A. R. Dani
, V. P. Gulati
+ Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology, Hyderabad, India
Arun K. Pujari*
* Department of Computer Science, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India
Keywords: Continuous call double auctions, assignment
constraints, matching, clearing.
Abstract: Today’s companies increasingly use Internet as the common communication medium for commercial
tions. Global connectivity and reach of Internet means that companies face increasing competition
from various quarters. This requires that companies optimize the way they do business, change their
business processes and introduce new business processes. This has opened up new research issues and
electronic or automated negotiation is one such area. Few companies have tried to introduce electronic
auctions for procurement and for trade negotiations. In the present paper, we propose a design of continuous
call market, which can help enterprises in electronic procurement as well as selling items electronically. The
design is based on double sided auctions, where multiple buyers and sellers submit their respective bids and
asks. Buyers and sellers can also specify assignment constraints. The main feature of our work is an
algorithm, which generates optimum matching with polynomial time complexity under assignment
Auction based protocols are widely used in
electronic commerce. An application of auction
theory in electronic procurement has also been
studied in (Eso, 2001), and it gives near optimal
solution to bid evaluation problem of the buyer. A
procurement process, which minimizes the cost
using auctions, has been proposed in (Bichler,
1999). Auctions provide an efficient price discovery
mechanism to sellers. Double-sided auctions
provide mechanism for clearing markets with
multiple buyers and sellers. Two main institutions
for double auctions are continuous double auction
and a clearing house or continuous call double
auction. In double auction, markets buyers submit
their bids and sellers submit asks. A transaction
occurs if the buyer’s bid price exceeds seller’s ask
price. A continuous double auction is one in which
many individual transactions are carried out and
trading does not stop. Call markets on the other
hand are periodic versions of continuous double
auctions, where bids from buyers and asks from
sellers are collected over a specified interval of time
and the market is cleared at the end of the interval.
The continuous call double auction is the oldest
practiced type of market for exchange of stocks,
where buyers and sellers post their respective bids
and asks continuously. In last few years, there has
been growing interest in Internet-based market
In continuous call market, buyers submit bids
sellers submit asks continuously. These bids
and asks are matched periodically and the market
clears them. While clearing the call market, we need
to determine optimal matching of asks with bids. In
case, there are no assignment constraints, efficient
algorithms exists to determine the optimum
allocation. This problem of matching asks and bids
can become complex in case there are assignment
constraints. The simplest type of assignment
constraints can be of the types where a bid can be
matched with some of the asks. Other types of
constraints are the ones where the buyer specifies a
bid to be all or nothing type. In such cases, the
buyer’s demand should be completely satisfied. In
some cases, the demand can be indivisible, meaning
that a demand from an ask cannot be partly matched
R. Dani A., P. Gulati V. and K. Pujari A. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 182-187
DOI: 10.5220/0002550001820187
with supply from an ask. Such constraints (known
as indivisible demand constraints (Kalagnanam,
2001)) are not considered here. In this paper, we
consider matching problem with multiple
assignment constraints.
The main contribution of this paper is the
development of an algorithm to match asks and bids
under assignment constraints. This algorithm is
fundamental to the design of continuous call market
presented here. This mechanism helps enterprises in
electronic procurement as well as to sell items and
also specify constraints on different attributes. The
main example presented here is about paper
exchange, however the formulation is a general one
and can be used in other similar cases. One of the
important features of our algorithm is that it takes
into account other attributes (like width) apart from
common attributes like price and quantity. Another
important feature is that it obtains optimum
matching under different types of assignment
constraints. While submitting bids and asks, buyers
and sellers can specify assignment constraints.
