A SOAP based communication protocol
Samar Tawbi, Jean-Paul Bahsoun
Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse, Paul Sabatier University, 118, route de Narbonne 31062 Toulouse,
Bilal Chebaro
Lebanese University, Faculty of Sciences I, Hadath, Lebanon
Keywords: Generic Web development, Web services, SOAP, Communication Protocol.
Abstract: The rapid evolution of interactive Internet services has led to both a constantly incr
easing number of
modern Web sites and to an increase in their functionality, which makes them more complicated to be built.
In this context, we have proposed a generic approach for Web site development that manages the
operational content of this kind of applications. A framework has been defined to support the development
of web applications’ processing tasks as Web services and the communication protocols with the users of
these services. In this paper, we will expose the general structure of this framework, and we will focus on
the communication protocol defined between the users and the system. Our approach in this protocol
addresses universal clients; it is based on the SOAP protocol, XML language and their related technologies.
It adopts the concept of Web services but uses it for providing code results rather than information results as
it is known in the Web society.
In the last few years the World Wide Web has been
growing rapidly. The rapid evolution of interactive
Internet services has led to both a constantly
increasing number of modern Web sites and to an
increase in their functionality, which makes them
more complicated to be built.
In the early Web development practices, it was
current for
b applications creators to simply build
the solution, emphasizing in certain cases the
development side of these applications (Ceri et al.
2000). But with the quick evolution of the Web and
its related technologies on one hand, and the
increasing requirements of users, on the other, many
new features were implemented. And the Web
applications became more dynamic, interactive and
as a consequence more complex. This leads to a
more difficult management and maintenance.
Many tools and technologies were proposed in order
to increase
web applicatio
ns performance and the
facility of their creation.
In this paper, we make an overview on the tools
ed f
or helping Web applications development
and discuss how these products neglect to a certain
level, development issues of these applications. We
describe how we introduce the e-development
concept to respond to this issue. So we define a
framework that proposes a platform for managing
operational functionalities for Web sites’ creation. It
gives a solution for the development difficulties by
providing Web services for application development
and management (Tawbi et al. 2002). This
framework constitutes a basis for deploying servers
providing development services in different Web
domains. We will describe along the paper the
communication protocol adopted in this framework
that is based on Web services. But unlike what is
usually done, the concept ‘Web services’ is used for
providing development functionalities and not
business services.
The paper will be organized as follows: In the
section 2
we will talk about
some previous work in
term of tools for Web sites development and
management and some of their shortcomings
regarding the development side of Web sites.
Section 3 will give an overview on the web services
technology, its standards and how we could use it in
Tawbi S., Bahsoun J. and Chebaro B. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 82-89
DOI: 10.5220/0002537100820089
our work. We will outline our general approach in
the section 4. Then, in section 5, we will give the
structure of this framework and its properties
especially the communication protocol that it uses.
Section 6 will give an implementation example
based on this framework. And finally, concluding
remarks will be given.
A large variety of tools and technologies was created
to support the publishing of static and dynamic data
on the web. The first generation of this kind of tools
was HTML editors (Elderbrock et al. 2002) (Lowery
et al. 2001). Although, they helped the Web site
creation by automating certain tasks concerning
HTML code generation, they soon proved to lack a
lot of dynamism and interaction. Web content
managers (Aberdeen et al. 2002) (Kerer et al. 2002)
(Vignette 2001), constitute the next generation of
products for Web site engineering. They focus on
offering sophisticated tools and architectures for
delivering the information in a fast and scalable way.
Their principle approach is to separate the content
from the presentation of Web applications. From a
technical point of view, although these products may
offer component reuse, they do not rely on an
explicit model. Their main problem is that they
approach Web content management from the side of
management and generation documents rather than
the semantic of contents. Meanwhile, the research
community has also worked on this problem and
many models and systems were proposed like (Ceri
et al. 1999) (Chauvet 2002) (Florescu et al. 1998)
(Fernandez et al. 1999) (Gardner 2001) (Sadoski et
al. 2000).
In general, all these tools take their idea from
experiences in the database and hypertext fields.
And they adopt for the data and for the Web site
itself, structured data models very often close to
relational databases, and a query language to
communicate with the database. They focus the
information content and address data intensive Web
applications. This kind of systems have a primordial
disadvantage that they don’t take into consideration
the operational and development aspects of Web
applications especially complex ones.
