Towards Acceptable Public-Key Encryption in Sensor
Erik-Oliver Blaß and Martina Zitterbart
Institut f
ur Telematik, Universit
at Karlsruhe
Zirkel 2, 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
Abstract. One of the huge problems for security in sensor networks is the lack
of resources. Based on microcontroller architectures with severe limited com-
puting abilities, strong public-key cryptography is commonly seen as infeasible
on sensor devices. In contrast to this prejudice this paper presents an efficient
and lightweight implementation of public-key cryptography algorithms relying
on elliptic curves. The code is running on Atmels popular 8Bit ATMEGA128
microcontroller, the heart of the MICA2[15] platform. To our knowledge this
implementation is the first to offer acceptable encryption speed while providing
adequate security in sensor networks.
1 Introduction
Wireless sensor networks are one of the key technologies of the ubiquitous computing
visions. Physically small sensor devices are able to cooperate with each other using
radio interfaces. Furthermore there is a large number of scenarios where the data ex-
changed between sensor nodes is critical eg. in health or military applications. To pro-
tect sensible data against threats and to ensure security properties like integrity, authen-
ticity or confidentiality traditional network protocols rely on cryptographic primitives
like encryption and decryption as well as signature schemes. The question is whether
these primitives can be used in sensor networks as well.
As cost and energy savings are of paramount importance, most commonly utilized
sensor hardware is based around a battery powered microcontroller like e.g. Atmels
8Bit ATMEGA128 offering only 7 MIPS with 4KByte RAM. Popular systems like UC
Berkleys MICA platform [15] are built around this core. Because of these limited sensor
hardware strong cryptography is commonly considered as a delicate problem through-
out the community. While there is consensus that symmetric ciphers might work (see
related work), there is a prejudice against the feasibility of well known asymmetric
methods based on the RSA-problem or the Diffie-Hellman-problem. This is due to the
fact that a pleasing implementation of asymmetric algorithms giving satisfying perfor-
mance together with minimal memory consumption is yet missing. As cryptographic
primitives are the fundamental building blocks of every secure protocol the knowledge
of algorithm usability is crucial for the design of new protocols for sensor networks.
The contribution of this work is an implementations of asymmetric encryption and
signature generation schemes for the 8Bit ATMEL sensor platform that features accept-
able run-time and memory consumption while preserving a level of acceptable security
Blaß E. and Zitterbart M. (2005).
Towards Acceptable Public-Key Encryption in Sensor Networks.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing, pages 88-93
DOI: 10.5220/0002563200880093
for sensor networks. In contrast to the public opinion this allows the design of new
security protocols utilizing public-key techniques even for sensor networks.
Hereby our implementation is focused on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC). Al-
gorithms like Diffie-Hellman [2], El-Gamal [13], DSA [14] based on ECC offer the
same security than traditional based algorithms but consume a lot less of memory and
computing power [8]. As an example: RSA with a key size of 622 Bits offers the same
security against attacks as an elliptic curve with only 105Bit key size while consuming
a lot more computing time and memory. This is what makes elliptic curves attractive
for wireless sensor networks.
Our fast implementation is based on the precomputation of points on the one hand
and handcrafted optimization on the other
2 Related work
As no satisfying implementation of efficient asymmetric cryptography on microcon-
troller based sensor hardware exits there is apparently the need to look for alternatives.
Publications like [12] mimic asymmetric signatures schemes by a relatively complex
scheme of two party hash chains, so do [10] and [11]. Other works like [4] try to es-
tablish pairwise secret keys to avoid public and private key schemes or Diffie-Hellman
like key exchanges. In [5] and [6] the authors implement elliptic curve cryptography for
sensor networks. However the underlying hardware is quite sophisticated consisting of
16 Bit microcontrollers with 16 MHz clock frequency. Therefore the results are only
of limited value as typical sensor hardware does not dispose of such powerful comput-
ing resource. In [3] a high-performance microcontroller offerings 24 MIPS, i.e. 3 times
more than the usual ATMEGA 128, is utilized. The work is also based on very spe-
cial Galois fields called optimal extension fields where field multiplication can be done
quite efficiently but the security of this idea is yet to be proven. The authors of [1] try
to implement elliptic curves on 8 Bit ATMEGA128 chips but reach poor results: for a
signature generation over 1:08min of expensive computing and battery time has to be
spent, which surely is not affordable.
