A protocol for incorporating biometrics in 3G with
respect to privacy
Christos K. Dimitriadis, Despina Polemi
University of Piraeus, 80 A. Dimitriou, 18534 Piraeus, Greece
Abstract: This paper proposes a protocol, called BIO3G, for
embedding bio-
metrics in 3G security. BIO3G is an enhanced alternative to the common prac-
tice of utilizing biometrics locally, for gaining access to the device. BIO3G pro-
vides real end-to-end strong user authentication to the mobile operator, requir-
ing no storing or transferring of biometric data and eliminating the need for bio-
metric enrolment and administration procedures, which are time-consuming for
the user and expensive for the mobile operator.
1 Introduction
Security in 3G is designed in order to address the main weaknesses of previous gen-
eration systems [1]. The Universal Mobile Telecommunications System Authentica-
tion and Key Agreement (UMTS-AKA) mechanism is the core component of the
3GPP specifications for implementing network access security [2], through mutual
authentication between the user and the node of the mobile operator. End-to-end
network security is implemented by the deployment of security mechanisms at the
network layer, such as the Internet Protocol Security protocol (IPSEC)[3,4], while
application security is implemented by a combination of mechanisms, including cryp-
tographic technologies [5]. A common parameter in most of these security mecha-
nisms is user authentication, which is usually implemented by the use of a Personal
Identification Number (PIN) or a password [6]. The rest of the process relies on the
authentication of pre-stored secrets, such as cryptographic keys, or identifiers such as
the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI), but not actually the user. Fur-
thermore, knowledge as well as the possession of an item, does not distinguish a
person uniquely, revealing an inherent security weakness of password and token-
based authentication mechanisms. Moreover, PIN stealing, guessing or cracking have
become very popular, with software tools implementing relevant attacks and research
papers describing sophisticated techniques for invading PIN security [7].
Modern biometric technologies provide enhanced security levels by introducing a
dimension in the authentication process called “proof by property”. Biometrics
are defined as “the automatic use of human physiological or behavioral characteristics
to determine or verify an identity” [8]. However, the design and deployment of a
security architecture incorporating biometric technologies hides many pitfalls, which
when underestimated can lead to major security weaknesses and privacy threats [9].
K. Dimitriadis C. and Polemi D. (2005).
A protocol for incorporating biometrics in 3G with respect to privacy.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 123-135
DOI: 10.5220/0002560701230135
This paper studies the incorporation of biometrics in the security architecture of
3G mobile systems, with respect to user privacy. The paper proposes a secure proto-
col, called BIO3G, which is differentiated from the common practice of utilizing
biometrics locally, for gaining access to the device, providing real end-to-end user
strong authentication. BIO3G was created by following the complete life cycle of a
system development procedure.
The paper consists of five main sections: the “requirements and specifications”
section, which analyzes various security and privacy issues regarding the incorpora-
tion of biometrics in 3G security, identifies specific requirements and defines the
corresponding specifications, the “biometric transformation related work” section,
presenting several research results related to the objectives of the paper, the “UMTS
network access security summary” section, presenting the basics of the UMTS net-
work access security in order to elaborate the protocol description in the homonym
section and the “protocol assessment” section, evaluating BIO3G in terms of security,
privacy, performance, usability and implementation complexity.
2 Requirements and specifications
Biometric systems and data are twofold as far as security and privacy in concerned.
Biometrics enhance security and privacy, by implementing strong authentication
mechanisms towards the protection of private data that may be exchanged over a 3G
application. On the other hand, biometrics may threaten the overall security of the
system, because incorrect and immature implementations may lead to even greater
security weaknesses [10]. Furthermore, privacy may be ventured by the unintended
usage of private information that could be derived from biometric measurements,
such as genetic or medical data that may become criteria for discriminating human
population into segments [11]. Privacy may also be invaded, in terms of identity dis-
closure and position or services tracking, because of the strong binding between a
user and a user identity. Privacy concerns become even greater if we take into ac-
count that most biometric features cannot be hidden in everyday life, with face recog-
nition being the most indicative example.
Legislation is a principal countermeasure for enforcing privacy in biometric appli-
cations. Forward to that, privacy is practically implemented by designing and deploy-
ing biometric architectures that incorporate the appropriate technical features for
privacy protection [12]. Studying in more detail the incorporation of biometrics in a
3G environment, we conclude to the following categories of requirements and speci-
fications towards a maximum level of security and privacy.
