A Systematic Approach to Anonymity
Sabah S. Al-Fedaghi
Computer Engineering Department, Kuwait University, Kuwait
Abstract. Personal inform
ation anonymity concerns anonymizing information
that identifies individuals, in contrast to anonymizing activities such as
downloading copyrighted items on the Internet. It may refer to encrypting
personal data, generalization and suppression as in k-anonymization,
‘untraceability’ or ‘unidentifiability’ of identity in the network, etc. A common
notion is hiding the “identities” of persons to whom the data refers to. We
introduce a systematic framework of personal information anonymization by
utilizing a new definition of private information based on referents to persons in
linguistic assertions. Anonymization is classified with respect to its content, its
proprietor (the person it refers to) or its possessor. A general methodology is
introduced to anonymize private information, based on canonical forms that
include a personal identity. The methodology is applied both to textual and
tabular data.
1 Introduction
It is claimed that online anonymous communication is a strong human and
constitutional right [19]. As in real life, people who work in cyberspace have
legitimate reasons to employ anonymity to avoid the consequences of identity
exposure. Anonymity has an important social function, as seen in such social
phenomena as whistleblowing and hotlines (drug abuse). Anonymity also contributes
to the general goal of controlling the use of private information. There are many
motivations for interest in anonymous personal (private) information. Producing
anonymous medical information is a policy objective in the USA [9] and the EU [22].
It is a very important research area aimed at providing the sharing and distribution of
medical records while maintaining patient confidentiality.
From the technical point of view, the anonymization of private information adds
more level of security. There are situations that make known methods of
cryptography undesirable, especially with the “legal limits” of technological
protection of secrecy of communication. Anonymization technology that uses
cryptographic methods to transform identifying information can be “de-anonymized”
where encrypted records can be matched using such system as ANNA [10].
Consequently, developing new methodologies or refining existing ones to address
hiding the nature of information, especially, in the privacy arena, is an important
research objective.
Anonymization of personal data is of special significance in the area of health
formation systems. According to the U.S. Health Insurance Portability and
S. Al-Fedaghi S. (2005).
A Systematic Approach to Anonymity.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 160-172
DOI: 10.5220/0002569401600172
Accountability Act of 1996, “anonymized data” refers to “[p]reviously identifiable
data that have been deidentified and for which a code or other link no longer exists”
[9]. Under the HIPAA Privacy Rule, one aspect of “deidentification” is that the health
data does not include eighteen identifiers of persons which could be used alone or in
combination with other information to identify the subject. These identifications
include: names, telephone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses, social security
numbers, URLs, etc. Also, data that “are separated from personal identifiers through
use of a code” are termed as “coded data” and “[a]s long as a link exists, data are
considered indirectly identifiable and not anonymous or anonymized” [9]. In the EU
Data Protection Directive [6] [4], “anonymisation of personal data” is understood as
erasing “person-identification” or converting identifiable data into non-identifiable
data. Along the same line, the Germany data protection law specifies that “use [of
personal data] shall be made of the possibilities of anonymisation and
pseudonymisation where possible...” [7].
In general “anonymity” can be defined as the condition in which others do not
know a person’s true identity. The term “anonymous” may be defined as the
“condition of having a name that is unknown or concealed” [12]. We can see that
there are several conceptualizations of the notion of ‘anonymous personal
information’. It may refer to encrypting personal data, “generalization and
suppression” of certain parts in the personal data, ‘untraceability’ or ‘unidentifiability
of personal identity’ in the network, etc.
The notion of “effectiveness” may also influence what we mean by
‘anonymization’. For example, according to Walden [22], data is considered not
‘identifiable’ if the identification requires unreasonable amounts of efforts (EU
Recommendation). “Achieving effective anonymisation may be a challenging task,
from both a technical and compliance perspective” [22]. Sometimes data is
considered neither personal nor completely anonymous (The Austrian data protection
In this paper, we propose a new framework for identifying and classifying private
information anonymization. It includes setting it apart from other types of
anonymization, identifying its categories and outlining a general methodology for
applying it to different forms of information. The next section describes some current
research in this area. In section 3, we review a newly proposed definition of private
information. This definition forms the foundation of our contribution in this paper. In
section 4, we analyze the relationship between the notion of anonymity and private
information. Accordingly, we propose a classification of private information
anonymization based on the content, proprietor, and possessor of private information.
