4.3 Security and Authentication
Wireless connections are insecure due to their characteristics of the wireless medium.
The carrying medium, which is the air, allows everyone to listen to the data flowing
through it. Therefore, data transferred in plain text is readable by everyone. There are
some already implemented wireless encryption mechanisms, but we need a design be-
yond them. That is, besides using current wireless encryption mechanisms to increase
the security on wireless connections, we need the data stored in WATA devices to be
encrypted as well.
We need to store the data in a WATA device in an encrypted form, because the
WATA storage devices are not physically secured unlike current ATA or SCSI devices.
A mobile phone is an example to a WATA storage device and it is obvious that it can
easily be used by someone else other than its owner. Therefore, we also designed a
security subsystem as part of the WATA architecture.
WATA uses AES-256-CTR [12] [13] encryption algorithm. That is, it encrypts block
numbers using AES-256 and then XORs them with the data. 256-bit key of AES-256
encryption is generated by using SHA-256 [14] algorithm on a user-entered password.
Keeping the password used as input to SHA-256 secure is the responsibility of the user.
Moreover, the password used to generate the key and the key used to encrypt the
block numbers are never transmitted through the wireless connection. All encryption
and decryption are done locally on the host and the device used as storage does not
know the password or the key at all.
There is no need for an extra authentication mechanism in WATA protocol. First of
all, reading from a WATA device requires the password, as the host cannot decrypt the
data without having the password. On the other hand, writing does not require having
the password, since a user can create a new key using a different password and format
the device. It seems that there is a need for an authentication mechanism for such a case.
However, if someone else has the device on his hands, he can physically erase the data.
So, our aim is to protect the content, not the device. Therefore, we did not design an
extra authentication mechanism.
4.4 Master and Slave Devices
In current ATA systems, there are generally two channels on the board and each channel
can be used to connect two ATA devices. If two devices are connected to a channel, one
of them is the master device and the other one is the slave device. Although most users
think that slave device depends on master device for its operation, it is certainly not.
These names are just to identify devices on the same channel. When a request comes
from the channel, the device just compares its name to the name on the request and acts
On the other hand, WATA design includes an actual master/slave relationship be-
tween devices. One of the characteristics of wireless connections is the range. A wire-
less connection cannot transport data to a farther location than it is able to. It is actually
similar to wired connections. For example, a wired connection cannot transport data to
15m if the wire is 10m long.