A real-time intrusion prevention system for commercial
enterprise databases and file systems
Ulf T. Mattsson
Protegrity Corp.
Abstract. Modern intrusion detection s
ystems are comprised of three basically
different approaches, host based, network based, and a third relatively recent
addition called procedural based detection. The first two have been extremely
popular in the commercial market for a number of years now because they are
relatively simple to use, understand and maintain. However, they fall prey to a
number of shortcomings such as scaling with increased traffic requirements, use
of complex and false positive prone signature databases, and their inability to
detect novel intrusive attempts. This intrusion detection system interacts with
the access control system to deny further access when detection occurs and
represent a practical implementation addressing these and other concerns. This
paper presents an overview of our work in creating a practical database
intrusion detection system. Based on many years of Database Security
Research, the proposed solution detects a wide range of specific and general
forms of misuse, provides detailed reports, and has a low false-alarm rate.
Traditional commercial implementations of database security mechanisms are
very limited in defending successful data attacks. Authorized but malicious
transactions can make a database useless by impairing its integrity and
availability. The proposed solution offers the ability to detect misuse and
subversion through the direct monitoring of database operations inside the
database host, providing an important complement to host-based and network-
based surveillance. Suites of the proposed solution may be deployed throughout
a network, and their alarms man-aged, correlated, and acted on by remote or
local subscribing security services, thus helping to address issues of
decentralized management.
1 Introduction
Most companies solely implement perimeter-based security solutions, even though
the greatest threats are from internal sources. Additionally, companies implement
network-based security solutions that are designed to protect network resources,
despite the fact that the information is more often the target of the attack. Recent
development in information-based security solutions addresses a defense-in-depth
strategy and is independent of the platform or the database that it protects. As
organizations continue to move towards digital commerce and electronic supply chain
management, the value of their electronic information has increased correspondingly
and the potential threats, which could compromise it, have multiplied. With the
T. Mattsson U. (2005).
A real-time intrusion prevention system for commercial enterprise databases and file systems.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 94-101
DOI: 10.5220/0002543200940101
advent of networking, enterprise-critical applications, multi-tiered architectures and
web access, approaches to security have become far more sophisticated. A span of
research from authorization (Griffiths, 1976, Rabitti, 1994), to inference control
(Adam, 1989), to multilevel secure databases (Winslett, 1994, Sandhu, 1998), and to
multi-level secure transaction processing (Atluri, 1999), addresses primarily how to
protect the security of a database, especially its confidentiality. However, limited
solutions has been presented on how to practically implement a solution to survive
successful database attacks, which can seriously impair the integrity and availability
of a database. Experience with data-intensive applications such as credit card billing,
has shown that a variety of attacks do succeed to fool traditional database protection
mechanisms. One critical step towards attack resistant database systems is intrusion
detection, which has attracted many researchers ( Lunt, 1992, Jagannathan, 1993,
Helman, 1993, Lunt, 1993, Mukherjee, 1994, Lunt, 1998, Lane, 1998, Lee, 1999).
Intrusion detection systems monitor system or network activity to discover attempts to
disrupt or gain illicit access to systems. The methodology of intrusion detection can
be roughly classed as being either based on statistical profiles (Javitz, 1991, Javitz,
1994, Samfat, 1997) or on known patterns of attacks, called signatures (Ilgun, 1993,
Garvey, 1991, Porras, 1992, Ilgun, 1995, Shieh, 1997).
2 Problem Formulation
In order to protect information stored in a database, it is known to store sensitive data
encrypted in the database. To access such encrypted data you have to decrypt it,
which could only be done by knowing the encryption algorithm and the specific
decryption key being used. The access to the decryption keys could be limited to
certain users of the database system, and further, different users could be given
different access rights. Specifically, it is preferred to use a so-called granular security
solution for the encryption of databases, instead of building walls around servers or
hard drives. In such a solution, which is described in this paper, a protective layer of
encryption is provided around specific sensitive data-items or objects. This prevents
outside attacks as well as infiltration from within the server itself. This also allows the
security administrator to define which data stored in databases are sensitive and
thereby focusing the protection only on the sensitive data, which in turn minimizes
the delays or burdens on the system that may occur from other bulk encryption
methods. Most preferably the encryption is made on such a basic level as in the
column level of the databases. Encryption of whole files, tables or databases is not so
granular, and does thus encrypt even non-sensitive data. It is further possible to assign
different encryption keys of the same algorithm to different data columns. With
multiple keys in place, intruders are prevented from gaining full access to any
database since a different key could protect each column of encrypted data.
