Evaluating the Word Sense Disambiguation Accuracy
with Three Different Sense Inventories
Dan Tufiş
, Radu Ion
Institute for Artificial Intelligence, 13, Calea 13 Septembrie, 050711, Bucharest 5, Romania
Faculty of Informatics, University “A.I. Cuza”, 16, Gral. Berthelot, Iaşi, 6600, Romania
Abstract. Com
paring performances of word sense disambiguation systems is a
very difficult evaluation task when different sense inventories are used and,
even more difficult when the sense distinctions are not of the same granularity.
The paper substantiates this statement by briefly presenting a system for word
sense disambiguation (WSD) based on parallel corpora. The method relies on
word alignment, word clustering and is supported by a lexical ontology made of
aligned wordnets for the languages in the corpora. The wordnets are aligned to
the Princeton Wordnet, according to the principles established by
EuroWordNet. The evaluation of the WSD system was performed on the same
data, using three different granularity sense inventories.
1 Introduction
Most difficult problems in natural language processing stem from the inherent
ambiguous nature of the human languages. Ambiguity is present at all levels of
traditional structuring of a language system (phonology, morphology, lexicon, syntax,
semantics) and not dealing with it at the proper level, exponentially increases the
complexity of the problem solving. For instance, it is instructive to observe that many
text books, published in the 70’s and 80’s and even more recently, when dealing with
parsing ambiguity, exemplify the phenomenon mainly by drawing on the morpho-
lexical ambiguities and less on genuine structural syntactic ambiguity (such as PP-
attachment). The early approach where the morpho-lexical ambiguities, as detected by
a morpho-lexical analyzer, were left to the syntactic parser became obsolete in the
’90, when the part-of-speech (PoS) tagging technology matured and turned into a
standard preprocessing phase. Currently, the state of the art taggers (combining
various models, strategies and processing tiers) ensure no less than 97-98% accuracy
in the process of morpho-lexical full disambiguation. For such taggers a 2-best
is practically 100% accurate.
One step further to the morpho-lexical disambiguation is the word sense
sambiguation (WSD) process. WSD tagging is the great challenge and it is very
likely that when this technology will reach the same performance as PoS tagging, the
In k-best tagging, instead of assigning each word exactly one tag (the most probable in the
given context), it is allowed to have occasionally at most k-best tags attached to a word and if
the correct tag is among the k-best tags, the annotation is considered to be correct.
Tufi¸s D. and Ion R. (2005).
Evaluating the Word Sense Disambiguation Accuracy with Three Different Sense Inventories.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science, pages 118-127
DOI: 10.5220/0002560601180127
market will see a boom of robust and trustful applications empowered by natural
language interaction.
Informally, the WSD problem can be stated as being able to associate to an
ambiguous word (w) in a text or discourse, the sense (s
) which is distinguishable
from other senses (s
, …, s
, s
, …, s
) prescribed for that word by a reference
semantic lexicon. One such semantic lexicon (actually a lexical ontology) is Princeton
WordNet [1] version 2.0
(henceforth PWN). PWN is a very fine grained semantic
lexicon currently containing 203,147 sense distinctions, clustered in 115,424
equivalence classes (synsets). Out of the 145,627 distinct words, 119,528 have only
one single sense. However, the remaining 26,099 words are those that one would
frequently meet in a regular text and their ambiguity ranges from 2 senses up to 36.
Several authors considered that sense granularity in PWN is too fine-grained for the
computer use, arguing that even for a human (native speaker of English) the sense
differences of some words are very hard to be reliably (and systematically)
distinguished. There are several attempts to group the senses of the words in PWN in
coarser grained senses – hyper-senses – so that clear-cut distinction among them is
always possible for humans and (especially) computers. There are two hyper-sense
inventories we will refer to in this paper since they were used in the BalkaNet project
[2]. A comprehensive review of the WSD state-of the art at the end of 90’s can be
found in [3]. Stevenson and Wilks [4] review several WSD systems that combined
various knowledge sources to improve the disambiguation accuracy and also address
the issue of different granularities of the sense inventories. SENSEVAL series of
evaluation competitions on WSD (three editions since 1998, with the forth one
approaching, see http://www.cs.unt.edu/~rada/senseval) is a very good information
source on learning how WSD evolved in the last 6-7 years and where is it nowadays.
