A Computational Lexicalization Approach
Feng-Jen Yang
Feng-Jen Yang, Computer Science Department, Prairie View A&M University
Prairie View, Texas 77446, USA
Abstract. Fine-Grained lexicalization has been treated as a post process to
the machine planned discourse and make the machine generated language
more coherent and more fluent. Without this process, a system can still generate
comprehensible languages but may sound unnatural and sometimes frustrate its
users. To this end, generating coherent and natural sounding language is a major
concern in any natural language system. In this paper, a lexicalization approach
is presented to refine the machine generated language.
1 Introduction
An obvious difference between a natural language system and an information
management system is the user interface. If a user asks an information management
system the same question twice, it is very likely that the system will respond with the
same answer twice, but a natural language system hardly has this kind of dialogue.
Instead of repeating the same answer, a natural language system tends to adapt
answers according to the user’s understanding and try to reach the dialogue goal [7].
The invention of natural language systems is somehow motivated by the desire to
reform the interaction between human and computer.
As a tutoring system with a natural lang
uage interface, the CIRCSIM-Tutor tries to
simulate human tutoring sessions in the domain of baroreceptor reflex. It has been
tested to be effective and now being used as a class aid for first-year medical students
at Rush Medical College in Chicago.
The baroreceptor reflex is the mechanism i
n charge of regulating blood pressure in
the human body so that it will not go beyond the tolerable range. If something
happens to change the blood pressure, such as a transfusion, hemorrhage or
pacemaker malfunction, the baroreceptor reflex will attempt to regulate the blood
pressure in a negative feedback manner so the blood pressure will go back to a stable
state again.
While using this system the student is presented with a predefined perturbation and
en is asked to predict the qualitative changes in seven physiological variables at
three different chronological stages of the reflex cycle. These predictions are then
used as the basis of a tutoring session to remediate any misconception that the student
has revealed.
In order to simulate the dialogue of human tutors as much as possible and provide
with a coherent and fluent natural language interface, this paper presents a
lexicalization approach as a post process to refine our machine planned discourse. The
Yang F. (2005).
A Computational Lexicalization Approach.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science, pages 128-146
DOI: 10.5220/0002558301280146
discourse planner leaves a certain number of decisions open before surface sentence
generation and I choose five lexical features as the first attempt to improve the quality
of our machine dialogue. These features are chosen because they seem relatively
manageable but particularly important in our domain.
2 Domain Knowledge
The behavior of the baroreceptor reflex can be described by the qualitative influences
among seven physiological variables over three stages. The seven core variables as
they appear in the prediction table are Central Venous Pressure (CVP), Inotropic State
(IS), Stroke Volume (SV), Heart Rate (HR), Cardiac Output (CO), Total Peripheral
Resistance (TPR) and Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP). The three stages in the order of
occurrence are the Direct Response (DR) Stage, which is the time immediately after
the perturbation and before the reflex is activated, the Reflex Response (RR) Stage,
when the changes caused by the baroreceptor reflex begin to take effect, and the
Steady State (SS) Stage, the time after restabilization.
The causal relationships between these variables can be modeled by either direct or
inverse qualitative influence among variables. With a direct influence, increasing the
parameter on the cause side results in increasing the parameter on the effect side or
decreasing parameter in the cause side results in decreasing the parameter on the
effect side. For example, increasing the CO results in decreasing the CVP, but
increasing the CO results in increasing the MAP.
It is possible for a parameter to have two determinants. In such cases, learners have
to think about which determinant is stronger, since the result is based on qualitative
changes. The change in the stronger determinant will dominate the total qualitative
change, even if the other determinant has the opposite qualitative influences. For
example, the SV has two determinants, the CVP and the IS, but the IS is stronger than
the CVP. So if the CVP decreased but the IS increased, the increase in the IS is
stronger than the decrease in the CVP and the SV will still increase.
3 Why Lexicalization?
To benefit from a natural language interface, the tutoring system must be provided
with the properties that make human natural language so effective [8]. With this
concern in mind, CIRCSIM-Tutor tries to imitate the human tutor’s language as much
as possible.
