Prototype of Platform Independent Editor Using Unified Modeling Language

Challapalli Venkata Vijay Chaitanya, Koduganti Venkata Rao



This paper describes a prototype of Editor. This prototype deals with web-based technology and occupies diminutive amount of space, which enables a team of users to work simultaneously on different systems with the same Editor. This has the capability of running in the server and client system independently. More over this Editor have achieved the goal of platform independency and it has it’s own capabilities to run on different platforms. Along with these features this also have the feature to send messages to the server from the client. To enable concurrent access and platform independency the editor uses some of the concepts of JVM, html, UML, and scripting languages. These features are used to facilitate editing and operating. With the help of JVM the messages are being sent to the server from the client.


  1. The Unified Language User Guide by Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh and Ivar Jacobson
  2. Real Time UML by Bruce Powel Duglass
  3. Analysis Patterns by Martin Fowler
  4. Surviving Object-Oriented Projects
  5. Object Solutions by Grady Booch
  6. UML Distilled by Martin Fowler
  7. Software Reuse by Ivar Jacobson
  8. The Unified Software Development Process by Ivar Jacobson
  9. Visual Modeling with Rational Rose and UML by Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series
  10. Software Project Management by Walker Royce
  11. The Unified Model Reference Manual by James Rumbaugh
  12. Applying Use Cases by Geri Schneider
  13. The Object Constraint Language by Jos Warmer
  14. Enterprise Computing with Objects by Yen-Ping Shan
  16. http://www,

Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Venkata Vijay Chaitanya C. and Venkata Rao K. (2005). Prototype of Platform Independent Editor Using Unified Modeling Language . In Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Web Services and Model-Driven Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 1: WSMDEIS, (ICEIS 2005) ISBN 972-8865-27-9, pages 11-17. DOI: 10.5220/0002545400110017

in Bibtex Style

author={Challapalli Venkata Vijay Chaitanya and Koduganti Venkata Rao},
title={Prototype of Platform Independent Editor Using Unified Modeling Language},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Web Services and Model-Driven Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 1: WSMDEIS, (ICEIS 2005)},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Web Services and Model-Driven Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 1: WSMDEIS, (ICEIS 2005)
TI - Prototype of Platform Independent Editor Using Unified Modeling Language
SN - 972-8865-27-9
AU - Venkata Vijay Chaitanya C.
AU - Venkata Rao K.
PY - 2005
SP - 11
EP - 17
DO - 10.5220/0002545400110017