3 Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Elliptic curves are an algebraic structure whose use for cryptography was first men-
tioned in [9]. They feature properties which allow the setup of a problem similar to the
well known discrete logarithm problem of finite (Galois) fields. An elliptic curve K is
a set points over a field that satisfies a certain equation. Is a curve defined over the field
IF all of its points (x, y) with x, y IF satisfy the so called Weierstraß-equation
+ a
xy + a
y x
+ a
+ a
x + a
, a
, a
, a
, a
, a
Here a
are the parameters of the curve.
A comprehensive and detailed version of this work has been publish as a technical report at
Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem: ECDLP The problem to find loga-
rithms is difficult to compute in finite fields. For a large prime p, a finite field IF
the equation a = b
mod p, a, b IF
, 0 c p 2 the task is to find c with given a
and b. There is no known algorithm to compute a so called discrete logarithm in polyno-
mial time. Something similar holds for elliptic curves over finite fields. Without going
into details you can add and subtract two points A, B K from a curve K which re-
sults in a new point C K. Together with a point 0 at infinity the addition of points on
elliptic curves gives an algebraic structure called a group. Within this group a problem
analog to the discrete logarithm problem can be introduced. A multiplication Q = kP
of a point P with an integer k can be seen as multiple additions of point P resulting in
a product Q K. Given a curve K over F
, a point P K and a product Q K it is
a problem to find k IN that holds Q = kP . This problem is called Elliptic Curve Dis-
crete Logarithm Problem ECDLP and hard to solve. For example with a finite field IF
you need about O(2
) operations to find k [8]. On top of ECDLP certain algorithms
from section 5 can be set up.
4 ECC Implementation Details
This section deals with implementation internals and describes all the details done to
achieve maximum performance while preserving main memory. The reader may skip
to section 5 to learn about the results of the implementation.
One of the first and most important decision to take is regarding user key size. In
ECC key size means the size of the underlying finite field, i.e. if you want to use 53 Bit
keys, the elliptic curve has to be over F
. Smaller keys mean better performance but
offer less security. The smallest but secure key size has to be found. The largest broken
ECDLP yet had 109 Bit key size ie. over the finite field IF
and it took 17 months[7]
to break it. Therefore security of 109 Bit keys size is now debatable and one should
choose larger keys for securing very sensible information even in sensor networks. The
next greater than 109 Bit possible key size/curve that is suitable for ECC is 113 Bit, ie.
a curve over IF
. We choose this curve as it offers about 16 times more security than
109Bit which seems enough security for todays hardware.
RAM to ROM One key point to save main memory is moving all larger unchangeable
data from RAM to flash-ROM or EEPROM which is generally supported on the Atmel
platform. Later on ROM regions can be copied temporarily back from ROM to RAM
using specials commands.
Without giving details ECC multiplication utilizes a large but constant multiplica-
tion matrix λ
. It was therefore very reasonable to precompute this table offline and
distribute it to every sensor node prior to deployment as well as to move λ
out of
valuable main memory to (flash-)ROM. This saved about 908 Bytes of valuable RAM
which does not sound much but means 22% of entire main memory. The same goes
for field inversion operations in F
which need two arrays of constants for its work.
Moving these to ROM, additional 1164Bytes (28%) were saved.
Point Multiplication As ECDLP is based on a lot of point multiplications Q = kP ,
this is the most crucial operation in ECC. With the description of the different imple-
mented algorithms from section 5 you notice that point multiplication can generally be
classified into two different types. The first one is point multiplications with an always
fixed point P , the base point, as well as point multiplications with arbitrary non-fixed
varying points P .
Class 2 multiplications are slower as the ones from class 1 and are implemented
using an ECC version of the popular square-and-multiply algorithm for large number
exponentiation. Class 1 multiplications do have an advantage of allowing the use of
precomputation – which is our key to speed here. Consider the binary representation of
k as:
k = k
+ k
+ · · · + k
+ k
, k
{0, 1}.
