A Machine Learning Middleware For On Demand Grid
Services Engineering and Support
Wail M. Omar
, A. Taleb-Bendiab
, Yasir Karam
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
Liverpool John Moores University
Byrom Street
Liverpool, L3 3AF, UK
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Sohar University
Sohar, P.C. 311
Sultanate of Oman
Abstract. Over the coming years, many are anticipating grid computing
infrastructure, utilities and services to become an integral part of future socio-
economical fabric. Though, the realisation of such a vision will be very much
affected by a host of factors including; cost of access, reliability, dependability
and security of grid services. In earnest, autonomic computing model of
systems’ self-adaptation, self-management and self-protection has attracted
much interest to improving grid computing technology dependability, security
whilst reducing cost of operation. A prevailing design model of autonomic
computing systems is one of a goal-oriented and model-based architecture,
where rules elicited from domain expert knowledge, domain analysis or data
mining are embedded in software management systems to provide autonomic
systems functions including; self-tuning and/or self-healing. In this paper,
however, we argue for the need for unsupervised machine learning utility and
associated middleware to capture knowledge sources to improve deliberative
reasoning of autonomic middleware and/or grid infrastructure operation. In
particular, the paper presents a machine learning middleware service using the
well-known Self-Organising Maps (SOM), which is illustrated through a case-
study scenario -- intelligent connected home. The SOM service is used to
classify types of users and their respective networked appliances usage model
(patterns). The models are accessed by our experimental self-managing
infrastructure to provide Just-in-Time deployment and activation of required
services in line with learnt usage models and baseline architecture of specified
services assemblies. The paper concludes with an evaluation and general
concluding remarks.
1 Introduction
Due to the pervasive distributed computing environment, such as information systems
and computational Grid, has enabled a new generation of applications that are based
M. Omar W., Taleb-Bendiab A. and Karam Y. (2005).
A Machine Learning Middleware For On Demand Grid Services Engineering and Support.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Computer Supported Activity Coordination, pages 89-100
DOI: 10.5220/0002558200890100
on seamless access, aggregation and interaction. The dramatic side of the story is a
strong presence of the plea that those decentralized Grids are potentially affected by
number of primitives derived from their anatomy, is that they are inherently large,
complex, heterogeneous and dynamic, globally aggregating large number of
independent computing and communication resources. This had clearly exposed an
essence exigency for a vital change of how these applications are developed and
managed, which has motivated researchers to consider other techniques used by
biological systems to deal with complexity, dynamism, heterogeneity and uncertainty,
which is referred to the autonomic computing.
In particular, autonomic computing research is exploring and developing models
to support distributed systems lifetime management and unpredictability by delegating
many of the systems management, maintenance tasks to the software itself including;
resource management, job scheduling, services failure prediction, load-balancing,
QoS, services reservations, deployment and discovery [1].
A prevailing design model of autonomic computing systems is one of a goal-
oriented and model-based architecture, where rules elicited from domain expert
knowledge, domain analysis or data mining are embedded in meta-systems (self-
management) software systems [2] to provide autonomic systems functions including;
self management, self optimization, self-tuning and/or self-healing. Whilst, such a
rule-based approach is reported to be appropriate for systems self-management with
inherently stable operating rules (and/or policies), it suffers from the lack of support
for variability and evolution of domain operating rules and policies. Thus, requiring at
best a manual rule-base maintenance or at worst software systems maintenance.
Among tremendous machine learning deployment; in which a model consisting
classes and features is to be trained adaptively to preserve data learnt , this model can
then be used to perform taxonomy against new epochs, another approach of
anticipated properties of system is yet claim more advantages of neural networks in
learning machine symptoms over time.
Motivated by research on unsupervised machine learning techniques, which can
exploit the abundant systems’ monitoring data; this paper advocates for the need for a
machine learning utility and associated middleware to capture/extract and evolve
knowledge models (sources) from the infrastructure operating systems. Such
knowledge/models can then be used by our developed autonomic middleware control
In particular, the paper will present a machine learning middleware service using
one of the well-known neural networks unsupervised learning techniques Self-
Organising Maps (SOM) to nominate classification and clustering applied in an on-
demand home-networked appliances scenario. In which, the SOM service is used to
classify types of users and their respective networked appliances usage model
(classes/features) and services dependencies. The models are accessed by our
experimental self-managing infrastructure to on-demand and Just-in-Time deploy and
activate required services in line with learnt/extracted usage models and baseline
architecture of specified services federations/assemblies1 and discovering and
activating additional services on-demand. Other types of supervised learning
algorithms like regression, decision trees, Bayesian learning, reinforced learning and
Discovering of the services through anticipating the required services for each group of users
and reserved services for them
many others demand more analyzing to achieve prospected goal with minimum error;
this would ultimately claims manual procedures and testing until reaching those goals,
which in return requires managed centre administration. The paper will finish with
some concluding remarks and outlines further works.
