An Overview of Automated Threats To Computer Infrastructure
Shawn Maschino
Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences, Nova Southeastern University, 3301 College Ave, Fort
Lauderdale, FL, 33314, United States of America
Keywords: Computer Security, Intrusion Detection, Worm, Virus, Denial-of-S
Abstract: This survey paper investigates current research in the fields of intrusion detection and response for
ated attacks such as worms, denial-of-service, and distributed denial-of-service attacks. As the
number of networked systems rise the ability to detect and respond to attacks is an essential part of system
security for protecting data and ensuring availability of systems. This paper highlights current risk due to the
latest automated attack technology and applies historical and current research to show the information
security approach to detecting and preventing these types of attacks. Recent technologies such as
virtualization and grid computing are discussed in relation to the roles they play in this area, and future areas
of work are addressed.
Intrusion detection research has been going on for
over 20 years, and while much progress have been
made new technologies and Internet growth make
the need for updated intrusion detection and
response methods a requirement in computer
information security. With advances in the
propagation rates of automated computer system
attacks, as seen in Code Red, Nimda, Anig, and the
SQL Slammer worms, there is elevated risk to
computer systems.
In this paper the term “automated attacks” will
be use
d to reference all scripted and self-propagating
forms of computer attacks. These categories of
attacks include worms, denial-of-service (DoS), and
distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. These
attacks are very common because they are easy to
create and highly effective.
Worm-based attacks rely on security flaws on
puter systems, such as unchecked buffer-
overflow and format-string weaknesses. Worm
writers exploit these weaknesses to run commands
on a remote system, and then use the compromised
systems to infect other computers. Many worms are
coupled with a virus payload which would then
damage the infected system or install a back-door
which could be used to launch future attacks or steal
A recent example of a worm is the SQL
mer worm, which infected 90% of vulnerable
hosts, over 65,000 systems, in less than 10 minutes
(Moore, Paxson, Savage, Shannon, Staniford, &
Weaver, 2003). The damage from this worm alone
was estimated at one billion dollars (Lemos, 2003).
These costs include the time to repair the infected
systems, patching efforts to secure vulnerable
systems. and the loss of productivity due to down-
time and slow network response.
The other category of automated attacks, denial-
-service and distributed denial-of-service attacks,
are usually targeted at one specific system. While
worms are written to spread quickly and infect
systems with viruses or install backdoors or agents,
DoS and DDoS attacks are used to stop systems
from performing valid actions.
Denial-of-service attacks come from one host,
d they overflow the target with multiple invalid
requests so that the target cannot respond to valid
requests, and therefore cannot provide the service it
is intended to provide.
Distributed denial-of-service attacks work on the
e principle, but rather than one host attacking a
target there are many coordinated hosts performing
the attack. This is done by having agents installed
on many systems, usually put in place via a worm or
Trojan virus. These agents can have a time and
target built-in for when the attacker wishes the
DDoS attack to begin, or a message can be sent out
Maschino S. (2005).
INTRUSION DETECTION AND RESPONSE TO AUTOMATED ATTACKS - An Overview of Automated Threats To Computer Infrastructure.
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 522-525
DOI: 10.5220/0002540805220525
to these agents when the attacker wants to launch the
DDoS attack.
In 1986 the first model of an automated system for
intrusion detection was published (Denning, 1986).
Denning’s model focused on being able to detect an
attempted break-in, successful unauthorized break-
in, unauthorized actions by legitimate users, and
virus, trojan, and denial-of-service attacks.
The most common intrusion detection systems
(IDS) use methods based upon system and/or
network monitoring implemented in software to
detect attacks. These systems watch the activity of
traffic on the networks, and the actions of the
computer looking for any anomalies in usage. IDS
software has a library of known attack signatures
which identify common attacks or known worm and
virus infection methods. If the IDS sees any activity
which is a known attack it will report the attack and
take action based upon the rules of the system.
The key to successful detection of an attack by
an IDS system requires that the attack signature is
known. Attacks that do not follow known attack
patterns or signatures will not be detected by IDS
systems. This weakness can be used by attackers
who can evade detection by writing attacks that will
not trigger an IDS alert.
In order to mitigate this weakness it is crucial to
keep IDS signatures current. Once a new attack is
found a new signature needs to be generated so the
IDS systems can detect those types of attack. In
order to create an IDS signature the following is
required to be known:
That there is an attack which uses set
steps or patterns which can be described
as a signature
Any system state requirements in order
for the attack to be usable
The steps of the attack
Any system state changes after a
successful attack
The first point requiring knowledge of an attack
is very important, as if that is unknown the rest of
the items would be not be possible to identify. If the
presence of an attack is known the IDS systems can
identify vulnerable systems by knowing the system
state requirements for the attack to take place. For
example a vulnerable system may be one with a
specific version of a piece of software running.