As P is considered as a fixed point here for all communication we can set up a buffer
table where all products 2
P with 0 i < 113 are stored. This one time initial com-
putation of the buffer can again be done offline and written to sensor nodes prior to
deployment. It has a size of a 3616 Bytes and perfectly fits into program memory re-
gions of flash-ROM.
For a new multiplication Q = k
P this means for every Bit k
that is set to 1: add
P to Q. Instead of adding P together k
, 1 k 2
-times expensively, we can
simply use our table of precomputed points and simply add no more than 113 times to
obtain Q. As we will see in table 1 our class 1 multiplication is faster by a factor of 2.56
than class 2 multiplication.
Further optimizations Another way to gain more speed is handcrafting a source to
the target platform which is often underestimated. Using run-time profiles execution
times of heavily used and expensive functions could be halved by e.g. sophisticated
loop-unrolling. This comes with the cost of a larger ROM image as seen in section 5.
5 Results of implemented algorithms
This section describes implementation results of various ECC-based algorithms that run
on our sensor hardware to prove the feasibility of asymmetric cryptography. The imple-
mented algorithms were chosen because of their popularity throughout the community.
All results are summarized in table 1 and offer serious performance gains compared to
the outputs of [1].
Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman ECDH This well known algorithm from [2] is quite
important in modern protocols as a key exchange and can be adopted for ECC. ECDH
needs two point multiplications. One multiplication is with a fixed base point P and the
other one with the received peers public key. Thus a complete ECDH takes an average
time of 24.02sec. In most cases one of the point multiplications can be omitted in a way
that a complete ECDH would take only one class 2 point multiplication with a received
public key in 17.28sec.
Table 1. Average times for different operations
Operation Time[s]
Standard Estimated
derivation/s results as of [1][s]
Point multiplication
6.74 0.67 34
Point multiplication
17.28 0.47 34
Key generation 6.74 0.67 34
Complete Diffie-Hellman
17.28 (24.02) 0.57 68
key exchange
24.07 0.94 68
17.87 0.03 34
6.88 0.46 34
24.17 0.72 68
El-Gamal Taher ElGamal described a popular asymmetric encryption algorithm in [13]
back in 1985 which relies on traditional DLP and that has been adopted to elliptic curves
and the ECDLP. Encryption uses one (fast) multiplication with base point P , one (slow)
multiplication with a random point and a few other operations for data embedding or
point addition. It takes 24.07sec as a whole. Decryption consumes 17.87sec of time.
Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm Finally the Digital Signature Algortihm
[14] (DSA) algorithm was implemented on our target platform as it can be transformed
to use ECDLP. Signature generation consists of only one point multiplication of the
fixed point P taking only around 6.88sec. A signature verification step takes about
Memory Consumption Besides computing time memory consumption is an important
criteria for the use in sensor networks. All implemented algorithms together consumed
a total of 208 Bytes RAM (164 Bytes for .bss, 44 Bytes for data). A total of 208
Bytes of main RAM (=0.05%) is what a sensor node has to spent for ECC permanently.
As there is no recursion in the code the stack is only slightly utilized for function calls.
The ATMEGA128 features 4 KByte of EEPROM which is not used in our current
implementation, but can be accessed in a similar way as flash-ROM is. While ROM-
memory use is not quite as critical as main RAM memory it is interesting to see how
much space is consumed due to the use of loop-unrolling and inlining of functions
for speed optimization. A total of 73 KBytes of flash-ROM is permanently utilized
for ECC operations which is about 57% of available ROM. This leaves 55 KByte for
normal sensor code which is still quite a lot and should not make any problem.
6 Conclusion
This work concludes that public-key cryptography is possible in sensor networks
quite contrary to popular related work. Existing security protocols for sensor networks
detouring asymmetric primitives with complicated symmetric constructs have to be re-
considered as there is now the chance to develop new security protocols for sensor
networks which might be based on more elegant asymmetric or hybrid techniques. The
key for efficiency in our work are memory optimizations as well as a precomputation
of base points for faster execution.
This does of course not solve the general trust or key bootstrapping problem in
sensor networks, i.e. how to initially distribute trust or keys in an ad-hoc formed net-
work without (public-key) infrastructures. But future work can now tackle this problem
without turning public key cryptography aside.
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