might be very complex and then the need of
properties verification is important before any
deployment on e-learning platform. Parallely to this
we have proposed in (Mahdaoui & Al.2, 2004) an
assistance system based on holonic agents an we
give a more detailed description of the MAS agents
using J. Ferber’s Grill and petri-nets in (Mahdaoui &
Al.4, 2005). Our future gool is to compare the two
approaches respectively to certain properties of
efficiency we will define.
In addition to what we said in section 4, we think
that the role of some agents can be extended in order
to cooperate with other actors like the administrator.
Finally, we want to consider other human roles like
examiner which represents a great importance in e-
learning platform as virtual structure of teaching.
This role can have important incidence in tutoring.
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A COOPERATIVE INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR E-LEARNING - A system based on workflows and Agents