Rafael Cunha Cardoso, Fernando da Fonseca de Souza, Ana Carolina Salgado
Federal University of Pernambuco, C.P. 7851 CEP 50732-970, Recife, Brazil
Keywords: Semantic Web, Ontologies, Info
rmation retrieval/extraction systems, Web programming
Abstract: Nowadays, information retrieval and extraction systems perform an important role getting relevant
information from the World Wide Web (WWW). Semantic Web, which can be seen as the Web’s future,
introduces a set of concepts and tools that are being used to insert “intelligence” into contents of the current
WWW. Among such concepts, Ontologies play a fundamental role in this new environment. Through
ontologies, software agents can cover the Web “understanding” its meaning in order to execute more
complex and useful tasks. This work presents an architecture that uses Semantic Web concepts allied to
Regular Expressions (regex) to develop a device that retrieves/extracts specific domain information from the
Web (HTML documents). The prototype developed, based on this architecture, gets data about offers
announced on supermarkets Web sites, using Ontologies and regex to achieve this goal.
The World Wide Web appeared in the end of the
eighties, time where the impact of this new
technology on the society was unknown yet
(Berners-Lee et al., 1994). The increasing use of the
Internet has caused a permanent growth of the
amount of data available on the Web. The intrinsic
characteristics of the Web generate the need of
specialized tools to achieve efficient management,
qualified information retrieval and extraction
procedures (Baeza-Yates & Ribeiro-Neto, 1999).
In this context, efforts point to the second
ration of the Web, called Semantic Web
(Berners-Lee et al., 2001). The Semantic Web can
be thought as an extension of the current Web,
where data receives a formal expression of its own
meaning. The main goal of the Semantic Web is to
insert some sense into WWW resources. This will
enable that software agents “understand” and
process Web contents, in a more intelligent way.
This work introduces an architecture that allies
antic Web concepts (Ontologies, RDF) (Decker
et al, 2002) with stabilized techniques (Regular
Expressions) to execute information
retrieval/extraction from the Web. To test such
architecture, a study case, based on it, was
developed. The prototype identifies and extracts
relevant information from a specific knowledge
domain (expressed by one ontology), structuring the
extracted information in a friendly format.
The organization of this paper is as follows.
n 2 is dedicated to motivations of this work.
Section 3 introduces the system’s architecture and
processes. Section 4 focuses the techniques that
must be used to develop a prototype based on the
architecture. The case study implementation is
discussed in section 5. Section 6 presents related
works and, section 7, concludes the work.
The Internet’s explosion is responsible for the huge
amount of data that increases daily on the Web. The
immense quantity of data makes the Web the biggest
repository ever seen. Most of these resources are
spread on the Web without any worries about
categorization rules or properties descriptions.
Such characteristics may cause troubles on the
such as: delay in the information location;
failure in finding the requested information due to
URL (Universal Resource Locators) changes;
retrieval of a raised number of unexpected resources
due to ambiguity problems (Lopatenko, 2001).
In this situation, where unstructured data is easily
d, tools specialized in information location
become a challenge to the scientific community. The
Cunha Cardoso R., da Fonseca de Souza F. and Carolina Salgado A. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 200-207
DOI: 10.5220/0002555902000207
efficacy of such tools depends directly of the way
the resources were described on the Web. In
accordance with Moura (Moura, 2001), search tools
are classified in two main classes:
·Research in Directories: Tools that were
introduced when the content of the Web was small
enough to be collected in a non-automatic way. The
documents are classified manually according to a
·Search Engines: Tools that are worrier with its
database’s size. The gathering of documents in such
systems is done by software agents, which cross the
Web to collect data.
The aspects involved in these classes of tools,
guide the development of mechanisms which tries to
perform searches with meaning inlaid in the
keywords. The problem is that such search tools do
not consider the semantic aspects involved in the
keywords that were submitted. They just analyze the
words syntactically.
A complementary field to Information Retrieval
is Information Extraction, which aims at extracting
relevant information from semi-structured
documents, and organizes it in a friendly format.
NLP, Wrappers Development, Ontology-based
methods, among others, are techniques that can be
used to execute Information Extraction (Laender,
2.1 The Web
In the beginning of the nineties, the first efforts were
done to develop the WWW as we know currently.
Tim Berners Lee, the web’s idealizer, had faced
several challenges before its project was understood
by the scientific community (Fernández, 2001).
