Unsupervised Filtering of XML Streams
for System Integration
Ingo L
utkebohle, Sebastian Wrede and Sven Wachsmuth
Faculty of Technology, Applied Computer Science
Bielefeld University, P.O. Box 100131, 33501 Bielefeld, Germany
Abstract. In the last years, computer vision research is more and more shift-
ing from algorithmic solutions to the construction of active systems. One novel
approach to system construction combines data- and event-driven architectures,
concentrating on the flow of information between components. A challenge in
data-driven architectures is to optimize communications behavior without chang-
ing component implementations. For example, in computer vision, a common
problem is that low-level components produce many very similar results whereas
on a higher level, only significant changes are of interest. This distinction can be
defined as a pattern recognition task that analyzes the data flow in the system.
In the following, we will first give a short introduction into the architecture, then
describe a generic solution for data-flow reduction based on XML distance met-
rics. We present first results on the application of this component in an integration
framework for a vision-based Human-Computer-Interface within an augmented
reality scenario.
1 Introduction
Most systems in computer vision are realized as a single multi-stage process mapping
images to higher-level descriptions. While this is sufficient for specific pre-defined ap-
plications in constrained settings, more general vision systems need to combine differ-
ent multi-stage components like object and action recognition, tracking, self-localization,
or scene analysis [1]. From a system engineering perspective, the decoupling of these
components is a key issue in the construction of more flexible, multiple-purpose vision
systems [2]. However, the decoupling of processing components leads to a high commu-
nication load of the system. Lower level modules need to serve different purposes and,
therefore, permanently run on a maximum updating frequency. For example, in interac-
tive vision scenarios like augmented reality applications, object recognition results are
used for multiple purposes like recognizing action contexts, scene classification, initial-
ization of tracking, scene labelling, etc. In order to control the data flow in such systems,
a generic framework functionality has to be developed which dynamically reduces data
volume while keeping relevant information with regard to higher-level components.
Ahmad K. (2005).
Selective Visual Attention in Electronic Video Surveillance.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, pages 204-212
DOI: 10.5220/0002564302040212
1.1 VAMPIRE - An Interactive Vision Scenario
Within the VAMPIRE
project a generic system integration platform for interactive
cognitive vision systems is being developed. The project aims at the realization of a
personal augmented reality assistant including capabilities for localisation, context-
awareness, online learning, and information retrieval [3]. The current demonstration
system serves as a basis for implementing and evaluating our approach for compacting
Figure 1(a) gives an impression of the user interacting with the system in an office
environment in which the scene is observed from the users viewpoint by the two Fire-i
cameras being part of the augmented reality kit worn by the user.
(a) AR-Kit for HCI (b) Exemplary view through HMD
Fig.1. User with AR-Kit; Augmented scene as displayed in the users HMD.
Figure 1(b) shows a scene augmented by object recognition results and dialog dis-
plays. For the object recognition task, a two-way strategy is chosen: The detection of
objects with a common and only slightly varying appearance is achieved by a detec-
tor which is quite similar to the one introduced by Viola and Jones [4]. For a fast and
online trainable object recognition, VPL classifiers are applied [5]. Further recognition
modules provide complementary data, e.g. about the users head pose or his 3D position.
The additional information displayed to the user depends on the predicted intention of
the user which is inferred by contextual analysis [6]. For more details, see [7].
In this scenario, the goal is to increase the overall responsiveness of the system
by compacting the flow of processing results reported by the various components, e.g.
symbolic object recognition results. They are input to the compacting component. Be-
sides the symbolic content, object hypotheses include a number of meta-level variables
like position, time, or reliability.
The developed approach has to fit similar needs as the system integration framework
developed for VAMPIRE, i.e. ease of use, flexibility to arbitrary data structures, and
Visual Active Memory Processes and Interactive REtrieval
independence of specific processing components. The system integration framework
will be described in section 2. XML messages form the basis of communication in
that approach. Because XML data is coding its own structure, the compacting method
can be realized as a framework component. A generic, XML-based similarity metric to
compare data is described in section 3 and the compacting approach using that metric
in section 4. Finally, we show some first studies and evaluation results in the VAMPIRE
system and discuss future work. Prior to that, we will now give a short overview of
related work in the area of system integration for vision systems and analysis of XML
1.2 Related Work
Different approaches and tool-kits have been proposed to support the system and knowl-
edge engineering tasks that come along with a specific application [8–11]. However,
most of these suffer from overly rigid control strategies, narrowly defined domains,
and/or insufficent support for distributed asynchronous processing and integration of
externally developed modules. Resource control is typically centralized, contradicting
distributed and asynchronous processing needs. Although more flexible computer vi-
sion frameworks have been proposed recently [12] or are under development [13, 14],
there is a huge need for computer vision frameworks that facilitate data integration and
reasoning over certain periods of time as well as offer meta-level reasoning capabilities
for unsupervised resource control.
