“Users and tools want to break links”
Thomas Bopp, Thorsten Hampel, Bernd Eßmann
University of Paderborn, Computer Science
Keywords: Link Consistency, hypertext, CSCL.
Abstract: In this paper, we present a lightweight approach to achieve link consistency through a combination of object
pointers and WWW-style path-oriented links. Our goal is to allow the use of common web-based tools with
our CSCW/L system steam, but at the same time achieve link consistency within the system.
The WWW has emerged as the de facto
presentation standard of all hypertext systems.
Therefore most of the Hypertext, CSCW and CSCL
systems provide standard web-based user interfaces.
Regarding links, users and tools are “socialized”
a path-oriented thinking. The HREF-style of
expressing a hyperlink as a path to a file is an easy
to understand and common way to interlink
documents. This simplicity may be one of the key
features of the WWW and it’s success.
A page on the WWW does not only consist of a
ngle document. There are lots of linked documents
and images in each hypertext document. Maintaining
those structures is not an easy task and therefore
hypertext systems provide tools to support the user.
Nevertheless with “normal” web technology no
k consistency is achieved. If a document is
deleted, renamed or moved to a different location
hyperlinks within different documents pointing to
that particular document are no longer valid – Link
consistency is therefore an integral part of modern
hypertext systems.
On the other hand, hypertext systems providing
perlink consistency use an ID-oriented style and
are therefore restricted to the hypertext system’s
tools and methods of replacing hyperlinks. This
leads to proprietary solutions- widely used tools are
often not compatible to these hypertext systems.
We distinguish between two types of links: local
inks and external links. Without a common standard
it is impossible to achieve link consistency for
external link, as long as the software used at the
locations is different.
Local links are usually relative or absolute
lenames. The first have the advantage of being
independent from the location on the server. Due to
that the documents might be moved into a different
The approach presented in this paper and
mplemented in our open source CSCW/L web-
based system sTeam (Hampel and Bopp, 2003)
(structuring information in teams) allows most tools
and “WWW-socialized users” to create links in the
common way, but at the same time achieves link
consistency within the system. The links are just
loosely coupled and the link consistency is only
checked when retrieving the document.
This consistency checking method is a
ent of the original method, which used
fixed pointers to the documents. There has definitely
been an urge to replace the old method because it
caused a lot of confusion for the users. The idea of
our new concept is to focus on the main goal of link
integrity, which is to avoid “Document not found”
results. Thus our approach becomes active when the
link is not locatable by the given path name. At that
point the stored pointer is used to locate the object
and the link is replaced by a working one.
Obviously this method only checks local link that
oint to a location on the same server than the
source document. The only solution to this problem
is additional standards, which are supported by the
Bopp T., Hampel T. and Eßmann B. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 251-255
DOI: 10.5220/0002550502510255
Before we describe the handling of links in the
sTeam, we first briefly describe the basic ideas
behind our system.
1.1 The sTeam system
The sTeam system combines the idea of a room-
based virtual world with the basic functionalities of
document management. Rooms are social meeting
places and centres of a virtual learning community.
as a basis for cooperative learning. In a virtual room,
it is possible to observe which cooperative partner is
currently dealing with documents and knowledge
A room can be viewed by a web browser. It
displays all the documents or for example a single
hypertext document. Other applications like a
whiteboard will view the same room in a different
way. Every single document will be placed in a two
dimensional position.
In the next section we describe how hypertext
documents are handled by our system.
1.2 Current Situation – Link
Consistency in sTeam
The sTeam CSCW System uses object pointers
instead of pathnames in most situations to guarantee
consistency regardless of object positions within the
system. The advantage of this method is that even
though some document has been moved, the
reference would still point to the correct object. This
approach prevents links from being broken as
described by Nentwich (Nentwich et al, 2003). On
the other side this behaviour has one important
drawback: Users are used to pathnames and folder
structures since it is the common structure used by
all of the operating systems. Furthermore pathnames
are used as part of URL by the browser and they
provide a better readable addressing scheme than
object ids.
