Ioannis Karydis, Alexandros Nanopoulos, Apostolos N. Papadopoulos and Yannis Manolopoulos
Department of Informatics, Aristotle University, 54124 Thessaloniki, GREECE
Music Information Retrieval, Similarity Searching, Peer-to-peer Networks, Multimedia Databases.
Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks present the advantages of increased size of the overall database offered by a
the network nodes, fault-tolerance support to peer failure, and workload distribution. Music file storage and
exchange has long abandoned the traditional centralised server-client approach for the advantages of P2P
networks. In this paper, we examine the problem of searching for similar acoustic data over unstructured
decentralised P2P networks. As distance measure, we utilise the time warping. We propose a novel algorithm,
which efficiently retrieves similar audio data. The proposed algorithm takes advantage of the absence of
overhead in unstructured P2P networks and minimises the required traffic for all operations with the use of
an intelligent sampling scheme. Detailed experimental results show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm
compared to an existing baseline algorithm.
The increasing popularity of the availability of mu-
sic in computer files gives further impulse to the de-
velopment of digitised music databases as well as to
new methods for Music Information Retrieval (MIR)
in these collections. Although abundantly used, even
nowadays, the traditional metadata (title, composer,
performer, genre, date, etc.) of a music object give
rather minimal information about the actual content
of the music object itself. Their use aims solely in
avoiding including musical content in the query. On
the other hand, queries based on humming (using a
microphone) or on a small piece of musical file, are
a more natural approach to MIR. This type of queries
lies within the Content-Based MIR (CBMIR). In CB-
MIR, an actual music piece is required in order to
compare its content with the content of the music
pieces already available in the database.
As far as the type of the database is concerned,
music file storage and exchange has long abandoned
the traditional centralised server-client approach for
the advantages of the peer-to-peer networks (P2P).
Within the advantageous qualities of the P2P net-
works lies the increased size of the overall database
Research funded by the IRAKLITOS national program
(2003-2005) under the EPEAEK framework
offered by a P2P network, its fault tolerance support
to peer failure by other peers and the workload distri-
bution over a network of available CPUs, since CB-
MIR is computationally highly intensive. Nonethe-
less, the very advantages of the P2P network are the
same parameters that make P2P information retrieval
much more complex than the traditional search meth-
ods. That is, the lack of central repository for the doc-
uments to be retrieved, the large number of documents
available and the dynamic character of the network,
introduce an increased degree of difficulty in the re-
trieval process.
Among numerous classifications, P2P networks
can be classified based on the control over data lo-
cation and network topology in unstructured, loosely
structured and highly structured (Li and Wu, 2004).
Unstructured P2P networks follow no rule in where
data is stored while the network topology is arbi-
trary (e.g., Gnutella). The absence of structure al-
lows for resilience in dynamic environments (peer
join/leave) while no guaranties can be given on the
retrieval of existing documents. Moving towards in-
creased structure, both the probability of retrieving
existing documents and the overhead of handling peer
join-leave augment (e.g., Freenet and Chord). Addi-
tionally, P2P networks can also be classified accord-
ing to the number of central directories of document
Karydis I., Nanopoulos A., N. Papadopoulos A. and Manolopoulos Y. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 100-107
DOI: 10.5220/0002548201000107
locations in centralised (e.g., Napster), hybrid (e.g.,
Kazaa) and decentralised (e.g., Chord). Centralised
P2P networks are subject to the same drawbacks for
which the traditional server-client model was origi-
nally abandoned (network failures due to central peer
failure, impaired scalability, joining/leaving of peers
not easily handled, possible undesirable dominion of
controllers). For these reasons, we focus on decen-
tralised unstructured P2P networks, which overcome
the aforementioned drawbacks. The absence of struc-
ture was selected for the looseness of control over the
data location, that is each peer can share its own doc-
uments without hosting any documents of other peers
due to locality restrains.
