data set. This also demonstrates that the good performance of bisecting K-means
method achieved by in Steinbach, Karypis, and Kumar’s experiments is also based on
large data set.
4 Conclusions
In this paper, we described a general document clustering system prototype and
discussed three ways to achieve better performance. A brief overview about different
document clustering algorithms, vector weighting functions, and distance measures
was provided. From our experimental results, we can below conclusions.
For the HAC clustering method, the average-link inter-clustering distance measure
is better than the single-link method and complete-link method. For weighting
functions in the vector space model, the TFIDF method is better than the binary
method and TF method. The TFIDF method assigns a weight to a feature by
combining its importance in a document and its distinguishability for whole document
set. An important term may be a medium frequency word instead of a high frequency
word (too common) or a low frequency word (too particular). For large data sets, the
bisecting algorithm outperforms all the other methods. But for small data sets, the
HAC method gets the best performance. The K-means method has a performance that
is similar to that of the buckshot method for large data sets. But for small data sets,
the buckshot method is better than the K-means method. The advantage of the HAC
method on small data sets improves the performance of the buckshot method.
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