Identifying Information Units for Multiple Document
Seamus Lyons, Dan Smith
School of Computing Sciences, University of East Anglia,
Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK
Abstract. Multiple document summarization is becoming increasingly
important as a way of reducing information overload, particularly in the context
of the proliferation of similar accounts of events that are available on the Web.
Removal of similar sentences often results in either partial or unwanted
elimination of important information. In this paper, we present an approach to
split sentences into their component clauses and use these clauses to produce
comprehensive summaries of multiple documents describing particular events.
Detailed analysis of all clauses and clause boundaries may be complex and
computationally expensive. Our rule-based approach demonstrates that it is
possible to achieve high accuracy in reasonable time.
1 Introduction
Thanks to the explosion of information on the Web, there are an increasing number of
situations where we have multiple partial reports of an event that would be more
easily assimilated as a single comprehensive summary. In this paper we address the
problem of producing a comprehensive summary from a set of documents containing
partial descriptions of an event.
Traditional language processing techniques use the sentence as the text unit to
analyze, and generally assume well-formed grammatical sentences. The journalistic
texts we are interested in here exhibit a number of features that complicate their
processing by conventional approaches. For example, sentences are broken for
emphasis, regardless of the grammatical consequences, ideas may span several short
paragraphs, sentences are added together, and clauses are shortened and added to the
previous sentence. Human readers typically have sufficient background knowledge of
the structure of events being described, idioms, etc. to easily understand and
summarize these texts. Our approach to automatically produce summaries relies on an
initial phase of domain-specific information extraction, which allows us to restrict the
problem to that of summarizing a set of documents that we know are all describing
the same event. We have performed our initial experiments on reports of soccer
matches, as they describe well-defined and structured events, but typically exhibit all
the language problems we are concerned with. Many other domains have a similar
proliferation of sources; for example, an analysis of Netnews articles found that 18%
of articles overlap by 80% or more [1].
Lyons S. and Smith D. (2005).
Identifying Information Units for Multiple Document Summarization.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science, pages 110-117
DOI: 10.5220/0002564701100117
Soccer matches are reported from source to source. The diversity in coverage
results in a large resource of informative extracts that differ but also overlap. Similar
segments are grouped together and tokenized to isolate clausal units of information.
The major hurdle to clause identification is the ambiguous use of conjunction terms.
The main focus of this paper is to describe our approach to clause boundary detection
and to present the results of our experiments using this approach. We also describe a
prototype system that provides a unified version of documents from several web
sources with overlapping content.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Related work is described in section
2. Section 3 describes the set of rules that classify clause boundary candidates and the
clause-splitting algorithm. The duplicate clause detection algorithm is described in
section 4. Initial experimental results are presented in section 5. Conclusions and
future work are discussed in section 6.
2 Related Work
Summarization systems [2, 3] use statistical methods to determine which sentences
are important when creating an extract from a text. Size reduction has traditionally
been the primary concern of summarization systems [4]. This produces a series of
sentences classified as the most important based on the relationship of the title and
sentence words, or the length and position of the sentence in the document. These
systems achieve the task of text reduction using a range of NLP and machine learning
techniques as exemplified at the DUC conferences [5].
Work on Multiple Document Summarization (MDS) systems has shown the
importance of sentence order [6], the coherence of the text and, the integration of text.
A similarity metric based on common terms in each sentence indicates duplication
and importance. Similar sentences are classified to belong to the same cluster, called a
theme. In some MDS systems [7, 8], the application of complex linguistic analysis
determines the main constituents in the sentences. These are fused together using
techniques such as dependency trees [9]. Problems occur as the statistical approach
results in the initial sentences gaining the highest importance metric. Even in the best
systems, such as Newsblaster
, the final summary is formed from the initial section of
the majority of sources. The main criteria remains size rather than relevance so
important information is lost as the size reduces. In addition, the removal of sentences
does not address the content of parts of the sentence. This results in partial or
unnecessary removal of important or duplicate information.
The integration of all related segments into one coherent text is the primary goal of
the Information Mediation System. This has been designed not include complex NLP
techniques. A hierarchical approach allows a region of a document, such as a text
body, to be extracted. This is segmented in the extraction stage described in [10],
followed by identification of sub-sentence information units, and their integration into
a unified account. Research in clause identification and approaches to clause
boundary identification are seen in the CoNLL-2001 shared task [11]. In [12, 13] the
use of a context window contributes to the calculation of clause boundary use. A
context window views the terms, and the syntactic group of the terms, before and
after a selected term. Although these systems use advanced techniques we use the
context window and sentence positioning as the basis of the clause splitting process.
