The modules of the agent software process can
be classified into two categories:
1- Modules to manage the internal function
of the agent: These modules are the
communication module, the knowledge base
management module, the resources and
accointance module.
The functions of these modules are the same
for the three kinds of the software process agent
(tasks, fragments and supervisor).
2- Modules for modeling and executing the
software process: The main goal is to manage the
software process modeling, planning, executing
and introducing process changes. These modules
are: software process manager module, planning
and decision module, the realization and evaluating
The functions of these modules are various
according to the kind of the agent. For instance, the
main function of the fragment agent module is to
evaluate the execution results and to decide about
the needed changes if necessary. Each kind of
agent is responsible of a given fragment of
software process and has the responsibility to
manage its representation and the evolution of its
execution ( at the different levels of course).
This paper presents a new approach for modeling
and executing the software process using the multi-
agent concepts. A state of art, first done, on three
existing environments (CAGIS, PEACE+ and
ALLIANCE) shows that the priority of these
systems is at the execution level of the software
processes and not at the modeling level. The
capacities of the agents that can handle the
modeling level is being unexploited.
Our contribution is the development of a
software process environment based on the concept
of multi-agent system. An agent is, thus,
considered as a part of a software process. In that,
an agent allows not only the execution of the
assigned tasks, but also, a permanent control of the
modeling and the executing of the software
processes. The “intelligence” aspect in our system
reside in the possibility to force (anticipate) the
events that can be happened and, thus, to take a
pertinent decisions at a time.
The hierarchical structure designed in our
system seems beneficial thanks to the cooperative
aspects of the agent. The current work tends to the
development of process fragmentation techniques,
the evaluation techniques and the mobility of the
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