In section 5, we concentrate on a certain type of anonymization that is typically
discussed in literature. In section 6, we propose a methodology of anonymizing
textual private information and apply it to relational database tables. Finally,
conclusions are drawn and directions for future work are discussed in Section 7.
2 Related Works and our Contribution
Anonymization permits data to be usefully shared or searched without revealing the
individual’s identity. In the medical field, there is a great deal of interest in
anonymizing textual information. Sweeney’s pioneering work [16] is based on
removing the personal identifying information from the text so that the integrity of the
information remains intact, even though the identity remains confidential. It includes
developing an algorithm and software program called ‘Scrub Extractor’ that
automatically extracts names, addresses, and other identifying information from the
free text documents. Sweeney’s recognition methodology aims at detecting
information that can personally identify any person. One important issue that can be
observed here, is related to the definition of “personal information.” Is it the whole
text, the paragraph, the sentence, the phrase or only the word that denotes the
identity? We will answer this question in the next section. Sweeney also introduced
the DataFly system that provides an additional level of anonymity [17]. Ruch et al.
used syntactic and semantic knowledge to classify the tokens within a text [13]. N-
gram type rules, finite state automata and a recursive transition network were used to
encode the knowledge and extract patient identifiers. Taira et al. presented a
methodology that manually tags all references to patient identifiers and context
information [18]. The scheme searches for logical relations that are characterized by a
predicate and an ordered list of one or more arguments. In most cases, the logical
relation consists of three arguments; a head, a relation, and a value. In Johnny
underwent a pyeloplasty for uretropelvic junction stenosis…the token Johnny is the
logical relation head, underwent is the relation, and pyeloplasty is the value. In
Johnny is a 5 year old Caucasian male with Disease X, the token (5 year old and
Caucasian) modifies male, that syntactically modifies its head Johnny [18]. The
identification detection problem is concerned with certain types of logical relations.
All combinations of words in a sentence that can fill the roles (i.e., head, relation, and
value) of a given logical relation are considered. Other authors in the area of medical
textual information worked on morpho-syntactic aspects of the term formation in
medical language. For example, works in this area lead to the development of an
encoding system for diagnoses and interventions based on a semi-automatic encoder
with natural language entry and an interface [5].
Another important area of research in this direction is the notion of ‘k-anonymity’
[15]. The k-anonymization of a relational table, assumes that a table with a prime key
that refers to a person is the personal information. Its main concern is anonymizing
entries in the table in order to block any attempt to reach “identifiablity” that stems
from these entries. Systems that use such techniques aim at protecting individual
identifiable information and simultaneously maintaining the entity relationship in the
original data. Still, the definition in these works of “personal information” is not clear.
Implicitly, it is understood that the privacy aspect comes from associating the attribute
name with the identifying key of the relation.
In spite of impressive efforts and results in this area, we claim that the topic of
“private information anonymization” has not been systematized. Systematization here
means systematically concentrating on the ‘quality’ of privacy in the general scheme
of anonymization of information. It starts with the definition of ‘private information’.
Additionally, anonymization methods are usually focused on eliminating identities.
This brute mechanism hides fine points of anonymizing private information of a
person or private relations among persons. John and Mary are in love can be
anonymized with respect to John (Someone and Mary are in love), with respect to
Mary (John and Someone are in love) or with respect to the relationship between
them (John and Mary are in some type of relation). Our proposed systematic
approach moves from a definition of private information to discriminating between
types of anonymizing private information. While immediate benefits in terms of
specific algorithms and technicalities are not introduced, the methodology provides a
formal foundation to the topic. The next section is a brief review of a recent definition
of private information that satisfies this requirement [1].