We describe a multilingual environment, containing several monolingual
wordnets, aligned to PWN used as an interlingual index (ILI). The word-sense
disambiguation multilingual method combines word alignment technologies,
translation equivalents clustering and synset interlingual equivalence [9, 10].
Irrespective of the languages in the multilingual documents, the words of interest are
disambiguated by using the same sense-inventory labels. The aligned wordnets were
constructed in the context of the European project BalkaNet. The consortium
developed monolingual wordnets for five Balkan languages (Bulgarian, Greek,
Romanian Serbian, and Turkish) and extended the Czech wordnet initially developed
in the EuroWordNet project [5]. The wordnets are aligned to PWN, taken as an
interlingual index, following the principles established by the EuroWordNet
consortium. The version of the PWN used as ILI is an enhanced XML version where
each synset is mapped onto one or more SUMO [6] conceptual categories and also is
classified under one of the IRST domains [7]. In the present version of the BalkaNet
ILI there are used 2066 SUMO distinct categories and 163 domain labels. Therefore,
for our WSD experiments we had at our disposal three sense inventories, with very
different granularities: PWN senses, SUMO categories and IRST Domains.
2 Multilingual corpus and the outline of the WSD procedure
The basic text we use for the WSD task is Orwell’s novel “Ninety Eighty Four” [8]
and its translations in several languages (Bulgarian, Czech, Estonian, Greek,
Hungarian, Romanian, Serbian, Slovene, and Turkish). All the translations were
sentence-aligned to English, POS tagged and lemmatized. The alignments are to a
large extent (more than 93%) 1-1, that is, more often than not, one sentence in English
is translated as one sentence in the other languages.
Although we showed elsewhere [9] that using more languages and (especially)
more wordnets the accuracy of the WSD task is increasing
, one might object that this
is a hard condition to meet for most of the languages. If tools needed for the
preprocessing phases [10, 11] (tokenisation, POS-tagging, lemmatization) are easy to
find for almost any natural language, reliable aligned wordnets are much rarer.
Therefore, for the WSD experiments described and evaluated in this paper we used
only the integral English-Romanian bitext and only the alignment between PWN and
the Romanian wordnet. However, we should make it clear that, since our word
alignment techniques do not use the wordnets, it is always possible to transfer the
sense labels decided for a pair of language (here Romanian and English) to all the
other languages in the parallel corpus for which a wordnet is not available. Yet, there
is no guarantee that the annotation in other languages of the parallel corpus, as
resulted from the above mentioned transfer, is as accurate as in the two source
languages that generated it. The evaluation has to be done by native speakers of the
annotation importing languages.
The word sense disambiguation method described here has four steps:
a) word alignment of the parallel corpus and translation pairs extraction; this
step results in different numbers of correct translation pairs (CT), wrong
translation pairs (WT) and word occurrences without identified translations
(NT); many NTs are either happax legomena words or word occurrences that
were not translated in the other language;
b) wordnet-based sense disambiguation of the translation pairs found (CT+WT)
in step a); this step results in sense-assigned words (SAWO) for CT and
(very likely) sense-unassigned word occurrences (SUWO) for WT.
c) word sense clustering for NT and SUWO; this phase takes advantage of the
sense assignment in step b).
d) generating the XML disambiguated parallel corpus with every content word
(in both languages) annotated with a single sense label. Sense label inventory
can be one of the three available in the BalkaNet lexical ontology: PWN
unique synset identifiers, SUMO conceptual categories and IRST-Domains.
During the final evaluation of the BalkaNet wordnets, we run a smaller scale experiment
where we used 4 wordnets with an average F-measure improvement of almost 3% over the
results reported in [9]. Although the better results could be partly justified by a smaller
number of words and occurrences, the main improvement came from two extra wordnets we
used in the experiment.
3 Word Alignment and Translation Lexicon Extraction
Word alignment is a hard NLP problem which can be simply stated as follows: given
> a pair of reciprocal translation texts, in languages L1 and L2, the word W
occurring in T
is said to be aligned to the word W
occurring in T
if the two
words, in their contexts, represent reciprocal translations. Our approach is a statistical
one and comes under the “hypothesis-testing model (e.g., [11], [12]). In order to
reduce the search space and to filter out significant information noise, the context is
usually reduced to the level of sentence. Therefore, a parallel text <T
> can be
represented as a sequence of pairs of one or more sentences in language L1 (S
) and one or more sentences in language L2 (S
) so that the
two ordered sets of sentences represent reciprocal translations. Such a pair is called a
translation alignment unit (or translation unit). The word alignment of a bitext is an
explicit representation of the pairs of words <W
> (called translation equivalence
pairs) co-occurring in the same translation units and representing mutual translations.
