GPRS-based Real-Time Remote Control of MicroBots
with M2M Capabilities
Diego López de Ipiña
, Iñaki Vázquez
, Jonathan Ruiz de Garibay
and David
Faculty of Engineering, University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain
Abstract. M
achine to Machine (M2M) communication is gathering
momentum. Many network operators deem that the future of the business on
data transmission lies on M2M. In parallel, the application of robotics is
progressively becoming more widespread. Traditionally, robotics has only been
applied to industrial environments, but lately some more exoteric (e.g.
domestic) robots have arisen. Anyhow, those robots usually offer very primitive
communication means. Few researchers have considered that a solution to this
issue would be to combine those two emerging fields. This paper describes our
experiences combining M2M with robotics to create a fleet of MicroBots,
which are remotely controllable through GPRS connection links. Those robots
can be used in dangerous environments to gather material samples or simply for
surveillance and security control. A sophisticated 3-tier architecture is proposed
that combined with a purposely built protocol, optimized for wireless
transmission, makes feasible the real-time control of remote m.
1 Introduction
Telemetry [1], i.e. remote monitoring and control of machines, is increasable
becoming popular. For instance, telemetry allows the operation of a whole factory to
be controlled from a single computerised station, accessible even remotely from the
factory premises.
The possibilities of Machine to Machine (M2M) [2] communication are ample.
e application areas are: telemetry, data collection, remote control, robotics,
maintenance and security, logistics or telemedicine. For example, M2M is very useful
for vending machine providers to control when the stock in their machines needs
refilling. In fact, mobile telephony operators consider that wireless M2M may
definitely foster the consumption of data over their networks.
Robotics is slowly moving from exclusively industrial application domains to more
ric fields, such as domestic [3] or air space [4] ones. The Mars Rovers,
unmanned land vehicles for exploration of the planet Mars, are probably the most
popular robots in the world. Those NASA produced robots posses sophisticated
communication mechanisms which have enabled them to send us pictures of the
surface of Mars. Unfortunately, most conventional robots have very primitive (if any)
communication mechanisms. The technology used for data transmission by the NASA
López de Ipiña D., Vázquez I., Ruiz de Garibay J. and Sainz D. (2005).
GPRS-based Real-Time Remote Control of MicroBots with M2M Capabilities.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Wireless Information Systems, pages 42-51
DOI: 10.5220/0002567200420051
robots is not commonplace. Thus, it would be interesting to correct this deficiency by
making use of readily off-the-shelf technology such as M2M and GSM/GPRS.
This paper describes our experiences combining the promising fields of robotics
and M2M, in order to achieve real-time telemetry over a GPRS data network. We
have named the deliverable of this research COMMunication MicroBots
(COMMBOTS, from now on).
The structure of this paper is as follows. Section 2 explains the COMMBOTS
concept. Section 3 describes the sophisticated multi-layer architecture designed for
COMMBOTS. Section 4 describes the MicroBot Protocol (MP) designed for the
wireless communication among Controls Stations and MicroBots. Section 5 offers
some performance results of the system. Section 6 reviews some related work.
Finally, Section 7 concludes the paper and suggests some further work.
Fig. 1. COMMBOTS concept.
The COMMBOTS project aims to create a group of MicroBots equipped with mobile
communication and location (GPS) facilities. Those robots can be applied to carry out
emulations and activities in different environments, such as dangerous environments
where they can gather data and materials, or for surveillance and alarm control in
security zones.
Fig. 1 shows the two component types that constitute COMMBOTS: (1) MicroBots
and (2) Control Stations.
The MicroBots are devised to carry out diverse tasks, such as: obtaining and
measuring data by sensing, collecting samples, or recording and transferring images
to a central Control Station. A MicroBot is bundled with a mobile communication
module (GSM/GPRS), by means of which it can receive commands from the control
centres and send responses.
The Control Stations in COMMBOTS are available in two forms: (1) fixed stations
operated from a PC and (2) mobile ones operated from a PDA or mobile phone. These
Control Stations allow a user to monitor and control at anytime and anywhere the
whereabouts and actions of a fleet of MicroBots. Likewise, the MicroBots may notify
events of interest to the Control Stations (temperature too high, movement detected)
or delegate the processing of the data captured to third parties.
The major contribution of COMMBOTS is to combine the latest developments in
M2M and MicroBotics, to design a real-time remote control system operated over
public data networks (GPRS).