Apart from this, it also handles implicit assignment
constraints. It is also shown that our algorithm can
solve the problem with worst case time complexity
of O(n
). The algorithm can work in cases where
there are no assignment constraints and price and
quantity are the only decision attributes. Thus, the
problem is addressed in much more general settings.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows, in
section 2, we discuss how implicit and explicit
assignment constraints can arise in different
situations. The related work is also discussed in this
section. In section 3, we first present the
formulation of the problem. The problem has been
formulated as 0-1 programming problem. We have
discussed some of the related issues here. Our
algorithm is presented in section 4. We also discuss
related issues are discussed. Experimental results
and implementation details like different types of
Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams and
modules are discussed in section 5 and we conclude
in section 6.
Most of the stock exchanges like New York, Tokyo
(McCabe, 1992), (Arizona Stock Exchange) and
(Optimark) have implemented online trading
systems based on double auction mechanism. Apart
from financial markets, double-auction-based
mechanisms have been widely used in multi
commodity stock exchanges like National Stock
Exchange of India. In all these cases, the
commodity is substitutable and buyers do not have
any preference for a particular seller, much in the
same way as goods like stocks, do not have any
differentiating features apart from price and
quantity. In all these cases, asks and bids can be
matched without any types of assignment
constraints. Only constraints that are imposed by
buyers or sellers can be either or nothing type of bid
(i.e. fulfilling complete demand), or minimum
required demand (minimum quantity to buy or sell).
In these cases, price and quantity become the only
differentiating factor and matching is done based on
them. However, in some cases, as indicated in the
following example from the process industry, the
price and quantity need not be the only
differentiating factor and there can be different types
of assignment constraints. Suppose that in a paper
exchange following asks (Table 1) from different
sellers, supplying paper of different grades, widths
(in cm) and quantities (tons) are received. The bids
received from different buyers indicating the price
they are willing to pay, quantities required, grades of
paper required and widths required, are listed in
Table 2. Suppose that the sellers are supplying
papers of different grades as indicated by positive
integer 1,2,3 etc. The buyer also indicates the type
of paper required by specifying its grade. Suppose
that higher-grade paper is represented by higher
integer value. It can be seen that there are certain
assignment constraints in the above example, which
must be considered while matching. The assignment
constraints for matching are:
A buyer’s bid requiring paper of grade 3, cannot be
matched with an ask supplying paper of grade 1 or 2,
as he requires paper of grade 3 only. In some cases,
the buyer may specify that the paper of higher grade
can be accepted. In this case, the demand for paper
of grade 3 can be satisfied by supply with grade 3 or
above. It may be possible to match a bid with an ask
of higher grade.
Another constraint can be the width of the paper
required. It can be seen from the above example that
the bid from second buyer requiring paper of width
1200 cm can be matched with only those asks,
Table 1 : Asks for different sellers in Paper Exchange
Seller Price Width (cm) Supply
1 100 1000 6 1
2 105 1000 2 2
3 110 2000 5 3
4 114 1200 5 4
5 119 1600 3 1
which supply paper of width 1200 cm or more. It
can also be seen that the supply from ask can be
used to satisfy the demand of buyers 3 and 4 by
cutting the paper of width 1600 cm into two rolls of
800 cm each.
An algorithm to match these bids and asks and
provide optimum matching, based price discovery
mechanism proposed in (Gjerstad 1998), when there
are no assignment constraints, is presented in
(Kalagnanam, 2001). In this case, the price p
determined by constructing the aggregate supply and
demand curves. This price is the point of
intersection of these two curves and is used as the
clearing price. All the bids having prices above it
and asks having lower prices are considered for
matching. The highest price bid is matched with the
lowest price ask. The matching continues
sequentially till all selected bids and asks are
matched. In some cases, as shown in the example of
paper exchange, there can be assignment constraints
on different attributes (like grade, width etc.). If
there are no indivisible demand bid constraints, the
matching assignment problem can be formulated as
network flow problem (
Kalagnanam, 2001), (Ahuja,
1993). This problem is converted into a network
flow problem such that there is a starting node
known as source node, intermediate node consisting
of all bids and asks and ending node known as sink
node. The arcs between these nodes are constructed
using the difference between the prices as cost and
quantity as weight. The cost is set to 0 for the arcs
from starting node and arcs ending in sink node.
