Selective Visual Attention in Electronic Video Surveillance
James Mountstephens, Craig Bennett, Khurshid Ahmad
In this paper we describe how a model of selective visual attention, driven entirely by visual features might be used to attend to “unusual” events in a complex surveillance environment. For the purposes of illustration and elaboration we have used an implementation of an early processing model of attention (due to Itti and Koch [1]) to process ground-truth surveillance video data [2].
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
Mountstephens J., Bennett C. and Ahmad K. (2005). Selective Visual Attention in Electronic Video Surveillance . In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems - Volume 1: PRIS, (ICEIS 2005) ISBN 972-8865-28-7, pages 198-203. DOI: 10.5220/0002563501980203
in Bibtex Style
author={James Mountstephens and Craig Bennett and Khurshid Ahmad},
title={Selective Visual Attention in Electronic Video Surveillance},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems - Volume 1: PRIS, (ICEIS 2005)},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems - Volume 1: PRIS, (ICEIS 2005)
TI - Selective Visual Attention in Electronic Video Surveillance
SN - 972-8865-28-7
AU - Mountstephens J.
AU - Bennett C.
AU - Ahmad K.
PY - 2005
SP - 198
EP - 203
DO - 10.5220/0002563501980203