Fig. 2. COMMBOS concept.
3 The COMMBOTS Architecture
COMMBOTS presents a client/server/client architecture aimed to ease end-to-end
communication between Control Stations and MicroBots. Fig. 2 shows the different
components of this architecture together with the data and control flows exchanged
among them. In what follows, we detail those components: (1) MicroBots, (2)
MicroBots Proxy and (3) Control Stations.
3.1 MicroBots
Following the human body analogy, a MicroBot in COMMBOTS is composed of (see
Extremities, i.e. the wheels together with the engines that move them and give
mobility to the bot.
Senses, i.e. sensors to capture information from its environment: luminosity,
temperature, images, and so on.
Body, i.e. the framework that gives weight and stability to the bot and acts as
container of its different hardware components.
Brain, i.e. the microcontrollers that manage the engines and sensors bundled with
the MicroBot, together with a communications module, such as the owa22A[2],
which allows data transmission with other robots and stations.
The control system of the MicroBot is composed by two entities which coordinate
their operation: a PIC16F873 [5] microcontroller, manufactured by MICROCHIP, and
the owa22A communication module, manufactured by OWASYS [2]. The
coordination between those two devices is achieved by a specially designed protocol.
This protocol uses 1 or 2 bytes long messages which are exchanged through the
RS232 ports of both devices.
Given the limited processing power of the microcontroller, the MicroBot’s CPU
intensive tasks are undertaken by the owa22A, equipped with a 60 MIPS CPU ARM7
and 2 MB RAM. The tasks undertaken by this module are: (1) communication
between the MicroBot and the MicroBots Proxy and (2) capture of digital images
from the attached CMUcam2 camera [6] and their compression before delivery. The
microcontroller undertakes simple tasks that would unnecessary delay the owa22A
module, such as control commands over the engines, sensors and effectors integrated
in the MicroBot.
Fig. 3. The COMMBOTS MicroBot
3.2 MicroBots Proxy
The creation of this component which intermediates between MicroBots and Control
Stations is justified by the following reasons:
The MicroBots operate under battery. Thus, it is convenient to reduce their power
consumption by avoiding having their communications modules actively listening
to requests.
Many telephony operators assign NAT (Network-Address-Traslation) addresses to
GPRS connected devices. Those IP addresses are not accessible outside the
network operators LAN.
Frequently, the mobile operators raise firewalls and other obstacles to avoid
connections to port 80 of GPRS mobile devices.
Common functionality shared by both the static and mobile Control Stations can be
factored out and placed within the business logic of a single component, namely
the MicroBots Proxy. Thus, this component:
Provides a cache to avoid redundant communications with the remote
MicroBots. The proxy caches the current status of the MicroBot, i.e. its latest
sensor values. So, the communication through GPRS will be reduced in one
step, minimizing the cost and reducing the latency.
Ensures the fault tolerance of the MicroBot communications. In a transparent
fashion to the Control Stations, it is able to restart communications among itself
and the MicroBots.
The MicroBot communication module always initiates the connection with the
proxy. Between a communication module and a proxy the following three
connections are established:
1. Connection for the reception of MP commands and the delivery of responses. The
owa22A module, once the connection is opened, blocks waiting for the arrival of
2. Connection for the delivery of captured images. Once the MicroBot camera is
activated, the owa22A module continuously transmits images to the proxy, where
they are cached.
3. Connection for the delivery of alerts. Changes produced in the state of the
MicroBot (temperature, luminosity, battery status, etc.) are notified to the
MicroBots Proxy by means of this connection.
In order to prevent the MicroBot from having to keep opened a GPRS connection,
with the associated waste of battery power, even when a MicroBot is not being used
(controlled), the MicroBots Proxy allows for the delivery of control text messages,
which activate/deactivate and parameter the connection opened with the MicroBot
(e.g. the longest period a connection can remain opened). Moreover, the owa22A
modules have been programmed to connect/disconnect to the MicroBots Proxy when
they receive a lost call from the proxy phone number. The SMS messages and lost
calls are generated by a pair of web services we have made available at
In essence, the MicroBots Proxy, acts as router of the requests arriving from the
Control Stations towards the MicroBots and, at the same time, propagates the data
generated by the MicroBots to the Control Stations.
