IMP. It is true that there are several frameworks for
assessing and improving software processes such as
CMM, CMMI, ISO 9001, BootStrap, and SPICE;
but none of them have focused on information
quality nor even taken it into account.
Our proposal defines two main components: An
Information Quality Management Model,
(CALDEA) which serves as a reference model when
using the second component, the Assessment and
Improvement Methodology (EVAMECAL).
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows: In Section 2, The Information Quality
Management Process is being shown. The main
steps of the Assessment and Improvement
Methodology and regarding issues are being drawn
in Section 3. Finally, In Section 4, some conclusions
are going to be highlighted.
CALDEA takes the maturity-staged levels from
CMMI and defines five information quality maturity
levels for an IMP as well as CMMI: Initial,
Definition, Integration, Quantitative Management
and Optimizing. Each level stands for specific
information quality management goals. For each
maturity level, several Key Process Areas (KPA) are
proposed. These KPAs are not only focused on
technical but also managerial issues, providing the
basis for information quality measurement and
management and linking both aspects. For each
KPA, some activities, tools, techniques, standards,
practices, and metrics as required, are proposed, but
not imposed, in order to make the model as universal
and general as possible. This structure of maturity
levels allows organizations to take an strategic
perspective for the efforts achieved. The maturity
levels and corresponding KPAs are:
- Initial Level: An IMP is said to be at Initial
Level when no efforts are made in order to
achieve any information quality goals.
- Definition Level: An IMP is said to be at
Definition Level or Defined when it has been
defined and planned. This implies identifying all
its components and their relationship with the
requirements. In order To achieve this goal, the
following KPAs need to be satisfied:
• (IQATM) Information Quality Assurance
Team Management. The aim of this KPA is
to form a team composed by people who
have direct responsibility on information and
on its integrity. This team will encourage the
entire organization to take on commitments
regarding information quality policies
(Ballou and Tayi, 1999) and to make
corresponding efforts in order to support the
activities of this maturity model.
• (IPM) IMP Project Management. This is a
management KPA aimed at developing a plan
for IMP in order to coordinate both
managerial and technical efforts and to
elaborate all the documentation related
• (URM) User Requirements Management.
User Requirements Specification (URS) must
be collected and documented. Three kinds of
requirements might be identified: those
related to final information product (URS-
IP), those related to IMP – which must be
gathered in the User Requirement
Specification for IMP document (URS-IMP)
document - and those related to Information
Quality –which must be gathered in the
Information Quality User Requirements
Specification (URS-IQ).
• (DSTM) Data Sources and Data Targets
Management. Both data sources and targets
must be identified and documented, in order
to avoid problems such us uncontrolled data
redundancy or problems with data format
• (ADMPM) Database or Data Warehouse
Acquisition, Development or Maintenance
Project Management. This should support
both URS-IQ and URS-IMP.
• (IQM) Information Quality Management
in IMP Components. It is necessary to
identify from the URS-IQ the dimensions of
quality of information that must be controlled
(Huang et al., 1999), as well as the metrics
adapted for each one of those dimensions
(Kahn et al., 2002).
- Integration Level An IMP is said to be at
Integration Level or Integrated when after being
having been Defined (Definition level has been
achieved), many efforts are made in order to assure
that the IMP is in compliance with organizational
information quality requirements and standards.
This implies standardizing different information
quality learned lessons in order to avoid previous
mistakes and to improve future work. The
following KPAs must be satisfied:
(VV) Information Products and IMP
Components Validation and Verification.
Both information products (obtained as a
result of data transformation process) and