Public-Key Encryption Based on Matrix
Diagonalization Problem
Jiande Zheng
Department of Computer Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, P. R. China
Abstract. A research on the development of a new public-key encryption
based on matrix diagonalization problem over a ring of algebraic
integers is reported in this paper. The research is original, although it is still
in its early stage. The new public key encryption algorithm has three
original features that distinguish it from existing ones: (a) it works on an
infinite field instead of a Galois field; (b)it recognizes the ability of
adversaries to factor big integers; (c) it requires only simple (without
modulus) additions and multiplications for message encryption and
decryption, no high-order exponentiation is required.
1 Introduction
The idea of inventing new public key cryptographies by exploring the matrix
diagonalization problem (MDP) was first suggested in [1]. The original
encryption system was implemented with modulo-p addition and multiplications,
where p is a big prime, which was broken due to the fact that the characteristic
polynomial of the public key matrix can be factored efficiently over GF(p) using
Cantor-Zassenhaus algorithm [2]. Improved public key encryption and digital
signature schemes were developed later with the same idea, but with the
underlying algebraic setting selected differently as Zn, the ring of integers with
modulo-n addition and multiplication, where n is an RSA modulus [3][4]. The
new selection links MDP to integer factorization problem (IFP). In fact,
diagonalizing a 2×2 matrix over Zn is equivalent to solving a modulo-n quadratic
equation, or inverting the Rabin public key function [5], which is a proven hard
The purpose of this paper is to report the further research on developing an
tion scheme based on MDP over yet another algebraic setting, which is an
infinite field instead of a Galois field, as is the case with almost all existing
schemes. Since factoring a polynomial over the specially formulated algebraic
setting is a brand new crypto problem, the complexity of which is still under
study. However, we have made important progress on this aspect, which will be
presented in this paper.
Zheng J. (2005).
Public-Key Encryption Based on Matrix Diagonalization Problem.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 102-112
DOI: 10.5220/0002543101020112