3 Private Information
Defining what is private information is a problematic issue. Privacy is usually said to
be culturally defined notion. Wacks defines it as “those facts, communications or
opinions which relate to the individual and which it would be reasonable to expect
him to regard as intimate or confidential and therefore to want to withhold or at least
to restrict their circulation” [21]. Several types of privacy have been distinguished in
literature including ‘physical privacy’ and ‘informational privacy’ [8]. Recent results
have shown ‘private information’ in true linguistic assertions about an identifiable
individual. An ontological definition of private information can be developed
from linguistic assertions in order to identify the basic units of private information.
Our basic ontological entities (things we talk about, subjects of predication) are
individuals and non-individuals. We preserve the term ‘individual’ to denote a
particular human being. Let Z denotes the set of ontological entities such that Z = V
N, where V and N are the sets of ‘individuals’ and ‘non-individuals’ respectively. We
have three types of linguistic assertions:
(a) Non-individual assertions or ‘assertions with zero private information’. That is, q
is a zero (privacy) assertion if the set of ontological entities referred to by q is a subset
of N.
(b) Individual (private) assertions, which, include two types:
Atomic Private Assertions: p is an atomic private assertion if p contains a single
referent of type V.
Compound Private Assertions: p is a compound assertion if p contains more than
one referent of type V.
The assertion Spare part ax123 is in store 5, is a zero assertion because it does not
involve any individual (human). Farmer John’s house is burning is an atomic
assertion because it embeds a reference to a single identified individual. Maria's
preparing the document pleased John is a compound private assertion because it
embeds identities of two individuals. If an assertion is true, then it is said to be
information, otherwise it is said to be misinformation. Consequently, there are zero
information, atomic information, and compound information according to the number
of referents.
We identify the relationship between individuals and their own atomic private
information through the notion of proprietorship. Proprietorship of private
information is different from the concepts of possession, ownership, and copyrighting.
Any atomic private information of an individual is proprietary private information of
its proprietor. A proprietor of private information may or may not be its possessor
and vice versa. Atomic private information of an individual can be embedded in
compound private information: a combination of pieces of atomic private information
of several individuals. Two or more individuals may have the same piece of
compound private information because it embeds atomic private information from
these individuals. But it is not possible that they have identical atomic private
information, simply because they have different identities. Atomic private information
is the “source” of privacy. Compound private information is “private” because it
embeds atomic private information. Also, the concept of proprietorship is applied to
compound private information, which represents “sharing of proprietorship” but not
necessarily shared possession or ‘knowing’. Some or all proprietors of compound
private information may not “know” it.
Compound private information is privacy-reducible to a set of atomic assertions,
but it is more than that. For example, Maria's preparing the document pleased John
can be reduced to Maria's preparing the document pleased someone and Someone's
preparing the document pleased John. However, compound private assertion is a
“bind” that contains not only atomic assertions but also asserts something about its
atomic assertions. Privacy-reducibility of compound information to atomic
information means that “no known atomic information” of an individual implies “no
known compound information” of that individual. Because, if the compound
information is known, then its atomic assertions are known. Reducing a compound
assertion to a set of atomic assertions refers to isolating the privacy aspects of the
compound assertion. This means that, if we remove the atomic assertion concerning a
certain individual from the compound assertion then the remaining part will not be a
privacy-related assertion with respect to the individual involved.
Suppose we have the compound private information, John saw Mary’s uncle, Jim.
The privacy-reducibility process produces the following three atomic private
Assertion-1: John saw someone’s uncle.
Assertion-2: Mary has an uncle.
Assertion-3: Jim is an uncle of someone.
