3 Proposed Model Of The System
One of the conceptions of a system aiding market information management in the
e-negotiations area is its realization in the form of multiagent system. The proposed in
the work model will comprise of two mutually cooperating groups of software agents
(so called agencies):
− First group – its task is to acquire, analyze and make market information available
to manager, aids manager in preparation to negotiations phase,
− Second group – its task is to aid manager in the terms of transaction negotiations; it
takes over the task of offers evaluation and working out initial compromise.
The above mentioned groups include three basic kinds of agents:
− Interface agents – their task is to facilitate man interaction with the system and
presentation of the work results in accessible form.
− Coordination agents – they analyze introduced by man tasks and divide them into
elementary tasks.
− Information agents – they realize elementary tasks, delegated to them to carry out
by task agents (they take and store data from the available information resources,
collect information acquired in the process of negotiation, take over tasks of offer
exchange and working out initial compromise); they return results of their opera-
tions to Interface Agents.
General architecture of the first group of agents presents Figure 3.
Information agents take over tasks of collecting, analyzing and making market in-
formation helpful in preparation to negotiations with clients and suppliers available to
manager. They also take over tasks of offers exchange – so called packages. Offers,
that is lists of items to negotiate and their weights are sent as KQML (Knowledge
Query and Manipulation Language) language commands. Items to negotiate are
among others: price, quantity, quality, delivery terms and conditions, payment condi-
tions, guarantee, discounts. Packages are subject to evaluation, and worked out by
Information Agents possible compromises are presented to managers to accept or
modify with respect to the weight of particular negotiated items. If the agreement is
accepted, Information Agents cease their operation and the final part of the negotia-
tions concerned with signing contract and accounting is taken over by man. In the
case of lack of acceptation however, Information Agents work out compromise again
or their operating is interrupted. Thanks to application of Information Agents and the
possibility of holistic packages comparison by managers there exists a chance of
Pareto-optimum compromises achievement [9].
The proposed in the work model was elaborated in the AgentBuilder environment
of Acronymics Inc. The research of the simulating model was divided into three
− formulating, describing and assigning tasks to software agents,
− multiagent system implementation – elaborating system’s ontology, establishing
concluding rules of particular agents, negotiating protocol and communication
with database,
− elaboration of coordination method among agents,
− simulation and verification of the proposed model.