The most significant item for the creation of the
signature is having the steps of the attack so that the
IDS scanners can watch for these activities. In
buffer-overflow attacks this would be the IDS
looking for the correct length string of characters
followed by the shell-code or other commands that
are passed to exploit the vulnerability.
Even with known attack signatures intrusion-
detection systems are far from 100% efficient and
reliable. Current network speeds have a much
higher bandwidth than most computer systems can
process in real-time. Due to the fact that IDS are
software implementations this means the IDS cannot
process all network traffic, and the accuracy of the
system will be limited by the amount of data it can
capture and analyze.
This is where the fourth point mentioned above
becomes significant. If an attack gets by an IDS
scanner because it couldn’t process all the traffic, it
should be able to detect there was an attack if it finds
the state of a system has changed to one that would
indicate it has been compromised. At this point it
would be too late to prevent the attack, but it can
alert the system administrator and take a responsive
action such as preventing the system from sending
outgoing traffic therefore protecting any data that
may be stored on it.
For monitoring attacks there have been efforts by
many groups to centralize the collection and analysis
of network and system data for enhanced detection
of security threats. In most cases this is done by the
installation of agents on a large number of systems
which collect firewall and system logs and report
data back to a centralized source which processes
the data to report out on worm propagation and virus
The Internet Storm Center (ISC) is one the
leading groups doing this type of analysis. Using
the DShield Distributed Intrusion Detection system
they collect firewall data from numerous sources on
the Internet. In September 2004 the ISC processed
over 1 billion logs for analysis (DShield, 2004).
Using that data it is possible to query the ISC
database to generate reports on traffic usage and
worm propagation times. At the time of this writing
the average time between worm attacks on an
Internet host was once every 14 minutes (Internet
Storm Center, 2004).
While this type of data is beneficial for finding
trends of known attacks and network usage, it does
not directly improve our ability to enhance system
To further improve the knowledge-base for
securing systems there has been a lot of attention
given to using honeypots to gather attack data. A
honeypot is term used to identify a system which
looks valid to attackers, but which was put in place
to attract attacks so the activity can be monitored
without them knowing they are being watched.
Once these attacks are discovered they result in a
better understanding of the evolution of attack
methodologies, and they allow the creation of new
signatures for intrusion detection systems.
One of the most popular honeypot configurations
is the honeyd Open Source daemon. Using this
daemon in a honeycomb configuration of systems
can be used to automatically generate signatures of
attacks for intrusion detection systems (Kreibich &
Crowcroft, 2004).
Automatic IDS signature generation based on
learned attacks from honeyd installations is quicker
than the manual method of creating signatures, but it
is flawed. The two biggest areas that need
improvement in honeycombs and other similar tools
are to minimize the number of invalid signatures that
are created due to mistaking valid requests as
attacks, and ways to improve the speed of processing
Another current area of research being done to
improve protection against automated attacks is
advanced worm modelling using simulations to
create early warning systems for worm propagation.
In 2003, worm simulation and modelling was done
based on a recursive algorithm using a Kalman filter
(Zou, Gao, Gong, & Towsley, 2003) to investigate
the increasing speed of worm propagation.
With the Kalman filter model a simulation found
that the Slammer worm would have been able to
infect 100% of vulnerable hosts on the Internet in 3
minutes if given unlimited bandwidth. Results show
the first 1% of vulnerable servers were infected in 45
seconds. The only thing throttling the spread of the
worm was the lack of network bandwidth, because
the Internet’s infrastructure could not carry the
worm at the speed it was trying to spread.
Based on the speeds of recent worms we can see
manual efforts to combat fast-spreading worms, such
as OS and software patching, will not be enough to
secure systems. In order to counter these types of
attacks we need advanced detection and response
systems that will automatically be able to close the
weaknesses that the attacks use within minutes, if
not seconds, of the first attack.
Tupakula and Varadharajan proposed an agent-
based model in 2003 which would have agents on
edge routers communicating with other routers
within a LAN that would be able to detect this type
of traffic. It would then determine the router which
was closest to the source of the attack and would
block the attacker’s traffic at the point closest to its
source so it would not flood the rest of the network.
Another agent-based model was proposed by
Gorodetski, Kotenko, and Karsaev (2003) for
intrusion detection and learning. Unlike the router-
based model, these agents are installed on the
computer systems and they communicate with each
other to share captured data which was seen as an
attack to learn and protect against new attacks.