The remainder of this paper is divided as follow: Section 2 outlines the
motivations for the work including related work. Section 3, describes the intelligent
connected home machine scenario based on demand services. Section 4 introduces an
application of classification method to support on demand grid service binding,
activation and reservation. This is illustrated though a simplified scenario of a SOM-
based middleware service for an intelligent connected home machine in section 5.
Sections 6, presents an implementation for services and job schedule services using
simple example. The last section is the conclusion and future work.
2 Motivations and Related Work
Many applications of the autonomic computing model in grid computing settings have
been widely reported by major IT players including; Sun Microsystems, Hewlett-
Packard and IBM as a way forward for a highly automated computing systems [3]. By
creating hardware and software that can diagnose and solve network problems, thus
improving high-availability while reducing IT operation costs [3].
A plethora of publications are now available ranging from a description of the
general benefits of autonomic computing, case-studies to design models, to tools and
techniques for design, deployment and management of autonomic computing software
Much research is now underway adopting the using of machine learning to support
different tasks of autonomic grid computing such as self-management, self-
configuration, self-protecting, and other general QoS improvement. For instance, M.
Chen et al. [4] report on their application of the C4.5 decision tree algorithm and data
mining to categorize causes of failure in large Internet sites such as eBay. Many of
researchers have recognized the importance of using autonomic system for path
failure as one cause of services failure and to improve the QoS. G. Candea, et al. [5]
presents an Automatic Failure-Path Inference (AFPI) as an application-generic and
automatic technique for dynamically discovering the failure dependency graphs of
componentized Internet applications. They focused on applying AFPI to applications
built on Java 2 Enterprise Edition middleware. AFPI-generated f-maps correctly omit
dependencies that appear in the static call graph but do not result in observed fault
propagation at runtime. The accuracy of applying autonomic system using machine
learning or data mining algorithms for large, distributed, and dynamic application
environments is one of the critical problems. M. Chen et al. [2] present a dynamic
analysis methodology that automates problem determination in these environments by
1) coarse-grained tagging of numerous real client requests as they travel through the
system and 2) using data mining techniques to correlate the believed failures and
successes of these requests to determine which components are most likely to be at
fault. They implemented Pinpoint, a framework for root cause analysis on the J2EE
platform that requires no knowledge of the application components. In large scale
system, there is an expectation for large number of failure services; this produces the
demand for failure management system. M. Chen et al. [6] present a new approach to
managing failures and evolution in large, complex distributed systems using runtime
paths. They use the paths that requests follow as they move through the system as
their core abstraction, and their “macro” approach focuses on component interactions
rather than the details of the components themselves
In our approach, we use Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) to underpin autonomic
middleware services, in that, in this research, to do the classification process among
groups of consumers according to the usage services. If the middleware gets this
classification, then it can predict the required services for a group of consumers
according to their assemblies. The middleware acts to reserve and prepare the required
services for the consumer before prior to the demand request; this will add
synchronization of service usage. Of course the reservation services may not require
one, but the accuracy and responsiveness of the system will increase with the learnt
services usage by consumers, which will in turn increase the training process for the
system. Job schedule also gets benefit from classification services, because the
middleware can anticipate the peak load and then manage the job schedule according
to it
3 On-Time Intelligent Connected Home Scenario
Grid computing requires a range of management processes and services for making
the middleware or broker interactive with the services/infrastructures and applications
faster. On-time services are another way to reduce the interaction between the
consumers and the devices by adjusting them to give better and fast services to the
consumers. Such processes and services to work fast and reliable need an autonomic
services or management services to run inside the middleware. Such services will be
one of the core units for the middleware in doing the automated jobs for the Open
Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) [13]. Taking benefit from the concept of service-
oriented model of the grid, the consumer should consider his requirements in advance
before invoking the demanded services to reduce the unnecessary invocation process,
and hence reduce the response time, or in other word is to create an advanced on
demand services request. A service reservation is much more agreeable in this case,
which is responsible to organize the consumers’ requests in advanced. Such service
can be integrated as one of the middleware core services. The middleware needs to be
more specific in the provision of the services required, clustering and classifying
consumers should be yield, and this method of classification is much applicable in our
Efficient performance in grid computing requires mechanisms for managing the
load balance, recover services failure and discover most suitable services for the
consumer, and improve QoS. Most of these things can be done using instrumentation
inside the middleware. This instrumentation needs to be autonomic to tune the
reaction of the middleware against different types of changes, and force self-
configuring, self-optimizing, self-healing, and self-protecting Middleware needs to get
readings from the services or targets.
Our approach for services reservation and job schedule depends on using one of the intelligent
classification methods for the system’s users.
case while the target of hypothesis is instantly unknown until the final trained model
is built.