Like most natural language systems, the CIRCSIM-Tutor has a discourse planner
to produce a discourse plan that specifies both the content and overall structure of a
tutoring session. In terms of determining the deep structure, knowing the content and
structure of a dialogue is enough and the discourse planner has been doing a good job.
Nevertheless, to make a dialogue fluent and coherent, knowing only the deep structure
is far from enough. There is still a considerable range of details to form the shallow
structure and feed it to the surface sentence generator. The discourse planner leaves
open a certain number of decisions about the surface form of the dialogue to be
3.1 A Coarse-Grained Lexicalization Example
Figure 1 is an example dialogue before lexicalization, which reveals the lack of
fluency and coherence in our machine dialogues. For example, in the second utterance
of T3, the Inotropic State should be pronominalized in a sense of maintaining the
same discourse focus. Also, the content based acknowledgements in T3 and T5 make
the machine dialogue stilted.
T1: By what mechanism is Inotropic State controlled?
S2: nervous system
T3: Correct, Inotropic State is controlled by the nervous system.
What is the value of Inotropic State in DR?
S4: decreased
T5: Nope, the value of Inotropic State is not decreased in DR.
Remember. Inotropic state is neurally controlled.
What is the value of Inotropic State in DR?
S6: not changed
T7: Correct, the value of Inotropic State is unchanged in DR.
Fig. 1. An Example Dialogue before Lexicalization
3.2 A Fine-Grained Lexicalization Example
One of the important areas of research in computational discourse is finding out what
information is contained in the sequence of utterances but goes beyond the meaning of
individual utterances themselves [4]. To this end, having better lexical usages are
absolutely essential and critical. The goal of this research is to make the machine
dialogue fluent and coherent. I, therefore, have some range of options in deciding
which lexical features to work on. The following features were chosen as the first
attempt of lexicalization, because they seem relatively manageable and particularly
important to make the dialogue in Figure 1 sound more natural and more fluent [15].
To illustrate each lexical feature and its corresponding refinement, the related
dialogue turns are chosen and improved step by step while a feature is discussed.
1. Polite Locutions
The machine tutor always asks questions directly, but human tutors tend to ask
questions politely instead of directly. They frequently use various politeness
locutions, such as
Can you tell me … or Do you know, before the question. So,
turn T1 can be improved with a softener:
T1: Can you tell me by what mechanism Inotropic State is controlled?
2. Abbreviated Variable Names
The machine tutor always spells out variable names while asking questions and
giving acknowledgments, but human tutors are much more likely to use the full
name when the variable is first introduced and then abbreviate or pronominalize it
later. So, turns T3 and T5 can be improved to read:
T3: Correct,
IS is controlled by the nervous system.
What is the value of
IS in DR?
S4: decreased
T5: Nope, the value of
IS is not decreased in DR.
IS is neurally controlled.
What is the value of IS in DR?
3. Discourse Markers
Using discourse markers can make clear the logical relationship between two
sentences or the relationship of a sentence to the tutorial goal structure. In turns T3
and T5, the two consecutive utterances belong to different topics, but the machine
tutor does not use discourse markers, while human tutors tend to use discourse
markers like so, now, but, therefore, etc., to move from one discourse focus to
another. So, turns T3 and T5 can be further improved to read:
T3: Correct, IS is controlled by the nervous system.
So, what is the value of IS in DR?
T5: Nope, the value of IS is not decreased in DR.
Remember, IS is neurally controlled.
Now, what is the value of IS in DR?
4. Acknowledgments
In turns T3 and T5, the acknowledgments are both explicit and content-based
which make the sentences sound redundant and stilted. In human dialogues,
acknowledgments following student answers are often reduced to a single word,
appended to the next sentence, or even omitted entirely. Whether an
acknowledgment can be reduced and attached to the next sentence depends on the
syntax of the next sentence, the relation of the next sentence to the answer being
acknowledged, and whether the answer is correct or not. Our human tutoring
transcripts show that usually correct answers are not repeated, but wrong answers
are repeated in a sense of pointing out the student’s misconception. So turns T3
and T5 can be even further improved to read:
So, what is the value of IS in DR?