However, his efforts were rewarded, once the Web
was consolidated as the mean of information
distribution with the faster expansion in the
worldwide history. Its intensive use allied to
exponential growth provided a radical change in the
life of the people who access the Web. On the other
hand, this fast expansion turned the Web a content
deposit as huge as disorganized. Such troubles
generate constant disappointment to users with small
experience on the Web, especially when they are
involved with searches for specific information.
One of the factors that complicate this situation
is the pattern language used to create Web pages, the
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) language.
HTML does not specify any kind of semantic
relative to the page’s contents. It is just responsible
for document’s presentation. Consequently, it
appears a gap, between the information available to
Web services processing and the information that
exists for people reading. The lack of meaning in
Web documents caused the need of insertion of
some “intelligence” to current WWW resources. The
idea of inserting meaning into the Web documents
can be summarized by one term: “Semantic Web”
(Berners-Lee et al., 2001).
2.1.1 The Semantic Web
The Semantic Web enables the evolution from a
Web composed by documents, to a Web formed by
information where every data possesses a well
defined meaning that can be interpreted,
“understood” and processed by people and software
To understand the Semantic Web let’s assume
that someone is looking for pages about specie of
bird, an eagle, for instance. Typing “eagle” in a
search engine, several answers will be retrieved,
getting besides the requested information about
eagles, also pages about the “War Eagles Air
Museum”, or about the American football club
“Philadelphia Eagles”, among others results. This
happens because the software just analyzes the word
syntactically, do not discerning the football club,
from the birds or from the museum. But, if these
resources were marked up with a Semantic Web
language, this would not occur, because the words
could be distinguished semantically.
To develop the Semantic Web, an architecture
formed for a set of layers was proposed by Tim
Bernners-Lee (Berners-Lee et al, 2001). In this
paper, the RDF and ontology layer are considered.
2.1.2 Ontology
Ontology is a term vastly known in areas such as
Philosophy and Epistemology meaning respectively,
a “subject’s existence” and a “knowledge to know”
(Chandrasekaran et al, 1999). Recently this term is
being also used in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) to
describe concepts and relationships used by agents.
In the Database (DB) community, ontology is a
partial specification of a domain, which expresses
entities, relationships between these entities and
integrity rules (Mello et al, 2000). From these
definitions, an ontology can be defined as a
conceptual data model that describes the structure of
the data stored in a DB, in a high abstraction level.
Through these definitions an ontology will be
able to provide a common/shared understanding
about concepts on specific knowledge domains.
work uses a task ontology designed to aid the
performance of the extraction process defined in the
system architecture. Such architecture is introduced
in section 4.
In the literature several studies and works related to
data retrieval and extraction from the Web can be
found. The importance of this area is the possibility
of manipulating the data as traditional data structures
(e.g., relational databases) after the extraction
process. There are some methods to perform the data
extraction from Web documents: Natural Language
Processing (NLP), Ontology-based, Machine-
Learning techniques, among others. Some of this
works are briefly commented next.
WebQL (Arocena & Mendelzon, 1998) consists
in a language of declarative consultation capable of
locating pieces of interesting data. Trying to find
these data, an HTML-generic wrapper analyzes the
page sent as data entry, and creates an hypertree, an
abstract tree that represents the HTML document
that is being analyzed. Using the syntax of the
language it is possible to write queries that searches
for data represented in the hypertree, and present the
results in a tabular form.
WHISK is a tool that uses the NLP techniques
for data extraction from text documents (Soderland,
2001). A set of extraction rules is induced from a
collection of training documents. WHISK starts with
an empty set of rules, and at each interaction, it
selects and presents to the user a batch of instances
to be tagged. An interface is present to users
allowing them to add a tag for each attribute of
interest from the instance. WHISK then uses the
tagged instances to create rules and test the accuracy
of the proposed rules.
ShopBot is another related work which functions
with a set of URLs that addresses several on-line
stores in the Web (Doorenbos et al, 1997). The
ShopBot prototype operates in 2 phases; the first is
the Learning Phase, where the ShopBot applies a
learning algorithm in the sites that are listed in its
register. ShopBot creates profile of each store
present in its URL list. This stage of learning
examines sites to “learn” a logical description of
each site. The second phase is called Comparison
phase, in which an assistant of purchases uses the
profiles (acquired in the 1st phase) to help the user
to carry through purchases in real time. The assistant
uses the profiles to sail each site, following the
appropriate structure, discovering the best price for a
specific product desired by the user.
