Paolo Faverio
CETIC,Università Carlo Cattaneo, Cso. Matteotti 22, Castellanza, Italy
Donatella Sciuto
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano,Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, Italy – ITALY
Giacomo Buonanno
CETIC,Università Carlo Cattaneo, Cso. Matteotti 22, Castellanza, Italy
Keywords: ERP implementation, SMEs, Critical Success factors
Abstract: Aim of this research is the investigation and anal
ysis of the critical success factors (CSF) in the
implementation of ERP systems within SMEs. Papers in the ERP research field have focused on successes
and failures of implementing systems into large organizations. Within the highly differentiated set of
computer based systems available, the ERP systems represent the most common solution adopted by large
companies to pursue their strategies. On the contrary, until now small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have
shown little interest in ERP systems due to the lack of internal competence and resources that characterize
those companies. Nevertheless, now that ERP vendors’ offer shows a noteworthy adjustment to SMEs
organizational and business characteristics it seems of a certain interest to study and deeply analyze the
reasons that can inhibit or foster ERP adoption within SMEs. This approach cannot leave out of
consideration the analysis of the CSFs in ERP implementation: despite their wide outline in the most
qualified literature, very seldom these research efforts have been addressed to SMEs. This paper aims at
proposing a methodology to support the small medium entrepreneur in identifying the critical factors to be
monitored along the whole ERP adoption process.
ERP systems are customizable, standard software
applications (Rosemann, 1999) that seek to integrate
the complete range of business processes and
functions to present an holistic view of the business
from a single information and IT architecture
(Gable, 1998). In spite of the benefits potentially
offered (Banker, et al., 1998, Davenport, 1998,
Gable, 1998), reports from the industry have pointed
out that ERP system implementations do not
guarantee the business benefits that they promised
(Wheatley, 2000).
The obstacles that limited benefit attainment
m ERP implementation had seldom little to do
with lack of software functionality or major
technical issues, but were more often related to
people’s change and project management
competencies (Davenport, 2000, Mandal and
Gunasekaran, 2003).
The complex and pervasive nature of ERP
ms makes the above-mentioned issues even
more relevant when small and medium enterprises
(SMEs) are taken into consideration since many
SMEs either do not have sufficient resources or are
not willing to commit a huge fraction of their
resources (Chan, 1999) due to the long
implementation times and high fees associated with
ERP implementation (Chau, 1995).
Organizational issues are also ofte
n claimed to
be one of the most important reasons for failures in
ERP system adoption (Davenport, 1993). Although
the organizational flexibility of SMEs should
theoretically favor ERP implementation, on the other
hand the low extent of formalization of people’s
Faverio P., Sciuto D. and Buonanno G. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 285-292
DOI: 10.5220/0002547502850292
roles and responsibilities makes the identification of
figures, such as the project manager and the key
users (Davenport, 2000), extremely difficult to
Finally, the reinforcement of the concept of
business process is among the most critical success
factors in ERP implementation (Beretta, 2002).
Once again, SMEs seem in an unfavorable condition
since they generally suffer from a widespread lack
of culture as to the concept of business process
Whereas the overall research purpose is to
identify the Critical Success Factors (CSF) for ERP
implementation within SMEs and define metrics to
monitor them, this research work aims at identifying
the overall characteristics of SMEs in order to
explore their relationships with the CSFs in ERP
This research project will address the following
RQ1 (step1): is it possible to identify and develop a
reference model to properly describe ERP adoption
cycle within SMEs?
RQ2 (step2): which are the SMEs’ characteristics
representing an obstacle to ERP adoption?
RQ3 (step3): which are the critical success factors
in ERP system implementation?
RQ4 (step4): in the light of the findings related with
step 2, which are the critical success factors in
project management within SMEs?
RQ5 (step5): is it possible to develop a
methodology able to identify the most critic
activities along the ERP adoption process?