S4: decreased
No, the value of IS is not decreased in DR.
Remember, IS is neurally controlled.
Now, what is the value of IS in DR?
A special phenomenon of acknowledging the student’s answer is that human tutors
tend to acknowledge the student’s finally correct answer more strongly than usual,
especially when the student has made some mistakes and finally got the correct
answer. So, turn T7 can improved to read:
Very good.
5. Pronouns
In turn T5, the intended variable name has been mentioned in the previous turn. In
this case, human tutors tend to use the pronoun it to refer to the variable
previously mentioned and stay in the same discourse focus. So, the turn T5 can be
improved to read:
T5: No, IS is not decreased in DR.
it is neurally controlled.
Now, what is the value of IS in DR?
Generally speaking, these refinements are instances of lexical selection. This is
also an illustration of the fact that lexical variation is not random but planned and
Since the system is using schemata as planning operators, an efficient way of
learning the rules for lexical selection is by searching for examples of lexical usage in
transcripts marked up with tutoring schemata. I search for instances of the same
schema expressed in different ways. After further in-depth analysis of these instances,
I have established rules as a better guidance for lexical selection.
Addressing only the five lexical features discussed above, the dialogue in Figure 1
can be transformed into Figure 2.
T1: Can you tell me by what mechanism Inotropic State is controlled?
S2: nervous system
T3: Right.
So, what is the value of IS in DR?
S4: decreased
T5: No, IS is not decreased in DR.
Remember, it is neurally controlled.
Now, what is the value of IS in DR?
S6: not changed
T7: Very good.
Fig. 2. An Example Dialogue after Lexicalization
The necessity of lexicalization can be justified by comparing the quality difference
of machine generated dialogues with and without lexicalization.
4 Discourse Modeling
One of the major problems addressed in discourse research is:
How does an utterance’s context affect the meaning of the individual utterance or
part of it [4]?
That is why a major result of most discourse analysis is dividing a discourse into
discourse segments. The boundaries of segments have to be determined in a manner
much like phrases group into sentences and sentences group into paragraphs, and so
on. The meaning of a segment encompasses more than the meaning of individual parts
[4]. While segmenting the discourse, the language behavior is also modeled.
Many methods have been proposed for analyzing the local discourse context. The
most popular method is annotating a corpus of the type of discourse that you wish to
generate. A set of general instructions for annotating discourse segments and
identifying the purposes of discourse segments was proposed by [9]. By investigating
the relationship between reference and segmentation, Passonneau [11] designed a
protocol for coding discourse referential noun phrases and their antecedents. Other
researchers such as Allen and Core [1], Nakatani and Traum [10] and Brennan and
Clark [2] have also suggested methods for exploring lexical issues.
4.1 Discourse Coherence
A very important research resource in the CIRCSIM-Tutor project is a set of tutoring
transcripts numbered from K1 to K76. These sessions were carried out in a keyboard-
to-keyboard manner by our domain experts and their first-year students in physiology.
This research, like most of our earlier work is based on the study and analysis of these
Our discourse analysis is based on a fundamental discourse theory saying that a
hierarchical organization of discourse around fixed schemata can guarantee good
coherence and proper content selection [6]. When the same idea is applied to the
CIRCSIM-Tutor domain, a set of hierarchical tutoring schemata has been discovered
to model the discourse of tutoring sessions performed by our domain experts and their
students [5]. Based on these schemata, I started thinking about the approaches to
refine our machine dialogue.
If we model the behavior of lexicalization in terms of discourse trees, it deals with
integrating the leaf nodes into a coherent dialogue. This integration is related both to
discourse planning and to surface sentence generation. So, a central problem with the
lexicalization is how to make a smooth connection among the semantic representation,
the pragmatic information, and the surface linguistic phenomena. In other words, the
lexicalization has to consider the alternatives in terms of representing the content of
the participants’ utterances, performing the dialogue acts, and generating the surface
language. These alternatives not only provide a certain level of implementation
flexibility, but also introduce the possibility of optimization at some level.