2.1 Biometric data storage
Biometric data are considered as private data [13], due to the strong binding with a
property of the human physiology or behavior. According to the relevant legislation
analysis, biometric data should be stored only for justified purposes, after ensuring
the free and informed consent of the user, obligations that complicate the situation
and create concerns regarding the collection and storage of biometric data.
The biometric data that are captured by a sensor during a sampling procedure, be-
fore being processed by another component of the biometric device are called “raw
biometric data” [8]. After their processing from the feature extractor, the biometric
data are encoded to non-invertible “biometric templates” [8]. Raw data are very sensi-
tive, because private information such as genetic or medical data, could be derived
from them and because they are the key for creating biometric templates. Raw data
should not be stored permanently at any form in the 3G device or the mobile operator
and it must be ensured that temporary stores are securely erased.
The biometric templates should be stored in secure mediums. Server based archi-
tectures, where the biometric templates are stored centrally, are generally avoided due
to the increased risk of the system [9], or implemented in complex structures that
uncouple the direct relationship of the biometric data with real identities. Template
storage in smart cards is considered as more secure [10]. Smart cards however, are
not free of vulnerabilities. Capturing the power consumption of a chip can reveal the
software code running on the chip, even the actual command. The application of
Simple Power Analysis and Differential Power Analysis [14] techniques is possible to
break the matching mechanism of the biometric system or reveal the biometric tem-
plate. Timing Analysis attacks are similar, measuring the processing time instead of
the power consumption. These types of attacks belong to a category of attacks against
microcontrollers that may bypass local biometric authentication. Countermeasures for
microcontrollers include noise generators, low power consumption chips and time-
neutral software design.
We conclude that the most secure solution would be never to store biometric data
(raw or templates) permanently in any sort of storage medium.
2.2 Biometric data transfer
We distinguish two categories of communication channels. The 3G network and the
communication channels within the 3G user equipment and between the user equip-
ment and the UMTS Subscriber Identity Module (USIM).
Regarding the first category, the sensitivity of biometric data, as explained in the
previous paragraph, imposes significant security and privacy needs for their submis-
sion over a 3G network. The transfer of raw biometric data over communication net-
works should be strongly avoided. The transfer of biometric templates also introduces
high risk and if realized, strong security measures should be deployed. Forward to the
above, the most secure solution would be to avoid any submission of any form of
biometric data.
Regarding the second category, data could be captured in order to be replayed at a
future time for gaining access to the system, realizing replay and man-in-the-middle
attacks. These types of attacks should be addressed for preserving the security of the
biometric component of the system. Confidentiality and integrity should be imple-
mented for all transmitted data in both categories towards communicational security.
2.3 System operations, enrolment and administration
Several attacks can be realized to operations of the biometric component of the sys-
tem. A possible attack can be realized with a Trojan Horse on the feature extractor,
the matching algorithm or the decision algorithm of the biometric system, acting as a
manipulator of each component’s output [9]. Spoofing attacks, where human artifacts
or mimic techniques are deployed are also very effective [15]. Brute force attacks are
also applicable and are implemented by attempting continuously to enter the system,
by sending incrementally increased matching data to the matching function until a
successful matching score is accomplished [10].
These attacks are addressed by several countermeasures including vitality detec-
tion (an extra measurement of properties such as skin elasticity, the relative dielectric
constant, the conductivity, eye movement), mutual authentication between the com-
ponents of the system, reduction of the local functions (for example template match-
ing) and implementation of the functions by a trusted component of the system (such
as the USIM).
Poor enrolment and biometric data administration procedures expose system to se-
rious threats. During the enrolment phase, raw biometric data and biometric templates
can be compromised and databases can be altered or filled with imprecise user data.
Moreover, the enrolment and administration overload for preserving security and
privacy is very demanding for the entity that manages the relevant services [12],
which is the mobile operator in the current application. The most secure and cost-
effective solution would be to minimize and if possible eliminate these procedures.