In this paper the analysis of CSFs for SMEs will
focus on the area of project management only (a
complete analysis is available in the Center for
Economy and Technology of Information and
Communication (CETIC) internal report for 2004).
1.1 The reference model (RQ1)
The literature reports different approaches for
process development and improvement, in particular
Deming (1986) proposed the PDSA model (Plan-
Do-Study(Check)-Act), a four stage representation
strictly related to the concept of life-cycle. Its
universality allows representing also the different
stages typical of the IS management process. Soh
and Markus (1995) made use of such a concept of
“staged” life-cycle to explain the ability of
Information Technology (IT) in creating (or not to)
business value. Another similar, but more
circumstantiated perspective was added by Markus
and Tanis (2000) through the specification of a
chartering phase and also by a more precise
definition of both the domain and the purpose of
each stage.
The effectiveness of this approach lies in the fact
that its dynamism allows looking at implementation
as a sequence of stages and is then able to seek and
explain how outcomes develop over time (Boudreau
and Robey, 1999). Despite such a capability, the
scope of each stage in the Markus and Tanis model
still seems not sufficiently detailed when dealing
with SMEs. In fact, seeking an increased granularity
in detailing each stage could help improving both
the definition of the activities performed in each
stage and the appointment of people involved.
Therefore, the “Proven Path” methodology
The “IT conversion” process
The “IT use” process The competitive process
IT management/conversion activities
inappropriate use
Competitive position
competitive dynamics
Soh and Markus
Markus and Tanis
Reference model
based on the
“Proven path”
methodology in
Wallace and Kremzar
Onward /upward
Figure 1: The reference model
(Wallace and Kremzar, 2001) was adopted with
some modifications, with the aim of subdividing
each stage in its specific sub-activities. A
software/vendor selection sub-activity has been
added as well as the choice of the external consultant
Figure 1).
Table 1: Classification of SMEs characteristics being an
obstacle to ERP adoption
1.2 ERP adoption obstacles within
The capability of Enterprise Resource Planning
1.3 CSFs in ERP implementation
Despite the numerous benefits and promises of ERP
long the ERP adoption
2. etween the identified
3. or tactical role of CSFs in
To a iew on
ain has been further
Mandal and Gunasekaran, 2003) (
Table 2).
SMEs (RQ2)
(ERP) systems to efficiently and effectively manage
company’s resources by providing a total, integrated
solution for its information processing needs (Nah,
et al., 2001) has persuaded both practitioners and
managers of the importance of integrated systems,
not only for large multinational organizations but for
small and medium-sized firms too (Everdingen, et
al., 2000).Unlike large companies which often own
both the managerial competencies and adequate
financial resources, other studies (Raymond, 1992)
stressed out the weaknesses of SMEs in properly
managing the technology innovation. A previous
research by Gable and Stewart (1999) classified the
structural and managerial characteristics of SMEs
that hampers ERP adoption by the four specificities
they belong to. This classification was enriched with
a fifth specificity, the financial one, while a
literature review was performed to verify if other
factors could be relevant as to the original
taxonomy. 29 SMEs’ characteristics are reported in
Table 1 including the original factors identified by
Gable and Stewart.
