performance and security) on functions of the
system. They are elicited and specified in
requirements analysis and specification of the
software process (Sommerville, 2004). However
observation on WBIS showed that online users were
often concerned with what are displayed on the
computer screen for them to communicate with the
system and how they can do this correctly and
efficiently. These concerns can become new
requirements on communications between users and
WBIS, apart of other types of requirements. We call
them communicational requirements in this paper. It
is important to elicit them as they have impact on
use of WBIS and can affect its navigation structures
and user interfaces significantly. Also elicitation of
them can help understand and clarify system
obligations and user responsibilities/commitments
within the business context. But current modelling
approaches (e.g., Conallen, 2003) do not support
analysis and specification of communicational
requirements as they focus on functional and non-
functional requirements only. Change of WBIS may
be inevitable later using these approaches as users’
concerns with communications are not considered in
analysis but at the late stages of WBIS development.
This paper addresses this issue and proposes a
dialogue act modelling approach that has focus on
communicational requirements in WBIS analysis.
The next section will describe communicational
requirements. The third section will explain
pragmatic view and descriptive view used in IS
analysis. The fourth section will show the approach
and the fifth section will describe the dialogue act
model. The final section will conclude the work.
We observe the following concerns of WBIS users
as communicational requirements of WBIS:
- Business contexts required to display on the
computer screen. They are business activities such
as “Car search” or business indexes such as “Cars”.
The business contexts may include same things if
users are concerned with the things in different
ranges, e.g., a, car company wants business context
“Car for sale”; while its customers want business
context “Cars” including car for sale. “Car for
sale” is concerned in different ranges in WBIS.
- Dialogues required to display on the screen while
users and WBIS communicate interactively. They
are the preference of users in collaborations with
system within a business context. For example, in
the business context “Cars”, car buyers want “car
list” to be displayed on screen for searching or
finding a car. User responsibilities/ commitments
and system obligations are elicited and specified
along the dialogues (see Figure 3).
We found that the Speech Act Theory (Austin,
1962) in the social science can help elicit
communicational requirements as communications
mean speech to act. According to it, a dialogue
between a user and a system means one or more acts
in an e-business society. Therefore communications
are useful to find roles of users and their
responsibilities/commitments and roles of the system
and its obligations. System obligations mean system
functions, and user responsibilities/commitments are
preconditions of the functions. Navigation structures
and user interfaces must be designed and validated
based on communicational requirements. We hope
that focus on these requirements can help reduce
changes in system maintenance because of failure of
elicitation of communicational requirements.
There are two modelling views in requirements
analysis and specification of traditional IS:
• Descriptive view used for observing the semantic
aspects of IS as image of reality. Examples using
this view are data modelling (Chen, 1976), process
modelling (DeMacro, 1978), and object modelling
(Booch, 1991; Coad, 1991; Rumbaugh, 1991;
Jacobson, 1992). In general this view has much
focus on business processes but little focus on
other business properties such as customers and
their responsibilities/commitments (pragmatic
concepts) in the business context. Thus the
analysis model built with this view does not
emphasis users’ responsibilities/commitments in
the business context.
• Pragmatic view used for observing the pragmatic
aspects of IS as part of reality within the business
context. Action workflow approach (Denning and
Medina-Mora, 1995) is an example using this
view. This view has much focus on pragmatic
concepts (Agerfalk, 2002; Erickson and Kellogg,
2000; Eriksen, 2002; Holm and Ljungberg, 1996).
Thus the analysis model built with this view
covers users’ responsibilities and commitments in
the business context. But it cover little semantics
of the system.
We regard both of these two views equally
important in requirements analysis and specification
of WBIS as WBIS need focus of both of semantic
and pragmatic aspects in order to create a complete
analysis model covering all concerns of WBIS users
and WBIS developers. We thus created a new