Another approach used is ontology-based. The
Data Extraction Group at Brigham University
(BYU) develops work in this area. In their tool,
ontologies are previously constructed to describe the
data of interest (Embley et al, 1999). By parsing a
particular ontology the tool is able to produce a
database by recognize and extract data present in
pages given as input. To work properly this tool
requires the careful build of an ontology, a job that
must be done manually by a specialist in the domain.
Infomaster (Genesereth et al, 1997; Kosala &
Blockeel, 1997) accesses information stored in
databases or ACL (Agent Communication
Language) knowledge bases. The first information
available in Infomaster is about renting of houses
and apartments in the San Francisco Bay area. The
system extracts announcements from Web sites of
several periodicals that present renting information
in this region. These ads are separated in individual
announcements, analyzed in a structured format and
then loaded into a KIF knowledge base.
The system we developed uses practices adopted
by some related works like Ontology, tree-parsing
techniques and regular expressions. It uses the same
premises of Infomaster and ShopBot, i.e., extracts
information from web documents, using techniques
like Ontology, tree-parsing analysis, and database
The main goal of this work is to define an
architecture to execute information retrieval and
extraction, using an ontology-based model to assist
this process. The architecture was organized a three-
layer architecture:
·Interface Layer: associated to users browsers.
Contains the Web interface, provided to get access
to information extracted by the prototype;
·Business Layer: contains the modules related to
information retrieval/extraction. The ontology is part
of this layer too; and
·Data Layer: contains functionalities related to
database tasks (storage and querying tasks).
Figure 1 shows the basic components that
constitute the architecture, divided into its three
layers. Such processes are: Resource Retrieval; Data
analysis/extraction; Information Storing; and
querying process.
4.1 Resource Retrieval
Software agents or bots, executes the first stage
inside the context of the information extraction
system (Heaton, 2002). In Figure 1, this step is
represented by the “Resource Retrieval” and by
phases A (sending the bot to the Web) and B
(getting documents from the Web). After this, the
gathered data is submitted to a parser analysis.
Figure 1: System’s architecture
This process gets a set of pre-defined URL,
connects to the Web and downloads all files from
these sites. After retrieved, these resources are saved
in a local folder, allowing starting the second stage
performed by the architecture: Data Extraction.
4.2 Data Analysis/Extraction
After collected, the resources are sent to the Data
analysis/Extraction module. It identifies and extracts
relevant data from the HTML files. To analyze the
files, it is necessary to provide a way that makes it
possible to examine the resources properly. This is
done via parsers that provide an intermediate
representation of the files, allowing an adequate
resource analysis.
Using these tools, it is possible to navigate the
structure of the HTML/XML files. Navigating
through this structure it is possible to get access to
words or expressions that are part of the document
for posterior comparisons with terms of a
determined domain, described by the specific
ontology. The architecture foresees the use of three
API to parse three different formats of files: HTML,
XML and specific ontology files.
This module must execute some steps in order to
achieve the task of extracting information. Each of
these steps are depicted in the next subsections.
4.2.1 Excluding unnecessary files
As the bot retrieves all files that are part from the
site, the first step executed by this module consist in
deleting data that can not be analyzed by the
prototype. The system must examine the type of file
it is dealing with, maintaining only HTML files to
the next step.
4.2.2 Initial HTML parsing
This step aims at determining if the HTML retrieved
by the bot, is according to the domain addressed by
the system’s ontology. This is done to avoid that
pages out of context be deeply analyzed. To make
this verification an HTML parser is used to access
the HTML nodes that are part of the file. Navigating
and accessing the nodes values, it is possible to
make a pattern matching operation between the node
value and the context keywords that are in the
ontology. If any of these keywords is found in any
HTML node, the file is sent to the next phase;
otherwise the HTML file is deleted.
4.2.3 Creating a temp file
This step transposes the nodes that are part of the
HTML files to a XML temp file. This is done to
avoid problems that appear when we are dealing
with HTML files.
The creation of the XML temp file is executed
internally using the HTML parser to access the
nodes and the XML parser to create the XML temp
file. This temp file contains all data present un the
HTML file.