This problem is then solved as the network flow
optimization problem formulating either as
maximization of matching of demand and supply or
as profit of the auction problem. There are many
algorithms available to solve this problem. The
complexity of maximum flow problem i.e. matching
of demand and supply is O (nm+ n
log n)]. In this
case, n represents number of nodes and m number of
edges. In cases where demand is indivisible, finding
optimal matching requires solving of NP-hard
optimization problems like multiple knapsack
problem, bin packing problem or generalized
assignment problems (Martello, 1989), (Garey,
1979), (Sandholm, 1999),
Kalagnanam, 2001)
(Cheriyan, 1979).
Table 2 : Bids from different buyers in Paper Exchange
Buyer Price Width Demand Grade
1 175 2000 5 3
2 170 1200 5 4
3 165 800 3 1
4 163 800 3 1
To the best of our knowledge, no work related to
matching in the presence of assignment constraints
has been reported. In the present work, an algorithm
to obtain optimum matching in case of assignment
constraint has been developed.
One of the important feature of our design of
Continuous Call Market with a assignment
constraint is an algorithm to find out the optimum
assignment of bids and asks. It always generates
optimum assignment in case of assignment
constraints as well as in unconstrained case. In case
of assignment constraints, one approach can be to
group set of n asks and m bids into different sets of
asks A
and bids, B
. Each set
is formed by asks and bids which satisfy a particular
constraint (e.g. Grade constraint) and are disjoint.
Let A
be set of asks for which Grade attribute has
value 1, A
be the set of asks for which grade
attribute has value 2 and so on. Once the asks and
bids can be grouped in this way, the matching can be
done for each subset of asks and bids separately.
However, this approach can be used efficiently when
the constraints are of equality type. It will be
difficult to group bids exactly where required paper
grade is greater than 3 or width required is 800 cm.
In the second case, the bid can possibly be matched
with any ask where width is 800 cm or more. There
can also be another problem. Suppose that a bid,
which requires paper width of 800 cm (quantity 5
tons) is matched with an ask of 1200 cm (quantity 5
tons). Then remaining part of the ask i.e. 400cm of
width (quantity 5 tons) will either be wasted or
should be moved to another set. The algorithms
presented in
(Kalagnanam, 2001) also describe
matching on two attributes, namely, price and
quantity. We present an algorithm, which takes into
account the size factor, apart from price and
quantity. We have formulated the problem as 0-1
programming problem. The details of our
formulation can be seen in (Dani 2005).
Suppose that there are n bids and m asks. In our
algorithm, assignment of the asks to bids is done as
1. The assignment starts from the highest price bid.
In the first stage, the set of asks with the highest unit
contribution are determined. Then we obtain
maximum quantity that can be assigned. Then
assignment is carried out. We combine asks with
the same unit contribution and always determine
maximum possible quantity that can be assigned. If
ask quantity is less than the bid quantity, then the
ask is marked as temporarily assigned, while bid is
marked as partly assigned and assignment continues
from the next ask onwards till complete demand is
fulfilled. The bid and/or all asks are marked as
assigned. If ask has more quantity, then bid is
marked as assigned and ask is marked as partly
assigned. Then assignment is continued in
decreasing order of price for bids.
2. Initially a table indicating demand for different
width is constructed. If the ask size is multiple of
bid size (e.g. bid width 800 cm and ask width 1600
cm), then this table is used to see whether there is
demand for the remaining width (i.e. 800 cm). If
there is demand, then wastage parameter is set to 0.
This is helpful in situations to decide, whether bid is
to be matched with ask of 1600 cm or 1000 cm.
Here matching of current bid with ask width of 1000
cm will show lesser wastage than that of 1600 cm.
However, if there is demand for 800 cm, then it can
be matched with the ask of 1600 cm width so that
wastage is minimized.