As the high-level messages exchanged in our system are XML-based, XML forms
the input to our compacting process. The importance of structural information is em-
phasized by [15] who show that tags cannot simply be added to the content feature-set.
Both [16] and [17] use tree-edit distances, the former on streams, the latter on heteroge-
nous document collections. In both cases, structural differences are considered crucial
for the comparison. Additionally, [18] makes uses of tree-edit information to create
merged representative documents.
We do not compute tree-edit distances, but interpret XML elements as annotations
of the content. Nesting is taken to convey semantic differences between content while
element names and hierarchy are used to identify matching points where meaningful
comparison is possible. One could say that we take the “mark-up” metaphor for XML
quite literally.
Prior work on distance metrics for structured data will be discussed with the algo-
rithm proposed in section 3.
2 Active Memory Infrastructure
Accompanying the development of all the recognition processes described in section
1.1, a system architecture had to be developed which allows for a flexible connection
of all these components. This task led us to the development of a generic software
framework for integration of computer vision systems, the Active Memory Infrastruc-
ture (AMI).
The interactive application scenario imposes several constraints on the software
framework. System components should be able to exchange data with soft real-time
performance and to memorize episodes, events and scenes. Given these requirements
we focussed on a shared repository and the distribution of algorithms. The AMI frame-
work consists of (1) the XML enabled Communication Framework (XCF) [19] that
allows to distribute components over several computing nodes, (2) the Active Memory
server and interface for coordination and data management, and (3) a supporting library
named XMLTIO that supports users with an XPath-based API for simple XML process-
ing. Although written in C++ for performance reasons, there are also bindings for Java
and Python. The complete integration software is licensed under the GPL and available
for download at Sourceforge [20].
Active Memory
Fig.2. Exemplary data-flow in the AMI.
Focussing on great flexibility and ease of use, all information flow (e.g. object
recognition results) within the VAMPIRE components is based on XML documents
that can reference attached binary data (e.g. images). XCF supports (non-)blocking re-
mote method invocation and publisher-subscriber communication semantics. Exposed
methods are bound and invoked dynamically, with schemas optionally providing run-
time type safety. The ICE communications engine forms the basis of this component
and was chosen for its high performance, especially low latency calls.
XML data like objects, actions or 3D locations and binary data like mosaics of
detected planar regions are fed into an active memory server and can be retrieved
via XPath statements. Coordination between the components is provided by a flexi-
ble event-notification mechanism. The event manager of the active memory server is
co-located with the persistence back-end, a native XML database, the Sleepycat DB
XML. Event subscriptions can specify an XPath to narrow down documents of interest.
Coordination is thus data-driven and not dependent on the presence of specific compo-
A prototypical part of the system that exemplifies data flow and interaction between
different components and the active memory is given in figure 2. As shown in picture
3(a) parts of the transmitted data may be false when the user looks around, other data
may be redundant 3(b), e.g. when the user gazes at a static scene. In this situation object
recognition will work well and send nearly identical object recognition results at 50Hz.
Both, redundant and obviously false recognition results consume resources of the sys-
tem in terms of network bandwidth and overall system performance. The question how
(a) Moving (b) Gazing
Fig.3. Typical object recognition results in an unconstrained environment.
to compact processed information and detect relevant changes in the streams of XML
information with a generic framework component will be answered in the following.
3 XML Kernel
We propose a similarity measure that includes a data integration mechanism and can
thus process data from a variety of sources coherently. It uses the label information in
XML document trees, the element name, to identify comparable values and to transpar-
ently handle missing, repeated or re-ordered occurrences of an element or sub-tree.
In any data integration task, care must be taken not to mix up data with different
semantics. E.g., in object recognition, the coordinates of an object and its label are not
on the same abstraction level. We therefore exploit nesting as a generic indicator of se-
mantic differences, taking advantage of an existing and established way of formulating
this crucial bit of information.
The similarity measure forms a kernel. It has been shown that many machine-
learning methods can be kernelized in a straightforward manner, either by using the
kernel in place of the scalar product or through a distance measure constructed from the
kernel, e.g. d(x, y) =
K(x, x) 2K(x, y) + K(y, y) [21].
3.1 Kernel Over XML Documents
An XML document is a labeled tree rooted at the document node. In the following,
for a node n, let L(n) be its label, V (n) its value and C(n) be the set of children and
attributes. In the XML infoset, only attributes and text nodes have a value assigned but
for the purposes of this paper, we take element value to be composed of the immediate
text nodes:
Definition 1 (element value). The value of an element n with level l is the concatena-
tion of all text nodes with root n and level l + 1.
For the kernel definition, two cases are special: The empty comparison and non-
matching labels. For these, k(0, 0) = 1 respectively L(s) 6= L(t) : k(s, t) = 0.