In our approach we solve this specific issue by
defining a framework that offers automated
development tasks as online services, to the Web site
creators. In other words it will be capable to provide
services for Web code generation (HTML in a first
step, and later XML). This framework separates
completely the implementation from the presentation
of applications. It defines a protocol for service
management and a generic prototype for those ones
in order for the framework implementations to be
easily adaptable and upgradeable.
The next step was to choose a protocol of
communication with the clients. We have found the
concept of Web services the most appropriate for
our problem. This issue is discussed in the next
To solve new difficulties that appear, organizations
and enterprises try to define new technologies that
are often very soon adopted by the wide public. In
order to stay informed in the world of software
development, one has to keep an eye on what is
happening essentially in the big enterprises and all
the new technologies used or created by those ones.
We know that the most important enterprises in the
Web society are in permanent competition. Even
though, these enterprises all admit that the concept
of ‘Web Services’ will be very soon the principal
and common language for business application.
Experts in this domain, have a future vision for web
services in which there will be some kind of
electronic services’ ‘cloud’ on the Web; allowing
users to choose anything they want for their
applications. It’s all the software industry that seems
to be animated by some kind of conquest tendency
for new virtual territories for economical exchange
(Java Sun 2002).
The software applications, in general, are less and
less considered as static programs executed on
mainframes or PCs, but as applications functioning
on a network of servers, located indistinctly in this
‘cloud’ of services, and that are generally accessed
via Web interfaces. So, the design and
implementation of Web applications became one of
the major challenges for software industry in this
As its name shows, the term ‘Web services’ refers to
accessing services over the Web. This term is now
also used for the architecture, standards, technology
and business models. In other words, it includes all
techniques that make this possible(Gamma et al.
1995). IBM defines Web services as a new breed of
Web application. They are self-contained, self-
describing, modular applications that can be
published, located and invoked across the Web. Web
services perform functions, which can be anything
form simple requests to complicated business
processes (Vignette 2001). In other words, web
services are interoperable building blocks for
constructing applications.
Where the current web enables users to connect to
applications, the web services architecture enables
applications to connect to other applications. Web
services are therefore a key technology in enabling
business models to move from B2C (Business to
Consumer) to B2B (Business to Business) (Java Sun
2002). In addition, they present a black box
functionality that can be reused regardless of their
implementation. While technologies as DCOM
(Brown & Kindel 2002), RMI (Elderbrock &
Karlins2001) (Fernandez et al. 1997) and IIOP use
object-model-specific protocols, Web services use
normal Web protocols like HTTP and data format
like XML.
Actually, as the researchers predict that XML will be
soon the language of choice for Web development
(Lowery et al.2001). In fact, the World Wide Web
Consortium –W3C– created this language, in order
to overcome the shortcomings of HTLM. Therefore,
the relatively slow adoption of XML may refer to its
complexity and the many related technologies and
languages that must be used with it like XSL, XML
Schema, DTD, etc. Furthermore, until now the XML
based development tools are in their beginning if
compared to HTML based ones. So it is important to
create such a tool to support Web application
development. For this reason, in our framework we
have switched to XML. We adopted the concept of
‘Web services’ as well as its associated tools like
SOAP (Brown 2001) (Ceri et al. 2000).
On another hand, even though the Web services
concept was created and used originally to provide
information or data result; we think it is possible to
use it in our framework for code result
corresponding to the operational tasks of Web
Since the needs for sophisticated web sites is more
and more relevant especially for the functionalities
that are related to business domains like commerce,
education and banking, and as we said that this
domain is now adopted not only by computer
experts but by the large public, we have proposed a
generic approach for Web site development (Tidwell
It is a framework that offers a platform capable to
provide the web site designers storage, access and
processing of the information. It is independent of
business domains and it defines a protocol for
service creation. Servers created as implementation
of this framework offer processing services in
different Web domains.
