not have constructs for relating such snapshot dia-
grams in time.
We have presented the language MEADOW for spec-
ifying dynamic networks from a structural viewpoint.
We have demonstrated the language in three exam-
ples addressing an object-oriented network, an ad
hoc network and a mobile code network. Specifica-
tion of dynamic reconfiguration is achieved through
the clear distinction between
snapshot diagrams
the structure that networks may exhibit at a point in
time and
type diagrams
of the structure that networks
may potentially exhibit over a period of time. Dy-
namic reconfiguration is modeled through (1) the con-
struct of relating snapshot diagrams in time and (2)
static/dynamic constructs that constrain the potential
structure of a network.
The obvious advantage of increased expressiveness
in structural diagrams is that they convey more infor-
mation while maintaining a high level of abstraction.
That is, without containing detailed information about
execution or implementation of components. Another
advantage is that constraints in structural diagrams
can be used as a basis for automated model check-
ing by checking whether the behavior of components
abide to their associated constraints expressed in the
structural diagrams.
In order for MEADOW to be used for simula-
tion purposes, it must be used in combination with
a language for modeling behavior such as π-calculus,
STATECHARTS or (certain parts of) FOCUS for ex-
ample. Hence, future work on developing constructs
for specifying behavior of components, or alterna-
tively on how to combine MEADOW with existing
such languages, would be interesting.
MEADOW does not have a formal semantic defi-
nition, nor is it supported by any computerized tool,
hence this is a natural direction of future work.
The research on which this paper reports has partly
been founded by the Research Council of Norway
through the project SECURIS (152839/220). We
thank Mass Soldal Lund and Ida Hogganvik for useful
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