Music representation can primarily be separated in
two classes: the symbolic representation (MIDI for-
mat) and the acoustic representation (audio format -
wav, mp3). The focus of this work is on acoustic
data, thus a musical piece can be considered as a time
series of signal intensity over time. To measure the
similarity of two musical pieces, we utilise the Dy-
namic Time Warping (DTW) method. The main flex-
ibility of the DTW method is its capability to with-
stand distortion of the comparing series in the time
axis. Accordingly, it allows for two locally out of
phase time series that are nevertheless similar to align
in a non-linear manner. Since different performances
of the same musical piece may include locally differ-
entiated tempo, DTW seems a natural choice for this
problem (Large and Palmer, 2002). For this reason, it
has been recently proposed for shake of MIR in cen-
tralised environments (Zhu and Shasha, 2003; Maz-
zoni and Danneberg, 2001; Jang et al., 2001; Adams
et al., 2004).
In this paper, we focus on the problem of search-
ing, based on DTW, for similar acoustic data over un-
structured decentralised P2P networks. The technical
contributions of this paper are summarised as follows:
The development of a novel algorithm that effi-
ciently retrieves audio data similar to an audio
query in an decentralised unstructured P2P net-
The proposed algorithm takes advantage of the ab-
sence of overhead in unstructured P2P networks
and efficiently minimises the required traffic for all
operations with the use of an intelligent sampling
scheme on the lower and upper bounds used. The
proposed algorithm has such a design that no false
negative results occur.
We must notice that with the examined framework we
refer to applications that support content sharing for legal
subscribers (e.g., iTunes). Moreover, it is interesting to no-
tice that the proposed approach can be adopted as a means
of identification of illegal sharing, by finding sites that share
unregistered content.
The detailed experimental results which show the
efficiency of the proposed algorithm, and the per-
formance gains compared to an existing baseline
The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Sec-
tion 2 describes related work. Section 3 provides a
complete account of the algorithm proposed in this
paper. Subsequently, Section 4 presents and discusses
the experimentation and results obtained. Finally, the
paper is concluded in Section 5.
2.1 Searching methods in
unstructured P2P networks
In this section we summarise a number of different
searching methods for decentralised unstructured P2P
networks. Initially, we examine the Breadth-First
Search (BFS) algorithm. In the BFS, a query peer
Q propagates the query q to all its neighbor peers.
Each peer P receiving the q initially searches its lo-
cal repository for any documents matching q and then
passes on q to all its neighbors. In case a P has
a match in its local repository then a QueryMatch
message is created containing information about the
match. The QueryMatch messages are then transmit-
ted back, using reversely the path q travelled, to Q.
Finally, since more than one QueryMatch messages
have been received by Q, it can select the peer with
best connectivity attributes for direct downloading of
the match. It is obvious that the BFS sacrifices perfor-
mance and network traffic for simplicity and high-hit
rates. In order to reduce network traffic, the TTL para-
meter is used (see Section 2). In a modified version of
this algorithm, the Random BFS (RBFS) (Kalogeraki
et al., 2002), the query peer Q propagates the query q
not to all but at a fraction of its neighbor peers.
In an attempt to rectify the inability of the RBFS to
select a path of the network leading to large network
segments, the >RES algorithm was developed (Yang
and Garcia-Molina, 2002). In this approach, a node Q
propagates the q to k neighboring peers, all of which
returned the most results during the last m queries,
with k and m being configurable parameters. >RES
can be characterised as quantitative than qualitative,
since it does not consider the content of the query.
With ISM (Kalogeraki et al., 2002), on the other
hand, for each query, a peer propagates the query q to
the peers that are more likely to reply the query based
on the following two parameters; a profile mechanism
and a relevance rank. The profile is is built and main-
tained by each peer for each of its neighboring peers.
The information included in this profile consists of the
t most recent queries with matches and their matches
as well as the number of matches the neighboring peer
reported. Obviously, the strong point of the ISM ap-
proach is in environments that show increased degree
of document locality.