Additionally, we can introduce the zero-information meta-assertion: Assertion-1,
Assertion-2, and Assertion-3 are assertions of one compound private assertion, from
which it is possible to reconstruct the original compound assertion. The methodology
of syntactical construction is not of central concern here. In database modelling there
are three (private information) databases of John, Mary and Jim, with one (non-
private information) database that includes “pointers” that link the three private facts
In releasing medical data for statistical analysis, reconstructing the original
compound private information is not required. However, in certain applications, the
reconstruction process is important. Compound private information is not a collection
of atomic private information; and it is not “putting-together” connections. V1 and V2
are in love does not have this ‘collectivity’ meaning as in V1 and V2 are London. The
latter, is pseudo compound private information. It is a collection of the atomic private
information: V1 is in London and V2 is in London. V1 and V2 are in London is simply
a simplified method of writing V1 is in London and V2 is in London.
We have defined every piece of information that includes an identifiable person as
private information. Nevertheless, such information can have different levels of
sensitivity. "Sensitivity" in the context of private information refers to a special
category of private topics that may disturb people. This definition of sensitive private
information is related to the typical definition where sensitivity of information refers
to the impact of disclosing information. Consider the case of Public Access to Court
Electronic Records, where the public is able to download and print court case files
deemed to be “sensitive-but-not-confidential” by the courts in the Court Electronic
Records (PACER) discussed in [11]. They include such information as “social
security numbers, credit card numbers or medical information; they also can unearth
personal filings such as divorce or bankruptcy cases.” Privacy-rights advocates
recommended that the system “electronically remove such personal information
within public court filings that would be available online.” Since our work in this
paper concerns the mechanism of anonymization of private information, we will
ignore the issue of what type of private information the anonymization is applied to.
An individual can have (process, possess, etc.) his/her own (proprietary) atomic
private information or other’s (non-proprietary) private information. A non-individual
(company, government agency, hospital, etc.) can have only non-proprietary private
information. We divide the atomic private information space of an individual into the
following categories.
NProprietary Information: This type of information is the set of pieces of atomic
private information of the others that are in possession of the individual or non-
individual. If this private information is in the possession of an individual then he/she
is not its proprietor.
Proprietary Information: This type of information is the set of atomic private
information of the proprietor. It has two subsets:
Known: This is the set of atomic private information that is known by others (in
possession of others).
Not Known (NKnown): This is the set of atomic private information that is only
known by the proprietor and no one else.
The next section introduces our new contribution in this paper. We specify the
notion of “private information anonymity” in terms of the definition of the private
information given above.
4 Classification of Private Information Anonymity
Let the private information T be denoted as the triple: (NProprietary T, Proprietors,
Possessors) where Proprietors is the set of proprietors in T and ‘NProprietary T’ is a
version of T produced from the original information following the concealment (e.g.,
removal, replacement, etc.) of the identifiers. In the communication context,
‘Possessors’ can be the sender and recipient of the message. In the relational database
schema, a processor can be the view owner. For example, the possessor of a piece of
information in EMPLOYEE (NAME, SALARY) is the finance department while it
proprietor is the specific employee. The relationship between anonymity and the
private T information can now be categorized in table-1.
Table 1. Categorization of different types of anonymization
NProprietary T Proprietors Possessors
a Unanonymous Anonymous Unanonymous
b Unanonymous Anonymous Anonymous
c Unanonymous Unanonymous Anonymous
d Anonymous Anonymous Unanonymous
e Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous
f Anonymous Unanonymous Unanonymous
g Anonymous Unanonymous Anonymous
‘Unanonymous’ NProprietary T means not hiding the version of T produced from
the original information following the concealment of the identifiers. The case (a)
represents the typical anonymity case where the possessor of private information
(e.g., hospital) anonymizes the medical data before releasing it. In (b) the proprietor
and possessor (e.g., source) are anonymized as in case of gossip, e.g., According to an
anonymous Hollywood source: A big movie star is an alcoholic. In (c) the possessor
(e.g., source) is anonymized as in the case of a “secret source” posting some private
information on the network.
