its semantic-based content distribution services.
When new content is received it is classified and
distributed to users who may be interested. Users
receive the notifications of new content as specified
by their own rules.
As shown above, the EWSA decoupled architec-
ture allows an agent-based application like JITIK to
provide enterprise communities with a number of
knowledge oriented Web Services, specially useful in
large organizations where performance and scalabil-
ity attributes become critical.
We have presented an architectural approach aimed
to allow integration of multi-agent systems as Web-
Services components. Besides its simplicity, the ad-
vantage of this approach is that it provides an efficient
way of interoperating agent-based subsystems with
web-centric loosely-coupled systems. We think this
solution is a good compromise given the current sta-
tus of technology, and that it allows rapid integration
of modular systems conforming to open standards.
We presented experimental evidence to support our
claim of efficiency. We presented as well a case study,
which is the application of our architecture to the JI-
TIK system, a multi-agent system to deliver informa-
tion items to a distributed community of users.
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ture in other real-world systems integrating agents
in a web-based framework. We are currently study-
ing methodological issues to guide the development
of hybrid agents-web systems, as current agent-
development methodologies need to be strongly en-
hanced in order to fit our architecture.
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