Specificity Classification of SMEs characteristics being an obstacle to ERP adoption
1. Low extent of formalization of people’s roles and responsibilities that is expressed by with their
continuous re-shuffle (Dutta and Evrard, 1999)**
2. The shift from a functional structure to a process-based view of the organization also requires the
verification of the alignment between both the IS and ICT architectures and the current
organizational structure (Luftman and Brier, 1999).**
3. It is often difficult to successfully implement a process-based approach, since it requires a lot of
time and money and results in a tremendous amount of change within the organization (Shields,
4. SMEs are "resource poor" in human terms*
5. SMEs face a greater environmental uncertainty, as they have a lower measure of control over their
extraorganizational situation *
6. The decision-making process of small business is less reliant on formal information and decision
models *
7. The strategic decision cycle or time frame of the SMEs is characterized as being: generally short
term, with a reactive rather than a proactive orientation; and less formal, using fewer formal
management techniques.*
8. Owner-managers of SMEs are less prone to sharing information and delegating decision-making *
9. The decision-making process of small business managers is more intuitive and judgemental*
Information Systems
10. Limited resources in IS, including implementation and training (Levy and Powell, 2000) **
11. Need for skilled manpower involved in implementing and operating IS (Thong, 2001)**
12. SMEs underestimate the amount of time and effort required for IS implementation (Yap, 1989)**
13. lack of strategic planning of IS (Levy and Powell, 2000, Sweeny, 1999, Zinatelli, et al., 1996)**
14. Organizational information systems are generally under-utilized by SME managers.*
15. Within SMEs the non-development of adequate internal competencies limits the development of
real policies of IT specification and selection supporting the IS (Monsted, 1993; Schleich, et al.,
1990) **
16. SMEs are characterized by an underdevelopment of the IS with regard to the organizational
requirements (Cragg and Zinatelli, 1995; Lai, 1995; Lang, et al., 1997) **
17. IS planning within SMEs becomes more critical as technology becomes more central to SME
products and processes, and needs to be integrated with the business strategy (Blili and Raymond,
18. The main objective for managers is to spend available financial resources on supporting
management systems that would improve day-to-day operations (Levy and Powell, 2000)**
19. Managers in SMEs tend to have less computer experience and training *
20. The information systems function in most SMEs is typically: in an early stage of evolution;
subordinated to the accounting function; lacking managerial expertise to plan, organize and
control the use of information resources of the firm; and possessing of a relatively low level of
technical systems development sophistication*
21. SMEs have limited expertise in IT (Levy and Powell, 2000)**
22. SMEs usually devote scarce resources to the IS department and, whenever they do, the IS staff
competence is strictly narrowed to technical issues (Palvia, et al., 1994, Soh, et al., 1994, Zinatelli,
et al., 1996)**
23. Lack of policies of IT specification and selection supporting the IS (Monsted, 1993; Schleich, et
al., 1990)**
24. The configuration and implementation of ERP systems still remain an expensive task for SMEs
(Mabert, et al., 2001)**
25. There are more barriers to IS implementation in small businesses than in large businesses due to
the high capital investment involved in implementing and operating IS (Thong, 2001)**
26. Small-medium entrepreneurs tend to choose the cheapest system which may be inadequate for
their purpose (Yap, 1989)**
27. Small- and medium-sized enterprises are not able to pay consultants millions of dollars for ERP
implementation (Scheer and Habermann, 2000)**
28. Significant lead times and high fees associated with ERP implementation (Chau and Patrick, 1995,
Hochberg, 1998)**
29. However, unlike large enterprises, small and medium-size enterprises (SME) cannot afford to
spend years on a software project (Al-Mudimigh, et al., 2001)**
** New factor identified
* Factor already present in Gable and Stewart’s classification (1999)
adoption (Davenport, 1998, Gable, 1998), great
concerns have been expressed on the ability to
translate the potentials of an integrated information
system into a success story (Davenport, 1998). Even
though rather high levels of customization are
possible, enterprise systems push toward their
”logic” and the underneath best practice models.
Nevertheless, this may conflict with an
organization’s way of doing business and, as a
result, it can compromise or lead to the failure of the
ERP project. Hence, a considerable amount of
interest has been devoted to the identification of
critical success factors (CSFs) in ERP adoption
(Nah, et al., 2001, Somers and Nelson, 2004). These
studies used different approaches to classify the
most important CSFs in ERP implementation by
highlighting, alternatively:
1. their positioning a
cycle (Esteves and Pastor, 1999, Markus
and Tanis, 2000);
the relationships b
CSFs and specific dimensions of ERP
adoption (Motwani, et al., 2002, Umble, et
al., 2003)
the strategic
ERP adoption and implementation (Esteves
and Pastor, 2000, Stefanou, 2001).
ddress RQ3, a wide literature rev
Fs in ERP implementation has been performed.