The general word alignment problem includes the cases where words in one part of
the bitext are not translated in the other part (these are called null alignments) and also
the cases where multiple words in one part of the bitext are translated as one or more
words in the other part (these are called expression alignments). The word alignment
problem specification does not impose any restriction on the part of speech (POS) of
the words making a translation equivalence pair, since cross-POS translations are
rather frequent. However, for the aligned wordnet-based word sense disambiguation
we discarded translation pairs that did not preserve the POS (and obviously null
alignments). Removing duplicate pairs <W
> one gets a translation lexicon for
the given corpus.
Although far from being perfect, the accuracy of word alignments and of the
translation lexicons extracted from parallel corpora is rapidly improving. In the shared
task evaluation of different word aligners, organized on the occasion of the
NAACL2003, for the Romanian-English track, our winning system [13] produced
relevant translation lexicons with an aggregated F-measure as high as 84.26%.
Meanwhile, the word-aligner was further improved so that the current performances
(on the same data) are about 3% better on all scores in word alignment and about 5%
better in wordnet-relevant dictionaries (containing only translation equivalents of the
same POS), thus approaching 90%.
4 Wordnet-based Sense Disambiguation
Once the translation equivalents were extracted, for any translation pair <W
and two aligned wordnets, the algorithm performs the following operations:
1. extract the interlingual (ILI) codes for the synsets that contain W
and W
respectively, to yield two lists of ILI codes, L
and L
2. identify one ILI code common to the intersection L
or a pair
of ILI codes ILI
and ILI
), so that ILI
and ILI
are the most
similar ILI codes (defined below) among the candidate pairs (L
[ = Cartesian product]
The rationale for these operations derives from the common intuition which says
that if the lexical item W
in the first language is found to be translated in the second
language by W
, then it is reasonable to expect that at least one synset which the
lemma of W
belongs to, and at least one synset which the lemma of W
belongs to,
would be aligned to the same interlingual record or to two interlingual records
semantically closely related.
Ideally step 2 above should identify one ILI concept lexicalized by W
language L1 and by W
in language L2. However, due to various reasons, the
wordnets alignment might reveal not the same ILI concept, but two concepts which
are semantically close enough to license the translation equivalence of W
and W
This can be easily generalized to more than two languages. Our measure of
interlingual concepts semantic similarity is based on PWN structure. We compute
score by formula:
where k is the number
of links from ILI
to ILI
or from both ILI
and ILI
to the nearest common ancestor.
The semantic similarity score is 1 when the two concepts are identical, 0.33 for two
sister concepts, and 0.5 for mother/daughter, whole/part, or concepts related by a
single link. Based on empirical studies, we decided to set the significance threshold of
the semantic similarity score to 0.33. In case of ties, the pair corresponding to the
most frequent sense of the target word in the current bitext pair is selected.
5 Word Sense Clustering Based on the Translation Lexicons
To perform the clustering, we derive for each target word i occurring m times in the
corpus a set of m binary vectors VECT(TW
). The number of cells in VECT(TW
) is
equal to the number of distinct translations of the word i in the other language (called
source language) of the parallel corpus. The k
) specifies which of the
possible translations of TW
was actually used in the source language as an equivalent
for the k
occurrence of TW
. All positions in the k
) are set to 0 except
at most one bit identifying the word used (if any) as translation equivalent for the
target word i. The m vectors VECT(TW
) are processed by an agglomerative
algorithm based on Stolcke’s Cluster2.9 [16] which produces clusters of similar
vectors. Such a cluster would identify the occurrences of the target word that are
likely to have been used with the same meaning. The fundamental assumption of this
algorithm is that if two or more instances of the same target word are identically
translated in the source language it is plausible that their meaning is the same. The
likelihood is increased as the number of source languages is larger and their types are
more diversified [17]. This is because the chance of preserving common sense
ambiguities in the translation equivalents significantly decreases when more
diversified languages are considered.