To elucidate the idea of on-time or on demand services based on user usage
classification, connected home devices scenario is adopted. The intelligent connected
home machines are the next generation of the home devices, which depend on local
and remote services to be available on-time. Each such device may use remote grid
services. Each consumer can use a number of services (we will use name services
instead of devices). Of-course there are a number of consumers sharing approximately
the same devices each time, we tried to classify these consumers according to their
usage devices. Reasoner is the intelligent services inside the middleware responsible
to do the autonomic stuff, which will be clustering in this case according to the
consumer’s usages. Figures 1 and 2 demonstrate this idea.
The scenario starts by training the machine learning service with the consumer’s
devices usage. The sensors inside the connected homes starts collect information for
the new consumers and store it in the logger. This information is used by the machine
learning service (inside the reasoner) to classify the new users to one of the classified
groups. The benefit after classifying the users into group is to anticipate the required
services by each consumer beforehand. These anticipating results are fed to the
service reservation system with the required information. This system determines the
required services, time of operation, required resources, dependency and other things
required to run the service for each consumer and send it to the job schedule system.
The jobs schedule system at this stage is responsible to do schedule of the services,
anticipating the load on each service, and recover the fault tolerance problem before
occurrence. Job schedule system is responsible to arrange services readiness before
requesting in order to reduce the response time and give better QoS.
Because currently existed grid architecture model lacks classification services, we
are proposing a SOM-based classification service to underpin our unsupervised
machine learning middleware service. There are many others types of unsupervised
learning methods that can be used to do this job, like Support Vector Machine (SVM)
[15, 16]. For us, we tried to start with SOM because it is widely used in such problem,
and it works efficient with such applications [11, 17]. In the future, SVM will also be
test to reach to the best method of consumers’ classification.
The data collected from the middleware repository has rich information to be
processed, and starting with the definition of self-organizing map method as a vector
quantization method which places the prototype vectors on a regular low-dimensioned
grid in an ordered fashion [14].
Fig. 1. Illustration of the connected
home case study.
Fig. 2. User Classification Scenario.
Returning to our scenario of using home machine devices, the input data is
presented as XML, which can be used in the future with heterogeneous, decentralized
and distributed environments. On the other hand, XML can be used to store a large
amount of data with small size, and the RAM can easy work with it, therefore we
thought in the future XML will be useful to represent the huge amount of data. Figure
3, presents a sample of the XML for the input data that is used to train the system for
different cases (i.e. type of devices, category, and time of work).
Fig. 3. XML Schema for the input data.
4 SOM Implementation
The concepts of the SOM are out of the scope of this paper, and there are many
references on the using of SOM in different applications [9,10,11,12,14].
User’s classification using SOM will be a services used by the middleware to do
the autonomic work for the grid. The intelligent middleware will be responsible for
services reservation, job schedule, and other services which will be described in future
papers, like fault tolerance and load balance. The SOM services as web services will
be one of the core service of the middleware in doing the autonomic jobs for the Open
Grid Services Architecture (OGSA). In our approach we depend on doing consumers’
classification using SOM will be part of the middleware which will achieve prediction
services over the data repository mined out from consumers usage to the grid in order
to tune other middleware activities like service reservation, job schedule, fault
tolerance and load balance. Actually the classification service is a part of the
autonomy inside the middleware has prioritised role over all other components.
The SOM toolbox for Matlab is an effective software tool for the visualization of
high-dimensional data. It converts complex, non-linear statistical relationships
between high-dimensional data items into simple geometric relationships on a low-
dimensional display [18].
The SOM is initializing using either random or linear initialization. For train the
map, SOM uses sequential or batch algorithms by using som_make function, the
resulting visual map exhibits the neighbourhood between the neurons and the input
training samples updating Best Matching Unit (BMU). The quantization error could
be measured using som_quality function which supplies two measures: average
quantization error and topographic error. A schematic diagram at Fig 4 [10] illustrates
SOM cycle processes, SOM model delivers logic decisions from the visual maps
taking benefit from labelling feature in som_autolabel and som_addlabels functions,
hence we can build a programming model achieving SOM method and outputting
decisions from calculating BMU for a given data vectors using som_bmus function
and other related useful functions provided by the toolbox.
VS.Net is used to develop a complete environment for getting training data,
scaling data, learning SOM and get the classification results, and simulate the inputs
later based on using Matlab function as ASP. This environment will be developing to
be one of the middleware services.
Fig. 4. Using SOM in preparation-survey –cycle [based on 10]
4.1 Data Collection
In order to produce experimental data for the automated classification of users and
their home devices’ usage models, which will be used by our autonomic middleware
for the intelligent connected home a simulation software has been developed using
VS.Net and Matlab .