If a user moves one document and puts another
document with the same name in its location he/she
would think that a reference would point to the new
document. Because the sTeam system replaces all
links by object pointers the reference would still
point to the original object.
Apparently the object pointer method leads to
some misunderstandings, especially when users
deleted a document to replace it with a new one.
Since a deletion command does not remove the
document completely and moves it to a trash bin to
provide undelete functionality, some links point to
deleted documents. The user is confused about the
unchanged document.
There are also clients using movement of
documents to keep backups of the files (Apple’s
WebDAV implementation, Konqueror’s FTP mode).
The original document is moved and the new one is
uploaded with the old name. This breaks any link
consistency, because the original shouldn’t be
moved, but its content updated. Obviously those
tools expect a path-oriented server and are using that
behaviour to achieve backup functionality.
Link consistency is found in most hypertext systems
such as Xanadu (Nelson, 1980) or the
HyperG/Hyperwave system (Kappe, 1995). The
latter one is rather interesting, as it converts WWW-
path-style links to ID-based links when a document
is put into the system. Nevertheless problems occur
when documents are edited/exchanged with a
common tool.
Modern XML based tools provide links in an
external document using W3C standards like XLink
(Xlink, 2001) and XPath. Xlinkit provides a
lightweight framework using these technologies.
This tools still use a file-based approach.
Ingham (Ingham et al, 1995) describes an object
model for the World Wide Web. In this model
published resources are objects instead of files. The
system architecture takes advantage of object-
orientation and objects are able to communicate with
each other. Referential integrity is provided by bind-
and unbind- operations if resources are linked. Apart
from that the number of references is counted.
Nentwich (Nentwich et al, 2003) explained a
mechanism where links could be repaired in time.
This is quite similar to our approach, but it uses a
search mechanism to find the data instead of the
direct lookup of the unique ID of an object within
our system. Also, instead of using the hypertext
viewer to display the document, our method is
completely server based.
The popular Wiki system achieves link
consistency through self-defined path oriented
syntax to specify links within the system. Since it
does not provide deletion nor movement
functionality the Link consistency is provided
anyway. Documents are written in the Wiki format,
which is converted to HTML before it can be
displayed in a browser.
In HTML there are a couple of tags providing links
to other documents. For example there are <script>,
<img> and most importantly the <a> tags. All of
those tags use a path syntax to specify the link
location. This basically means a file system is
expected and no object-oriented database. Since
object-oriented systems work with unique object
identifiers this causes some incompatibility issues.
Of course it is possible to map a file path syntax to
the object space, but the unique identification is not
always possible.
It is advantageous to have unbreakable links for
any of the HTML-tags described above, because not
only the html documents could be moved, but also
images and javascript code used by an html page.
The link itself is an attribute of the tag in the form
<tag attribute=value> and usually is called href or
.In some cases the links are obfuscated though
when for example Javascript is used to create a link.
In that case a function is activated when the user
clicks on a link (there is a onClick attribute). The
function then opens the new location and there is no
way to detect these links. Due to that our
implementation focuses on the detectable links.
Unfortunately some HTML-editors produce
complicated HTML output with links, which cannot
be detected.
In summarization we have to be aware of the
World Wide Web being a path-oriented system.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a path-oriented
syntax for expressing a location on the Internet.
Up to now, exchanging the links of a document to
pointers has provided the consistency of hypertext
links in the sTeam system. Each of the links was
replaced by an unbreakable link using the ID of the
referenced object. Unfortunately this leads to a lot of
problems regarding the editing of objects, because
when the user edits a document his/her links are
immediately exchanged by a cryptic path name.
A solution to this problem is to re-exchange the
links again, so the Object identifiers are only used
internally. Every time the hypertext document is
displayed the ids are replaced again with appropriate
filenames. The user is not confused by the internal
format and the documents can be saved on the client
machine. All the links need to use relative
pathnames in order to work everywhere. The
disadvantage of this solution is the additional
processing time used for exchanging the links.
