interested to embrace Internet Technology (IT).
However, recently the company has been acquired
by a third party who is interested in evaluating the
adoption of IT. Consequently, an important meeting
was scheduled, and the following are among a few
of the decisions that were made:
(i) Examine Ergo Chair value chain, and identify
opportunities to improve productivity.
(ii) Create a portal that would allow customers to
contact the company via the Web.
3.2 Modeling Change Management
In this section, a solution of the above change
management problem is described in phases as
discussed below, and the problem is modeled using
the actor dependency concept. The idea of breaking
down the problem into five phases has been partially
motivated by the solution of Harmon, 2003.
However, Harmon’s modeling technique is based on
conventional approaches.
3.2.1 Phase I: The redesign of Ergo Chair
Order Process is planned
In the first phase, planning work is carried out. A
planning phase should determine project scope, and
actors. In this project, the following actors were
• External Actors: Customers, and Suppliers.
• Internal Actors: Finance, Manufacturing, and
In this redesign, following goals have been
• All orders should be submitted immediately
from Sales to Finance in order to deliver Ergo
Chairs to clients as soon as possible. Currently,
orders take some more time to be submitted. As
a consequence, customers are dissatisfied.
• All orders should be submitted correctly.
• As part of corporate goals, Ergonomic Systems
must keep sales growth levels.
• As part of corporate goals, Ergonomic Systems
must keep highest profit margins.
3.2.2 Phase II: The current Ergo Chair
Order Process is analysed
The first, and key step in this phase is to understand,
and describe the current Ergo Chair Order Process.
After the initial diagrams are drawn, they must
be discussed with the redesign team. These diagrams
will be the documentation work on which
discussions should be based. All team players should
provide feedback to these diagrams. Next, diagrams
should be refined. Figure 1 shows current Ergo
Chair order process that is modeled using a SD
diagram. SR is not modeled at this stage, since only
some evident details to be improved were identified.
After Ergo Chair Order Process is redesigned, SR
diagram will be included.
3.2.3 Phase III: The current Ergo Chair
Order Process is improved
An important change has been detected from the
previous phase: Finance should manage credit
problems by itself, and not through Sales.
Now the new SD diagram is modelled, after the
required changes are taken into consideration. The
new SD diagram is not shown here, but the SR
diagram for Customers is shown in Figure 2. The SR
diagrams for actors Sales, and Finance are similarly
modeled and are omitted here.
3.2.4 Phase IV: The Ergo Chair Order
Process is redesigned
The SD diagram for the Online Order Process is
modelled, but is omitted from here to maintain
brevity of the paper. Figure 3 illustrates the SR
diagram for the actor, Web Portal.
3.2.5 Phase V: Implementing the New Ergo
Chair Order Process
After redesigning efforts are finished, we obtain
well-documented diagrams, and rationale behind
them. The next step is to implement the suggested
changes. These issues are beyond the scope of
discussion in this paper.
In this paper we have provided a novel approach,
using a 5-phased technique for analyzing, and
modeling early-phase requirements of
organizational change management problems. The
technique can reason about the opportunities, and
changes that are associated with BPR.
Chung, L., Nixon, B.A., Yu, E., Mylopoulos, J. 2000.
Non-Functional Requirements in Software
Engineering, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Georgakopoulos, D., Hornick, M. and Seth, A., 1995. An
Overview of Workflow Management: From Process
Modeling to Workflow Automation Infrastructure,