Since the system is now using schemata to plan the discourse, having a coherent
movement of discourse focus is no longer a problem. The remaining work is to
produce a fine-grained lexicalization. This takes more in-depth of lexical analysis.
5 Lexical Analysis
My lexical analysis is based on the concept that a good discourse theory must be able
to account for the ordering of major discourse constituents and predict the surface
linguistic phenomena that depend on structural aspects of discourse [12]. In other
words, by knowing the structure of the discourse in progress, we should be able to
predict their corresponding surface linguistic usages. I, thus, focused my analysis on
discovering the relationship between a discourse structure and its corresponding
surface language usage. Another useful idea comes from Passonneau’s protocol,
especially for the problem of finding the inference relationships between different
discourse segments [11]. The draft of DAMSL [1], which uses a backward looking
function to capture how the current utterance relates to its antecedent, is also a helpful
The lexical analysis described here is focused on the semantic and pragmatic
relationships among the tutoring schemata as well as looking for special phenomena
of lexical usage in the dialogue context.
5.1 Visualization of Lexical Usage
In order to predict the surface linguistic phenomena from the structural aspects of
discourse, it is more useful to have a method that shows discourse structure and
lexical usage at the same time. This will help the analysis to take both issues into
consideration. I have developed a new representation for lexical usage that allows the
researcher to visualize lexical research. This method begins by representing the
hierarchical tutoring schemata as tables and then maps the lexical items of interest
onto those table entries according to their original positions in the schemata. In this
manner, we can visualize both the discourse structure and lexical usage
Figure 3 illustrates the visualization of the variable descriptions used by our
domain experts while tutoring the variable TPR in the session K12. The discourse
structure of this dialogue is modeled by a schema called
T-corrects-variable which is
realized by two subschemata, T-introduces-variable and T-tutors-variables, and then
T-tutors-variable is realized by T-does-neural-DLR. The T-does-neural-DLR is
further realized by
T-tutors-mechanism, T-tutors-DR-info, and T-tutors-value, and
so on. This process keeps going until each of them is finally realized by a surface
T-corrects-variable var=TPR
T-introduces-variable T-tutors-variable
T-tutors-mechanism T-tutors-DR-info T-tutors-value
T-elicits T-informs T-elicits
T: Now how about
T: By what
T: So what do you think
TPR now?
Fig. 3. Visualization of Variable Descriptions
In this example, I used typography to indicate the lexical features that interest me.
The variable TPR is marked, along with the anaphoric references to it. The lexical
phenomena here are:
The tutor first uses the abbreviated variable name TPR to bring up this variable to
teach. In the immediately following topic, the tutor uses the pronoun it to refer to
the previous mentioned TPR. After that the tutor goes on to convey some other
related explanations and in the final topic the tutor uses the abbreviated variable
TPR again to bring back the discourse focus.
When these phenomena applied to lexicalization:
A discourse planned using the schema
T-corrects-variable will always have the
variable introduced in the first topic. So, in the second topic the machine tutor can
always use a pronoun to refer to the same variable and maintain the same
discourse focus. Also, in the sense of making a conclusion, it is appropriate to use
abbreviated variable name to bring back focus in the last topic.
Figure 4 is designed to help us visualize the usage of discourse markers while tutoring
the variable TPR in the session K10.
T-corrects-variable var=TPR
T-introduces-variable T-tutors-variable
T-tutors-mechanism T-tutors-DR-info T-tutors-value
T-elicits T-informs T-elicits
T: Take the last
one first.
T: Can you tell me
how TPR is
And the predictions
that you are making
are for the period
before any neural
changes take place.
So what do you
think about
TPR now?
Fig. 4. Visualization of Discourse Marker Usage
The lexical phenomena in this example are:
The tutor uses the discourse marker
And to move from one topic to a semantically
continuous topic and uses the discourse marker
So to mark the final topic as an
appropriate conclusion.