For nodes, we adopt the idea of G
artner et al. [22] to exploit possible functional
dependencies by combining the similarity of parent and children:
k(s, t) = k
(V (s), V (t))k(C(s), C(t))
Nodesets, despite the name, have document order but may be treated as both a set
or a list, with the corresponding kernels (and using the above). For sets: k(u, v) =
, v
) and for lists: k(u, v) =
, v
). Last, but not least, for basic nu-
meric values, a Gaussian: k(a, b) = e
and for strings, a Hamming similarity:
k(m, n) = 1/k
, n
) is applied.
4 Compacting Data Flows
To reduce the burden of redundant and/or bad results we filter elements in the Active
Memory. Firstly, the amount of new information present will be estimated and only if
the change is big enough elements will be forwarded for further processing. Secondly,
elements are clustered. When a close group is found, it is updated, otherwise a new
group will be created. This is called compacting.
Compacting at the framework level allows us to take advantage of global informa-
tion, e.g. when two redundant recognizers are present. For the implementer, it is benefi-
cial to have a dedicated component for relevancy detection that can be changed to adapt
to new challenges. Last, but not least, our approach allows components to selectively
bypass compaction to receive all elements.
4.1 Detecting Relevant Elements
Detection of relevant elements requires an indication of the amount of new information
contained, relative to the elements already present in the memory. We use the violation
of the present clustering to determine significance: New clusters are considered relevant.
To determine this, we observe the minimum distance between a new element and the
existing clusters over time and estimate the change using a moving average for the
parameters of a normal distribution p
Let I be the current number of elements, and d
the minimum distance observed at
element number i, then the sample mean is ¯µ
and sample variance
analogous. A new cluster is created if p
) < t.
The parameter k allows for adaption to the result rate of the system, in our experi-
ments it is based on frame rate. t has been chosen constant (0.05), with the variability
in the system captured by the density p
4.2 Online Clustering
In the VAMPIRE system, elements arrive one-by-one, not batched and due to user inter-
action stationarity can only be assumed short-term. The relevancy detection determines
creation of new clusters but aims at fast reaction time more than at clustering quality and
it has to, because of the limited amount of information and the strictly limited process-
ing time. Fortunately, over time good clusters will acquire more support while outliers
won’t and this can be used to achieve good clustering quality in an online setting by
determining cluster size and removing unreasonably small ones. The exact cut-off to
choose depends on the variance in the input. In our experiments the mean has proven a
good choice.
5 Evaluation
When grouping data, especially with a new similarity metric, it is crucial to ascertain
that groupings are not an artefact of the algorithm but represent genuine structure in the
data. Therefore, we have evaluated the kernel on real-world data and analyzed how the
results relate to user activity and wether our relevancy heuristic matches at meaningful
points in time.
Results are from a 600 frame (50 second) sequence with multiple objects, a moving
viewpoint and objects being moved around.
5.1 Evaluation of Relevancy Detection
To verify that our simple minimum distance approach can identify relevant changes in
the environment, we have computed a clustering and tracked the minimum achievable
distance. The graph in figure 4(b) shows the distance for a book present in the scene.
Note, how distance is high at the beginning and end of a period in time (where distances
are zero, the book was not present).
(a) frames 436, 443, 449, 453
minimum distance
frame number
0 100 200 300 400 500
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
(b) minimum achieved distance
Fig.4. Relevancy detection results with example sequence.
Note the shaded/red region which exhibits continually high distances. We have se-
lected four frames from that period and show them in figure 4(a). As you can see, the
book moves rapidly through the view and is partly obstructed at the same time, which
explains why a lot of change is perceived.
5.2 Evaluating Meta-Variable Similarity Metric
Figure 5 shows pairwise distances of object recognition results pertaining to the book,
from the same sequence as in section 5.1, plotted using multidimensional scaling (MDS).
Clusters are surrounded by ellipses, color and symbols redundantly specify distinct pe-
riods of presence for the book. Most clusters exhibit high internal coherence and strong
separation. One cluster contains results from two adjacent periods of time. The results
marked with a (red) diamond pertain to the episode shown in figure 4(a), with a rapidly
moving, partly obstructed object, these are grouped together with the outliers.
−0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
−0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
MDS distance plot
0 − 140
141 − 200
201 − 300
301 − 400
401 − 500
501 − 577
Fig.5. Book clusters.
6 Conclusion
This paper introduced a flexible framework for data-driven software integration which
was used successfully for the realization of vision-based HCI in an augmented reality
application. The main contribution was the presentation of a framework component for
unsupervised reduction of data-flow volume in XML streams based on a new appli-
cation of kernels for structured data and a compacting approach utilizing a clustering
method. Regarding a first evaluation, we showed how this metric can be used to detect
relevant changes in streams of XML data and that the similarities relate to the events in
the application scenario.
Future work will focus on more robust methods for online clustering, as well as the
evaluation of the overall system performance in terms of an increased responsiveness
and lower resource consumption.
Finally, we think, that as the proposed method is based on a generic XML distance
metric, it will make other kernel-based approaches from pattern recognition available
for direct use in XML-based information systems. Furthermore, we believe that com-
pacting of XML streams may also be usefully applicable in other XML exchanging
information architectures.
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