cooperation is implemented by means of groupware, which are combinations of soft-
ware and hardware that efficiently support group people in their collaborative works.
There are two essential factors for successful cooperation: well-understood goal and
organized process. They are ensured by communication and coordination services.
Coordination services provide means for organizing working group members and
bringing them order. Coordination service is accomplished by one entity (known as
the coordinator) disseminating coordination context to group members to complete a
task corporately. From previous research work [4], we can that the ability of group
members to reach and maintain a superior coordination relies on the efficiency of
communication service. And the performance of coordination can be improved by
increasing the potential of using communication services.
Communication services provide group communication facilities to working mem-
bers for transmitting and exchanging information. These services include: text-based
instantaneous exchange of messages (Instant Message Service), individual electronic
mail exchange (E-Mail Service), peer-to-peer voice-based conversation (Telephone
Service), prearranged or ad-hoc meeting for discussion (Conference Service), etc.
Communication services are important for collaborative work. Working group mem-
bers must share information as widely as possible. Effective communication helps
members understand how their works fit the objective and perform collaboration
work in order. Otherwise, individuals in a working group tend to work independ-
ently, often in conflict with one another.
Thus, we can say that communication is the foundation for collaborative work. It
is the basic element and provides support for cooperation as well as coordination.
2.2 Challenges to Communication Services
Development of communication services in collaborative work environment is evolv-
ing quickly. At the same time, challenge of heterogeneity to communication services
also comes out. In the last decade, computer supported communication improved the
performance of collaborative work by enabling working group to collaborate in ways
of distributed cooperation. Therefore, there are a large number of communication
systems are built to meet the ever-increasing user requirements. In these systems,
there are various communication technologies and applications exist to facilitate and
improve the collaboration. This situation brought the big challenge of heterogeneity
to communication services for collaborative work system [5]. The heterogeneity is
represented not only by the variety of hardware, operating system platform, pro-
gramming language, but also by the diversity of underlying communication protocol,
software architectures and models. This heterogeneity is the barrier to services inter-
operability and usability. It causes different perspectives and needs for cooperation
and coordination services, which leads to incompatible design specifications for col-
laboration workspace solutions. Hence, developers of collaboration systems usually
face this complex problem which must be efficiently solved. It is desired to build an
integrated communication services environment for collaborative work system, which
is easy to combine various communication services as well as other collaboration
applications into a single easy-to-use environment.