3 Clause Identification
To split a sentence into clauses that represent a unit of information, the system must
identify non-sentence boundaries. The clause splitter applies a set of rules to
determine if a candidate clause marker indicates a clause boundary or not. Given the
identification of all successful candidates, the sentence is categorized and split into
clauses. Locating clause boundaries involves the resolution of the ambiguous use of
punctuation and conjunctional terms. For example, commas can have a serial
meaning, they can be incorrectly omitted or authors can overuse commas to help the
reader understand the sentence. Therefore, all conjunction instances must be
considered as possible boundary candidates.
The corpus (Collection 1) used in the work described here is a collection of soccer
reports of English Football League matches taken from three sources, comprising
approximately 35,000 words in 103 reports. The rules were derived from the analysis
of 20 reports and the remaining 83 were used for testing.
Many terms are used as conjunctions, and many of them have other roles. Initial
research showed that a small set of candidates could be used to locate the majority of
boundary instances. These include coordinating conjunctions {and, but}, WH-clause
subordinating conjunctions {when, where, which, while, who, whose}, other
subordinating conjunctions {as, after, before, although}, and punctuation marks
{commas, dashes, colons, semi-colons, brackets, underscores}. An analysis of
Collection 1 showed that it contains 1810 instances of a clause boundary of which
1754 (96.9%) was attributed to the candidate set listed above.
The correctness of a candidate used to split a sentence is more important than the
omission of a boundary as an incorrect split is likely to result in meaningless clauses.
The primary concern is to compile a set of simple rules to identify the use of a
candidate in another syntactic role. The correct candidate function, denoted ‘
identifies a clause boundary. This is determined by sentence position and the context
of the candidate stated in the rule definitions seen in figure 1. The algorithm identifies
clause endings, splits the preceding text as a clause, and leaves the remaining text as
the last clause. Incorrect candidates are identified when meeting the conditions listed
in the rule definitions and ignored in the splitting process. Following [13] we use a
context window of +/- 3 terms. We apply a set of six rules to determine if a candidate
is a boundary between two clauses. Rules 1, 2 and 6 are positional rules whilst rules 3,
4 and 5 involve the context window. These are enforced in this order according to the
success rate in the experiments.
Let Sentence S be a string of terms
t of the length n where t
S, and 1 e n. Z
= {( t
, t
) | 1 s < e n} where t
and t
denotes a clause start and end terms.
C = { j | j is a candidate}
and c 0 where c is the number of successful candidates.
A term is defined as a word, a number or a word equivalent (e.g. a date).
) = 1
Rule 1 if e = 1 or e = n
Rule 2 elsif ( e < 4 or n - e < 3 ) and
(S) NR
Rule 3 elsif t
= "as" and t
= "as"
Rule 4 elsif t
= "and", and t
= t
, and t
is a noun
Rule 5 elsif t
{"before", "after"}, and
= d D
= {"break", "interval"}, or
contains d D
or t
contains d D
= {"minute"}
Rule 6 elsif t
) = 0
Fig. 1. The set of rules to determine the correct use of a candidate as a clause boundary
Positional Rules. If the candidate is the first or last term in the sentence, it is not
used to split a sentence (rule 1). If the candidate is in the first four or last three terms
in the sentence, and does not possibly contain a central non-restrictive clause, it is
excluded from consideration (rule 2). A sentence with a central non-restrictive clause
is either a sentence with multiple commas or dashes. Rule 6 covers the instances
where adjacent candidates are jointly used to signify a boundary.
Context Rules. In rule 3, the candidate is a subordinate conjunction used as part of
an adverbial connective (e.g. "as far as”,” as soon as"). The system uses the Brill
parts-of speech tagger before the integration stage to create a lexicon of extracted
terms and their syntactic group. If the candidate term is "and", and the parts of speech
of the terms before and after this are both nouns, it is deemed not be a clause
boundary. This occurs in lists, phrases and alternative constituent conjunction. For
example, the phrases "apple and pears" and "high and low" use the term "and" in a
non-boundary role.
There are phrases used in different domains that affect the use of clause candidates.