4.2.4 Identifying and extracting data
This step is responsible for extracting the required
information. To do this, the system accesses the
ontology through a specific parser getting the
regex(es) that was designed to extract data from the
site that is currently analyzed. The regex is applied
over the nodes of the XML temp file, recuperating
the required information from it (if the regex finds
it). Once identified, instances of the extracted data
are inserted into a new XML file (called XML final
file). Process D and E (figure 1) represent the
extraction process done through all this steps,
representing also the interactions executed with the
ontology during the operations.
4.3 Storing and querying
After extracted, the information must be stored in a
database (process represented by phase F). To
achieve this, the XML final file is read through XML
API and populates the relational DB that is used to
store the extracted data. Once read, the XML data is
transformed into a SQL statement, which populates
de DB.
After populated, the DB is capable to receive
query from users, through a Web interface,
retrieving information about the domain that is
modeled in the ontology. The querying process is
done through a Web interface (Process G).
To develop a prototype based on this architecture it
is essential to use some techniques that permit to
implement a study case.
5.1 Regular expressions
Once the architecture predicts to extract information
from HTML files it is important to consider two
aspects of this kind of file. First, they do not have
any kind of semantics related to its TAGS. Second,
the data presented by HTML files are written
These two characteristics turn necessary to use
techniques that allow identifying and extracting the
required data from the files. Regular Expressions
(regex) can be used to do this. Regex are a way to
describe sets of strings, permitting to find relevant
data in texts through pattern matching operations.
Using regex it is possible to define expressions that
represent a pattern that regularly appears in a text,
allowing finding the required data. Regex performs
an important role in this work, since they permit to
recognize data from the HTML files analyzed. These
regex must be putted in the ontology used by the
5.2 Ontology
A domain-specific ontology is used by the prototype
to aid the identification/extraction processes from a
web page. The ontology was defined through three
basic steps:
a) Definition of the domain to be modeled;
b) Graph modeling, that reflects the environment
addressed by the application;
c) Ontology creation, using a specific language
to this kind of task.
The modeling through graphs is done because
the project uses a Semantic Web language to define
the domain ontology. Ontologies created from a
Semantic Web view are modeled in graphs, since
ontologies have structures of graphs, e.g., ontologies
may be seen as sets of elements related to each
other. This modeling allows a direct mapping
between the modeling and the formal definition of a
Semantic Web ontology.
5.3 Specific Parsers
The project uses three different kinds of parsers to
manipulate appropriately the files handled by the
HTML pages are usually written without
following rules established to XML documents
creation. Because of this, XML and HTML files
must be analyzed using different parsers. To allow
the ontology’s analysis, it is used Jena, a toolkit for
specifically developing Semantic Web applications.
Jena has an Ontology API that makes possible to
navigate and to access the ontology elements.
Following the architecture it is possible to develop a
study case. The study case extracts information
about offers announced by a set of supermarket Web
sites. Such offers are presented in different ways,
varying from supermarket to supermarket. The
announcements are done using several techniques
since images, animations, or pure HTML. This study
case is limited to HTML analysis, discarding other
types of ads.
6.1 Specific Domain Ontology
The ontology was organized as a conceptual data
model. This model was used to define the classes,
subclasses, properties and instances of the ontology.
The domain ontology was written using the
DAML+OIL language (McGuinness et al 2003).
The knowledge domain described by the
ontology is the “supermarket offers” in Web sites.
Besides modeling the environment, the ontology
contains also context words. These words are
expressions that characterize the domain. They will
help to define if a page may have the required
information or not. The ontology still is formed by a
set of regex, which allow to identify and to extract
the required information, i.e., promotional data, in
this case. Each site must have at least one associated
to it.
6.1.1 Ontology structure
The ontology was modeled containing five classes:
Regex, Promocao (Promotion), Produto (Product),
Termos_promocionais (Promotional terms) and
Supermercado (Supermarket). The classes
Promocao, Produto and Supermercado, are used to
guide the storing of the data in the DB. The other
two classes (Regex and Termos_promocionais) are
responsible to maintain, respectively:
a) Instances of context words that will be used
to determine the relevance (or not) of the
documents that were downloaded by the
b) Instances of the regex related to each
supermarket that later, will be used to identify
the data that must be extracted.
The following code shows the definition of the
Promocao class in DAML+OIL:
<daml:Class rdf:about="#promocao">
In DAML+OIL, properties are described
separated from its class. There are two types of
properties DAML+OIL. The first one is represented
daml:DatatypeProperty TAG. In this case, the
property has as the “range” value, a datatype (for
example string or decimal). The code below shows a
definition of the property “temNomeSuper”
(hasSuperName), which is related to the “super”
class. The range tag determines which type of data
this property accepts. In the example, it accepts the
string datatype.