Anonymous NProprietary T means hiding the version of T produced from the
original information following the concealment (e.g., removal, replacement, etc.) of
the identifiers. This hiding of data may involve, for example, cryptographic methods
used in anonymous data-matching technology. “To take a simple example, one-way
hashing permits two owners of lists to encrypt their lists, compare them, and identify
all of the items that are on both lists – without either one learning anything else about
the contents of the other’s list” [3]. Thus in (d) the private information is hidden,
however, an external observer may know its proprietors. This is typical in network
communication where the identities of the sender and the receiver are known but the
content of the message that includes private information is not known. In (e) even the
possessor (e.g., source) of the anonymous private information is not known. In (f) the
external observer knows the possessors and proprietors but does not know the
NProprietary T. For example, a person sends his/her CV to a company. The external
observer knows that it is private information about a certain person (proprietor) and
knows the sender and receiver but does not know the content of the private
information (e.g., the proprietor’s age). Also, this type of anonymity is reflected in
such expressions as Bob and Alice are talking about me, I wish I knew what they are
saying. In (g) the external observer knows the possessor (e.g., sender) but does not
know the content and the proprietor.
We distinguish “private information anonymity” from communication anonymity
where the issue is hiding the sender and recipient identities. ‘Private information
anonymity’ refers to anonymizing the content and not the act of communicating. The
communicated information in ‘communication anonymity’ is not necessarily private
information. If it is private information, then the two notions may overlap each other.
For example, I love you is anonymized private information that refers to its
proprietors by the labels “I” and “you” (case (a) or (b)). However if we know that the
sender is Bob and the receiver is Alice then the message is no longer anonymous
because Possessors Proprietors. If the message is He loves her and
Proprietors = such as an external observer knows that Bob’s message is directed to
Alice (case (a)) then the private information is anonymous even though the privacy of
the communicating act is not. The privacy of the possessors (the communicating
parties) is different from the privacy of the message. The sender and recipient can be
non-individuals. If they are individuals they can be non-proprietors. If they are
proprietors then “private information anonymity” and communication anonymity
become identical topic.
Interestingly, the proprietors of private information can be its possessors. We can
view the anonymization (a) to (g) under this condition as follows:
(a) This situation can be described as:
T(NProprietary T, anonymous proprietor, possessor)
The symbol denotes transforming the original data T into the triple on the left. In
this case, the proprietor/possessor anonymizes only his/her identity as the proprietor
of the information as in the situation of a person releasing anonymous private
information and hides the fact that it is about him (e.g., a politician announces starting
an investigation of a scandal in his/her campaign but does not mention the fact that
the scandal involves him/her).
(b) This situation can be described as:
T, anonymous proprietor, anonymous possessor)
In this case, the proprietor/possessor anonymizes his/her identity as the proprietor and
source of the information as in the situation of a whistleblower releasing private
information that involves him/her without identifying him/herself.
(c) This situation can be described as:
T(NProprietary T, proprietor, anonymous possessor)
In this case, the proprietor/possessor anonymizes only the fact that he/she possesses
the information as in the situation of a person releasing his/her private information
and he/she hides this fact (e.g., celebrities secretly releasing their own information to
the tabloids). In the Internet, this type of anonymization involves anonymizing of the
Internet Protocol (IP) address as the source of a message that contains the person’s
A more interesting situation is, not only when the proprietor is the same as the
possessor, but also when the private information is in his/her NKnown. That is, a
person who anonymizes his/her private information, which no one knows, but
him/herself. The whole set NKnown is a set of pieces of this type of anonymous
private information. There are very elaborate techniques that try to achieve this type
of anonymization. For example, using a blind signature to create anonymous e-
money, thus providing a cash-like payment mechanism has the property that the user
of the cash can remain anonymous; i.e., not exposing part of his/her informational
space, NKnown.
5 Private Information anonymity
The previous section categorized all types of anonymization related to private
information. In the rest of this paper, we concentrate on private information
anonymity of type (a), which is of special importance in the area of health information
systems. The aim of anonymization here is to provide the sharing and distribution of
private information while maintaining individual confidentiality. So in a straight de-
identification of a patient’s record, the possessor is unanonymous, the record is
unanonymous, but the proprietor is anonymous. The U.S. Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act of 1996 is mainly applied to anonymization of previously
identifiable data in possessions of others. Accordingly, we are interested in private
information protection that involves anonymity and is achieved through severing the
association of the content of the information from its proprietor.