2.2 MIR in P2P networks
The field of combined CBMIR and P2P networks is
definitely very young as the inaugural research pa-
per dates back in 2002 (Wang et al., 2002). Despite,
the limited number of works that exist, are presented
In this first attempt, the authors of (Wang et al.,
2002) present four P2P models for CBMIR. The four
models include all centralised, decentralised and hy-
brid categories. Accordingly, the authors of (Wang
et al., 2002) propose a retrieval acceleration algorithm
based on difference in pitch between two tones of mu-
sic and a result filtering method relying on replication
removal techniques. Additionally, the authors pro-
pose an architecture of a CBMIR P2P system, that
falls within the hybrid category of P2P systems.
Another research based on a hybrid configuration
is presented in (Tzanetakis et al., 2004). Therein the
authors propose a system that utilises both manually
specified attributes (artist, album, title, etc.) and ex-
tracted features in order to describe the musical con-
tent of a piece. The underlying P2P network is a DHT-
based system. In such systems each node is assigned
with a region in a virtual address space, while each
shared document is associated with a value of this ad-
dress space. Thus, locating a document requires a key
lookup of the node responsible for the key.
The author in (Yang, 2003) proposed the utilisation
of the feature selection and extraction process that is
described in (Yang, 2002) for CBMIR in a decen-
tralised unstructured P2P system. The research con-
siders both a replicated database and a general P2P
scenario, while special attention is given on the con-
trol of the workload produced at queried peers during
query time. Each query is divided into two phases,
the first of which includes only a subpart of the actual
query vectors, in order to distinguish high probability
response peers. Accordingly, a peer ranking occurs
and the full query vectors are sent to all peers. Given
that a peer has free CPU resources, it decides whether
to process a query or not based on the ranking that
the specific query received. It is obvious that this ap-
proach produces large network traffic, since the full
query vectors are sent to all peers, instead of the most
2.3 DTW background information
The efficient processing of similarity queries requires
the addressing of the following important issues:
the definition of a meaningful distance measure
D(S, C) in order to express the similarity between
two time series objects S and C,
the efficient representation of time series data, and
the application of an appropriate indexing scheme
in order to quickly discard database objects that can
not contribute to the final answer.
One of the most fundamental research issues in
time series is the definition of meaningful measures
towards time series similarity expression. Given two
time series S and C the problem is to define a distance
measure D(S, C) which expresses the degree of sim-
ilarity between S and C. One of the most widely used
distance measures for time series is the Euclidean dis-
tance (L
norm), which has the restriction that both
series must be of the same length. Given two time se-
ries S and C of length N, the Euclidean distance is
defined as follows:
where S
, C
are the value of S and C for the i-th time
instance. The Euclidean distance has been widely
used as a similarity measure in time series literature
(Agrawal et al., 1993; Faloutsos et al., 1994; Chan
and Fu, 1999; Kontaki and Papadopoulos, 2004), due
to its simplicity.
Several alternative distance functions have been
proposed in order to allow translation, rotation and
scaling invariance. Consider for example the time se-
ries depicted in Figure 1. Note that although all time
series have the same shape, they will be considered
non-similar if the Euclidean distance is used to ex-
press similarity. Translation, rotation and scaling in-
variance are studied in (Agrawal et al., 1995; Yi et al.,
2000; Chan and Fu, 1999; Yi and Faloutsos, 2000).
Taking into consideration that the Euclidean dis-
tance does not always meet the application’s require-
ments, Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) has been pro-
posed as a more robust similarity measure. DTW
can express similarity between two time series even
if they are out of phase in the time axis, or they
do not have the same length. The DTW distance
(S, C) between time series S and C is es-
sentially a way to map S to C and vice-versa. This
process is also known as alignment of time series. If
S is of length N and C is of length M, then the dis-
tance D
can be evaluated by using the following
1. An N × M matrix is constructed, where the cell
in the i-th row and the j-th column contains the
distance d(S
, C
) = (S
2. A warping path is defined which is a contiguous
set of matrix cells that defines a mapping between
elements of S and elements of C.