2.4 Summary of protocol specifications
One of the targets of BIO3G is to implement real end-to-end user strong authentica-
tion to the mobile operator, achieving at the same time a maximum level of security
and privacy. The following list summarizes the specifications of BIO3G, as derived
from the security and privacy analysis for introducing biometrics in 3G security:
Biometric data (raw data or templates) should not be stored, neither in a central
database on the mobile operator, or the USIM.
Biometric data (raw data or templates) should not be transmitted over the 3G net-
The biometric data should be protected from replay and man-in-the-middle attacks,
while being processed by the various components of the system.
Any transmitted data over the 3G network should be protected in terms of confi-
dentiality and integrity.
The biometric component of the 3G user equipment should embed vitality detection
features, implement mutual authentication between its components, reduce the local
biometric functions such as template matching and implementation as many func-
tions as possible within the USIM.
The need for enrolment and biometric data administration procedures should be
minimized or if possible eliminated.
The user must be informed about the use of biometrics during the process, in order
to avoid system operation without the users consent (for example face image cap-
turing and authentication, without the users will).
Furthermore, the incorporation of biometrics in 3G security, should respect the ex-
isting infrastructure of the mobile operator, take into account the capabilities of the
terminal devices and take into account usability issues. Forward to the above, addi-
tional specifications include:
There should be no alteration of the existing subscriber registration procedure –
the subscribers should be able to purchase devices and USIMs and quickly connect
to the mobile network.
The protocol should utilize the main existing algorithms and functions of the
The protocol should be lightweight.
The protocol must be user-friendly.
3 Biometric transformation related work
A core component for addressing the BIO3G security and privacy specifications,
regards the transformation of the biometric data into other forms of secrets. Instead of
storing or transferring any form of biometric data, a more secure solution to use them
as generators of non-invertible random secrets that are embedded in an end-to-end
user authentication mechanism and which are disassociated with real identities for
ensuring privacy. The main obstacle towards this target is that two biometric meas-
urements of the same person are never the same, due to a number of reasons, such as
the interaction of the user with the sensor, the small but existent changes of the user’s
characteristic through time or the environmental conditions. This fact creates the
requirement for error correction codes (Hamming Distance, Set Difference and Edit
Distance), in order to be able to calculate the same secret by slightly different inputs.
Towards that direction Davida et al. [16] proposed that instead of storing the bio-
metric template, to store its one-way digest. During verification the acquired biomet-
ric template is reduced to its canonical representation (original template) using error
correction codes. Towards error correction Juels et al. [17] proposed a “fuzzy com-
mitment” and later [18] constructed a “fuzzy vault” scheme utilizing the Set Differ-
ence metric. Very similar approaches to fuzzy extractors where proposed by Linnartz
et al. [19] and Verbitskiy et al. [20], who assumed a multivariate Gaussian input dis-
tribution. Csirmaz et al. [21] proposed the different approach of quantization for cor-
recting errors in physical random functions. Frykholm et al. [22], as well as Dodis et
al. [23], extended these ideas and created an enhanced solution. More specifically,
Dodis et al., created a semantically-secure key encapsulation mechanism for generat-
ing random values that can be utilized for key generation, from different inputs, by
deploying error correction codes. The mechanism is called fuzzy extractor and allows
the generation of randomness R from w and then successfully the reproduction of R
from any string w` that is close to w, with the help of a public string P produced dur-
ing the initial extraction. Regarding the generation of random numbers in similar
problem, research is also focused on ordinary extractors [24].
4 UMTS network access security summary
The UMTS-AKA mechanism is based on a 128-bit secret key (K), which is pre-
shared between the mobile operator and the USIM. The USIM is a cryptography-
enabled smart card identified by a 15 digit number, called IMSI. The USIM authenti-
cates the user, by the use of a PIN. Mutual authentication between the USIM and the
mobile operator is realized by a challenge and response mechanism. A random num-
ber (RAND) is calculated by the mobile operator and submitted to the USIM, along
with a value (AUTN) derived by the combination of RAND and K with a number of
parameters, including a sequence number. The USIM authenticates the mobile opera-
tor by analyzing and verifying AUTN. The USIM computes a value (RES), by apply-
ing RAND and K to a function (f2), and submits it to the mobile operator for verifica-
tion (comparison with similarly computed XRES), realizing the authentication of the
Regarding confidentiality, the USIM is using the UMTS ciphering algorithm (f8),
which produces a keystream block (KSB) using a 128-bit Cipher Key (CK) and a
number of parameters. Integrity protection is implemented by the deployment of a
128-bit Integrity Key (IK), which is used for the calculation of Message Authentica-
tion Codes (MAC). The CK and IK are computed by the USIM and the mobile opera-
tor, by applying the pre-shared K and RAND to key generation functions (f3 and f4
respectively). The CK, IK, AUTN, RAND and XRES compose a group of UMTS-
AKA authentication elements, called Authentication Vector (AV).