When these phenomena applied to lexicalization:
A discourse planned according to the schema
T-does-neural-DLR will always
have the first two topics semantically continuous. So, it will be always appropriate
to use the discourse marker
And to connect these two topics. Also in the last topic
the tutor has to make a conclusion and the discourse marker
So is a good way to
make this conclusion.
Similarly, Figure 5 is a visualization of the way acknowledgments are used while
tutoring TPR in the session K48. The lexical phenomena in this example are:
For the first two questions, the tutor gives a hint by asking some background
knowledge and moving toward the final question. Fortunately, the student answers
these two hints right. So the tutor uses the explicit word
Right to accept these
answers. Finally, the student figured out the correct answer and the tutor
acknowledged it in a stronger manner to encourage the student and said
When these phenomena applied to lexicalization:
A discourse planned according to the schema
T-does-neural-DLR will always
have some digression before the student figures out the final correct answer. So, in
the last topic, the machine tutor can acknowledge the student’s answer more
strongly than usual to encourage the student.
T-corrects-variable var=TPR
T-introduces-variable T-tutors-variable
T-tutors-mechanism T-tutors-DR-info T-tutors-value
T-elicits T-informs T-elicits
T: You predicted
that TPR would
T: What
does this?
S: Autonomic
T: And during DR
what changes in
ANS activity
S: none.
T: So do you want to
change your
S: Yes, TPR has no
Fig. 5. Visualization of the Choice of Acknowledgments
5.2 Result of Lexical Analysis
The purpose of visualization is to gather together all the instances of lexical
phenomena and the contexts in which they occur. I look at two types of context, the
surrounding text and the position within the tutorial dialogue schema. Ultimately, I
have found rules, as addressed in Appendix A, which can be used to as guidelines
towards a finer-grained lexicalization in the CIRCSIM-Tutor domain.
6 Implementation
Lexicalization is a processing after discourse planning and before surface sentence
generation. To form a pipeline from discourse planning to sentence generation as
suggested by Reiter and Dale [13], the interfaces have to be clearly defined.
6.1 The Interface between Discourse Planning and Lexicalization
The discourse planner is using a set of hierarchical schemata as plan operators and the
operators currently in use are stored in a working storage. By consulting the working
storage the lexicalization module can have a copy of the discourse in progress and
apply lexical rules accordingly. Figure 6 is the lisp program template to get a copy of
the current discourse. After executing these codes the variables
w-stage, w-topic, w-
will be holding the current tutoring stage, topic and primitive, respectively.
(setq w-stage (get-value-from-KB '(w-stage-is ?x)))
(setq w-topic (get-value-from-KB '(w-topic-is ?x)))
(setq w-primitive (get-value-from-KB '(w-primitive-is ?x)))
... and so on.
Fig. 6. Retrieve the Discourse in Progress
6.2 The Interface between Lexicalization and Sentence Generation
The sentence generator is using a template generation approach which takes a feature
set and generating a sentence accordingly. For example, feeding the feature set
“((primitive informs) (topic mechanism) (stage dr) (var ((var-name CC))” to the
sentence generator will have the sentence
“CC is under neural control. generated.
The major steps and their corresponding lisp codes to prepare a feature set for
sentence generation are summarized as follows:
1. Initially the feature set is empty.
(let ((features ()))
2. The feature set could be multi-level. So the program goes on to call subfeature
to construct subfeatures for all discourse operators currently in use,
such as
(primitive-feature w-primitive), (topic-feature w-topic), (stage-feature w-
, ... etc., and append them to the overall feature set.
(setq features (append features
(primitive-feature w-primitive)))
(setq features (append features
(topic-feature w-topic)))
(setq features (append features
(stage-feature w-stage)))
... and so on.
3. Each subfeature is then constructed according to each discourse plan operator
currently in use. For example, since there are only two possible values for the
primitive operator, the primitive subfeature can only be either
(primitive elicits) or
(primitive informs).
(defun primitive-feature (value)
((equal value elicits)
'((primitive elicits)))
((equal value informs)
'((primitive informs)))))
Other subfeature constructors are implemented in the same manner.