Although there are many warping paths that map
S to C, what is required is to determine the most
promising one, by trying to optimise the cumula-
tive distance γ(i, j) in each cell of the warping path.
Therefore, the following recurrence is defined:
γ(i, j) = d(S
, C
) + min{γ(i 1, j 1),
γ(i 1, j), γ(i, j 1)} (2)
Figure 1 illustrates an example of two time series
aligned by means of the Euclidean distance (Figure
1(a)) and by DTW distance (Figure 1(b)). It is evident
that the two time series are similar but their phases are
different. However, their similarity can not be cap-
tured by the Euclidean distance.
(a) alignment using Euclidean distance (b) alignment using DTW distance
Figure 1: Time series alignment with Euclidean and DTW
The most important disadvantage of the DTW
method is that it does not satisfy the triangular in-
equality, which is a desirable property for construct-
ing efficient indexing schemes and pruning the search
space. Moreover, the calculation of D
(S, C) is
significantly more CPU intensive than the calculation
of D
(S, C). Therefore, an interesting direc-
tion for performance improvement is the definition of
a lower bound, in order to take advantage of indexing
schemes and avoid the computation of DTW when
there is a guarantee that the two time series are not
similar. In this work we utilise the lower bound pro-
posed in (Keogh and Ratanamahatana, 2004) which is
termed LB
Keogh and it is defined as follows:
Keogh(S,C) =
, if C
> U
, if C
< L
0, otherwise
where U and L is the upper and lower bound respec-
tively for the time series S. Essentially, for each i,
the upper bound guarantees that U
and the
lower bound guarantees that L
. In (Keogh
and Ratanamahatana, 2004) it has been proven that
Keogh(S, C) D
(S, C), and therefore
the distance measure LB
Keogh(S, C) can be effec-
tively used for pruning, resulting in considerably less
number of D
3.1 Overview
As explained, P2P searching algorithms are based on
the following scheme: the node that poses the query
examines its contents and finds documents that sat-
isfy the query. Then, it selects a subset of its peers and
propagates the query to them. Each peer in its turn ex-
amines its contents to find qualifying documents, and
then propagates the query to a subset of its peers. To
avoid the involvement of a prohibitively large number
of nodes, the propagation of queries is restrained by a
MaxHop parameter, which determines the number of
peers a query should be forwarded. (The MaxHop pa-
rameter is equivalently called Time To Leave (TTL).)
In the context examined in this paper, each query
searches for similar music documents (i.e., query
by content and not by metadata, like title, artist,
etc.), where similarity is measured through DTW. To
speedup searching, we use lower bounds (LB) that
have been developed for DTW, the LB
Keogh in par-
ticular (Keogh, 2002). As mentioned, LB
Keogh is
based on a bounding envelope, which is defined by
the U and L sequences (see Section 2.3). Therefore,
in this context, the information that is propagated be-
tween nodes comprises the U and L sequences. A
node that receives these sequences, computes the LB
value between its documents and the envelope. When
a LB value is smaller than the user-specified similar-
ity threshold, then the actual query sequence is prop-
agated to this node
and the actual DTW distance is
computed between the query and the corresponding
The queries we consider constitute music phrases,
that is, excerpts of the music documents that are a type
of units of music information
. This holds especially
in the context of query by humming, where users tend
to hum a piece that is (i) relatively short, (ii) well iden-
tified and separated within a song. The identification
of phrases can be done following the methodology
presented in (Zhu and Shasha, 2003). In particular,
a transcription algorithm (Klapuri, 2004) can produce
the pitch information of the acoustic sequence. Time
intervals, corresponding to phrases in the pitch infor-
mation, are detected in between the time instances
that silence exists (the same time intervals produce
the phrases in the corresponding acoustic sequence).