Accordingly, we define private information anonymization in the sense of type (a)
where the issue of anonymizing the possessor is ignored, as follows:
Definition: Private information T is said to be anonymized if it is transformed into
non-proprietary information ‘NProprietary T’. The anonymization of private
information of T involves the transformation: T(NProprietary T, Proprietors),
where Proprietors is the set of proprietors in T and ‘NProprietary T’ is the
anonymous version of T.
This type of anonymization of private information is different from any other
notions of protecting the privacy of personal activities. For example, in the news it is
reported, Rural/Metro, an ambulance and fire service company in Scottsdale,
Arizona, sued four individuals who ... The defendants were four individuals, known as
John/Jane Does 1-4... [20]. Using the labels “John/Jane Does 1-4” instead of the
identities of the involved individuals is what we call “anonymizing private
information”. On the other hand, network privacy technologies that utilize
anonymization to prevent abuse is not, in general, private information anonymization.
A protocol that allows anonymous communication between two entities protects the
privacy of “communication” but does not necessarily protect “private information.
Hence, if a user uses anonymous services to protect his/her “privacy” in such activity
as downloading non-private information (e.g., copyrighted music), then such a
measure is not in the domain of private information anonymity.
6 Methodology of Anonymization
We develop a general methodology to anonymize private information through
identifying atomic assertions. We define a canonical form (I, A) for any atomic
private assertion where I is the identity of the proprietor and A is NProprietary of the
assertion, the zero-privacy version of the atomic assertion. The method is applied first
to textual data and then to relational databases.
Suppose that the private text under consideration is T. An anonymization algorithm
can be specified as follows:
1. Identify (T
, T
,... , T
) in their order of occurrences, where T
is either an atomic or
compound assertion.
2. If T
is an atomic assertion then it is represented by its canonical form (I
, A
where I
is an identifier of the proprietor of T
and A
is a zero-privacy assertion
version of T
3. If T
is a compound assertion then let (C
, C
,... , C
) be its set of corresponding
atomic assertions, in their order of occurrences. For each C
replace it with its
canonical form (I
, C
), where I
is an identifier of the proprietor of C
. and C
is a
zero-privacy assertion version of C
4. Replace T by T which is a sequence of canonical forms such that each atomic
assertion is replaced by one form (I
, A
) and each compound assertion is replaced by
the sequence of forms ((I
, C
),... , (I
, C
5. Factor out the identifiers in T, thus producing two lists I and Z where: I is the list
of identifications in T after the deletion of assertions and Z the list of assertions in T
after the deletion of the identifiers.
Example: Consider the text: “Mary is in London. John saw Mary’s uncle, Jim, in
Paris.” The canonical form of the atomic assertion Mary is in London is (Mary,
Someone is in London). The privacy-reducibility process produces the following three
atomic private assertions from the compound assertion John saw Mary’s uncle Jim in
(1) John saw someone’s uncle in Paris. Its canonical form is (John, Proprietor saw
someone’s uncle in Paris).
(2) Mary has an uncle. Its canonical form is (Mary, Proprietor has an uncle).
(3) Jim is an uncle of someone. Its canonical form is (Jim, Proprietor is an uncle of
Thus, T is: [(Mary, Proprietor is in London), [(John, Proprietor saw someone’s uncle
in Paris), (Mary, Proprietor has an uncle), (Jim, Proprietor is an uncle of someone)]].
Factoring out the identifiers produces the following lists:
N = ([Mary, [John, Mary, Jim], Mary, [Mary, Jim])
Z= [(Proprietor is in London), [(Proprietor saw someone’s uncle in Paris),
(Proprietor has an uncle), (Proprietor is an uncle of someone)]]
This can be rewritten as: X is in London, Y saw X’s uncle, Z, in Paris.