The context window is used to correct this. Rule 5 shows the value of enforcing
additional domain-specific rules. Each set of domain terms (D
, D
) can be extended
and the context window size increased or reduced to suit the domain. In the soccer
domain, the terms "before" and "after" are frequently used to refer to temporal
comparisons. For example, a soccer match is split into two halves with the half-time
period referred to as the "interval" or the "break”. The use of the condition "contains"
in contrast to "equals" (seen in rule 5 in figure 1) refers to the ability to differ from an
exact textual match by the use of a regular expression. This allows for the pattern
match of both terms "minute" and "minutes". Although rule 4 and 6 identify a comma
used with the term “and” in a list, there remains a need to check for serial commas. A
function to identify possible lists exists prior to the clause-splitting algorithm. These
are classified as
(S) =’L’. Other categories include simple (A), compound or
complex (B), non-restrictive (NR), multiple claused (X) and sentences that contain a
quote (Q). These categories are determined by pre- and post-algorithm conditions.
The pre-conditions include: if there are no candidates (j
S) then
(S) = ‘A’, if S
contains a quotation mark then
(S) = ‘Q’, and if S contains two dashes then
= ‘NR’. The post-conditions state if the number of successful candidates c = 0 then
(S) = ‘A’, if c = 1 then
(S) = ‘B’ and if c = 2 then
(S) = ‘X’.
4 Theme Integration
Text segments containing similar information are grouped together into themes. The
segments are split into clauses and re-analyzed for similarity. The similarity measure
is based on normalized term frequency and clauses are classed as similar if the
similarity measure exceeds an empirically-defined threshold. Figure 2 shows the
clause-splitting algorithm. If the similarity measure between two texts is above the
given threshold then the texts undergo a clause resolution stage. If a text can be
reduced into clauses and a clause has a higher similarity measure than the complete
segments then there is a possibility that at least one text can be reduced.
Let Sentence S be a string of terms
t of the length n where t
S, and 1 e n. Z
= {( t
, t
) | 1 s < e n} where t
and t
denotes a clause start and end terms.
C = { j | j is a candidate}
and c 0 where c is the number of successful candidates.
s = 1, e = 1, c = 1
while e
if t
C and
) = 1
then Z
= {t
, t
}, c = c + 1, s = e
e = e + 1
end while loop
= {t
, t
,…, t
Fig. 2. The clause-splitting algorithm
Figure 3 shows two segments extracted form the text corpus. The segment X is a
compound sentence. Two independent clauses are joined by a coordinating
conjunction (“and”) preceded by a comma. The segment Y contains a subordinating
conjunction. In this segment, the second clause
(y2) is dependent on the first (y1).
These sentences could be re-analyzed as coordinating and subordinating clauses but
they both display the complexity of web text characterized by the occurrence of
restrictive and non-restrictive clauses. The second clause in segment X (x2) is
independent but begins with a pronoun. This refers to the referent “Gillingham”
contained in the first clause (x1). This relationship is covered by a separate function
that deals with co-reference by giving each text an address and noting the connection
of these addresses. This linking process is taken in consideration when the text is
removed. Although sentence extraction systems have analyzed the co-reference
problem with considerable success [14], these are not implemented here.
A restrictive clause is a crucial element of a sentence. The deletion of the clause
would change the meaning or render the sentence incomprehensible. Alternatively,
non-restrictive clauses do not modify the preceding clause subject and deletion can
occur without impairing the meaning of the remaining sentence. Non-restrictive
clauses appear in the middle and at the end of sentences [15]. Therefore, if a system
can identify a non-restrictive clause containing no relevant information, it can remove
Segment X is split into three clauses x2, x3 and x4 respectively. The initial
independent clause (x1) consists of an independent clause (x3) and a non-restrictive
clause (x4). The non-restrictive clause (x4) is dependent on the independent clause
A term is defined as a word, a number or a word equivalent (e.g. a date).
(x3). If this clause (x4) is analyzed as not similar to any clauses in segment Y, it can
be removed without adversely affecting the sentence coherence.
Gillingham had to play without player-manager Andy Hessenthaler],
sidelined with a serious knee injury] ], and
they also hoped to shrug off the other off-field distractions caused by newspaper
reports linking the club with allegations of financial irregularities.]]
Gillingham were without player-manager Andy Hessenthaler],
on crutches],
following a serious knee injury sustained against Bournemouth in the FA Cup the
previous week.]]]
Fig. 3. Segments after the clause splitting process (common features in bold).