In summary, we are interested in finding music doc-
uments that contain phrases similar to the query se-
The query can be directly propagated from the node
that initially posed the query, since the currently visited
node always knows the address of this initial node.
A minimum-length portion of the musical piece that is
meaningfully independent and complete within a piece of
quence. Similarity through DTW is suitable in this
context, since the properties of DTW help in alleviat-
ing errors that humming produces.
An important observation is that acoustic data tend
to be very large. Although queries are music phrases
(i.e., parts of the music sequences), the number of el-
ements in a phrase of even few seconds can be several
hundred thousands. The length of the U and L se-
quences is equal to the length of the query sequence.
This means that a straightforward approach, which di-
rectly propagates U and L sequences between nodes,
will result into an extremely large traffic over the P2P
network. Moreover, when the length of the envelope’s
sequences are large, the computation of LB in each
node can become rather costly. This violates the need
of a P2P network to burden the participating nodes as
little as possible. Notice that the aforementioned re-
quirements are not present in other contexts, like the
searching of similar text documents over a P2P net-
work, where queries consist of up to some tenths of
We propose a two-fold scheme which significantly
reduces the traffic over the P2P network when query-
ing music documents by content. The scheme works
as follows:
It reduces the length of the envelope’s sequence
by sampling them. However, plain sampling can
be ineffective, since it leads to underestimation of
LB. For this reason, we describe a novel sampling
method to reduce the length of the sequences with-
out significantly affecting the computation of LB.
Additionally, we are interested in not introducing
false-negatives due to the use of sampling.
It uses (whenever possible) a compact representa-
tion of the sampled sequences of the envelope. The
representation comprises a kind of compression for
the sequences, but it does not burden the nodes of
the P2P network with the cost of decompression.
If the latter is not undesirable, further compression
can be achieved through the use of existing meth-
ods. We do not explore this direction, since it does
not affect the relative performance of the proposed
scheme against the plain one that directly propa-
gates the envelope (i.e., the performance of both
methods will be equally improved).
In the following we describe the aforementioned
issues in more detail. We have to notice that, for
simplicity, we use the BFS algorithm as a basis for
searching over the P2P network. The examination of
the proposed scheme in more advanced searching al-
gorithms (e.g., ISM, >RES) is actually a matter of
current research. In a larger version of this work, we
will include a comparison that considers such search-
ing algorithms as well.
3.2 Sampling and representation
Let the considered phrase length be equal to N. The
length of each query Q, and therefore of its upper (U)
and lower (L) sequences, will also be equal to N. We
would like to sample U and L, so as to obtain two se-
quences U
and L
, each of length M N. Initially,
we assume that uniform sampling is performed. In
this case, we simply select each time the (i × N/M)-
th element of U and L, where 1 i M . When we
compute the LB
Keogh between the query sequence
Q and a data sequence, we consider each phrase C of
length N in Q. Each phrase has to be sampled in the
same way as U and L. This leads to a sampled phrase
. Therefore, we get a lower-bound measure LB
given as:
, if C
> U
, if C
< L
0, otherwise
In the aforementioned equation, the third case (i.e.,
when L
) does not contribute in the com-
putation of LB
. The problem of uniform sampling is
that, as it selects elements without following any par-
ticular criterion, it tends to select many elements from
U and L that result to this third case. Therefore, LB
may become a significantly bad underestimation of
LB that would have been computed if sampling was
not used. The underestimation of the lower-bound
value will result to an increase in false-alarms, thus
incurring high traffic.
To overcome this problem, we propose an alterna-
tive sampling method. We sample U and L separately.
Initially, we store the elements of U in ascending or-
der. In U
we select the first M elements of this or-
dering. Respectively, we sort L in descending order
and we select the first M elements in L
. The intu-
ition is that the selection of the smallest M values of
U, helps in increasing the number of occurrences of
the first case (i.e., when C
> U
), since the smallest
the value of U
is, the more expected is to have a C
larger than it. An analogous reasoning holds for the
sampling of L
It is easy to see the following:
Lemma 1 The sampling of U and L does not produce
any false negatives.