The 26 identified CSFs have been classified
according to a bi-dimensional scheme based on the
organizational and the technological domains
(Esteves and Pastor, 2000).
The organizational dom
cified by highlighting four typical dimensions of
ERP implementation such as process management,
project management, change management and
people’s dimension (Esteves and Pastor, 2001,
Table 2: CSFs in ERP implementation
1.4 CSFs in project management
Although a number of research works have previously
cts of the
needs and
quirements (expectations).
personnel for the project team.
The t fluences
the implementation process (Esteves and Pastor,
s the
since the financial
t plan or overall
schedule for the entire project
A pro due dates
among the project team members also guarantee the
dealt with CSFs in ERP implementations using the
organizational and technological dimensions as
reading keys (Esteves and Pastor, 2000), so far none
of these studies has focused the analysis on SMEs.
The reference model showed in paragraph 1.1 allows
classifying the CSFs’ along the ERP life-cycle rather
than by simply grouping the identified CSFs as to the
dimension they belong to. The selection of CSFs in
the light of the characteristics of SMEs is only an
intermediate goal, since the final aim is to provide a
comprehensive framework and the related
methodological steps to support the evaluation of the
most critical issues in ERP implementation.
Project management deals with all aspe
ject, such as planning, organisation, information
system acquisition, personnel selection, and
management and monitoring of software
implementation (Al-Mudimigh, et al., 2001). The
project team’s business and technological competence
play a fundamental part in settling ERP
implementation success or failure (Somers and
Nelson, 2004) since the ERP projects may have to
contend with issues such as:
1. scope, time, cost, and
2. stakeholders with differing
3. identified requirements (needs) and
unidentified re
ecruitment, selection and training of
Dimension Area CSFs
Need for establishing the process owner role (Davenport, 2000b)
Reinforcement of the concept of business process (Beretta, 2002)
Business Process Change (BPC) team (Beretta, 2002, Motwani, et al., 2002)
Business Process Reengineering (Davenport, 1993, Hammer, 1999, Hammer and
Champy, 1993, Lucas, et al., 1988)
Adequate IT infrastructure supporting knowledge sharing and communication
(Motwani, et al., 2002)
Project evaluation measures (Umble et al., 2003)
Project manager/leader profile and skills (Wallace and Kremzar, 2001; Willcocks and
Presence of super-users (Davenport, 2000b)
Recruitment, selection and training of personnel for the project team (Mandal and
Gunasekaran, 2003)
Clear definition of project objectives (Umble et al., 2003; Nelson and Somers, 2004)
Steering committee’s tasks and responsibilities (Welti,1999; Nelson and Somers, 2004
Initial ,detailed project plan or overall schedule for the entire project (Wallace and
Kremzar, 2001, Nelson and Somers, 2004)
Presence of an executive-level project champion (Mandal and Gunasekaran, 2003)
Commitment by top management (Esteves, et al., 2002, Somers and Nelson, 2004,
Umble, et al., 2003)
Clear understanding of strategic goals (Mandal and Gunasekaran, 2003, Umble, et al.,
Open communication and information sharing (Aladwani, 2001, Motwani, et al., 2002,
Somers and Nelson, 2004)
Extensive education and training (Umble et al., 2003)
Cross functional training and personnel movement within the organization (Motwani,
et al., 2002)
hands-on training (Aladwani, 2001)
Commitment and motivation of users toward the innovation (Mandal and
Gunasekaran, 2003)
Legacy systems knowledge (Esteves and Pastor, 2000, Themistocleous and Irani, 2001)
Presence of internal IT capabilities/characteristics (Willcocks and Sykes, 2000; Mandal and
Gunasekaran, 2003)
Adequate ERP implementation strategy (Davenport, 1998, Esteves and Pastor, 2000, Markus, et
al., 2000, Somers and Nelson, 2004, Umble, et al., 2003)
Establish ERP selection and evaluation criteria (Esteves and Pastor, 2000, Somers and Nelson,
2004, Willcocks and Sykes, 2000; Verville and Halingten, 2003)
Implementation consultants (Davenport, 2000; Somers and Nelson, 2004)
Data accuracy/integrity (Umble et al., 2003; Somers and Nelson, 2004; K.M. Kapp, 1998)
s ructure of the project team deeply in
2000) since skills and knowledge of the project team
are critical in providing expertise in areas where team
members lack knowledge (Somers and Nelson, 2004).