The assignment is continued till one of the three
conditions holds (i) no ask is left (ii) no bid is left
(iii) when ask price exceeds that of bid price. In our
solution, assignment is carried out if bid price is
either more than ask price or both are same. This
assumption is reasonable in the sense that in most
exchanges asks are cleared with bids of same or
higher price. It can also be seen in (
, that equilibrium price is first obtained. This
price is used to determine the asks and bids which
can be cleared (asks below this price and bids above
it). Let A be the list of asks and B be the list of bids.
Algorithm findopasg (A,B) /* Main Algorithm */
Call Create_ Size_Demand_Table(bids) ;
While ( there is unassigned bid in B ){
Call get_next_unassigned_bid(bids) ;
Call get_opt_ask(bid_quantity,bid_size,) ;
Call assignment(bid,ask,bid_quantity) } return ; } /*
End of main algorithm **/
/** Function to create Size Demand Table **/
create_Size_Demand_Table(bids) {
while ( there is next bid) { get bid_size, bid_quantity ;
call search_table(bid_size,table_size) ;
if ( .not.. found )then { increase current_index by 1 ;
store bid_size to search_table(current_index,1) ;
store bid_quantity to search_table(current_index,2) ;
set table_size to current_index ;}
else{ add bid_quantity to search_table(current_index,2);}
read next_bid ; } return ; }
/** Function to search table **/
Search_Table(bid_size,table_size) {
while ( i <= table_size ) {
If (search_table(I,1) = bid_size) then {set
current_index to i ; return .true ; }
else {increase i by 1 ;} return false; }
/** This function gets next highest price bid **/
get_next_unassigned _bid(bids) {
while ( there is unassigned bid) {
if (bid_price > max_price) then { set max_price to
bid_price; set bid to current_bid ; } } return ; }
/** Function to get ask which brings maximum
improvement **/
get_opt_ask(bid_quantity,bid_size) {
while ( there is unassigned ask) { call
get_next_unassigned_ask(asks,bid) ;
if ( ask_quantity >= bid_quantity and ask_size >=
bid_size) then qty_asg = bid_quantity end if ;
if ( bid_quantity < ask _quantity ) then qty_asg =
qty_asg_+ bid_quantity ; mark ask temp_assigned ;
call cal_obv(bid,ask,qty_asg) ;
if ( ov > max_imp ) then { ask_ret = current_ask ;
max_imp = ov ; } return ; }
/** This function gets next lowest price ask **/
get_next_unassigned _ask(asks,bid) {
while ( there is unassigned and unmarked ask } {
if ( (bid_price < min_price) and can be assigned to bid )
then { set min_price to ask_price;
set ask to current_ask; } } return ; }
/ ** This function calculates the contribution **/
cal_obv(bid,ask,qty_asg) { net_surplus = ( bid_price –
ask_prce ) * bid_quantity ;
wastage = ( ask_size – bid_size ) * bid_quantity ; call
search_table(wastage,table_size); if found then set
wastage = 0 ; ov = net_surplus + wastage ; return }
/** This function does the assignment **/
assignment(bid,ask,qty_asg) {
assign ask to bid ; quantity_assigned = qty_asg ;
if ( qty_asg = bid_quantity ) then mark bid as assigned ;
if ( qty_asg = ask_quantity and ( ask_size – bid_size = 0 )
) then mark ask as assigned ;
if ( qty_asg < bid_quantity ) then bid_quantity =
bid_quantity – qty_asg ;
if ( qty_asg < ask_quantity ) then ask_quantity =
ask_quantity – qty_asg ;
if ( ( ask_size – bid_size) > 0 ) then ask_size = ask_size-
bid_size; return ; }
Example: The working of the algorithm is
illustrated in the following example with five asks
and five bids. The assignment constraints are
basically size constraints i.e. a bid can be matched
with an ask of same or higher size. The wastage is 8
here. The output can be seen in Table 3.