Due to the shortcomings mentioned above the
link consistency has been updated to use a validation
attribute. That is the document link structure is
untouched and the tags are expanded by one
Figure 1: Upload of a hypertext document
additional attribute. When downloading the
document all of its local links are validated and
possible altered to a new location (external links
cannot be checked, because there is no standardized
way to figure out the movement of files on other
servers). Therefore the links of the document
“index.html” in figure 1 would be extended with the
known object ID (OID) for “introduction.html” and
“overview.html” (#33 and #42). The external link to
www.somedomain.org remains untouched. The
validation process first evaluates the href attribute of
the tag and distinguishes between two different
a) The referenced document is found at the given
location. The object attribute is checked whether it is
still the same object as initially referenced. If the
object is changed, then we update the object
attribute. Most likely the author updated the
document and the original link will be broken.
b) No document is found. The object attribute is
used for retrieving the original document and the
link does still work. The href attribute is attributed to
the new location of the document in order to make
the document structure still valid.
This method has some advantages: the source
code of a document remains almost unchanged with
the links untouched and still readable. Only if no
document is found the link is replaced by using the
provided OID. Apart from that the no re-exchanging
of links is done. The additional attribute should not
cause too much confusion for the user and is ignored
by other applications.
Of course there is still the possibility of
“Document not found” results, because if a linked
document is just deleted and gone, there is no way to
find an appropriate replacement. In this case it
makes sense just to remove the link and thus show
“Users and tools want to break links”
the user directly in the source Document that there is
a broken link.
4.1 Link Parsing
Technically the parsing is not an additional step in
the hypertext processing, because the sTeam CSCW
system already supports a feature called RXML or
Roxen XML (Nilson, 2001). This extends the html
syntax by special tags, which are parsed and
replaced in this processing step. The result is
additional html output. This feature can be used to
create components, which can be reused in several
places. Examples of such components are calendars
or news-tickers.
Furthermore the normal HTML link tags are also
seen as RXML tags and processed in the same way.
Each tag has an associated handler script, which
handles the replacement of the html code. Thus the
parsing is done the normal way with all the link tags
registered to the parser. When a link tag is found (for
example <img src=”picture.jpg”>) then the
appropriate handler script is called which will check
if there is a picture.jpg in the current path (when
uploading the document) and the tag will be
extended by the OID of the picture as shown in
figure 1.
When downloading the file there will be a parsing
process, which will check the image tag with another
handler script. The script checks if the picture is
available and if it does not find it, then the link will
be updated to contain a path to the new location of
the image. Figure 2 shows the result of this process:
The image has been moved to the pictures sub
folder, but still is found and the image src attribute
is changed to the new location.
Figure 2: Download and parsing of a hypertext document.
The parser is based on the libxml2 (LibXML2,
2004) SAX parser. The performance of libxml2 is
sufficient for hypertext documents and gives only
little overhead (documents are usually small and
easy to parse).
Figure 3: HTML Content Retrieval in the sTeam
Figure 3 shows how a user gets a document from the
Hypertext system. The http module takes the request
and retrieves the content from the document
associated with the URL. Before the content is
returned it is processed with the libxml2 parser and
links are validated and possible exchanged. The
result of this process is illustrated in figure 1 and 2.
Our experiences with the sTeam system during the
last years show that it is very important to adapt to
the style users are used to work with document
structures. Replacing a document through a newer
version belongs to the most common tasks. It is
crucial to avoid confusion of the user and be as
compatible as possible with other tools.
It is also crucial to support web-based interfaces
so the hypertext documents can be displayed in a
normal browser.
The approach presented in this paper provides link
consistency, but at the same time adopts the way and
syntax users and their web-based tools are used to
create links. It is therefore a good compromise
between full link consistency through the logical
separation of links and documents, but on the other
hand provide the easiness and simplicity of path-
oriented embedded links such as the WWW-syntax.
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“Users and tools want to break links”