One big problem for the clustering algorithms in general and for agglomerative
ones in particular is that the number of classes should be known in advance in order to
obtain meaningful results. With respect to the word sense clustering this would mean
Other approaches to similarity measures are described in [15].
knowing in advance for every word in a text how many of its possible senses are
actually used in the given corpus. We use the results of the previous phase (word
sense disambiguation based on the aligned wordnets) which generally successfully
covers more than 75% of the text. For the words the occurrences of which were
disambiguated by this phase we consider that any other sense-unassigned occurrence
was used with one of the previously seen senses, and thus we provide the algorithm
with the number of classes. For all the words for which none of its occurrences was
previously disambiguated (the majority of these words occurred only once) we
automatically assign the first sense number in PWN. The rationale for this heuristics
is that PWN senses are numbered according to their frequencies (first sense is the
most frequent). This back-off mechanism is justified when the texts do not belong to
specialized registers. PWN is a general semantic lexicon and the statistics on senses
were drawn from a balanced corpus. For a specialized text, a more successful
heuristics would be to take advantage of a prior classification of the text according to
the IRST-domains [7] and then to consider the most frequent sense with the same
domain label as the one of the text.
6 Generation the WSD-annotation in the parallel corpus
The structure of the automatically generated WSD-annotated corpus (Figure 1) is a
simplified version of the XCES-ANA
format [18] with the additional attributes sn
(sense number), oc (ontological category) and dom (domain) for the <w> tag.
Figure1. A sample of the WSD corpus encoding
<body> . . .
<tu id="Ozz20">
<seg lang="en">
<s id="Oen.">
<w lemma="the" ana="Dd">
<w lemma="patrol" ana="Ncnp" sn="1" oc="SecurityUnit"
<w lemma="do" ana="Vais">
<w lemma="not" ana="Rmp" sn="1" oc="not" dom="factotum">
<w lemma="matter" ana="Vmn" sn="1"
oc="SubjectiveAssesmentAttribute" dom="factotum">
<w lemma="however" ana="Rmp" sn="1"
c="SubjectiveAssesmentAttribute|PastFn” dom="factotum">
<seg lang="ro">
<s id="Oro.">
<w lemma="şi" ana=Crssp>
<w lemma="totuşi" ana="Rgp" sn="1"
oc="SubjectiveAssesmentAttribute|PastFn" dom="factotum">
<w lemma="patrulă" ana="Ncfpry" sn="1.1.x"
"SecurityUnit" dom="military">
<w lemma="nu" ana="Qz" sn="1.x" oc="not" dom="factotum">
<w lemma="conta" ana="Vmii3p" sn="2.x"
oc="SubjectiveAssesmentAttribute" dom="factotum">
</tu> . . .
The values of these attributes (defined for words belonging to the content words) have
the following meanings:
- sn specifies the sense label for the current word as described in the wordnet of the
respective language.
- oc represents the SUMO ontological concept(s) on which the wordnet sense of the
current word is mapped on.
dom identifies the IRST domain under which the wordnet sense of the current
word is clustered.
The use of all the three additional attributes is the default, but the user may
specify one or two attributes to be generated in the WSD annotated parallel corpus.
7 Evaluation
The BalkaNet version of the “1984” corpus is encoded as a sequence of uniquely
identified translation units (TU, see Figure 1). For the evaluation purposes, we
selected a set of fairly frequent English words (123 nouns and 88 verbs) the meanings
of which were also encoded in the Romanian wordnet. The selection considered only
polysemous words (at least two senses per part of speech) since the POS-ambiguous
words are irrelevant as this distinction is solved with high accuracy (more than 99%)
by our tiered-tagger [14]. All the occurrences of the target words were disambiguated
by three independent experts who negotiated the disagreements and thus created a
gold-standard annotation for the evaluation of precision and recall of the WSD
The same targeted words were automatically disambiguated both with and
without the back-off clustering algorithm. For the basic wordnet-based WSD we used
the PWN and the Romanian wordnet. For the back-off clustering we extracted an
English-Romanian translation equivalence dictionary based on which we computed
the initial clustering vectors for all occurrences of the target words.
Out of the 211 target words, with 1998 occurrences the system could not make a
decision for 27 words (12.79%) with 51 occurrences (2.55%). Half of these words
(14) occurred only once and neither the wordnet-based step nor the clustering back-
off could do anything. Other 13 occurrences, were not translated by the same part of
speech, were wrongly translated by the human translator or not translated at all.