To summarize, according to the specifications of 3GPP, the user is authenticated
only locally in the USIM, by the provision of a PIN. The USIM utilizes two pre-
stored values, IMSI for identifying and K for authenticating the user to the mobile
operator, residing the whole security infrastructure to a simple PIN mechanism
5 Protocol description
BIO3G implements end-to-end strong authentication of the user to the mobile opera-
tor, by introducing a biometric process to the core of UMTS-AKA. Figure 1 presents
a sequence chart of BIO3G, based on the Message Sequence Charts (MSC) graphical
. There are three entities present: the User (U), the USIM connected to the
User Equipment (USIM/UE) and the Mobile Operator (MO).
5. S, MAC1
6a. Verification of MAC1
6b. Calculation of D=KSB(KSBD)
6c. Calculation of B=K-D
6d. Calculation of K’=f3(K,B)
4a. Calculation of D=CKIK-B
4b. Calculation of S=KSBD
4c. Calculation of MAC1
3. Initial UMTS-AKA:
1. Biometric Sample A
2a. Calculation of B
2b. Calculation of K’=f3(K,B)
Fig. 1. BIO3G Overview
The protocol initiates when the User attempts to access the mobile device. The
protocol consists of the following steps:
1. The User provides a biometric sample A - after being clearly requested to do
so, by the UE - by utilizing the biometric sensor, which is embedded on the
UE. The sensor should embed vitality detection features, depending on the
biometric method deployed.
2. During this step:
2a. The UE receives the biometric sample and calculates a random, non-
invertible 128-bit secret B. Error correction codes are deployed for ensuring
the reproduction of B, by a biometric measurement m` that is sufficiently
and securely close to the initial measurement m. Mutual authentication be-
tween the sensor and the other components of the UE should be deployed
during communication, while replay attacks should be addressed by the in-
troduction of random numbers in the exchanged signals, complemented by
signal integrity protection (hash values).
2b. The value B, is passed to the USIM. Mutual authentication between the
USIM and UE is possible by implementing a mechanism based on a shared
secret, according to a specification by 3GPP [25]. A new secret key K` is
calculated by the USIM utilizing the f3 function of UMTS-AKA. This func-
tion produces a 128-bit key, by combining two 128-bit values - K and
RAND in normal UMTS-AKA operation. The following calculation is real-
3. The UMTS-AKA mechanism is deployed for mutual authentication between
the USIM and the MO using the initial key K. According to the 3GPP speci-
fications, during this phase the random value RAND is being submitted to
the USIM by the MO, while the CK (for data encryption) and IK (for integ-
rity protection) are calculated by the USIM and the MO.
4. During this step:
4a. In order to avoid the direct submission of B, an offset (D) from the combina-
tion of two pre-established secret values (CK and IK) is calculated by the USIM,
according to the following equation:
4b. D is encrypted by the USIM using the UMTS ciphering algorithm (f8), which
produces a keystream block (KSB) by the introduction of CK and a number of
parameters. Encryption is realized by the following equation according to the
3GPP specifications:
4c. A Message Authentication Code (MAC1) is also computed by the USIM, ac-
cording to the UMTS-AKA algorithms, for the preservation of message integrity.
MAC1 calculation takes into account RAND for replay protection.
5. The values S and MAC1 are submitted to the MO.
6. During this step:
6a. MAC1 is verified.
6b. D is calculated by the following equation:
6c. B is calculated by the following equation:
6d. The new shared key K` is calculated using equation (1) and stored on the
MO, instead of K, while B is deleted from any permanent memory units.
These protocol steps are realized only during the first interaction of the user with
the mobile operator. After their completion, K` is shared between the USIM and MO
and can replace K, for the deployment of UMTS-AKA in the future, authenticating
the user end-to-end to the MO, only by implementing steps 1, 2 and 3. It must be
highlighted that in step 2, K’ is calculated on the fly, using B (which is not stored on
the USIM/UE nor the MO).
