with buffer restriction
without buffer restriction
Figure 4: Initial latency time of schedules with buffer re-
without usage of disks
usage of disks
Figure 5: Initial latency time of schedules with disks.
Some simulating results are shown by making some
assumptions. At fist, the network structure is as-
sumed. There are three video servers, nine intermedi-
ate servers, and links connecting servers. Each video
server is connected to one intermediate server. Ca-
pabilities of links are several tens and/or several hun-
dreds bandwidth [MByte]. The bandwidth of the links
between a video server and an intermediate server are
several hundreds. The client sites are connected to in-
termediate servers. Moreover, the size of each video
is 40 [MByte]. All videos consist of two video clips
whose size is 20 [MByte], and their consuming ratios
are 1 [MBps]. These two video clips are stored in the
same server. Furthermore, the requests occur during
100 seconds. The request times are generated as uni-
form random variables.
The initial latency times of some schedules which
are made using the departure time effective strategy
are shown. Figure 4 shows the initial latency times, in
which two lines are shown. They are corresponding
to the initial latency times when the buffer space is
restricted, and when the buffer space is not restricted.
On the other hand, Figure 5 shows the initial latency
times whether the scheduler uses disks or not. The
initial latency times are reduced by introducing disks.
The efficiency for introducing the disks appears al-
though the number of clients is small.
An overview of the method that the full bandwidth
of a link is used for delivering one video clip is de-
scribed. Then, the utilization of buffers and disks are
introduced. Now, we plan to extend the capacity of
the scheduler from the following viewpoint. Utiliza-
tion of bandwidths of links makes be more effective.
When the bandwidth of an output stream is larger than
a bandwidth of an input stream, the link of the output
stream is used in partial.
We would like to thank Ikoma, Y. and Naito, T. for
their cooperation to implement schedulers.
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