The main idea is to approach Web site automated
creation from the operational side and to separate the
formatting tasks from the processing ones. Thus the
framework defines the structure of servers that offer
complex functionalities concerning the processing
means in a Web site as interaction with users,
database access, etc. Web applications creator could
call these functionalities in their pages while
remaining completely free in choosing any layout
and formatting. The services to propose using this
framework are specific to a certain domain on the
Web like article publishing, emailing, e-commerce
or others, unlike what we used to have in the
automated Web page creation tools. Usually, these
tools offer general-purpose services, leaving the task
of specifying these services to the Web site
developer. However, we focus in our work on more
specific services in order to optimise their
personalization task. For example, in an online
article-publishing instance of this framework(Tawbi
et al. 2002), we can find services for conferences or
journal sites like paper submission, viewing,
categorization, management, etc. This needs not
only to define the development part of the
functionality but to foresee also a certain data
structure like database tables or XML files. Thus, we
have complete independent services that could be
used, with minimal personalization effort, in any
Web application in the online article-publishing
In order to have more flexibility, the framework
offers two types of pages depending on the time
when the service calls they contain are analysed and
Dynamic pages are real time analysed, we mean
when accessing the page by a certain Web browser.
Service calls are added to the content of these pages
when creating them, and they are hosted in this
format. The processing of the services called is not
done until the page is accessed by an end-user.
And Static pages that execute service calls at
creating time. The result of these services processing
is added to the content of the pages before they are
published as any other page on the Web.
The figure 1 shows how the browser accesses the
two kinds of pages. Dynamic pages are accessed via
the service provider in our example it is the article-
publishing server. Its role is to retrieve the page
from the hosting server, to analyse it and to generate
results for the service calls that it contains. This
mechanism stays completely transparent to the end-
user. In fact, there is no need to make any special
processing from the navigator side to access these
pages correctly.
On the other hand, static pages are directly accessed
from the hosting server like any Web page without
any additional processing effort.
Site Web
A principal concern in our framework is to reach a
high level of genericity and independence from
business domains. But at the same time, we must
propose an architecture that allows easy instantiation
and specification to any of these domains. After all,
our aim is to propose development services for
specific business processing tasks. Indeed, we must
fix certain guidelines drawing the overall function of
the framework and a common communication and
management protocol. So we had to define a
prototype for services’ implementation
independently of their application domain. This
prototype represents a model of abstract classes that
will be extended in order to create components
representing concrete services. This allows easy
specification to different Web domains.
Therefore, to create a service provider, for a certain
field, based on the framework, we should implement
the services needed in this field according to the
proposed prototype and following the
communication strategy adopted in the framework
(figure2). At any time, server’s developers can add a
service component to their system in transparency of
server users (Web site developers) and
independently from the core work.
However, we may have some functionalities that are
not specific to a certain business field like user
authentification or registration to a mailing list for
example. This kind of tasks is deployed in domain
less services that constitute with the management
and communication component, the server core
representing the common part of these servers in any
business domain on the Web. The services defined
for a certain field constitute a layer over this
common core.
This is true from the deployment and
implementation point of view only. At this level of
abstraction, we would like to point to the fact that
the services are implemented and deployed in a late
step, we mean after the framework has been defined
with its common services, its communication and
management protocols.
Architecturally speaking, the system has a three-tiers
architecture (Shaw 1996) where we have a light
client tier, a middle tier representing the service
provider that is conceived in a layered architecture
(Bahsoun et al. 2003) and a database tier (figure 4).
In the next sections we will talk about these three
5.1 The Client tier
It represents the interface threw what users access
the services offered by the provider. This is a thin
client with almost no processing responsibilities; all
you need is a browser to view the pages containing
service calls. No need for any special component to
be able to contact the server. In fact, all
communications are based on Web standards like
HTTP, XML, etc. this frees the web application
developers from any programming effort.
5.2 The Processing tier
It contains the essential part of the services provider.
It contains all processing, communication protocol
and management, testing and security. Domain
services will be developed in this tier based on the
prototype defined by the framework. It has a
modular loosely coupled object-oriented layered
architecture (Bahsoun et al. 2003) in order to take all
the advantages of the independence that this kind of
architecture offers. So the framework architecture
consists of four opaque layers (figure 3):
Static pages retrieval
Dynamic pages
End user (navigator)
Figure 1: Accessing static and dynamic pages.
Connection Servlet: it is the interface of
communication of the servers developed from this
framework. It is a Java servlet that received users’
requests representing Web pages to be analyzed.
This connection layer represents the only gate to
contact the server. In general, it communicates with
the end-users’ browsers, if we are talking about
dynamic pages. Otherwise it is the Web site
developer that contacts the server and in this case the
communication is done via an interface for Web
pages creation dedicated to this purpose.