Therefore project team composition demands multiple
skills covering functional, technical, and inter-
personal areas (Al-Mashari, et al., 2003) and top-
notch people who are chosen for their past
accomplishments, reputation, and flexibility (Umble,
et al., 2003). A multifunctional composition should
also count key users, people with bridge-building
interpersonal skills, together with in-house and in-
sourcing of IT specialists (Willcocks and Sykes,
2000) and third-party consultants (Welti, 1999).
Esteves and Pastor (2000) propose that also
consultants should be involved in a way that help
lementation process, in particular by sharing their
expertise and skills with the internal staff through an
adequate knowledge transfer mechanism (Al-Mashari,
et al., 2003). On the other hand, Welti (1999) warns
that even though the resort to external consultants
reduces the internal workload it also drains financial
resources from the company.
It’s very difficult to say which strategy fits better
with SMEs’ characteristics
straints and the available organizational skills are
inevitably context-dependent. Nevertheless, since
managers in SMEs tend to have less computer
experience and training (19), the resort to external
consultants seems not only advisable but even
mandatory. Finally, the limited resources, both human
and financial, devoted by SMEs to the IS department
and the scarce attitude of owner-managers in sharing
information and delegating decision-making (8) are
both reasons that suggest that this CSF must be
seriously kept in consideration.
1.4.2 Initial, detailed projec
per assignment of responsibilities and
availability of key users for those activities in which
they are involved (Wu, et al., 2002). Also unforeseen
changes in the people joining the team and in the
operating environment are both threats for an ERP
implementation. Wallace and Kremzar (2001) noticed
that since companies’ attention span is limited, as the
project priority drops, so the odds for success.
Overlooking this issue may be dangerous in particular
within SMEs, given that the amount of time and effort
required for IS implementation (12) is often already
underestimated and the decision cycle or time frame
is generally short term and with a reactive rather than
a proactive orientation (7). In conclusion, a proper
and timely project plan definition should be seen as a
preventive measure by owner-managers, since it
could prevent the project from suffering from extra-
organizational situation over which SMEs have a
lower measure of control (5).
1.4.3 Project manager’s profile and skills
managers have to be experienced both in strategic and
pe of the project he’s
In order to manage a project successfully, proj
tactical project management activities. In particular,
the project manager should be full-time, from within
the company and own an operational background
(Wallace and Kremzar, 2001).
The project leader should also have a track record
of success with the size and ty
ng to deal with (Willcocks and Sykes, 2000).
Furthermore, proven skills in managing both external
consultants and the inter-functional conflicts arising
from ERP implementation are required. Since an ERP
implementation should be business driven and
directed by business requirements, and not by the IT
department (Umble, et al., 2003), then internal IT
managers should be at least knowledgeable about how
the new technology could be affecting their business
(Willcocks and Sykes, 2000). The traditional structure
of an ERP project is quite complex since it demands
high coordination skills from several actors, such as
the project champion, the executive steering
committee and the project manager/team. But also
a different project configuration (entrepreneur, CIO
and the project team) which can realistically fit with
SMEs’ characteristics may cause an equal or maybe
higher degree of complexity since it overloads a
flatter and less responsive organizational structure.