<daml:DatatypeProperty rdf:about="#nome">
<daml:Class rdf:about="#super"/>
The relation between classes is made by
daml:ObjectProperty. The definition of
this kind of property is similar to Datatype
Properties. The difference is the value of its “range”
attribute that is a reference to another class, defined
in the data model. Besides classes definitions there is
also the definition of instances of specific classes,
like regex and promotional terms, which will be
used in the extraction process to discover the
required information.
To allow access to data described in the
ontology, it is used Jena, toolkit specifically
developed to build Semantic Web applications.
6.2 Implementation Issues
The Java language was used to build the prototype.
The Resource Retrieval module was developed
containing a set of URL of sites that can be visited
by the bot. The bot connects these sites via HTTP
(Hypertext Transfer Protocol) protocol, downloading
all files that are part of the sites.
The second stage of the prototype performs Data
Analysis/Extraction. To handle the files properly, the
prototype uses specific parsing tools. The DOM
model was proposed by the W3C (W3C, 2004)
providing a standard way to access to data described
in Web documents. This model uses a tree vision of
the document that is being analyzed, supplying a
way to navigate in all nodes that are part of the file.
Due to distinctions between XML and HTML
files, two different API were used to get access to
these formats of file. To analyze XML the prototype
uses the JDOM (Java DOM) (McLaughlin, 2001),
on the other hand, the HTML files are parsed using
the NekoHTML parser (Clark, 2003), which besides
providing a tree vision of the files it corrects some
defects that usually occur in HTML files, as missing
ending tags, for example.
When HTML pages arrive from a site the
prototype the first thing the prototype does is
determining if a page is relevant to it. Using
NekoHTML parser each node is individually
analyzed, trying to find any ontology context word.
If the document has one of the terms expressed in
the ontology (one instance of Termos_promocionais
class), the HTML file is considered relevant, and
otherwise it is discarded. If the document remains, a
XML document is created, transposing all nodes that
contain textual information in the HTML page (XML
temp file).
This XML temp file passes to the next step of the
extraction step. To do this, regex, present in the
ontology (Regex class), are used. Regex supply a
way to execute pattern matching over strings in an
ure 2: Administration tool an
the Web interface, develo
ed in the
intelligent way. Each site has one or more regex
related to it. Such regex identifies the offers
presented for the exact site. The specific regex are
applied over all nodes of the XML files trying to
recognize the data, which must be extracted. Once
identified, the data is extracted by the regex. The
information is then structured in a new XML file,
called of XML final file. All this process is
controlled by an administrative tool that permits to
insert new supermarket’s URL to be analyzed by the
prototype. Besides, it allows managing all flux of
files and processes that are being executed currently.
After extracted, the relevant data is stored in a
database. MySQL SGDB (MySQL, 2003) is used by
the project to store the data extracted from the files.
The routines that allow inserting data into the DB
reads the data described in the XML final file, and
create SQL statements that insert the information
into the DB.
After populated, the DB is ready to be queried by
users through the Web interface. This interface was
developed using JSP (Java Server Pages) technology
(JSP, 2004). The interface retrieves the offers
extracted by the prototype, about products the
user is
looking for, bringing all information available in the
DB, in a friendly way.
Figure 2 presents both, the administrative tool
and the Web Interface, used by the prototype to
achieve the information extraction goal.
The Semantic Web is one of the W3C’s long-term
objectives. It is being developed in an environment
of intelligent access to heterogeneous and distributed
This work, developed at UFPE, proposes a way
of using some techniques related to Semantic Web
(RDF, Ontologies) allied to techniques that allows
syntactic analysis (Regular Expressions) to solve
problems related to information extraction on the
Web. The work introduces a general architecture
that can be used to extract information about any
domain, since a specific ontology be created to this.
To test such architecture, a study case was
developed. The knowledge domain chosen was
about offers in the Web. The prototype’s intention is
to get accurate information about products that are
sold in supermarkets Web sites. This goal was
reached through the development of SuperOfertas
(SuperOffers). SuperOfertas (Interface in figure 2)
retrieves to users
The prototype that avoids tedious tasks that users
would do manually in the Web to find the
information he looks for.
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