2.1 New Requirements
The complexity of this task was dramatically increased by the introduction of multi-
platform integrated software solutions, the proliferation of remote access methods and
the development of applications to support an increasing number of business
3 Problem Solution
In the above-mentioned solutions the security administrator is responsible for setting
the user permissions. Thus, for a commercial database, the security administrator
operates through a middle-ware application, the access control system (ACS), which
provides authentication, encryption and decryption services. The ACS is tightly
coupled to the database management system (DBMS) of the database.For most
commercial databases, the database administrator has privileges to access the database
and perform most functions, such as changing password of the database users,
independent of the settings by the system administrator. An administrator with root
privileges could also have full access to the database. This is an opening for an attack
where the DBA can steal all the protected data without any knowledge of the
protection system above.
3.1 A New Approach
The solution protects the data in storage in a database. The architecture is built on top
of a traditional COTS (Commercial-Of-The-Shelf) DBMS. Within the framework, the
Intrusion Detector identifies malicious transactions based on the history kept (mainly)
in the log. The Intrusion Assessor locates the damage caused by the detected
transactions. The Intrusion Protector prevents the damage using a rollback. The
Intrusion Manager restricts the access to the objects that have been identified by the
Intrusion Assessor as ‘under attack’, and unlocks an object after it is cleared by the
security officer. The Policy Enforcement Agent (PEA) (a) functions as a filter for
normal user transactions that access critical fields in the database, and (b) is
responsible for enforcing system-wide intrusion prevention policies. For example, a
policy may require the PEA to reject every new transaction submitted by a user as
soon as the Intrusion Detector finds that the user submits a malicious transaction. It
should be noticed that the system is designed to do all the intrusion prevention work
on the fly without the need to periodically halt normal transaction processing.
3.2 Intrusion Prevention Solution
The method allows for a real time prevention of intrusion by letting the intrusion
detection process interact directly with the access control system, and change the user
authority dynamically as a result of the detected intrusion. The hybrid solution
combines benefits from database encryption toolkits and secure key management
systems. The hybrid solution also provides a single point of control for database
intrusion prevention, audit, privacy policy management, and secure and automated
encryption key management (FIPS 140 Level 3). The Database Intrusion Prevention
is based on ‘context checking’ against a protection policy for each critical database
column, and prevents internal attacks also from root, DBA, or ‘buffer overflow
attacks’, by automatically stopping database operations that are not conforming to the
Database Intrusion Prevention Policy rules. The Database Intrusion Prevention and
alarm system enforces policy rules that will keep any malicious application code in a
sand box regarding database access. In database security, it is a well-known problem
to avoid attacks from persons who have access to a valid user-ID and password. Such
persons cannot be denied access by the normal access control system, as they are in
fact entitled to access to a certain extent. Such persons can be tempted to access
improper amounts of data, by-passing the security. Such persons can be monitored
and controlled by this database intrusion prevention system and automatically be
locked out from database operations that are not conforming to the Database Intrusion
Prevention Policy rules. The Security Administrator (SA) monitor and control the
Database Intrusion Prevention Policy rules via the Central Intrusion Prevention
System. The Central Intrusion Prevention System also performs analysis of long-term
audit transactions. The Local Intrusion Detection System performs a real-time
analysis of online transactions. The Local Intrusion Prevention System performs real-
time blocking of online transactions resulting from the combined analysis by the
components described above.
3.3 Inference Detection
A variation of conventional intrusion detection is detection of specific patterns of
information access, deemed to signify that an intrusion is taking place, even though
the user is authorized to access the information. A method for such inference
detection, i.e. a pattern oriented intrusion detection, is disclosed in US patent 5278901
to Shieh et al. None of these solutions are however entirely satisfactory. The primary
drawback is that they all concentrate on already effected queries, providing at best
information that an attack has occurred.
3.4 Intrusion Prevention Profile
By defining at least one intrusion detection profile, each comprising at least one item
(column access) access rate, associating each user with one of the profiles, receiving a
query from a user, comparing a result of the query with the item access rates defined
in the profile associated with the user, determining whether the query result exceeds
the item access rates, and in that case notifying the access control system to alter the
user authorization, thereby making the received request an unauthorized request,
before the result is transmitted to the user. According to this method, the result of a
query is evaluated before it is transmitted to the user. This allows for a real time
prevention of intrusion, where the attack is stopped even before it is completed. This
is possible by letting the intrusion detection process interact directly with the access
control system, and change the user authority dynamically as a result of the detected
intrusion. The item access rates can be defined based the number of rows a user may
access from an item, e.g. a column in a database table, at one time, or over a certain
period of time. This implementation provides a second type of intrusion detection,
based on inference patterns, again resulting in a real time prevention of intrusion.