Segment Y is a sentence with a non-restrictive clause separating a subordinate
clause from the main clause (y1). The non-restrictive clause, (y3) in figure 3, can be
removed and the surrounding text re-joined to form a normal subordinating clause
(y1+ y4). This occurs when it is not deemed similar to any clauses in segment X. The
clauses are re-analyzed to determine if it is necessary to split the segments to gain
greater similarity. The similarity between segment X and segment Y, sim (X, Y), is
0.09738. This is above the threshold of 0.05 used in this analysis.
The clause resolver initially joins the clauses that have a similarity measure above
the similarity threshold. In the example given, clause 1(
) and clause 2(
) in segment
X are considered similar to clause 1(
) and clause3 (
) in segment Y. If they pose no
co-reference resolution problems and no size requirements, preference is given to
adjacent clauses, as there are no coherency problems. If there is no difference between
segments, then preference is given to the first (segment X).
Gillingham were without player-manager Andy Hessenthaler],
sidelined with a serious knee injury. ]]
Fig. 4. The two text segments are integrated into one version.
Figure 4 displays the integrated version. The system allows for size requirements
considerations. If the complete version requires a reduced text then the theme shown
in figure 4 has the secondary clause (s2) deleted. Important information is lost but
grammatical correctness is maintained.
5 Experimental Results
The results data consisted of a set of 83 documents reporting soccer matches. The
information in these texts is presented in short segments containing two or three
sentences. In total, the data set consisted of 1087 sentences that included 2287 clause
boundary candidates. The sentences were analyzed to determine if the ambiguity of
the candidate use could be resolved. Initially the system recognized 1822 (79.7%) of
the candidates that are clause boundaries. The remaining 465 (20.3%) candidates were
used in another manner. The application of the clause resolution rules improved these
figures to 1786 (92.3%) correct boundary identifications from 1934 instances. This
improvement was achieved with only 2.0% of the correct boundaries omitted from the
analysis. This loss is not only minimal but does not significantly affect the system’s
performance. The 148 non-boundary candidates affect few sentences as only
sentences with clauses of greater similarity than the complete sentence provoke the
splitting process. In these examples, the majority of sentences were correctly
Table 2 Categorization of sentences found in the sample data of 1087 sentences.
Sentence Type Correct Incorrect Total
Lists 10 0 10
Quotes 10 0 10
Simple (no candidate) 110 0 110
Simple (candidates) 72 9 81
Compound / Complex 318 160 478
Other Sentences 249 149 398
TOTAL 749 318 1087
In the set of 1087 sentences, 17.6% are simple sentences. Of these, 57.6% (110)
did not contain a candidate and 79.1% of the remainder were identified correctly.
There are 478 sentences containing two clauses, excluding centric non-restrictive
clauses, of which 66.5% were correctly identified. Over one third (308) of the
sentences either contain more than two clauses or a central non-restrictive clause, of
which 91.1% were correctly identified. In total 68.9% of the sentences analyzed were
categorized correctly.
We have also conducted a small series of experiments on a subset of documents
from the DUC 2004 corpus. The preliminary results suggest that the non-domain
specific rules are valid for these texts, although there are systematic differences in the
use of other syntactic categories, other than nouns, surrounding the candidate term
“and” that extend rule 4.
6 Conclusion
Detecting correct clause boundaries was the primary goal of the work reported here.
The system’s effectiveness in achieving this was reasonably high considering the
complex and unconventional nature of web text. Superfluous use of commas and the
incorrect use of the conjunction “and” greatly contribute to these problems. The
removal of additional text within subordinate clauses is only complicated by the
omission of the initial subordinating conjunction introducing the clause when the
subordinate clause precedes the main clause. Non-restrictive clauses bounded by
commas also cause poorer clause recognition. Although the use of conjunctions
following both punctuation characters signifies normal clause boundaries, there
appears no reliable method to recognize comma-bound non-restrictive clauses placed
within a sentence.
A sentence cannot be assumed to be a single unit of information. Splitting text of
any structure involves consideration of text coherence and context, and is therefore
problematic. Nevertheless a method of accurately identifying tokens of clause level
units is advantageous to several NLP tasks such as summarization and duplicate text
removal. The hurdle of merging the clauses from all the types of sentences is the
focus of future work. The integration of theme text from several segments
complicates the question of which texts to remove and the question of relationships to
other texts. This complicates the process of merging multiple clauses. The solution of
this problem will allow for the complete integration of the extracted text in the
Mediation Information System. The integrated version is later transformed to other
media, such as speech, through XML style sheets. This allows for the production of
extracted web text to a variety of media achieving the goal of system extensibility.
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