4. After all subfeatures are constructed and appended to the overall feature set, the
entire feature set is ready for a sentence generation.
7 Conclusion
The idea of lexicalization is not well-studied in natural language processing. Part of
the reason is that a fine-grained lexicalization is related to something beyond sentence
interpretation. The intentions of speakers and the understanding of listeners are the
major factors dominate the evolving discourse and lexical usage.
Many natural language research groups have found that a certain number of natural
language generation issues are beyond the consideration of discourse planning and
surface generation, but they are nonetheless important in building high-quality text
generation systems. A certain level of cognitive related issues has to be taken into
consideration. In this research, I focus on the task of lexical refinement to produce a
more detailed dialogue specification for the surface sentence generator to generate
more coherent and natural sounding sentences. This is a critical problem and I have
taken the first step toward it.
This work was partially supported by the Cognitive Science Program, Office of Naval
Research under Grant 00014-00-1-0660 to Stanford University as well as Grants
N00014-94-1-0338 and N00014-02-1-0442 to Illinois Institute of Technology. The
content does not reflect the position of policy of the government and no official
endorsement should be inferred. Personal communications with Professor Martha
Evens at Illinois Institute of Technology has been of great assistance to this research.
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Appendix A Lexical Rules
Based on the analysis of lexical phenomena in the tutoring schemata, I have
developed lexical rules for
polite locutions, variable references, discourse markers,
acknowledgment choices. These rules along with real life tutoring examples
marked with SGML tags are listed and discussed in following sections.
A.1 Lexical Rules for Polite Locutions
Rule 1: Within the first topic of
T-does-neural-DLR, the tutor uses the locutions
Can you tell me or Do you know to bring up a question politely.
K10-tu-29-4: Can you tell me how TPR is controlled?
A.2 Lexical Rules for Variable Descriptions
Rule 1: Use abbreviated variable names
Case 1: Within the topic T-introduces-variable, the tutor uses the abbreviated name
to introduce a new variable.
K11-tu-41-1: You only have TPR left.
Case 2: Within the topic immediately following T-introduces-variable, the tutor
keeps using the abbreviated name of the variable to maintain the same
discourse focus.
K11-tu-41-1: You only have TPR left.
K11-tu-49-3: How is TPR controlled?
Case 3: Within the last topic of T-tutors-variable, the tutor uses the abbreviated
name of the variable to end digressions and bring back the discourse focus.
K10-tu-29-4: Can you tell me how TPR is controlled?
K10-tu-31-2: And the predictions that you are making are for
the period before any neural changes take place.
K10-tu-31-3: So what about TPR?
Rule 2: Use pronominal descriptions
Case 1: Within the topic immediately following T-introduces-variable, the tutor uses
it to refer to the variable and maintain the same discourse focus.
K12-tu-31-1: Now how about TPR?
K12-tu-33-1: By what mechanism will it increase?
Case 2: Within the topic immediately following T-introduces-variable, the tutor uses
this to refer to a proposition and maintain the same discourse focus.
K26-tu-76-2: So, co decreases even though sv increases.
K26-tu-76-3: How can you explain this?
Rule 3: Use definite descriptions
Case 1: Within the topic of T-introduces-variable, the tutor uses the last one or this
issue to introduce the variable.
K10-tu-29-2: Let's take a look at some of your predictions.
K10-tu-29-3: Take the last one first.
Case 2: Within the topic immediately following T-introduces-variable, the tutor uses
that prediction to refer to both the variable and its change and maintain the
same discourse focus.
K48-tu-44-3: you predicted that TPR would increase.
K48-tu-44-4: Can you explain how you arrived at that
Case 3: Within the last topic of T-tutors-variable, the tutor uses your prediction to
end digressions and bring back the discourse focus.
K48-tu-44-4: Can you explain how you arrived at that
K48-tu-48-2: and during DR what changes in ANS activity occur?
K48-tu-50-1: So do you want to change your prediction?
A.3 Lexical Rules for Discourse Markers
Rule 1: Use so and now
Case 1: so and now are used in T-introduces-variable to initiate a discourse focus.