This last structure compels the entrepreneur and the
CIO to carry out tasks that are often not compatible
with the time constraints typical of SMEs (Thong,
2001). That’s why some authors (Loh and Koh, 2004)
suggest that it should be advisable to hire an external
consultant having project management
responsibilities thus overcoming the organizational
overload and making up for any lack in project
management competences. Undoubtedly, the degree
of technical overspecialization of IS staff’s
competences (22) and the widespread lack of IS
strategic planning (13,17,20) are sufficient reasons for
small-medium entrepreneurs to carefully evaluate this
as a viable option.
1.4.4 Definition of project scope and
This critical success factor is related with concerns of
project goals clarification and their correspondence
with the organizational mission and the identified
strategic goals (Esteves and Pastor, 2000). Scope
specifies the degree to which the ERP system will
change managerial autonomy, task coordination, and
process integration in the business units of the
enterprise (Markus, et al., 2000) and implies the
definition by the highest authority of the project
organization, the steering committee, of the objectives
for the overall project (Welti, 1999). It implies the
definition of the scope of business processes and
business units involved, ERP functionality
implemented, technology to be
replaced/upgraded/integrated, and exchange of data
(Esteves and Pastor, 2000).
Timeliness of project should be managed
(Rosario, 2000) by creating aggressive but achievable
schedules (Umble, et al., 2003). This task requires a
detailed implementation schedule, better if created by
external consultants who are more experienced with
software and project scheduling (Welti, 1999). Since a
different scope in ERP projects requires different
levels of organizational authority and organizational
participation (Markus, et al., 2000), SMEs have also
to discount the need for more formal information and
decision models (6,7,9) with respect to the project
scope definition and objectives outlining activity.
Independently of the adopted implementation
approach (simultaneous, step by step, incremental),
owner-managers must also realize that sharing
information and delegating decision-making during
the definition of project scope and objectives is vital
(8), so that the centralization of decisions doesn’t turn
out to be a bottleneck during system implementation.
1.4.5 Project and system evaluation
Although most project goals can be measured only
after project implementation because they ask for
results based on the implementation, or aim at
organizational changes, nevertheless all the actors
taking part in ERP implementation must share a clear
understanding of the goals (Umble, et al., 2003).
Specific and detailed performance targets for the
system are also required (Wallace and Kremzar,
On the other hand, project development must be
closely monitored too: consulting fees, replacing of
legacy systems and user training are some of the areas
evaluators should not ignore, while other authors
(Somers and Nelson, 2001) suggest the need for
multiple management tools such as external and
internal integration devices and formal planning and
results-controls. This remark collides with the
relatively low level of sophistication of the decision-
making process within SMEs, being more intuitive
and judgmental, less formal and using fewer formal
management techniques (8,9). Then, SMEs should
consider the opportunity of adopting rapid
implementation tools (i.e. AcceleratedSAP) which are
commonly provided by consulting package vendors,
VARs and implementation partners (Chan, 1999).
SMEs could benefit of reinforced implementation
methodologies and also of the embedded project and
system performance evaluation measures.
1.4.6 Presence of key users
Key users’ tasks include determining how the system
will affect the procedures of the organization and
recommending system configuration and design detail
to the external contractor (Davenport, 2000, Wu, et
al., 2002). The criticality of such a role requires key
users to be chosen among the best performers in the
function or department they belong to (Davenport,
2000). Since SMEs are “resource poor” in human
resources (4), a first challenge is to free them up from
their daily routine by appointing new employees or
temporary staff (Wallace and Kremzar, 2001).
Anyway the replacement of key users with new/other
employees could be a minor issue within SMEs since
the availability of key users is de facto uncertain and
must be carefully evaluated by the entrepreneur. In
particular, the verification of the available skills
among the likely candidates could reveal the scarcity
of project and teamwork competences which are
typical of SMEs (15).
