilation of predetermined services. During
execution, template inputs are gathered from user
input, the user profile and outputs from previous
states in the template. As for service discovery, a
“Template/Service Discovery Engine” is used to
find advertised templates in a UDDI. However, the
discovery is of a static nature since the system is
incapable of dynamic discovery.
The work in (Sheshagiri, M., et al., 2004) also
involves composite web services over portable
devices. The framework they describe is used to
support the “myCampus” context-aware
environment which is designed to help students with
the everyday tasks of campus life. There are a few
similarities between myCampus and our system.
Firstly, alike the PCAP system context, data is
stored in some type of user profile. Also similar is
the backward-chaining execution plan and the use of
contingency web service in case of failures. Web
services are unlikely to have 100% uptime. That is
why our system also accounts for this by including
alternate web services in the execution plan to be
used as backup in the event of web service failure.
Also, as with our system, OWL-S is utilized to
support dynamic discovery of web services.
However, myCampus does not allow modifications
to the searching algorithm. As mentioned earlier, a
supported feature of our system includes using
output dependencies to fine tune the searching
algorithm and improve results. Furthermore, unlike
our system, myCampus does not support context to
sustain the hardware and software capabilities of the
Lastly, work done by (Paolucci, M., et al., 2002)
have created a DAML-S/UDDI Matchmaker to
dynamically discover web services. Web services
are discovered based on the advertisement that
provides a semantic description of a web service,
similar to our ServiceDB. The advertisements
describe the inputs and outputs of the service and a
reference ID. The UDDI registry contains DAML-S
data regarding the web service from within a
tModel. When a request’s inputs and outputs are
matched with an advertisement in the Advertisement
Database, the resulting reference ID is translated and
point to a UDDI entry representing the service. In
comparison to our ServiceDB, this approach is
counterproductive since two databases must be
contacted in order to retrieve the necessary data to
locate a service. The ServiceDB registry provides all
the necessary information about a service; our
approach improves the speed and efficiency for
machines to find services. Moreover, their matching
engine will only declare a match if all inputs and
outputs of a service match those of the request.
Hence, their system is incapable of splitting the
search to find more than one service that will satisfy
the request, thus producing false-positives.
In this paper we have described a system that
automatically and dynamically composes web
services based on context information and allows
them to be displayed on virtually any portable
device. New techniques have been proposed to make
this possible. Firstly, the use of CC/PP with
ServiceServlet to aid in the compatibility of devices
to view and use web services. Also CC/PP can be
passed on to context-aware web services to further
improve compatibility. Secondly, the use of output
dependencies to customize the discovery process of
services to help ensure the quality of the results. And
lastly, the design of the ServiceSearcher service
registry that is more efficient than current techniques
that involve semantics with UDDI.
Future developments will involve security issues
relating to users and the system as a whole. For
instance, securing the connection between the user
and the ServiceServlet, between ServiceServlets and
Proxies, between Proxies and ServiceSearchers and
lastly between Web Services and Proxy.
Furthermore, ways to measure the quality of a web
service, by keeping track how well it has performed
in the past using a type of rating system. Another
crucial feature would involve having some type of
legal contract between the Proxy and the web
service to instil the notion of liabilities and make the
two parties responsible for their actions.
This work was supported in part by the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant No. 045635.
Berners-Lee T., Hendler J., Lassila, O. The Semantic
Web, Scientific American, May 2001.
CC/PP (Composite Capabilities/Preferences Profile):
Curbera F., Nagy W.A., and Weerawarana S., Web
Services: Why and How, OOPSLA 2001 Workshop
on Object-Oriented Web Services, October 2001.
J2ME Web Services Specification (JSR 172):
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
Organization for the Advancement of Structured
Information Standards
OWL-S: Semantic Markup for Web Services:
Paolucci M., Kawamura T., Payne T., Sycara K.,
Importing the Semantic Web in UDDI. E-Services and
the Semantic Web Workshop. 2002.
Sheng Q.Z.,and Benatallah B., Maamar Z., Dumas M.,
Ngu A., Enabling Personalized Composition and
Adaptive Provisioning of Web Services. 2004.
Sheshagiri M., Sadeh N., Gandon F., Proc. of
MobiSys2004 Workshop on Context Awareness,
Boston, June 2004.
Sycara, K.; Paolucci, M., Ankolekar, A.; Srinivasan, N.,
Automated Discovery, Interaction and Composition of
Semantic Web Services, Journal of Web Semantics,
Volume 1, Issue 1, December 2003.
Universal Standard Products and Services Classification