3.3 Control Stations
The following varieties of Control Stations have been designed:
The Web/WAP Control Stations transmit data through HTTP/WSP in XHTML or
WML format. The interface of these stations is generated dynamically by the web
component of the MicroBots Proxy. This web component uses the ASP.NET
Mobile Web Controls framework [7], which adapts the mark-up pages generated to
the target user agent (PC, PDA or mobile). Fig. 4 shows the same interface
displayed on a mobile WAP browser, a web browser in a PDA and a web browser
in a PC, respectively. Given that the browser in a Pocket PC emits the HTTP
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate header, i.e. it accepts XHTML
content in compressed format, the MicroBots Proxy web component compresses
the information before delivering it over GPRS.
The Pocket PC Control Stations use TCP to transmit in binary MP commands to
the MicroBots Proxy. This component has been implemented with Compact.NET
[8], a .NET API for the development of applications in mobile devices. The left
hand side of Fig. 5 shows the appearance of the interface for Pocket PC.
The J2ME Control Stations [9] run in every phone compatible with MIDP 1.0, i.e.,
in the majority of the currently sold mobile phones. The communication with the
proxy uses TCP sockets which transfer MP command and responses in binary
format. The right hand side of Fig. 5 shows the J2ME interface.
Fig. 4. Interfaces WAP (mobile) and web (PDA/PC) of a Control Station
Fig. 5. Compact.NET front-end for a PDA (left) and J2ME interface (right) for Control Station.
4 The MP Protocol
The data sent between the MicroBots Proxy and Control Stations, as well as between
the owa22A modules and the proprietary Control Stations (those not using a web
browser), conforms to the MicroBot Protocol (MP). Its design has followed a double
objective: (1) use the smallest size messages and (2) avoid every confirmation or
message communication not strictly necessary. This is to (1) incur in the minimum
possible GPRS costs and (2) to reduce the required bandwidth as well as the
communication latency.
MP follows the WBXML (WAP Binary XML) [10] principles to reduce the size of
the messages. The command/response latency is improved by minimizing the
messages delivered. A well known fact is that TCP in wireless environments behaves
better with few bigger segments that many small ones [11]. TCP was designed for
wired networks where latency is not a paramount factor, unlike the wireless case.
The MP commands are classified in three categories:
1. Movement commands.
Nine different movement actions (left forward, forward, right forward, left, stop,
right, left backward, backward and right backward) are available.
The speed can be set to fast, normal or slow.
2. Sensor commands.
Temperature: commands to retrieve the current temperature and to set a
notification alarm when the temperature moves outside a range. The user may
activate the automatic temperature control by setting an upper and lower range.
Luminosity: commands to retrieve the current luminosity level and to set the
automatic luminosity control.
Anti-collision: commands to activate/deactivate the collision detection control,
which prevents the MicroBot from colliding against walls and obstacles
Batteries: commands to retrieve the current battery value and receive alerts
when the value is under a threshold.
3. Effector commands.
Digital camera: commands to retrieve the images captured by the CMUcam2
camera attached to the RS-232 port of the owa22A, and to move it around. The
MicroBot can move the camera up, left, center, right and down.
Lights: commands to explicitly or implicitly (when the luminosity is below a
threshold) switch on/off the lights of the MicroBot.
The following MP commands are sent between the Control Stations and the
MicroBots Proxy, and between this latter one and the MicroBots:
MODULE, STATION: it allows a client (module or station) to connect with the
proxy. The telephone number of the module connecting or to connect to will be
specified. For instance: MODULE +34609421898.
LIST: it enumerates all the sensors and effectors allowed in the MicroBot.
GET <control-element> [<param>(,<param>)*]: indicates the
sensor to obtain information from. For instance, GET TEMP_LOW_VALUE or
SET <control-element> [<param>(,<param>)*]: indicates the
element to control and the values to assign. For instance, SET
On the other hand, the MicroBots respond to commands in the following format:
<response-code> <response-msg> CR-LF
Content-Length: <response-size> CR-LF
Noticeably, the MP format is very similar to HTTP [12]. However, the body of the
message will be delivered in binary format for performance reasons. It is not required
to specify the MIME type of the response, because each request waits for a response
in a predefined manner. Only the Content-Length header is required to facilitate
processing. The <response-code> in the answer indicates whether the request
was satisfied or not.
MP is a very simple and easily extensible protocol. By means of the LIST
message, all the elements which can be configured (SET command) and queried (GET
command) can be retrieved. The LIST <control-element> command
enumerates all the parameter types allowed to configure and retrieve data from a
control element.