6 Protocol assessment
6.1 Security and privacy analysis
BIO3G implements end-to-end biometric authentication, avoiding local template
matching, as well as storing and submission over the 3G network of any type of bio-
metric data. In more detail:
Identity privacy support protects the privacy of the subscriber identity against pas-
sive eavesdropping, which can result user location tracking and delivered services
tracking, as well as the binding of any information captured with a specific user iden-
tity. The biometric data are automatically transformed to random secrets that embed
no data that could reveal the real identity of the user. These secrets (B) are used for
the generation of new secrets (K`) that implement end-to-end authentication with the
MO and negotiate user access to the network. Furthermore, the random secret B, is
not stored permanently in any storage medium and is only used for the generation of
K’ in the USIM/UE (every time the user is trying to access the network) and in the
MO only during first interaction. It must be highlighted that the random secret B,
which is a one-way transformation of the biometric data, is only transmitted once
from the UE/USIM to the MO, transformed and encrypted. So even in the worst case
scenario of being able to revert-engineer the random number B to biometric data
(which is not possible according to the state of the art), the attacker must capture S
the only time it is submitted, decrypt it for revealing D (by breaking the encryption
algorithm) and calculate B, after possessing CK and IK. We conclude that this opera-
tion is much more difficult than attacking a single cryptographic algorithm, during a
common security architecture, where biometric templates are transmitted encrypted
between two entities.
Mutual authentication is established between the entities of the protocol. The
UE/USIM and the MO are mutually authenticated via the UMTS AKA mechanism.
The User is authenticated end-to-end with the MO through BIO3G. Mutual authenti-
cation between the USIM and UE is realized by implementing a mechanism based on
a shared secret [25]. Mutual authentication between the various components of the
UE is also provisioned in the operation of BIO3G.
Confidentiality is established through symmetric encryption using function f8 of
the UMTS-AKA mechanism. The strength of the encryption mechanism is inherited
from the UMTS-AKA specifications of 3GPP. More specifically symmetric encryp-
tion is utilized for encrypting D, which is an offset of B.
Integrity protection is realized through the deployment of Message Authentication
Codes based on UMTS-AKA algorithms. A MAC is calculated, during the exchange
of messages between the MO and the UE/USIM.
Replay protection in the 3G network is established by two factors. The first is the
alternation of the Authentication Vectors on every full authentication procedure of the
UMTS-AKA, as specified by 3GPP, causing the modification of the CK and IK. The
second factor is the alternation of the TMSI, as specified by the UMTS-AKA mecha-
nism. Replay protection regarding the various components of the UE/USIM is provi-
sioned by the protocol operation, through the deployment of random numbers and
signal integrity protection.
Man-in-the-middle attacks, session hijacking attacks and entity impersonation, are
addressed through the establishment of integrity, confidentiality, replay protection
and mutual authentication, as described above.
Common brute- force and dictionary attacks are not applicable since BIO3G is not
a password protocol. Brute force attacks in biometrics are usually realized by the
monitoring of the matching results of a template comparison, which is not realized in
BIO3G. The submission of random biometric data, without the monitoring stage is
almost impossible to produce the random number B [23].
The most applicable Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, are those realized by the sub-
mission of false error messages to the involved entities. The current level of protocol
description does not include the specification of error cases and the corresponding
error messages. This is one of the issues scheduled for future work.
6.2 Risk assessment results
Risk analysis was conducted, according to a methodology (Biometric Knowledgebase
–BK) [26] that is specifically targeted to the development and implementation of
biometric systems. BK considers vulnerabilities that take into account the specifica-
tions of the Biometric Evaluation Methodology (BEM) [27], which is a supplement to
the Common Evaluation Methodology (CEM) of the Common Criteria (CC) [28] for
product and system security evaluation, specialized for biometric systems. Further-
more, BK also considers the vulnerabilities, which are incorporated in the protection
profiles [29,30] that are created for evaluating biometrics, according to the Common
Criteria. In that sense, improving BIO3G through BK, contributes to its compatibility
with the CC towards security certification.