1.4.7 Steering committees tasks and
Previous researches outlined the importance of the of
Executive Steering Committee in ERP
implementation (Somers and Nelson, 2004) since it
should be the highest authority of the project
organization and must be responsible for setting the
objectives for the overall project by a precise
visioning and planning of implementation (Al-
Mashari, et al., 2003). Somers and Nelson (2004)
suggest that the Executive Steering Committee should
also be involved in system selection, monitoring
during implementation, and management of external
consultants. Other studies privilege the relevance for
the support by top management (Esteves and Pastor,
2000, Nah, et al., 2001) more than the deployment of
an official and dedicated board supporting and
leveraging ERP change and project management. The
short term and reactive more than proactive
orientation of strategic decision-making within SMEs
(7) should make the creation of a formal board
supporting implementation a favorable option, but it’s
also true that the organizational heterogeneity of
SMEs, in addition to other factors (12,13,18), suggest
this is possible and advisable just only when this pre-
requisite are met.
According to the characteristics of each CSF, it’s
possible to evaluate their criticality with regard to
different organizational and managerial
configurations of SMEs (Figure 2). In fact, the
achievement of the CSFs should be mandatory,
context-dependent or negligible depending on since
SMEs have remarkable differences as to the
organizational structure, internal competencies and
the human and financial resources available
(Buonanno, et al., 2005). In particular, mandatory
means that the company, owing the adequate
organizational and financial resources, should be able
to successfully implement the CSF. Finally, in the
case of a CSF labeled as context-dependent, SMEs
should theoretically deserve the maximum attention,
also acknowledging that the actions to be undertaken
need to be carefully evaluated in the light of the
resource and skills available. Finally, negligible is
related to the CSFs that rely on the participation of
actors from outside of the organization to be achieved
(i.e. an external consultant).
Medium-sized company with
adequate internal competencies and
a structured organizational profile
Medium-sized company with flat
organizational structure and no
relevant internal competencies
Small company
Mandatory Context
Negligible Mandatory Context
Negligible Mandatory Context
Figure 2: Relevance of the identified CSFs as to the different organizational and managerial configurations of SMEs
1.5 Assessment of critical activities
along the ERP life-cycle (RQ5)
To evaluate possible critical activities along ERP
implementation, an “ex-ante/ex-post” approach has
been developed. The identified CSFs have been
placed along the reference model and, in particular,
along those sub-activities on which their effect is
supposed to disclose. The logic underneath this choice
is that often issues in ERP implementation are caused
just by the erroneous perceptions as to the relevance
of the CSFs themselves. Making use of a gap analysis
on ten-point Likert scale, the methodology aims at
highlighting inconsistencies between the “ex-ante”
and “ex-post” CSFs’ evaluation, thus revealing if no
adequate attention, human resources and money have
been deployed in performing the CSF-related
activities . The project leader has been identified as
the person in charge of the evaluation of the CSFs
since he is supposed to own the most visibility of the
ex-ante situation (e.g. the operational and strategic
choices on which the project is based on) as well as
the ex-post state of the project (i.e. the actual efforts
and activities made to successfully implement the
Two medium companies belonging to different
industries were requested to evaluate the relevance of
each CSF before implementation took place as well as
at the end of it.
Despite the differences related to the platform
adopted (SAP R/3 vs Oracle Business Suite) and the
business requirements, both business cases have
proven the methodology to be reliable in identifying
the inconsistent evaluation of CSFs’ relevance being
the cause of the issues, delays and bottlenecks
observed during the implementation process. The
detailed results of the model application are not
reported in the present work due to the limited space.
Despite the development of products with a range of
functionalities on a smaller scale as well as vertical
solutions to achieve a concrete reduction in
customization costs, there is not a general agreement
on the effectiveness of such systems within SMEs.
The methodology herein presented aims at making
ERP implementation a smoother process within
SMEs and its application in two business cases
proved the methodology to be very reliable in
identifying the reasons behind delays and bottlenecks.
This result also confirms that CSFs are not only a
slogan but a useful tool for preventing and
investigating critical issues in ERP implementation.
Further research will consist in other applications of
the methodology in order to verify and establish the
set of CSFs, their metrics and the related sources and,
moreover, to explore the possibility of highlighting
critical patterns in ERP implementations within
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