Reconstructing the original data from the anonymized data is not necessary in some
applications (e.g., releasing medical data for statistical analysis). As we can see, one
difficulty of such a process is to maintain the connections between atomic assertions
that facilitate constructing combined assertions. Compound assertions such as Jack
and Jill love John are pseudo-compound assertions; in contrast to a ‘real’ tri-
proprietors compound assertion such as Jack, John, and Jill love each other. The
former assertion needs to be formulated as the compound assertions Jack loves John
and Jill loves John. These compound assertions can now be anonymized as Jack loves
someone and Jill loves someone. A meta-statement that ties these two assertions
together reconstructs the original assertion if that “someone” is the same person in the
two assertions. The relational database model makes such a task easier.
A relational database of private information can be envisioned as set of zero,
atomic or compound assertions. A private database methodology has been studied in
[2]. Suppose that a relational database HOSPITAL includes the following relations:
Each relation in this schema represents a set of assertions. Relations that include
private information are: PATIENT, DOCTOR, T-P and A-P-D. PATIENT stands for
the atomic private assertions: The name of the patient is X, The patient has
appointment Y, The age of the patient is M. The relation A-P-D stands for the
compound private assertion The appointment number of Dr. X with patient Y is Z.
TEST stands for the zero-privacy assertion The description of lab test number X is Z.
Notice that we use X, Y, M, and Z to denote arbitrary values in the database.
Hence, we can produce a textual version of the relational schema and apply the
same methodology of de-identification described previously. This is interesting
theoretically; but there is no practical reason that motivates such a process. In
general, transforming data between the textual and tabular forms based on
atomic/compound assertions may have some application in the database design field.
Notice that in contrast to the textual data, the order of the assertions is immaterial.
Any Atomic assertion has two components: referent-part and Zero-part. For
example in He is shy, ‘He’ is the referent-part and the predicate is-shy is the Zero-
part. The k-anonymization method goes one more step by anonymizing the zero-part
of the assertion. So if the AGE of a person is suppressed the resultant atomic assertion
is Someone’s age is some number. In this type of suppression there is a complete loss
of information. This concept creates further categorization of types of anonymization
in table-1. In some applications, it is required to anonymize the zero-part of the
assertion instead of the referent part. This type of anonymization can be observed in
the published news of allegations against a person without disclosing their contents.
7 Conclusion
This paper introduces a systematic approach to define anonymization in the context of
private information. The concept of “private information anonymization” is
distinguished from other related notions. It is also classified according to its content,
its proprietor and its possessor. A general algorithm is introduced to recognize and
anonymize private information. The method is based on canonical forms of linguistic
assertions that include a personal identity. The algorithm is applied both for textual
data and tabulated data as in the case of relational databases.
For textual information our methodology introduces the basic principle of the
approach. Of course a great deal of improvements and refinements can be introduced
on the basic methodology such as developing a more sophisticated mechanism for the
“straight” list I. Sweeney’s detection and replacement machinery can be applied at
different levels of this methodology. A great deal of research is needed at the
linguistic level to develop a “Private Information Analyzer”. Many statements and
words in natural language do not contain private information. Reading the text to
identify private information is a tedious process since it may be scattered through out
the text with a lot of privacy-unrelated text in between. A Private Information
Analyzer will assist people in locating and analyzing private information in
documents. It will perform various tasks such as finding all the occurrences of private
information in a text, ranking pieces of private information according to their
sensitivity, suggesting possible replacement to reduce the level of sensitivity etc. It
may be used alone or it may be connected to a knowledge-based system so that
privacy found in the text can be embedded in the system.
It is still difficult to provide a fully automated understanding of unrestricted natural
language, because of its involved theoretical complexities. We are currently,
exploring a modified subset version of controlled English called ClearTalk to
facilitate our analysis of private assertions. Skuce has provided semi-automated tools
for analyzing unrestricted language dealing with knowledge extraction and document-
based knowledge [14]. ClearTalk is generated from English text by utilizing these
tools and a human editor. The main objective here is to create logically equivalent
structures that are intelligible to both people and computers.
For the relational database model, our method is being developed as part of the
Enhanced Privacy Information System [2].
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