Page Analyzer: this layer is responsible for
analyzing the Web pages to extract service calls and
sending them to the ‘Service Dispatcher’. Page are
analyzed in this layer at two levels, syntax level to
verify if the call is well formed and semantic level to
check for any incoherence in service calls, order and
types of parameters for example.
Service Dispatcher: its job is to send service calls to
the corresponding services after they have been
analyzed. And in return it receives service results
and sends them to the analyzer after it reformulates
them in order to be conform to the format of the
Web pages content.
Services Layer: this is the layer that will be specified
to Web domains. It contains service management
and the prototype for defining services if we talk
from the framework side. But if we
consider a server
implemented using the framework, this layer
contains the services offered in a certain domain in
addition to basic services that are common to all
5.3 The Database tier
It centralizes the data related to the applications in a
repository database managed by a DBMS. It is
accessed through the services offered to users, but
stays completely transparent in order to allow
independent updates and changes. It is accessed
through an interface implementing the DAO pattern
(Gamma et al. 1995). This makes the deployment of
the Database server changeable and upgradeable
independently of the services management from one
side and of the clients from the other.
For this reason, we have standardized the
management of the services and defined a
communication protocol between the different actors
of the application independently of the business
domain of the server deployed. In the next section
we will go more into the details of this protocol of
6.1 Introduction
The communication protocol to be adopted in our
framework must respond to the constantly evolving
needs. Besides, there is an important point to take
into account is the genericity that we should
preserve in all steps of our work including of course
the communication protocol. This protocol should be
independent of business domains in order to be
applicable to all these domains when specifying the
framework. Furthermore, when we talk about web
server we address different types of users and by
consequence different types of communication
interfaces and devices as Wap phones or others.
Figure 2: Specifying servers by creating domain specific services.
Server 1 Server 2
The framewor
Client Tier Processing Tier DB Tier
Connection Servlet
Page Analyzer
Service Dispatcher
Services Layer
Figure 3: The system’s architecture.
6.2 From HTML to XML based
Several approaches were possible each one is based
on a set of Web technologies and languages.
However, it was necessary to adopt the most
adequate one to our work taking into account all
constraints previously exposed. Since we are
working in Web applications development, HTML is
the first language one can think to use for this field,
as it is the most known standard. It is characterized
by its simplicity and facility to use. One approach
was based on this language where a Web site, using
a service provider must be implemented in HTML.
Knowing that HTML is text based, service calls
consist of normal HTML text preceded by a specific
keyword for example and inserted in the ‘body’ of
the pages. Although, this way simplifies
tremendously Web pages creation but it makes the
page analysis process heavy and slow. Indeed,
textual service calls require a textual parsing of the
page, the HTML content will be analysed character
by character in order to detect keywords indicating
service calls. We can notice that by adopting this
textual mode we loose a lot of performance and
extensibility. These two characteristics are
extremely important especially because we are
working in the Web domain. In fact, the Web is
wide spread this means thousands of users accessing
the server. Besides, this domain is in permanent
evolution from the two sides user needs and
technologies. The use of a more extensible language
at this stage seemed to be a must to preserve the
genericity and the reusability of the framework. As
we said in the previous section, XML offers an
extensible way for representing information and it is
now widely used. The free tags definition aspect that
this language offers has allowed researchers to
derivate mark-up languages for different domains as
WML for WAP users, MathML for mathematics,
and many others. For this reason, adopting XML
makes the framework more flexible and adaptable to
different types of users. Furthermore, XML parsers
that have been specified by the Web community
have proven their performance in comparison with
textual parsers. Thus by adopting the XML language
in our communication protocol, we could dispense
with HTML browsers and use already specified
XML parsers.
Now, we had to define a new protocol of
communication between the Web applications and
the service provider instantiated from the
framework. This protocol should take advantage of
strong points in XML language. Of course, we had
to propose also a new service calls mode replacing
the textual mode adopted.
In the following section we will describe this new
approach, its functioning and its characteristics.
6.3 The functioning principle of the
In general, using standard technologies in a certain
system has two major benefits: first, the system is
more universally accessible because standards are
widely known. And second, the system inherits the
advantages and the characteristics of these standard
technologies and tools. This is due to the fact that
these technologies are the result of many
experiences’ work in the domain. As we have seen
in previous sections many standards were proposed
for the Web at different levels and sides. As we are
working on online service development, the ‘Web
Services’ concept is very important for our new
approach. Using Web services implies the use of
certain related tools as the SOAP communication
protocol (see section 3). The functionalities defined
in our framework will be deployed as Web services
using the SOAP protocol for communication.
