simultaneously for each scenario. Responsibilities of generalized objects and their
holders and receivers form CRM that are further transformed into Java code by Jess.
RESTDA predefines how a generalized object of CRM is transformed into one or
more Java classes. The generation rules are also implemented in Jess in a code-
template-generation fashion where the data for placeholders of code templates come
from definition of CRM. These rules also define how different source code to
generate for different responsibility definitions.
4 Conclusion and Future Work
In this paper, we introduced the software development architecture for business –
RESTDA which is based on the idea of REST. The significance of the research is that
domain experts can use BM to describe the running of a business without concerning
any technology details. Instead of direct translation approach, the combination of
syntactic, semantic, and contextual information of each level offers machines higher
intelligence to generate software systems from platform-independent models.
With regard to future work, one is to formalize the concept of responsibilities
Another is to use much expressive higher-order logic to quantify over predicates and
to apply automatic theorem provers, such as HOL, to verify consistency of BM and
responsibility realization [8,9].
This research is conducted as a program for the “21
Century COE Program” by
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
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