Table 3 : Bids & Asks
timum Solution
The algorithm has been implemented in C++. The
data sets of different sizes, with each data set
consisting of ask price, quantity, ask size, bid size,
bid price and bid quantity, were generated randomly.
The number of elements in each data set varied from
5 to 100. The results were compared with
unconditional optimum solution and some solutions
obtained with the help of MATLAB package. It has
also been seen that if size of ask is constant and bid
sizes are variable but take few values (as in most of
the practical cases), then we can ignore the wastage
factor. The approach can be to obtain maximum
surplus and then readjust assignment without
affecting value of objective function. It can also be
seen that time complexity of our algorithm is always
polynomial. In this algorithm, a matching ask which
generates maximum improvement can be obtained
by scanning unassigned asks at any point of time. In
the first instance, there will be n unassigned asks, in
the next instance, there will be (n-1) unassigned asks
and so on. So, in all the solution will require to scan
n(n-1)/2 asks. So the time complexity will be
polynomial and of order O(n
) or O(mn). Apart
from this, the demand size table and getting
minimum or maximum price asks/bids can be
obtained with linear time complexity. So overall the
time complexity will always be polynomial. This
compares quite favorably with the complexity
O(nm+ n
log n)] of algorithm presented in
(Kalagnanam, 2001) apart from its simplicity for
large instance of n and m. The comparison can be
seen in Figure 1.
5.1 Continuous Call Market System
Design and Implementation
The different entities in our continuous call market
are buyers, sellers and auctioneers. The bids and
asks are continuously submitted by buyers and
sellers. At periodic intervals, asks and bids are
matched to find optimum assignment of asks and
bids, which is worked out by our algorithm and
market clears. The payoff is computed and the
process is repeated. The UML State Chart Diagram
captures different states of our Continuous Call
Market in Figure 2. The UML activity diagram is
shown in Figure 3. The different modules in the
system are:
User Registration Module: This module helps
buyers and sellers to register with the system.
Notification Module: It notifies users about
different activities. Once auctions are notified,
buyers and sellers can submit respective bids and
asks. It also notifies the result of the clearing
Web Interface: This interface helps buyers and
Figure 1: Comparison of Results
Bid Price Qty Size Ask Price Qty Size
Bid Ask Spread Qty
1 187 11 8 1 101 23 8
1 1 86 11 946
2 181 12 4 2 109 8 12
2 1 80 12 960
3 173 23 8 3 121 6 12
3 4 38 4 152
4 161 10 12 4 135 4 8
3 5 22 19 418
5 157 8 8 5 151 23 8
4 2 52 8 416
64 64
43 40 2 80
5 3 36 4 144
55 6 4 24
64 3140
Number of Bids
Net work
sellers to submit bids and asks respectively. It also
helps buyers and sellers to specify the attributes and
Validation Module: This module validates the data
submitted. It returns invalid bids and asks.
Scheduler Module: This module schedules different
activities like notification, closure of bid and ask
acceptance, clearing of market, etc.
Clearing Module: It first formulates the matching
problem depending upon the attributes and
constraints specified. It then implements the
matching algorithm described in section 4 of the
paper. It finds out optimum assignment of asks and
Payoff Module: It computes the payoff of buyers
and sellers.
In this paper, we have presented design of
Continuous Call Market, which can handle
assignment constraints. Its main component is the
market clearing algorithm, which generates optimum
solution to the problem of matching of asks and bids
in case of assignment constraints. This can help
enterprises to procure items required as well as sell
them. They can also specify the assignment
constraints on different attributes, so the problem is
handled on more general settings. The algorithm
can also handle unconstrained cases. The future
work includes extending this work to solve the
problem with indivisible demand bid constraints and
security component.
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Figure 3: Activity diagram of Continuous Call Market
Register User
Notify Users
Accept Bids
and Asks
Is Data Valid?
Match and
Clear Market
Is Period Over ?
Compute Pay
Notify Result
Matched and
Figure 2: State Transition diagram of Continuous Call