Proof. While computing LB
, due to sampling, the
first and second cases of Equation 4 occur less times
than while computing LB (i.e., without sampling).
Therefore, LB
LB. Since LB D (where D
the actual distance computed with DTW), we have:
D. Thus, no false negatives are produced.
The separate sampling of U and L presents the re-
quirement of having to store the positions from which
elements are being selected in U
and L
. If the
positions are stored explicitly, then this doubles the
amount of information kept (2M numbers for stor-
ing U
and L
and additional 2M numbers for stor-
ing the positions of selected elements). Since this
information is propagated during querying, traffic is
increased. For this reason we propose an alternative
representation. To represent U
, we use a bitmap of
length N (the phrase length). Each bit corresponds to
an element in U. If an element is selected in the sam-
ple U
, then its bit is set to 1, otherwise it is set to 0.
Therefore, the combination of the bitmap and the M
values that are selected in U
are used to represent U
The same is applied for L
. This representation is effi-
cient: the space required for U
is M + N/8 bytes.
The plain representation requires 5M bytes (since it
requires only one integer, i.e., 4 bytes, to store the po-
sition of each selected element). Thus, the proposed
method is advantageous when N < 32M, i.e., for
sample larger than about 3% (our experiments show
that samples with size 10% are the best choice).
3.3 The similarity searching
As previously explained, the similarity searching al-
gorithm is on the basis of breadth-first-search over the
nodes of the P2P network. The algorithm that uses the
proposed sampling and representation methods, is de-
noted as BFSS (breadth-first-search with sampling).
The pseudo-code for BFSS is given in Figure 2. Each
time, the current node n is considered. A TTL value
denotes how many valid hops are remaining for n,
whereas T
is the user-defined similarity threshold. It
is assumed that sequences U
and L
carry also the
associated bitmaps.
Evidently, the movement of the actual query se-
quence from the node that commenced the query to
the currently visited node, increases the traffic (not
being sampled, the query sequence has rather large
length). For this reason, it is important not to have a
large number of false-alarms.
The algorithm that does not use sampling (denoted
as BFS) may produce less false-alarms. However, be-
tween each pair of peers it has to propagate U and L
sequences, with length equal to the one of the query
sequence. Therefore, it is clear that there is a trade-off
between the number of additional false-alarms pro-
duced due to sampling and the gains in traffic from
propagating sampled (i.e., smaller) envelopes. This
trade-off is examined through the experimental results
in the following section.
Each element in an acoustic sequence is in the range
0-255, thus it requires one byte.
Procedure BFSS(Node n, int TTL, Sequence U
Sequence L
, float T
1. foreach data sequence D in n
2. foreach phrase C of D
3. l = LB
(C, U
, L
4. if l < T
5. get query sequence
6. compute actual DTW distance, D,
between phrase C and query sequence
7. if D T
8. include C in answer set
9. if TTL > 0
10. foreach peer p of n that has not been visited yet
11. BFSS(p, TTL-1, U
, L
, T
Figure 2: The BFSS algorithm.
The performance of the considered similarity search-
ing algorithms was compared through simulation.
The P2P network had 100 nodes and the average num-
ber of neighbors for each node was a random vari-
able with average value equal to 7 (this kind of topol-
ogy is called logarithmic). We used 500 real acoustic
sequences, which correspond to various pop songs.
Each song was sampled at 11 KHz and the average
duration was about 5 minutes. To represent the fact
that music songs (especially popular ones) are shared
among several nodes, we replicated each sequence.
The number of replications for each sequence was
randomly variable with average value equal to 10.
The evaluation metric is the average traffic (mea-
sured in MB) that each query incurs. The parameters
we examine are: the sample size, query size (length
of query sequence), query range (the user-defined
threshold for similarity), and TTL value (max allowed
number of hops).
