Other Way of Making Business: A Virtual e-Commerce
Community / CVN Platform
Roberto Naranjo, Jorge Moreno, Luz Marina Sierra, Martha Mendoza
Researcher Information Technologies Group (GTI), University of Cauca, Sector de
can Popayan, Colombia South America
Abstract. This article describes the current problem in the business
environment from the department of Cauca – Colombia (South America), and
the proposed solution called Project CVN (Spanish initials) “Business Virtual
Community - for the department of Cauca - Internet Commercial Platform or
BVC”. Based on a markets research, the architecture of the added value
conceived by the project is described; these values support advertising,
collaboration, B2C, and B2B, activities framed within the virtual environment
of the community. Below, the business model proposed for the community and
the logic architecture of the software is described. Lastly the experiences and
the learnt lessons throughout the implementation of the project are exposed.
1 Introduction
CVN is a Research [12] University [1] and Enterprise [4] cooperation initiative,
which adapts the IT (Information Technologies) to the specific commercial needs of
the department of Cauca (Colombia). Three aspects of the problem stand out: firstly,
the lack of the associability and collaboration among the enterprises; secondly, the
distance between costumer and enterprise on account of the deterioration of the
communication channels, and finally, the unawareness about the advantages of the
use of the IT [1]. There are similar initiatives in Colombia, among others, such as:
Plaza Orbita [l5] (Orbital Market) that attempts to promote products and services of
the city of Medellin (Colombia); De Remate [6], Latin-American leader selling
products through auctions, and TAMPU [7] focused on promoting the tourist image
of city of Popayán and department of Cauca region (Colombia). Facing the mentioned
initiatives, CVN proposes a business concept that brings together the region
enterprises, through a virtual environment that offers added value services directed to
advertising, the B2C (Business to Consumer) and B2B (Business to Business), as
an alternative to the suggested problem. The CVN will benefit cultural and
technological conditions that motivate the associativity and collaboration among
enterprises, as well as the formulation of strategies for the promotion of products and
services that benefit the effective approach of these enterprises with their customers.
Naranjo R., Moreno J., Marina Sierra L. and Mendoza M. (2005).
Other Way of Making Business: A Virtual e-Commerce Community / CVN Platform.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Computer Supported Activity Coordination, pages 141-148
DOI: 10.5220/0002567501410148