While these types of methods have much
potential in enhancing network security they are
usually limited in usability as they require agents or
new protocols to be used to be successful. Without
computer industry agreement in which standards to
use and a way to address the weaknesses in legacy
systems we will still be limited to going without
protection or having varied solutions put in place by
individuals or organizations.
Recent technologies, such as wireless networks, grid
computing, and OS virtualization require
investigation to ensure they are implemented to
minimize possible infection by automated attacks.
Wireless networks pose a large risk to network
security. The widely-used 802.11 wireless network
standards offer poor built-in security and allow an
easy place for attackers to connect to networks.
With wireless networks it is easy for an attacker to
launch attacks from a laptop while parked in a car
outside a location with a wireless network. Once the
attack is launched the attacker can easily move
away, untraceable.
Another newer technology which is becoming
widely used is grid computing. Grid computing
allows users to access data and resources distributed
across many systems as if they were located in one
place. This can be highly efficient as processing
power and resources are able to be balanced across
many systems, but it also requires very specialized
security to be used.
If grid computations and data distribution aren’t
seamless to users the usefulness of a grid would be
minimal, but if all the systems blindly trusted each
other it would be very easy for attackers to gain
access to many systems by getting in to any system
in the grid. It would also allow worms to spread
very quickly if they weren’t challenged once one
grid system was infected.
Many grid computing farms use the Grid
Security Infrastructure (GSI) model, which is based
on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to give each user
and resource a unique identifier. Users need to
authenticate to access any grid resources, and
resources ACLs are based on the unique identifier
given to the users. However not all GSI grid
systems are protected, as not all software running on
grids are GSI-compatible, and the required key
management can be cumbersome on large grids.
The final technology we will review in relation
to intrusion detection and automated attack
prevention is virtualization. Virtualization allows
multiple operating systems to run on one piece of
hardware without them knowing they are on a
shared system. The OSes that are virtualized are
known as guests, and the OS they run under is
known as the host.
From a security perspective virtualization means
that if a worm or attack can infect the host, it could
take down the guests on the host making a DoS
attack much more effective. If a DoS attack takes
down a non-virtualized system only one OS is
affected, but the number of affected systems would
be much higher in a virtual infrastructure.
Virtualization technology could also be used to
identify or respond to attacks. If the host layer of a
virtualized system is secure the host could possibly
identify and respond to attacks on the guests. If a
guest OS was being attacked and was prevented
from talking on the network the host may be able to
respond to the attack without needing the guest
As we have seen there has been much research in the
areas of intrusion detection and intrusion response.
Much of this research has been focused on
automated attacks such as worms, DDoS, and DoS
attacks. As automated attack writers produce more
efficient attacks, and the number of hosts on
networks grow, the need for quick detection and
response is crucial.
With worms being able to affect large number of
hosts in seconds, and no current systems which can
close down these vulnerabilities with such short
notice, there is currently a technology gap between
the attackers and those trying to protect systems.
Current research is closing this gap, and as new
technologies are introduced into networks and
computer systems there is opportunity for smarter
and faster response to attacks. However these new
technologies also bring with them new insecurities.
The process of using new technologies to
prevent security issues being followed by newer
exploits will most certainly continue indefinitely, but
in the area of preventing and responding to
automated attacks there is a strong need to improve
intrusion detection and response technologies, which
currently cannot process or respond to threats as
quickly as attacks can be generated.
Denning, D. (1986). An Intrusion-Detection Model. 1986
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy.
DShield. (October 2004). DShield Records Added
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Gorodetski, V., Kotenko, I. & Karsaev, O. (July 2003).
Multi-agent technologies for computer network
security. International Journal of Computer Systems
Science & Engineering, Volume 18, Number 4. 191-
Internet Storm Center. (October 2004). Average Time
Between Attacks: Survival Time. Retrieved October
17, 2004, from the Internet Storm Center Web site:
Kreibich, C. & Crowcroft, J. (January 2004). Honeycomb
– Creating Intrusion Detection Signatures Using
Honeypots. ACM SIGCOMM Computer
Communications Review, Volume 34, Number 1. 51-
Lemos, R. (January 31, 2003). Counting The Cost of
Slammer. CNet News. Retrieved October 16, 2004,
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Moore, D., Paxson, V., Savage, S., Shannon, C., Staniford,
S., & Weaver, N. (2003). Inside the Slammer Worm.
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Tupakula, U. & Varadharajan, V. (2003). A Practical
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Zou, C., Gao, L, Gong, W., & Towsley, D. (2003).
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