map and then predict the type and pattern of the new user. The goal of predicting the
new user is to determine the required reservation services. Connected home machine
devices scenario is adopted to demonstrate the idea of classifying Users according to
the devices usage.
Job schedule will be used to complete the scenario of services reservation, and
then manage the load. SOM technique is also used to do the middleware self-
management process. Other types of machine learning (like SVM [16, 17]) will be test
in the future to do the classification process. For the future, this environment will be
developed to be as a web services that can be added to OGSA middleware services.
The idea of autonomic monitor will be develop in the future stages to predict the
type of data that is needed by the autonomic services. Also, it will be used to reduce
the amount of unnecessary data that is transfer from the target to the log file system
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