Usually a SOAP message consists of an XML
document that contains a service call and its
parameters (Ceri et al. 2000).
Therefore, in our system a Web page may contain
many service calls in addition to normal content.
Standard SOAP servers are not appropriated for
managing this kind of documents. For this reason
and in order to respect pages conceiving politic, we
have considered a service call as a SOAP message
but that will be inserted as an XML content in the
Web document. We had to create a layer above the
standard SOAP server representing a filter that is
responsible of receiving Web pages and retrieving
service calls for processing. The figure 5 shows this
At analysis time, the filter extracts of the document
all parts representing service calls and creates the
corresponding message to send it to the SOAP
server that in turn forwards the message to the
appropriate service. We could import and use any
SOAP server available like APACHE SOAP server
or others.
6.3.1 The pages format
As with HTML, XML web pages in this protocol
will contain normal content corresponding to the any
information the Web site creator would like to put
and service calls when necessary. Each one of these
calls represents a SOAP message containing all
required fields like SOAP Header and Body
(Ceri et al.
within a tag called ‘ServiceBLock’. And
normal content must be written within a
‘ContentBlock’ tag. So, a page consists of a
sequence of content and service blocks as in the
figure 6.
So the pages will be hosted in the format previously
described, surely this concerns dynamic pages only
as static pages call services before they are hosted as
we mentioned above. So, when analysing a page as
in the example of the figure 6, blocks that
correspond to XML text will be copied as they are to
the response page and blocks representing a service
call will be packed in a SOAP messages and sent for
processing. In return, service responses are added to
the page according to their order. Thus, we allow
this way the Web site creator to have more of
flexibility in managing the graphical format and
design of the pages.
In fact, by adopting XML for page content, we make
the servers compatible with more users in different
types. However, as the XML is a free mark-up
language, we should have a common language for
the communication in order to allow the openness of
the protocol. This issue will be discussed in the next
6.3.2 A protocol for universal users
As we are dealing with an open language like XML
and due to the many languages derived from this
one. Web pages will contain then XML code
according to a specific schema that is common to all
servers implemented based on this framework. The
content blocks of the request pages enclose
information matching also to this same schema. This
is because the analyser will not process this data, it
will be sent as it is to the response page. So it must
have the same structure of response page’s content.
By imposing a schema for pages definition we
restrict the XML code of the Web developers to
what is defined in this schema. However, this allows
for the framework to propose a common format of
the output data in the Web services and as a
consequence unifies the pages analysing and the
service processing.
According to this strategy, the response Web page is
sent to the browser in XML format if this one
supports the XML language. Otherwise, the server
transforms the page to the language compatible with
the browser depending on its type.
When a request is sent to the server, the SOAP filter
receives it and detects the type of the browser WML,
HTML or others. Then it send service calls to the
SOAP server and to the service provider. Services
produce result in XML then depending on the type
of the browser the response page is either sent as it is
in XML either translated to the browser languages
according to XSL style sheets defined by the
framework to each format (figure 7).
In this paper, we have presented a framework for
Web application development. It offers a generic
platform managing services that generate
development tasks. This framework was created in
< ContentBlock ...>
Normal Web content
</ ContentBlock >
< ServiceBlock ...>
A SOAP message block with
all its required parameters
It calls a Web service.
</ ServiceBlock >
< ServiceBlock ...>
- - -
</ ServiceBlock >
ContentBlock ...
A document may contain
many Service Blocks
Content Blocks
enclose web content
of the page in XML,
Figure 6: The structure of a Web document
Figure 5: The SOAP filter constitutes a layer between the SOAP server and the users
SOAP server
SOAP Filter
End use
Web docs +
service calls
SOAP messages
Web docs
SOAP Filte
two steps. The first one was to build the structure of
a server managing services in a generic manner in
order to keep a high level of extension and
evolution. So that this framework could be used
universally, the second step consisted of adopting
standard concepts and tools for the definition of a
communication protocol like Web services, SOAP,
etc. A layer was created over the SOAP protocol so
that it could respond to the needs presented by the
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Service 1 Service 2 Service n
SOAP Package
Result in XML + XSL
doc. for HTML, WML,
Service Provider
Figure 7: The response is sent to users depending on the type of the browse