This is similar to behavior observed by Schiffrin [14].
K11-tu-53-2: So let me ask you, are there any other of these
variables that are primarily under neural control?
Case 2: so and now are used to conclude T-tutors-variable. This is similar to the idea
of marking results discussed by Schiffrin [14].
K10-tu-31-3: So what about TPR?
Rule 2: Use first in T-introduces-variable to introduce the first topic of the first
variable being tutored.
K13-tu-37-3: First, what parameter determines the value of
Rule 3: Use but in T-presents-contradiction to contrast two ideas.
K10-tu-41-2: You predicted that it would go up.
K10-tu-43-1: But remember that we’re dealing with the period
before there can be any neural changes.
Rule 4: Use and to initiate a semantically continuous topic.
K10-tu-29-4: Can you tell me how TPR is controlled?
K10-tu-31-2: And the predictions that you are making are for
the period before any neural changes take place.
Rule 5: Use therefore to summarize T-tutors-via-deeper-concepts.
K27-tu-52-1: If I have a single blood vessel, what parameter
most strongly determines its resistance to flow?
K27-tu-54-1: And physiologically, what determines the
diameter of the blood vessels?
K27-tu-56-2: Therefore, what determines TPR?
A.4 Lexica Rules for Acknowledgments
Rule 1: Use a negative acknowledgment such as no or not quite to reject the
student’s first wrong answer.
K12-tu-31-1: Now how about TPR?
K12-tu-33-1: By what mechanism will it increase?
<S-ans catg=incorrect>
K12-st-34-1: If you increase pressure will you momentarily
increase resistance
<T-ack type=negative>
K12-tu-35-1: No.
Rule 2: Use a partial acknowledgment, such as partly correct, to partially accept the
student’s answer.
K47-tu-56-5: Can you tell me what you think that IS means?
<S-ans catg=near-miss>
K47-st-57-1: the contractility of the heart caused by preload
and sympathetic stimulation
</S-ans >
<T-ack type= partially-correct >
K47-tu-58-1: Partly correct.
</T-ack >
Rule 3: Use of positive acknowledgments
Case 1: Use yes or right to accept the student’s first correct answer.
K10-tu-29-2: Let's take a look at some of your predictions.
K10-tu-29-3: Take the last one first.
K10-tu-29-4: Can you tell me how TPR is controlled?
<S-ans catg=correct>
K10-st-30-1: Autonomic nervous system
<T-ack type=positive>
K10-tu-31-1: Yes.
Case 2: Use a strong positive acknowledgment, such as good, very good, absolutely,
exactly, or great to accept the student’s final correct answer, especially when
the student had some difficulty in reaching this goal.
K27-tu-72-2: How is this possible?
<S-ans catg=correct>
K27-st-73-1: Hr is down more than sv is up
<T-ack type=positive>
K27-tu-74-1: Very good.
Rule 4: Acknowledgment is omitted in some special situations, such as when the
tutor is identifying the student’s problem, or the student has a near miss
Case 1: the tutor tries to identify the student’s problem without giving any
K27-tu-50-2: Why do you think that TPR will decrease?
<S-ans catg=incorrect>
K27-st-51-1: Since HR decreased, CO will decrease and the
direct response would be decreased TPR.
K27-tu-52-1: If I have a single blood vessel, what parameter
most strongly determines its resistance to flow?
(Acknowledgment omitted)
Case 2: The tutor does not give any acknowledgment when the student gives a near-
miss answer, but tries other methods to guide the student toward the correct
K25-tu-48-3: What parameter determines rap?
<S-ans catg=near-miss>
K25-st-49-1: Central venous pressure.
<T-moves-toward-PT method-type=inner>
K25-tu-50-1: And what determines cvp?
(Acknowledgment omitted)
<S-ans catg=correct>
K25-st-51-1: Blood volume and "compliance" of the Venous side
of the circ.
<T-ack type=positive>
K25-tu-52-1: Right.
</T- tutors-via-determinants>