3.5 Real time analysis
Items (Fields and columns) are marked for monitoring in the policy database. The
intrusion detection component compares the current query result and the updated
intrusion detection record (record) with the item access rate included in the security
policy associated with the current user, the role that the user belongs to, or the server
the user is connected to. Only item access rates associated with the marked items
comprised in the current result need to be compared. If the current query result or
accumulated record includes a number of rows exceeding a particular item access
rate, such a request will be classified as an intrusion, and the access control system
(intrusion prevention system component) will be alerted. Secondly, if no item access
rate is exceeded, the intrusion detection process compares the query result and
accumulated record with any inference pattern included in the security policy. If the
result includes a combination of items that match the defined inference pattern, such a
request will also be classified as an intrusion, and the access control system will be
alerted. If no intrusion is found, the result set is communicated to the user. Upon an
alert, the access control system is arranged to immediately alter the user authorization,
thereby making the submitted request unauthorized. For the user, the request, or at
least parts of the request directed to items for which the item access rate was
exceeded, will thus appear to be unauthorized, even though authority was initially
granted by the access control system. In addition to the immediate and dynamic
alteration of the access control system, other measures can be taken depending on the
seriousness of the intrusion, such as sending an alarm to e.g. the administrator, or
shutting down the entire database.
3.6 Long term analysis
The query result can also be stored in the central log file by the intrusion detection
module, as described above. The central log file, which thus contains accumulated
query results from a defined time period, can also be compared to the inference
patterns in the security profiles of users, roles or servers, this time in a “after the
event” type analysis. Even though such an analysis cannot prevent the intrusion from
taking place, it may serve as intelligence gathering, improving the possibilities of
handling intrusion problems. While the real time protection is most efficient when it
comes to preventing security breaches, the long term analysis can be more in depth,
and more complex, as time is no longer a critical factor. The real time protection
system also receives feedback from the “after the event” type analysis to enable
immediate alter of the user authorization, thereby making the submitted request
unauthorized if the longer term item access rate was exceeded, or if longer term
inference rules are violated. The policy may include additional policy rules in a
practical implementation, including verification of the validity of time-of-day,
authentication method, source of request (process, ID, port number, and the integrity
of software components and metadata.
4 Related Work
There is a variety of related research efforts that explore what one can do with audit
data to automatically detect threats to the host. An important work is MIDAS
(Sebring, 1988), as it was one of the original applications of expert systems—in fact
using P-BEST—to the problem of monitoring user activity logs for misuse and
anomalous user activity. CMDS, by SAIC, demonstrated another application of a
forward-chaining expert-system, CLIPS, to a variety of operating system logs
(Proctor, 1994). USTAT (Ilgun, 1993) offered another formulation of intrusion
heuristics using state transition diagrams (Porras, 1992), but by design remained a
classic forward-chaining expert sys-tem inference engine. ASAX (Habra, 1992)
introduced the Rule-based Sequence Evaluation Language (RUSSEL) (Mounji,
1997), which is tuned specifically for the analysis of host audit trails. Recent literature
form the RAID conferences, as well as IEEE Security and Privacy, the DARPA
program on survivability that concentrated on detecting and surviving attacks, and a
large scale DARPA project called DemVal, are dealing with the survivability of a
database. The idea of attack prevention, that will not allow access after a threshold is
reached, is also discussed in the SRI Appache IDs system. The approach is sometimes
also called application level intrusion detection, rather than procedural intrusion
5 Conclusion
While the existing paradigms of computer security are still very useful and serve
perfectly well in their capacities, there has existed a gap in the computer security
space. Our technology and approach fills that gap by providing practical application
based intrusion detection and response. We suggest that this gives The Hybrid the
unique ability to detect and halt completely novel attacks that have yet to be seen on
the Internet, and better yet, we have the ability to protect the first person to see a new
attack or exploit. No one needs to be sacrificed to the new virus or worm anymore. In
essence, we have learned to solve the right problem. Removing all software
vulnerabilities is clearly an unsolvable problem. Providing restrictive and onerous
barriers to software use makes the software uncomfortable and difficult to use.
Monitoring and controlling program execution at run time through behavioural
control is the missing piece in the security puzzle. The complete puzzle has three
pieces; data control (encryption), access control, and behavioural control. This
solution includes a method for detecting intrusion in a database, managed by an
access control system, comprising defining at least one intrusion detection profile,
each comprising at least one item access rate and associating each user with one of the
profiles. Further, the method determines whether a result of a query exceeds any one
of the item access rates defined in the profile associated with the user, and, in that
case, notifies the access control system to alter the user authorization, thereby making
the received request an unauthorized request, before the result is transmitted to the
user. The method allows for a real time prevention of intrusion by letting the intrusion
detection process interact directly with the access control system, and change the user
authority dynamically as a result of the detected intrusion.
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