5 Test Results
Table 1 illustrates the average latencies encountered while issuing MP movement
commands to a MicroBot from three different Control Stations: (1) the WAP browser
of a Nokia 6600 mobile, (2) the proprietary client running on a TSM 500 Pocket PC
and a (3) MIDP client running on a Nokia 6600. Observe that the best results are
obtained by using the MIDP client in the mobile phone, probably due to a more
efficient implementation of the TCP/IP stack in the mobile phone than in the PDA.
The worst results are obtained by the web client. Obviously, this is due to the fact that
apart from the commands and their responses, it is necessary to deliver the mark-up of
the pages to visualize. Moreover, the data transfer goes over HTTP, a level higher in
the protocol stack than TCP (used by the proprietary clients).
On the other hand, Table 2 compares the latency encountered in the transfer of an
image from the MicroBots proxy to the proprietary Control Stations via TCP and to
the web client through HTTP. Evidently, the best results correspond to the proprietary
clients using the MP protocol over TCP rather than the less efficient HTTP.
Table 1. Delivery of movement commands (50 bytes in size) between Control Stations and
Device Mean (secs) Standard Deviation (secs)
Mobile Phone MIDP 1.0 (TCP) 2.68 1.23
PDA Compact .NET (TCP) 4 1.67
PDA Web (HTTP) 5.54 1.36
Table 2. Delivery of a 2.3K image between the MicroBots Proxy and the Control Stations.
Device Mean (secs) Standard Deviation (secs)
Mobile Phone MIDP 1.0 (TCP) 3.89 2.05
PDA Compact .NET (TCP) 3.724 2.722
PDA Web (HTTP) 6 1.91
6 Related Work
The PocketCERO [13] project has devised PDA interfaces that allow service robots,
those that assist people with special needs (e.g. elderly people), control the elements
in their environment. The COMMBOTS system was thought with a more industrial
purpose in mind. However, we are currently working on the definition of a new kind
of COMMBOTS, denominated CareBot, which will fulfil a similar care taking role.
The special requirements of the mobile communications with robots have been
studied thoroughly by other authors [14], which have also considered the use of
WAP-enabled phones for robot telemetry [15]. We have followed their guidelines in
the design of our MP protocol.
The KDDI mobile operator has also considered the combination of mobile phones
and microbots with Pirkus [16], a Bluetooth mobile phone controlled robot. In
COMMBOTS, we use GPRS instead, since it allows the control of microbots from
remote locations. This approach was previously followed by Fujitsu’s Maron [17], an
internet-enabled home robot capable of undertaking remote household monitoring,
remote control of household appliances, or to serve as a hands-free phone.
7 Conclusion and Further Work
With the implementation of COMMBOTS we have experienced the enormous
potential brought forward by the combination of two emerging fields: Robotics and
M2M communication. COMMBOTS has demonstrated the feasibility of adding
flexible, off-the-shelf, always available communication mechanisms to MicroBots.
Our research prototype should now be transferred to industrial applications. For
instance, the integration of M2M communication modules extended with sensors in
machines could allow their manufacturers to undertake preventive maintenance. They
could remotely check the “health” of a machine sold and send the required technical
staff to repair the problems even before the customers reported them. COMMBOTS
may be used as basis for future research projects aiming to remotely control and
monitor, in real-time, MicroBots or coordinated-machinery from a Control Station via
public communication networks (GSM/GPRS).
A useful extension of COMMBOTS would be to enable the utilisation of local
communication technology (PAN networks) when the control stations and the
Microbots are close to each other (within Wi-Fi or Bluetooth range). Moreover, the
cooperation among communicating microbots could be considered.
Our development of different wireless clients for COMMBOTS has allowed us to
study the feasibility of achieving real-time control of remote devices by means of
GPRS. The results obtained have shown that the control through web/WAP from a
mobile station is not feasible when real-time responses are required. Hopefully, when
UMTS data connections become the norm this issue will be solved. However, the
design of a protocol specially catered for wireless communication together with the
optimizations and caches of the central component in our 3-tier architecture, namely
the MicroBots Proxy, have shown that the real-time control of remote devices by
means of GPRS is possible from wireless Control Stations. The results and source
code of the COMMBOTS system are publicly available at [18].
This work has been financed by a SAIOTEK 2003-04 grant from the Basque
Government. In its implementation we have used resources facilitated by the Cátedra
de Telefónica Móviles at the University of Deusto (
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