BIO3G was evaluated in terms of security and privacy according to BK. The re-
sults of risk analysis indicated that the following vulnerabilities were not applicable:
Spoofing: since vitality detection features are present. Furthermore, no local match-
ing of any kind (especially template) is implemented by the device or the USIM.
Most of the functions are implemented by the USIM, utilizing its existing functions
(generation of K`, simple functions such as the offset calculation, encryption and
MAC calculation). The generation of the random number B is implemented by the
UE on the fly.
Fake templates: Since no templates or other forms of biometric data are perma-
nently stored.
Replay: Since the appropriate countermeasures were included BIO3G.
Cross system: since the key K` is derived from a unique key K and a random num-
ber B.
Component alteration: Since the appropriate countermeasures were included
Enrolment and administration: Since no enrolment and administration procedures
are required.
Noise and power loss: Since presenting noise or attacking the power input of the
device is unable to create the random number B.
Residual characteristic: Since modern biometrics are resistant to these types of
attacks in combination with vitality detection. However, certified biometric com-
ponents should be deployed for ensuring the appropriate security level.
Similar template - Similar characteristics: Since modern biometric algorithms are
resistant to these types of attacks, having adequate performance levels. However,
certified algorithms should be deployed for ensuring the appropriate security level.
Brute force (verification applications): Since BIO3G is resistant to these types of
attacks according to the security and privacy analysis
Identity management implementation: Since BIO3G implements identity privacy in
combination to UMTS-AKA
The only vulnerability that is in doubt regards power and timing analysis. These
types of attacks are very effective and can be realized against any microcontroller of
the device or the USIM. Countermeasures such as noise generators, low consumption
chips and time neutral code design should be implemented for eliminating the resid-
ual risk level of 3% that was the final result of the risk analysis process. However,
this vulnerability regarding mobile equipment in general and is not specifically intro-
duced by BIO3G. The risk level is an indicative percentage for presenting the security
level of the system and is not related to biometric error rates.
6.3 Performance, usability and implementation issues
BIO3G requires no administration procedures for the mobile operator and no addi-
tional features for the USIM. In more detail, there is no need for enrolment and bio-
metric data administration procedures that would increase the operational cost of the
mobile operator and the complexity of the subscriber registration procedure, in con-
tradiction to other approaches that may require template storage in central databases.
Through BIO3G, the subscribers are able to purchase devices and USIMs and quickly
and transparently connect to the mobile network, without the need to collect and
remember PINs.
From a technical perspective, the incorporation of biometrics in 3G security, intro-
duces no changes to the existing infrastructure of the mobile operators. BIO3G takes
into account the capabilities of the 3G mobile devices and the USIM. More specifi-
cally, BIO3G utilizes the existing functions of the USIM, implementing simple sub-
tractions and “exclusive or” functions, as well as key generation procedures by utiliz-
ing the facilities of UMST-AKA. The only additional software component needed for
the mobile device, regards the generation of a random number B from a biometric
In terms of communicational load, BIO3G exchanges only one message between
the USIM/UE and the MO and only during its first operation. In normal authentica-
tion mode (after the first interaction of the USIM/UE with the MO), the protocol does
not add any messages, while UMTS-AKA is deployed with a new secret key K’.
7 Conclusions
Due to the increased sensitivity of biometric data, the introduction of biometrics in
3G security is a very demanding process as far as security and privacy is concerned.
BIO3G was created by following a design approach that identified the necessary
requirements and defined the corresponding specifications, through the detailed study
of biometric technologies within the framework of their incorporation in a 3G envi-
ronment. BIO3G is a lightweight and user-friendly protocol that implements real end-
to-end strong authentication of the user to the mobile operator, though a mechanism
that is integrated to the existing components of 3G security, requiring no storing or
transferring of biometric data and eliminating at the same time any biometric enrol-
ment and administration procedure, which are time-consuming for the user and ex-
pensive for the mobile operator. BIO3G went through a security and privacy evalua-
tion process, including a risk assessment procedure, taking into account the security
objectives of the Biometric Evaluation Methodology and the relevant Common Crite-
ria protection profiles, making its implementation capable of CC certification.
Part of this work is the author’s contribution to the European Commission (EC)
project IST-2002-001766 Biometrics and Security – BIOSEC
. The authors would
like to thank the EC for funding BIOSEC.
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