In our first experiment, we focused on BFSS
and compared the proposed sampling method (this
method is denoted as BFSS) against uniform sam-
pling (this method is denoted as BFSS-UNI). The re-
sults are depicted in Figure 3. Figure 3a illustrates the
relative traffic between BFSS and BFSS-UNI (i.e., the
traffic of the latter is normalised w.r.t. the traffic of the
former) against the query range. As shown, BFSS-
UNI incurs about twice the traffic that BFSS does. As
already explained, this is due to the fact that uniform
sampling produces a bad underestimation of the lower
bound value. This can be further understood when
examining the discrepancy, denoted as error, between
the bounds produced by BFSS and BFSS-UNI, and
the actual bound produced by LB
Keogh. The relative
error between BFSS and BFSS-UNI (i.e., the latter is
normalised w.r.t. the former) is given in Figure 3b,
against the query size. The error of BFSS-UNI ranges
between 1.3 times the error of BFSS (for smaller
queries) and 2.8 times (for medium sized queries).
316 548 707 837 949
query range
rel. traffic
20 40 60 80 100 150 200 500
query size (x1000)
rel. error
Figure 3: BFSS vs. BFSS-UNI (a) Relative traffic. (b) Rel-
ative error w.r.t. actual LB
Keogh value.
We now move on to compare BFSS against BFS
(i.e., the method that does not use any sampling at
all). For BFSS we examined several sample sizes.
The results are depicted in Figure 4, whereas BFS has
a constant value, as it does not use sampling. In Fig-
ure 4a, TTL was set to 4, query size was 100,000, and
query range was set to 0 (i.e., exact match). As shown,
for very small samples (with 1,000 elements), BFS
performs better. This is expected, since the use of a
very small sample affects BFSS by resulting to a large
number of false alarms (due to bad underestimation of
lower bound values), which increase traffic. However,
by increasing the sample size, BFSS becomes better
and clearly outperforms BFS. It is interesting to no-
tice that the best performance is for sample size equal
to 10,000 (i.e., 10% of the original query size). Fi-
nally, for large sample sizes, both methods converge
to the same traffic. Analogous results are obtained for
the case where TTL is set to 5. It also worths noticing
that the traffic of BFS is significantly more increased
than the traffic of BFSS does, compared to the case
when TTL was 4.
Next, we compared BFSS against BFS for varying
query size and query range. Figure 5a illustrates the
TTL = 4
1 5 10 25 100
sample size (x1000)
traffic (MB)
TTL = 5
1 5 10 25 100
sample size (x1000)
traffic (MB)
Figure 4: BFSS vs. BFS (a) Traffic (in MB) when TTL=4.
(b) Traffic (in MB) when TTL=5.
results for the former case. The size of sample for
BFSS was set each time to 10% of query size, TTL
was set to 4 and query range was set to 0. As shown,
BFSS clearly outperforms BFS in all cases, except
for rather small queries. Again, for very very small
queries, the resulting sample is very small and many
false-alarms are produced. Finally, Figure 5b depicts
the results for the latter case (varying query range).
Query size was set to 100,000, sample size was 25%,
and TTL was set to 5. BFSS clearly compares favor-
ably with BFS.
We have presented a novel algorithm, which effi-
ciently retrieves similar audio data. The proposed al-
gorithm takes advantage of the absence of overhead
in unstructured P2P networks and minimises the re-
quired traffic for all operations with the use of an
intelligent sampling scheme. Additionally, the algo-
rithm has such a design that no false negative results
occur. Detailed comparative evaluation to an already
existing algorithm showed significantly reduction in
the traffic produced by a query.
25 50 100 150 200
query size (x1000)
traffic (MB)
141 200 245 283 316
query range
traffic (MB)
Figure 5: BFSS vs. BFS w.r.t. (a) query size, (b) query
Further work is oriented towards the examination
of the proposed scheme in more advanced searching
algorithms (e.g., ISM, >RES).
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