Applying the simple heuristics (SH) that says that any unlabelled target occurrence
receives its most frequent sense, 36 out of 51 of them got a correct sense-tag.
Therefore, since all the target occurrence words received a sense annotation, the recall
and precision have the same values. The table below summarizes the results.
Table 1. WSD precision, recall and F-measure for the algorithm based on aligned wordnets
(AWN), for AWN with clustering (AWN+C) and for AWN+C and the simple heuristics
WSD System Precision Recall F-measure
AWN 83.27% 60.06%
AWN+C 76.27% 74.32%
AWN+C+SH 76.12% 76.12%
The results in Table 1 show the best Precision for the simplest algorithm (AWN)
as this one deals only with the occurrences for which correct translation pairs (CT)
have been found. The occurrences for which wrong translation pairs (WT) have been
found and those for which no translation has been identified are ignored. This
explains the low Recall score. The back-off mechanisms (clustering and the simple
heuristics) bring a major improvement of the Recall scores and thus, the value of the
overall F-measure score is improved. The major sources of further improvements of
the WSD performance are the following: a better accuracy of the word aligner, a
larger Romanian wordnet and a cleaner interlingual alignment of the synsets.
We are working on a combined word aligner incorporating our previous
algorithm [14] and a new one based on GIZA++[19]
. Since the two aligners have
similar accuracy, but the errors done by any of them is not a proper subset of the
errors done by the other, we are confident that the combination of the two will
provide a better alignment than any of them alone. As far as the improvement of the
Romanian wordnet, this is a continuous project and since the BalkaNet project ended
the number of synsets is 22% larger and several interlingual mapping errors have been
Once the values for the sn attributes established, the values for the oc and dom
attributes are deterministically appended to the <w> tag annotation.
The Table 2
shows a great variation in terms of Precision, Recall and F-measure when different
granularity sense inventories are considered for the WSD problem. Therefore, it is
important to make the right choice on the sense inventory to be used with respect to a
given application. In case of a document classification problem, it is very likely that
the IRST domain labels (or a similar granularity sense inventory) would suffice. The
http://www-i6.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/Colleagues/och/software/ GIZA++.html
One should note that the actual WSD task is done in terms of PWN senses. The values for oc
and dom attributes, corresponding to each PWN synset, are statically compiled of-line.
rationale is that IRST domains are directly derived from the Universal Decimal
Classification as used by most libraries and librarians. The SUMO sense labeling will
be definitely more useful in an ontology based intelligent system interacting through a
natural language interface. Finally, the most refined sense inventory of PWN will be
extremely useful in Natural Language Understanding Systems, which would require a
deep processing. Also, such a fine inventory would be highly beneficial in
lexicographic and lexicological studies.
Table 2. Evaluation of the WSD (AWN+C+SH) in terms of three different sense inventories.
Sense Inventory Precision Recall F-measure
PWN 115424 categories 76.12% 76.12%
SUMO 2066 categories 82.64% 82.64%
DOMAINS 163 categories 91.90% 91.90%
Similar findings on sense granularity for the WSD task are discussed in [4] where
for some coarser grained inventories even higher precisions are reported. However,
we are not aware of better results in WSD exercises where the PWN sense inventory
was used. The major explanation for this is that unlike the majority work in WSD that
is based on monolingual environments, we use for the definition of sense contexts the
cross-lingual translations of the occurrences of the target words. The way one word in
context is translated into one or more other languages is a very accurate and highly
discriminative knowledge source for the decision making.
8 Conclusions
The results in Table 2 show that although we used the same WSD algorithm on the
same text, the performance scores (precision, recall, f-measure) significantly varied,
with more than 15% difference between the best (DOMAINS) and the worst (PWN)
f-measures. This is not surprising, but it shows that it is extremely difficult to
objectively compare and rate WSD systems working with different sense inventories.
The potential drawback of this approach is that it relies on the existence of
parallel data and at least two aligned wordnets which might not be available yet.
Nevertheless, parallel resources are becoming increasingly available, in particular on
the World Wide Web, and aligned wordnets are being produced for more and more
languages. In the near future it should be possible to apply our and similar methods to
large amounts of parallel data and a wide spectrum of languages.
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