Data format for SOM is a main concern to prepare the samples in proper iterations,
and then it will be easy to construct them and build the data structure, which is a
Matlab SOM struct using som_data_struct function included with the SOM toolbox
for Matlab. Data pre-processing needed can be either simple linear transformations,
normalization or logarithmic scaling especially when the divergence of ranges of data
is too high, this is done using som_normalize function. After that, the scaled data is
used to feed the training system of the SOM.
Different types of categories are selected to represent the different types of home-
machine categories, each one of these category contains a number of home-machine
devices or services. 0 and 1 are selected to represent the status of the devices as
"OFF" or "ON" respectively.
5 Results of SOM Classification for Connected Home Machine
The visual results of the experiments are obtained using an implemented machine
learning middleware service. Matlab SOM library [14] is used to implement such
experiment. Figures 5, 6,7 and 8 show SOM-based classification results of the our
input data generated from Matlab, which represent a simulation of our self-managing
middleware for intelligent home networks. The results represent classification for
different type of users and devices. Figure 5 shows many correlations between device
usages, which are obtained after the training phase which included 1000 input sample
data and 10 trainees (devices consumers). Sample of these correlations are described
in the following points:
a. Lights and PlayStationII correlates as shown in Figure 5.
b. Video and Coffee Machine correlates as shown in Figure 5.
c. Video CD and Fans correlates as shown in Figure 5.
d. Vacuum cleaner and Washing machine correlates as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 6 represents U-Matrix distribution of labels for the connected home
devices. Figure 7, shows shaped U-Matrix with coloured regions exhibiting 7 clear
clusters of the map. The critical analysis of this approach depends on selecting and
scaling the correct data for training the system.
At runtime, the machine learning middleware service using the training data (user
and device classification) can classify log in users according to known users/devices
(one of the seven classified region). Each of which is for instance specifies the user
types and their uses model such as device usage order and time of usage. One of the
applications of such a user device usage model is used for our autonomic services
reservation and provision services.
SOM prevail some shortcoming when large quantity of good quality representative
training data required training the maps, possibly misleading visualisation when
neurons close together in output space represent similar input patterns. The SOM
toolbox comes with some error measures: som_quality which measures quantization
and topographic error of SOM, som_distortion which measures SOM distortion and
som_distortion for elements of the SOM distortion measure.
Fig. 5. SOM visual classification
Fig. 6. U-Matrix
distribution of labels
Fig. 7. U-map of SOM maps
resulted data
Fig. 8. Probability
Distribution Function PDF
of the input vectors
6 Implementation of Using SOM Service with On Demand
Services Scenario
User classification scenario based on devices usages is used to implement the idea of
on demand services as described in section 3. The SOM service is used to find the
pattern for each user. SOM is design as web service to be integrated with the core
functions of the middleware. The new user is sort to one of the classified groups, then
the system send a notification to the service reservation system with this new user and
the estimated required service that should be prepare by such system. For example,
figure 9 demonstrates a list of devices required by user ‘Wael’. Also it shows the new
users who enter to the system, in this case ‘Wael’ and ‘Taleb’. This information
regarding the new users with their requirements is sent to the job schedule services to
manage the execution of such services. For example, figure 10 presents the
notification of execution service (device) light for user ‘Wael’. It also describes the
time of execution for this new users. The system predicts the time for the execution
for each service based on gathering information through dynamic instrumentation. Of
course, the consumer has the right to change this time or even the service to adjust the
system and make it suitable for his requirements.
The software for the services reservation, notification and job schedule for
connected home machine has been implemented using VS.Net.
Fig. 9. Service Reservation
Fig. 10. Job schedule & notification services
7 Conclusions & Future Work
Autonomic computing is addressed to be one of the methods that are used to manage
the grid environment. User classification is here proposed to enhance job schedule and
services reservation processes based on automated way. Machine learning is used to
do the autonomic staff. SOM is suggested to be used to do the classification staff as a
service that can be attached later to middleware core services. VS.Net and Matlab
functions are used to develop the environment for the user classification process
starting by creating the random data as XML or text format, scale the data, train the
map and then predict the type and pattern of the new user. The goal of predicting the
new user is to determine the required reservation services. Connected home machine
devices scenario is adopted to demonstrate the idea of classifying Users according to
the devices usage.
Job schedule will be used to complete the scenario of services reservation, and
then manage the load. SOM technique is also used to do the middleware self-
management process. Other types of machine learning (like SVM [16, 17]) will be test
in the future to do the classification process. For the future, this environment will be
developed to be as a web services that can be added to OGSA middleware services.
The idea of autonomic monitor will be develop in the future stages to predict the
type of data that is needed by the autonomic services. Also, it will be used to reduce
the amount of unnecessary data that is transfer from the target to the log file system
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